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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 5 Number 22

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Volume 5
Number 22
June 1, 2000
Editor: Joseph Trainor


"High-ranking French officials--including retired generals from the Institute of Higher Studies for National Defense, a government-financed strategic planning agency-- recently took a giant step by openly challenging skepticism about UFOs."

"In a report based on a three-year study, they concluded that 'numerous manifestations observed by reliable witnesses could be the work of craft of extraterrestrial origin.' In fact, they said the best explanation is 'the extraterrestrial hypothesis.'"

"The French group reached that conclusion after examining nearly 500 international aeronautical sightings, radar/visual cases and previously undisclosed pilots' reports. They drew on data from official sources, government authorities and the air forces of other countries. The findings are contained in a 90-page report titled 'UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare For?'"

"'The number of sightings which are completely unexplained despite the abundance and quality of data from them, is growing throughout the world,' the team declared."

"The authors note that about 5 percent of sightings on which there is solid documentation cannot be easily attributed to earthly sources, such as secret military exercises. This 5 percent 'seem to be completely unknown flying machines with exceptional performances that are guided by a natural or an artificial intelligence,' they say."

"Moreover, the report says, science has developed models for travel from another solar system and for technology that could be used to propel the vehicles.' (my emphasis--J.T.)"

The French study "assures readers that UFOs have demonstrated no hostile acts, 'although intimidation maneuvers have been confirmed.'"

"The study's originators are four-star General Bernard Noriain, former commander of the French Tactical Air Force and military counselor to the prime minister; General Denis Letty, a French Air Force fighter pilot; and Andre LeBeau, former head of National Center for Space Studies, the French equivalent of NASA."

"They formed a 12-member 'Committee for In-Depth Studies,' which wrote the report. Other contributors included a three-star admiral, the national chief of police and the head of a government agency studying the subject, as well as scientists and weapons engineers."

"Not only does the group stand by its findings, it is urging international action. They suggest that the European Union undertake diplomatic action with the United States, 'exerting useful pressure to clarify this crucial issue, which must fall within the scope of political and strategic alliances.'"

Why might the United States be interested--albeit, privately-- in a subject often met with ridicule?"

"For one thing, declassified U.S. government documents show that unexplained objects with extraordinary technical capabilities pose challenges to military activities worldwide. For example, U.S. fighter jets have attempted to pursue UFOs, according to North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) logs and Air Force documents."

"Further, the French report says there have 'visits above secret installations and missile bases' and 'military aircraft shadowed' in the United States." (See the Minneapolis, Minn. Star-Tribune for May 29, 2000, "UFO theorists gain serious French support," page A3.)


Large formations or "fleets" of metallic sphere UFOs have been seen repeatedly over The Valleys region of eastern Wales, about 40 miles (64 kilometers) north of Cardiff.

Since November 1999, the UFOs have been sighted hovering near the cities of Ebbw Vale, Abergavenny and Abertillery.

According to the newspaper Western Mail, "It's official. We are not alone in the universe, and the latest target for the extraterrestrials is the Valleys."

"In a scene that could have come straight from the Hollywood blockbuster Independence Day, people have reported seeing 'fleets' of metallic spheres floating 2,000 feet (600 meters) in the air."

"This may sound like the opening lines of H.G. Wells's War of the Worlds but according to our Abertillery-based UFO enthusiast, the spheres are not science fiction but fact."

"'The first incident we had was last year,' said Paul McCarty, a founder/member of the South Wales UFO Network (SWUFON). 'It (the UFO) was spotted travelling up the Valleys. We had a report about this, and another witness saw it. He was in a car full of people, and it was going in the same direction,' he said."

"Paul put out a call for other witnesses and was inundated."

"All the descriptions of the metallic spheres were strikingly similar. They were said to resemble ball bearings. They often hovered in the air, and at other times moved at incredible speeds."

"Paul said they had discounted the suggestions it could be a balloon."

"'The thing was stationary, and it was there for at least fifteen minute, with clouds going in front and behind it.'"

"He said there have been UFOs over the past year along the (motorway) A465 between Abergavenny and Ebbw Vale." (See the Western Mail of Cardiff for May 16, 2000, "'Alien Visitors' take an interest in the Valleys." Many thanks to Gerry Lovell for this newspaper article.)


On Friday, May 12, 2000, at approximately 10:17 p.m., "a male witness and his fiancee were exiting their vehicle at her home in Covina, California, a suburb of Los Angeles located 16 miles (25 kilometers) northeast of the L.A. City Hall, when they spotted a hovering UFO.

The couple "noticed something floating in the night sky. It was gray in color and at first appeared to be an owl or a bird of prey with a large wingspan hovering over her house."

"Upon closer inspection, they realized it was not a bird and reported the following:"

"It floated at about 500 to 2,000 feet (150 to 600 meters) in the air."

"Moved slightly faster than a blimp; however, it was not as fast as a conventional aircraft."

"Had a wingspan of about 30 to 60 feet (9 to 18 meters) in the shape of a boomerang."

"Moved in a northeasterly direction at an airspeed of less than 50 miles per hour (80 kilometers per hour)."

"Had what appeared to be very tiny and very bright orange lights all over it."

"It should be noted that the witnesses were looking at the sky because there was some police helicopter activity about two miles away." (Many thanks to Bill Casey and MUFON L.A. for this report.)


"A charter airplane attempting to land Sunday," May 21, 2000, "crashed into a heavily-wooded area" in northeastern Pennsylvania "after the pilots reported that both engines failed. All 19 people aboard died."

The twin-engine turboprop BA-31 Jetstream "burst into flames in mountainous Bear Creek Township about 9 miles (15 kilometers) south of the Wilkes-Barre/ Scranton International Airport."

The airport is located just off Route 476, the Northeast Extension of the Pennsylvania Turnpike between the cities of Scranton (population 82,000) and Wilkes-Barre (population 48,000). Scranton is approximately 127 miles (203 kilometers) north of Philadelphia.

"The pilots reported in a radio call to air traffic controllers that they had lost both engines, said two officials close to the investigation. Shortly afterward, a pilot radioed that the crew believed that they could regain power in one engine, the officials said."

"On a portion of the air traffic control tape played on ABC News, one pilot can be heard saying, 'Tell him we lost both engines.' The other pilot replies, 'We lost both engines, Six Echo Juliet.'"

"The BA-31 Jetstream, which was en route from Atalantic City," New Jersey, "crashed about 11:40 a.m. in drizzle and thick clouds, officials said. It was operated by Executive Airlines of Farmingdale, New York and had been chartered by Caesar's casino."

"Emergency workers recovered a cockpit voice recorder but the charter flight was not required to have a data recorder said National Transportation Safety Board member George Black. Without a data recorder, investigators might have difficulty determining information about the engines and other mechanical systems on the plane."

However, when investigators tried to play back the cockpit voice recorder's tape, they found it blank.

"Investigators are reverting to old-fashioned 'tin-kicking' in the fiery crash of a charter flight returning from Atalantic City after discovering that the plane's voice recorder was blank."

"'This severely hampers the investigation,' said George Black, the National Transportation Safety Board member on the scene. 'We are going to have to do the best we can with what we have.'"

"Investigators do not know when the recorder was installed on the plane, but one official said it had been worked on one year ago. The recorder model could not have functioned in the plane because it required a different type of electrical power."

"The aircraft made an initial attempt to land a few minutes before the crash, but for unexplained reasons the pilots, opted to abort the landing and climb. As the plane was circling around to try landing again, the pilots reported that both engines had failed."

"A fierce fire severely damaged the aircraft, which struck the ground at a sharp angle. But both engines were found intact."

"The pilots first reported a problem with one engine. A few minutes later, they radioed that both engines had quit, according to federal officials."

""Megan Maguire was outside gardening at her home on the northern rim of the Pocono Mountains when she heard a plane apparently having problems."

"'I heard the engines die, then I heard them start up again, and then they just died,' she said."

"The Wilkes-Barre/Scranton airport sits on a bluff and is surrounded by high terrain. A runway approach map says that structures or hills as much as 1,500 to 2,000 feet (450 to 600 meters) above the runway are located in the area where the crash happened. (See USA Today for May 22, 2000, "19 dead in crash of plane," page 1A, and ""Crash shatters 'close community'," page 3A. Also USA Today for May 23, 2000, "Blank voice recorder' severely hampers' crash probe," page 5A.)

(Editor's Comment: This wasn't an isolated case, readers. Check out the next story.)


"A small plane crashed near a shopping mall in Hawthorne, California, killing all three people aboard." Hawthorne is a suburb of Los Angeles, located about 10 miles (16 kilometers) southwest of L.A. City Hall.

"The single-engine plane had just left Hawthorne Municipal Airport when it went down about noon" Sunday, May 28, 2000, "at the edge of the mall parking lot, snapping power lines and and bursting into flames."

"Luiz Diaz, an operations officer with the Federal Aviation Administration, said all three victims had been aboard the plane, but he didn't know where the plane. described as a Piper PA-46 Malibu, had been heading."

"The pilot hadn't reported any problems." (See the Minneaplois, Minn. Star-Tribune for May 29, 2000, "3 killed when plane crashes near mall," page 4A.)


The flight of the shuttle Atlantis concluded last weekend following a series of successful repairs to the International Space Station.

On Sunday, May 21, and Monday, May 22, 2000, "spacewalkers James Voss and Jeffrey Williams spent seven hours working on the outside of the International Space Station. They fixed cranes and antennas and installed handrails for future crews.

"'It was a particularly meaningful experience,' Voss said, 'coming up here and helping to assemble some things on the space station, which will be my home next year for about five months.'"

USA astronauts James Voss and Susan Helms and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Usachev will form the station's first permanent crew. They are expected to go aboard in February 2001.

On Tuesday, May 23, "the Atlantis crew" began "replacing the batteries and restoring full electrical power to the anemic station. No one has ventured inside the space station for a year, and since then, Russian- made batteries have been failing one by one, the result of careless overcharging. Two of the six batteries work properly."

Susan Helms and Yuri Usachev did the repair work inside the station, pulling up the floor and moving supplies to get at the ailing batteries. Each battery costs about $252,000.

On Wednesday, May 24, "astronauts also installed four cooling fans and 10 new smoke detectors in between chores. They assured everyone back home that they are breathing with no problems aboard the space station, thanks to improved ventilation. The last visitors sickened due to stale air.."

One of four newly-installed batteries exhibited irregular readings while being charged, but NASA said the trouble appeared to be a bad communication link, and the battery was fine. All 10 new some detectors were declared to be in good working order."

As a final task, Atlantis "boosted the complex into an orbit more than 230 miles (368 kilometers) high, 30 miles (48 kilometers) higher than before."

Atlantis "and its crew of seven returned to Earth on Monday," May 29, 2000, "amid praise for the overhaul of the International Space Station."

"Atlantis landed in the predawn hours. 'I know it's bad hours for the arrival, but we are certainly glad to be back home,' shuttle commander James Halsell said." (See USA Today for May 23, 2000, "Astronauts to install batteries," page 12A; for May 25, 2000, "Space station repairs are almost complete," and for May 30, 2000, "Shuttle crew returns from space station repair mission.")


The Internet was buzzing this week after two reports were published by airline personnel discussing the recent mysterious chemtrails seen over the USA.

The first report came from a mechanic with a USA-based airline, who said he had gone out "to service another airline's plane which had a malfunction in its waste disposal system."

"When I got into the bay, I realized that something was not right," he wrote. "There were more tanks, pumps and pipes than should have been there. I finally realized that the extra piping and tanks were not connected to the waste disposal system."

The mechanic checked the schematic blueprints for that model jetliner "and to my amazement, the manuals did not show any of the extra equipment I had seen with my own eyes."

A week later, the mechanic entered the service bay of one of his own company's jetliners and "found a similar system controlled by a standard-looking avionics box with no markings of any kind."

He traced the unusual piping to "a network of small pipes that ended in the trailing edges of the wings and horizontal stabilizers, disguised as static discharge wires."

Soon after his unauthorized exploration of the jet, the mechanic was called on the carpet and given a suspension by management. He then "received an anonymous phone call that warned, 'Now you know what happens to mechanics who poke around in things they shouldn't.'"

Still curious about the system he'd seen, the mechanic began exploring Internet sites in search of answers. The next day, when he reported to work at the airport, he found a note taped to his locker. It read, 'Curiosity killed the cat. Don't be looking at Internet sites that are no concern of yours.'"

On Monday, May 22, 200, another man, describing himself as a mid-level manager with a USA-based airline, added his comments to the controversy.

Airlines, he wrote, "have been participating in something called Project Cloverleaf for a few years now. I was briefed on it in 1999. The few airliner employees who were briefed on Project Cloverleaf were all made to undergo (FBI) background checks, and before we were briefed on it, we were made to sign non-disclosure agreements which basically state that if we told anyone what we know we could be imprisoned."

About 20 employees in our office were briefed, along with me, by two officials from some government agency. They didn't tell us which one. They told us that the government was going to pay our airline along with others to release special chemicals from commercial aircraft."

"When asked what they were, and why we were going to spray them, they told us that information was given on a need-to-know basis and we weren't cleared for it. They then went on to state that the chemicals were harmless, but the program was of such importance that it needed to be done at all costs."

"When asked why they don't just rig military aircraft to spray those chemicals, they stated that there weren't enough military aircraft available to release chemicals on such a large basis as needed to be done. That's why Project Cloverleaf was instituted."

(Editor's Comment: Another explanation may be secrecy. Americans might get serious as to why so many military jets were flying every day. No one thinks twice about a commercial jetliner passing overhead.)

"Then someone asked why all the secrecy was needed. The government representatives then stated that if the general public knew the aircraft they were flying on were releasing chemicals into the air, the environmentalist groups would raise hell and demand the spraying stop."

"Someone asked one of the G-men that if the chemicals were harmless, why not tell the public what the chemicals were and why we were spraying them?"

"He seemed perturbed by this question and told us in a tone of authority that the public doesn't need to know what's going on, but the program is in their best interests. He stated that we should not tell anyone, nor ask any more questions about it. With that, the briefing was done."

Researcher Kim Weber defines chemtrails as a vapor trail that "spreads into cloud cover and secretes the following--cobalt-blue filaments, red-yellow powders, milky white fluids."

"IN early April 2000," she added, U.S. Air Force "KC-135s were grounded, and during the period immediately following, spraying reports across the U.S. significantly dropped."

An interesting chemtrails case took place near Santa Fe, New Mexico during the summer of 1999. "There was a 21-day period of continuous cloud cover where humidity/dew point levels were no higher than 30 percent," Kim wrote, "Clouds can only form when humidity/dew point levels are 60 percent or higher. How did the clouds form?"

(Editor's Comment: Good question!)

Researchers have obtained samples of the filaments that precipitated out of the chemtrail. Under flourescent light, the "filaments glow blue, red and orange. They contain barium titanate, a dielectric needed to keep electricity flowing."

"The fibers of the filament were in a twisted ribbon shape 3 to 5 microns thick and 10 to 13 microns long," with "imperfections that resemble small clumps of polymer whiskers 0.5 microns to 1 micron in diameter."

(Editor's Comment: These are clearly manufactured objects. When I first heard of the chemtrails, I wondered if they might be anti-viral or anti-bacterial "inhibitors" to frustrate the release of biowar agents by enemy terrorists. From the description above, now I don't know what to think. The filaments have an electrical purpose, but what is it?)

On Thursday, May 25, 2000, William Thomas, author of the books Probing the Chemtrail Conundrum and Bringing the War Home, reported that he had received an email from a friend who had just seen a military aircraft spraying. The friend's Extreme Low Frequency (ELF) detector "alarm went off during chemtrail spraying. Something was emitting ELF radiation at the time." (Many thanks to Kim Weber and Rev. Billy Dee for the chemtrail reports.)

(Editor's Comment: The plane's pilot could have been using an ELF frequency to communicate with the base. Then again, those strange filaments might have something to do with it. Hmmmmmm...)

from the UFO Files...


Anyone who has seen Russell Crowe's new hit movie, Gladiator, has seen the "main event" at these Roman spectacles--a mock battle. The "warm-up acts" consisted of the murders of condemned slaves and Christians.

One of the most famous mass execution of Christians took place exactly 1,823 years ago this week--way back in 177 A.D., during the reign of Marcus Aurelius, the murdered emperor in the Gladiator movie.

Actually, our story really begins on the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea, where the apostle John, who wrote the Book of Revelation, lived out his last years.

Among those who heard John's preaching was a young boy named Pothinus. After he grew to adulthood, Pothinus left his nativbe Greece and settled in Lyons, a city in the Roman province of Gaul. (Modern Lyon in southeastern France--J.T.)

By 177 A.D. thanks to Pothinus's missionary work, there were thriving Christian communities in Lyons and in nearby Vienne, 32 kilometers (20 miles) to the south. Pothinus celebrated his 90th birthday that year and was revered as "the last of those who had met one of the Apostles."

However, the majority religion in Lyons was that of Cybele, goddess of the harvest. In 17 B.C., the Emperor Augustus visited the city and dedicated the new theatre to the goddess. (It's still standing, too. The oldest theatre in France, and you'll find it at 6 Rue de Antiquaille in Lyon--J.T.)

In 160 A.D., the worshippers of Cybele erected a magnificent temple to their mother goddess. And they began to look with suspicion upon the smaller religious sects in the city--Druids, Jews, Mithraites and Christians.

In May 177 A.D., it all boiled over. In a letter to the Christian churches of Asia Minor (Turkey), the Lyons congregation wrote, "They began by forbidding us to enter the public baths; then they followed us everywhere; finally all the brutalities of an infuriated mob were let loose. Dragged to the forum, the believers professed their faith before an immense crowd."

First to stand trial was Pothinus, age 90. "You old sorcerer!" the tribune shouted, "Who is this evil god of yours?"

"If you are worthy, you will know him," Pothinus calmly replied.

The crowd didn't like his answer. The maddened crowd began punching, kicking and throwing things at him, "all thinking that anyone was guilty of great offense and impiety if he was behindhand in brutality towards him."

Two days later, the badly-beaten Pothinus died in prison. His followers were condemned to "the Arena of Death."

Among those taken were an elderly widow, Lavinia, and her two slaves, Blandina, age 18, and her brother Ponticus, 15. Blandina did her best to calm her hysterical mistress as they were locked in the women's dungeon, trying to still the terror in her own heart. She could hear the big cats growling and on occasion roaring as they paced in their cages.

Blandina's tears soon gave way to a deep sleep. She dreamed she was in a sunlit meadow, face-to-face with Jesus Christ and a kindly-looking man she did not know. "Soon you will be with us," Jesus told her, "Have faith. Show courage."

The next morning, June 2, 177 A.D., Blandina awoke and found her elderly mistress strangely calm.

"Blandina," she said, gripping the girl's hands. "The strangest thing has happened. Gallius came to me last night."

This was a surprise to Blandina, considering that Lavinia's husband had been dead for fifteen years.

"He came to me in a dream," Lavinia added. "He said we will be together again soon. And you'll be with us. You and Ponticus. We'll be a family."

Giving the old woman a comforting hug, Blandina murmured, "We are a family." And looked up as the trumpets announced the start of the Games.

One by one, the Christians were marched into Lyons's hilltop amphitheatre--Matturus, Santus and Attalus. "To all the interrogations, the deacon Sanctus replied for his part, 'I am Christian,' refusing to indicate his status, name and country in any other way. (Sounds like John McCain--J.T.) Copper sheets, red-hot from the fire, were put on him; his body was nothing more than a heap of crushed limbs and charred flesh."

While Sanctus was being tortured, the Roman governor had Blandina and Ponticus brought to his balcony. "Those fools have made their choice," he told the teenagers. "But you two still have your lives ahead of you. Rome is as merciful as she is powerful. I'm willing to overlook your youthful indiscretion provided that you're willing to prove your loyalty now. Give the mob what it wants. Go to the temple and burn incense before the statue of Cybele."

Blandina shook her head. "No."

The governor shrugged. "Perhaps you'll change your mind after you've seen some more of the show."

The screams were dreadful. Sanctus's blistered form resembled nothing remotely human. Seeing her younger brother flinch, Blandina touched his shoulder and whispered, "Have faith. Show courage."

Ponticus gave her a surprised look. "That's what Jesus said!"

Before she could question him further, the Roman governor said, "All right. You Galilean-worshippers don't have to burn incense to that bitch. Burn some incense before the emperor's statue instead. That will prove you're loyal to Rome."

"No," Blandina said.

"My sister speaks for me," Ponticus added.

"All right, then. A priest will burn the incense. All you have to do is touch the bowl. Such a small thing," the governor said, "Surely it is worth your life." He gestured at the arena. "Do you want to die?"

"Our lord is Jesus Christ," said Ponticus.

Angered by their stubbornness, the governor snapped, "Take him to the arena."

"No!" Blandina clutched the boy's shoulders. "My brothr is not a gladiator!"

"He is now," the governor replied, settling back on his divan.

After being led into the arena, Ponticus was given a net and a gladius (Roman short sword--J.T.) He found himself confronted by a huge gladiator in a massive iron casque (helmet) and plate and chainmail armor.

"Let's give them a good show, stripling."

After a moment's hesitation, Ponticus tossed his sword onto the sand. "I'm going to die anyway. Why should I die for their entertainment?" He spread his arms wide. "Come quickly, Lord Jesus."

The broadsword descended. A chorus of boos erupted from the audience. In anguish, Blandina averted her gaze.

"Your last chance," the governor said, "Burn the incense. Prove your loyalty. Ort die like your brother. It's your choice, my girl."

"I have no loyalty to your evil empire," Blandina replied. "My lord is Jesus Christ, not Marcus Aurelius."

"Damn your treason!" he shouted, "To the arena with her!"

Blandina was forced to put on a costume gown and a fake tiara. Then the guards took her to the arena and shackled her to an upright wooden post.

"And now, for your enjoyment," the announcer told the crowd, "we present a spectacle of the princess Andromeda meanced by four ferocious tigers."

(Editor's Note: The scriptwriters are guilty of altering history again. In Graeco-Roman mythology, the princess Andromeda was threatened by a sea monster called the Kraken before being rescued by Perseus.)

Into the amphitheatre loped a quartet of 800-pound Bengal tigers. And no Perseus in sight. But Blandina didn't really need him. By shackling her to the post, the guards had inadvertently saved her life. The tigers would have instinctively attacked a person running away. At first the tigers reacted to her human scent with a few menacing growls. But then, seeing that she was no threat to them, they started wandering the arena, looking for something to eat.

When they didn't find anything, they went to the shady side of the arena, lay down and relaxed. Quite normal behavior for tigers on a hot, sunny June day.

The crowd, however, immediately jumped to the wrong conclusion.

"She's a witch!"

"She cast a spell on the beasts!"

The crowd booed and jeered. The Games sponsors were getting worried. If a show failed to please the audience, the producers were sometimes taken into the arena and beheaded.

(Editor's Comment: A situation not unlike Hollywood today.)

Stripped of her costume, Blandina was turned over a barrel and whipped with birch rods. Through the torture, she repeated again and again, "I am Christian. We have committed no wrongdoing."

The end did not come quickly. "As for her," the Christians of Lyons wrote in their letter, "after having been flogged, mutilated and burned, she was wrapped in a net and exposed to a bull, which played with her, tossing her into the air. Finally, they finished her off with a sword."

"The pagans swore that never had they seen a woman suffer with such courage."

"For six days the bodies of the confessors of the faith (Ponticus and Blandina) were exposed to every outrage; then they were burnt and their ashes thrown into the Rhode river."

Today, if you visit the Vieux Ville of Lyon, ride the cable car uphill and head south of the Place de Fourviere, you come upon a quiet street with many flower gardens--the Rue du Jardin-des-Plants. On the left side of the street you'll find a wide circle of foundation stones, all that remains of the Amphitheatre of the Three Gauls, where Ponticus and Blandina were killed. A quiet, peaceful street that gives no hint of the drama played out here centuries ago.

And that grand temple of Cybele? All that remains of it is a single statue of the goddess, now a curiosity on display at Lyon's Musee Gallo-Romaine. (See the Books The Lives of the Saints by Omer Engbert, David McKay and Co., New York, N.Y., 1961, pages 213 and 214; Pictorial Lives of the Saints by John Gilmary Shea, Penziger Brothers, New York, N>Y>, 1887, pages 253 and 254; and The Saints, edited by John Coulson, Guild Press, New York, N.Y., 1957, pages 131, 132 and 646.)

UFO Roundup congratulates Rachel Van Hale and the rest of the Year 2000 graduating class at Duluth East High School.

Join us next week for more UFO and paranormal news from around the planet Earth, brought to you by "the paper that goes home--UFO Roundup." See you then.

UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 2000 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post news items from UFO Roundup on their websites or in newsgroups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue in which the item first appeared...

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