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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 5 Number 06

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Volume 5
Number 6
February 10, 2000
Editor: Joseph Trainor


Researchers have pinpointed the suspected crash site of the huge mysterious "fireball" that crashed on Tuesday, January 25, 2000 in northern Argentina. And strange reports continue to come out of the area.

"At a ranch around 70 kilometers (42 miles) away from Charata, on the border between Chaco and Santiago (del Estero) provinces, there exists eyewitness evidence of the location where the alleged unidentified object fell last week, enveloped in flames."

"The radius covering the locales of Tintina, Otumpa, Sachayoj and Chaco could be the probable location of the resting place of the object that crashed."

The Argentinian newspaper Diario Norte discovered that the rural area is owned by a farming business called La Mensa. There is also a Mennonite farm colony nearby.

Diario Norte "obtained eyewitness accounts from local residents giving their own version of the event, thus making it largely credible given the down-to- earth nature of these local residents."

One witness, Juan Carlos Leguizamon, said many residents "set off to find the object but were unsuccessful in locating it."

Leguizamon told the newspaper of strange military activity in the area around Chacara.

"'However, when the situation occurred,' Leguizamon said, 'a sound like a jet airplane was heard, and explosions like a burst of machine gun fire. But all we saw was the smoke a few kilometers away from us.'"

"On our tour of La Mensa and the Mennonite colony," the newspaper reported, "there was no visible trace of the object's fall. But during each interview, every utterance by the locals always contains the possibility of the presence of the strange 'fireball' that altered their easygoing lifestyle."

"The locals further indicated that the Santiago del Estero (provincial) police were also in the vicinity but without confirming the reason for their presence there."

Scientific teams have also scoured the rugged canyons and subtropical rain forest of this region, also known as La Esperanza, for the past week with no success.

The situation "indicates a certain silence among the owners of the field as well as the authorities responsible for searching the area."

"The area has proved to be a great hardship to the baqueanos (hunting guides--J.T.) since it is densely forested with large canyons and vegetation that provide a barrier to movement." (See the Argentinian newspaper Diario Norte for Tuesday, February 1, 2000. Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales, autor del libro Chupacabras and Other Mysteries, and Gloria H. Coluchi para esa historia.)

(Editor's Comment: This is beginning to look more and more like another Varginha case. Note the report of military jets and automatic weapons fire. The role of the Policia Provincial appears to have been to keep the civilian population away from the area. Did a NATO strike team dash into Argentina for a hasty retrieval? Was it a saucer crash? Were live aliens captured? Stay tuned. But I suspect that they've added another Quonset hut and a few more Army cots to the facilities at Camp Condon.)


On Thursday, February 3, 2000, at 10:20 p.m., German businessman David W. stepped onto the upper-floor balcony of his hotel room on the island of Bali in Indonesia. From the balcony, he had a good view of the night sky and the city of Denpasar and the tropical beach lining the calm waters of Selat Bali (bay).

"I was waiting at the balcony of my hotel room," David reported, "and suddenly I saw a very strange light reflection in the northern sky. Of blues, greens, silvers and a lot more."

"After a few seconds, a rotating spheroid flew with an enormous speed in my direction. It stopped its rotation and flight route a few miles in front of me, directly over the city of Denpasar."

"From the center of the object, a golden yellow blinding lightbeam connected the city and the sphere for about one minute. After that, the UFO started to rotate again and flew off towards the city."

"After a few seconds, the object was gone. It stopped at 100 meters (330 feet) above the city and was very fast."

Denpasar is on the south side of Bali island and is about 880 kilometers (550 miles) east of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. (Email Form Report)

(Editor's Comment: Remember the reports from Ohio and Chile? Witnesses reported seeing "circles of light" appear on their bedroom walls, followed by the emergence of an alien. We've also seen several reports of these "light stabs" from hovering UFOs. Maybe the yellow beam is some kind of alien transporter like on Star Trek That wasn't the only "light stab" last week, either. Keep reading.)


On Sunday, January 23, 2000, at 9 p.m., a married couple "saw a bright light glide over their house and travel some three miles (5 kilometers) from Holbeach towards Kings Lynne" in Lincolnshire, UK.

"The object was travelling slowly with a flashing light much like a navigation light on a plane."

"Suddenly, a large white light appeared in the centre of the object with flickering intermittent lights around the object."

The witnesses estimated that the UFO was three miles away and hovering at an estimated altitude of 15,000 feet (4,545 meters)

"The object hovered for approximately ten minutes, at which point the object then dipped to the right slowly, then shot up away into the sky" at an estimated 5,000 miles per hour (8,000 kilometers per hour.)

"As my Mum put it, 'It flew into space!'"

"I basically need to know if anyone else saw the object," the witnesses' child reported, "My parents are not taken to flights of fancy, and my father is a trained ex-RAF observer of 25 years standing." The ex-RAF witness also operated a radar set while in the service.

Holbeach and Kings Lynne are about 12 miles (200 kilometers) north-northeast of London. (Many thanks to Todd Lemire for this report.)


On Tuesday, February 1, 2000, at 5:15 p.m., Croydon K. and his partner were sitting in their office overlooking Fish Creek in Green Bay, Wisconsin (population 96,466) when they saw unusual lights beyond their office window.

"All of a sudden, large green and red lights began flashing like flash bulbs in the sky above the water. The lights just appeared out of thin air."

"These lights hovered in the sky for about 60 seconds or so and then just stopped, as if they were turned off by a switch. In the process of their hover, they would move horizontal to the water (of Green Bay, which itself is an arm of Lake Michigan--J.T.) and then reversed direction instantly and moved up and down vertically very quickly."

"This action repeated itself over and over. I also noticed something in the corner of my eye in our office like a mist just before the light show started."

He estimated that the UFO was 100 feet (30 meters) above the water.

Green Bay is on Wisconsin Highways 41 and 141 approximately 117 miles (187 kilometers) north of Milwaukee. (Email Form Report)

(Editor's Note: Green Bay is a notorious UFO hotspot and has seen several other events linked to the Lake Michigan Triangle.)


On Thursday, February 3, 2000, at 10:15 p.m., eyewitness Michele N. glanced through a window of her home in New Bedford, Massachusetts (population 100,000) and spotted a UFO passing slowly over the neighborhood.

"It was a circular object with a red flashing light," she reported, "I had it in sight for several minutes."

According to the witness, the large disc-shaped UFO came from the south over Mount Hope Bay. Crossing the shoreline, it flew northward over Brooktown Park and Tarkiln Hill, moving roughly parallel to Ashley Boulevard, before it went out of sight.

New Bedford, a prominent whaling port in the early Nineteenth Century, is located on Interstate Highway I-195 about 58 miles (93 kilometers) south of Boston. (Email Form Report)

(Editor's Note: New Bedford played host to UFOs during the L'affaire Tillinghast, also known as "the great airship invasion of 1909." See the Fall River, Mass. Herald for December 26, 1909, page 1.)


On Thursday evening, February 3, 2000, a dentist, Dr. Bruce C., was at Park Mall in Tucson, Arizona (population 405,390) when he spotted an unusual white van with Georgia license plates in the mall's parking lot.

Yes, it was the UFO Roundup mystery van, which first appeared in Warsaw, Indiana (population 10,968) in July 1999. Three months later, in October 1999, the van was seen again at a casino in Lake Charles, Louisiana (population 70,500).

It is not known who is the operator of the late-model white van with its array of high-gain dish antennae. On the van's rear are the words UFO FIELD INTERCEPT TEAM and beneath it the website address:

However, the van is not the property of either UFO Roundup editor Joseph Trainor or UFO INFO webmaster John Hayes.

The purpose of the van's mysterious trip across the USA is unknown.

"I saw a white van with various antennae on it (and) Georgia license plates," Dr. C. reported. "I saw it in a shopping center parking lot early this evening. It had your Web address on the back, which led me to discover your very comprehensive and well-done site."

For more information about the van's first appearance in Indiana, see UFO Roundup, volume 4, number 16.

For more information on the van's presence in Louisiana, see UFO Roundup, volume 4, number 27.


An Idaho State University biology professor is focusing his Bigfoot efforts in the Pocatello, Idaho area following persistent reports of the presence of Bigfoot and perhaps a whole tribe of similar hominids in the area.

For the past ten years, most of the sightings have occurred around Fort Hall, Idaho (population 900) and Chubbuck, Idaho (population 7,700), two towns located just north of Pocatello.

"For the past two years," Prof. Jeff Meldrum "has been on a Bigfoot hunt, tracking footprints and looking for signs of the legendary hairy ape."

"'My work is to shift the emphasis from tabloid stories to scientific inquiry,'Meldrum says, 'My data is in the form of footprints.'"

"Although Meldrum says his obsession began in fifth grade after viewing a documentary film on Bigfoot, he wasn't a believer until he saw fresh tracks for himself outside of Walla Walla, Wash. a few years ago."

"Meldrum describes about 35 tracks on a muddy stretch beside a road. Although he was skeptical, he says the hair on the back of his neck stood up From then on, he was hooked."

"Pictures of apes cover the walls of Meldrum's office and casts of huge footprints line his lab tables. Some feet measure 16 to 17 inches long and show what Meldrum terms anatomical features."

Recent Bigfoot sightings north of Pocatello include the following:

"A recent report in Fort Hall is still under investigation. Some parties say they saw footprints, and some blame the sighting in stray cattle."

"A Chubbuck woman reported several years ago she saw a big, hulking hairy ape. Later she saw three sets of 16 to 17-inch-long footprints in the snow, and her juniper tree was stripped of berries up to 10 feet (3 meters) off the ground."

"Eight or nine years ago, south of the Portneuf Gap, a rancher had a disturbance in his outbuildings and found fresh Sasquatch-sized footprints."

"Several sightings over the past ten years have been reported in the river bottoms near Mount Putnam."

"Mountainous terrain and thick tree canopies provide a perfect cover for what he describes as fairly solitary animal small in numbers."

"'A lot of people have this misconception that it's this lone wretched animal wandering the face of the earth,' he says, 'We have examples of multiple animals--males, females and young.'" (See the Idaho State Journal of Pocatello, Idaho for November 20, 1999, "ISU professor following Bigfoot's footprints" by Emily Simnitt. Many thanks to Lou Farrish of UFO Newsclipping Service for forwarding this newspaper article.)


I can practically guarantee you'll never see this article in Reader's Digest. But I love to do these Digest-style biographies of famous people in the paranormal field, so here goes.

He's been called many things. The Abbe Barruel called him "a human devil." Thomas Jefferson called him "a harmless philanthropist." Prof. John Robison called him "the profoundest conspirator that ever existed."

But what's the real story behind the man who simply called himself "Brother Spartacus?"

Adam Weishaupt was born on February 6, 1748 in Ingolstadt, a city in Bayern (Bavaria), Germany, which was then an independent kingdom. When he was a baby, his parents, who had been Orthodox Jews, converted to the Roman Catholic Church.

Instead of attending the yeshiva, Adam attended monastery schools and later a hochschule (high school) run by the Society of Jesus. As a Bavarian, Adam learned Czech and Italian as a child, and in school, he soon mastered Latin, Greek and, with his father's help, Hebrew.

With his avid scholarship and knack for languages, his Jesuit superiors thought he would be a natural for overseas missionary work, perhaps in the Americas or in Asia. But Adam rebelled against Jesuit discipline, resisted their overtures and eventually became the professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt.

Beginning around 1768, Adam began "the collection of a large library for the purpose of establishing an academy of scholars." He read every ancient manuscript and text he and his associates could lay hands on.

Adam grew interested in the occult, becoming obsessed with the Great Pyramid of Giza. He was convinced that the edifice was a prehistoric temple of initiation. In 1770, he made the acquaintance of Franz Kolmer, a Danish merchant who had lived for many years in Alexandria and had made several trips to Giza..

The following year, 1771, Adam decided to found a secret society aimed at "transforming" the human race. He devoted five years to thinking out the plan, borrowing from many different occult sources. His first name for the proposed order, Perfectibilisen, suggests that he borrowed from the Cathars, a gnostic religion that flourished in Europe for four hundred years. The Cathars, whose name means "perfect ones," were decimated in the Albigensian Crusade of Pope Innocent III during the early Thirteenth Century.

Adam fashioned his order in the form of (what else?) a pyramid. "Its members, pledged to obedience to their superiors, were divided into three main classes; the first including novices, minervals and lesser illuminati the second consisting," like the Freemasons, of "ordinary, Scottish and Scottish Knights, and the third, or mystery class, comprising two grades of priest and regent, and of magus and king," or Illuminatus Rex.

This hierarchy, incidentally, is identical to the table of organization of the Sufis of Islam, which has some historians wondering if Adam's friend Kolmer was a closet Sufi.

The Illuminati were a closemouthed bunch. "Every candidate had to give a written promise to tell nobody of this society. He learned nothing of his superiors and of the origin of the society, but was confirmed in the belief that the order could be traced back to antiquity and that its members included even popes and cardinals."

"He further vowed eternal silence and strict obedience. Every month he had to send a report to his superior, whom he did not know."

Adam felt that human society had grown hopelessly corrupt and that it could only be saved by a complete overhaul. In effect, he was the first utopian to think on a global scale, and he looked forward to the day his group would bring about the Novus Ordo Seclorum, sometimes called the New World Order.

The Illuminati had five goals, including "(a) .Abolition of monarchies and all ordered governments,

(2) Abolition of private property and inheritances,
(3) Abolition of patriotism and nationalism,
(4) Abolition of family life and the institution of marriage, and the establishment of communal education of children.
(5) Abolition of all religion."

By drawing upon Europe's "best and brightest," Adam was confident that the order could attain its goals. He wrote, "The pupils are convinced that the Order will rule the world. Every member therefore becomes a ruler. We all think of ourselves as qualified to rule. It is therefore an alluring thought both to good and bad men. Therefore the Order will spread."

He also urged his followers not to shrink from committing violence or criminal acts in meeting Illuminati objectives, writing, "Sin is only that which is hurtful, and if the profit is greater than the damage, it becomes a virtue."

Recruitment proceeded at a brisk pace. Adam rallied many able lieutenants to his cause. Such as Baron Xavier von Zwack, who lobbied for the order in Germany and in Britain, too, with help from William Petty, the second Earl of Shelburne. And Baron Adolf von Knigge, who brokered a "shotgun marriage" between Illuminism and European Freemasonry at the Congress of Whilhelmsbad in 1782.

By 1782, the Illuminati "had spread from Denmark to Portugal," and even further afield. Illuminized Britons joined with like-minded Americans to found the Columbian Lodge in New York City that year. A young Russian nobleman, Alexander Radischev, joined the order in Leipzieg and carried the doctrines home to St. Petersburg. In Lisboa (Lisbon), a poet named Claudio Manuel da Costa became a member and, upon returning home to Brazil, founded a chapter with two doctors from Ouro Preto, Domingos Vidal Barbosa and Jose Alvares Maciel. In 1788, this trio launched the first Illuminati uprising, the Inconfidencia Mineira, but the revolt was nipped in the bud by the viceroy, the Marquis de Barbacena.

Meanwhile, back in Germany, Adam was learning that life as the Illuminatus Rex was not quite the paradise he'd envisioned. His long-time mistress became pregnant and insisted that he either pay up or marry her. Adam stalled, and the lady threatened to go public with the scandal.

Baron von Knigge, who had given the Illuminatenorden a big boost by allying with Freemasonry, thought he should be rewarded by becoming Adam's co-ruler in the order. Adam disagreed, and the resulting feud between the two men resulted in von Knigge quitting the order in 1784.

To make matters worse, Illuminati writers Johann Herder and Johann G. Fichte had begun beating the drum for German unification. Their calls for "Ein volk und ein Reich" were completely out of sync with Adam's plan to do away with nationalism.

While Adam may have been a brilliant scholar, he lacked the leader's touch. He was too high- handed and arrogant, disinclined to listen to the advice of subordinates. These characteristics enraged some of the lesser Illuminati, such as Joseph Utschneider, and they awaited the day they would have their revenge.

The day was not long in coming. An Illuminati courier was struck by lightning and killed. When the Bavarian police searched his body, they found coded messages from Weishaupt sewn into the clothes.

At this critical juncture, Utschneider and his three companions came forward and told the Bavarian authorities all about the Illuminati. As a result, the King of Bavaria banned the order in August 1784.

Fired from his position at the university, and accused of everything from treason to goat molestation, Adam fled Ingolstadt on horseback and went to Regensburg. When he found the people there equally hostile, he rode on to Gotha, where he was offered refuge by Duke Ernst II. An associate, Dr. Schwartz, loaded the order's collection of Kabbalist, Cathar, Sufi and occult books into an ox-cart and begn the long journey eastward to Moscow.

(Editor's Comment: As an American, I am amazed by the eerie parallels with early USA history. Weishaupt's escape to Gotha resembles the "midnight ride" of Paul Revere and William Dawes in 1775. And Dr. Schwartz's trip to Moscow has its parallel in the wagon trains of the first Oregon pioneers. Maybe he should have put a sign on the cart--Mockba hhaye Khytekh, "Moscow or Bust.")

The "profoundest conspirator that ever existed" lived out the rest of his life in exile in Gotha. He got into more mischief in the French Revolution with his friend and correspondent, Jean-Baptiste Willermoz, the Illuminatus of Lyons. And lived long enough to inspire new generations of Illuminati--Anacharsis Cloots, Francois Babeuf and Filippo Buonarotti, among others.

Adam Weishaupt died on November 18, 1830 in Gotha. Even in death, he remains a figure of controversy. The Roman Catholic Encyclopedia of 1910 said Weishaupt repented on his deathbed and was reconciled with the Church. Author Gary Allen claimed that Adam was working on an essay on hermetic art magick, Two Fragments of a Ritual, when he suddenly dropped dead. Quien sabe?

Proper assessment of Adam's role in history may have to wait a few more centuries, for a generation of more objective historians. His is still a hot-button name.

Here in the USA, fundamentalist Christians consider Adam Weishaupt a kind of sinister John the Baptist, proclaiming the global Kingdom of Satan. And those who favor the New World Order... well, they don't say much of anything. Mention the names "Adam Weishaupt" and "Illuminati," and they tend to grit their teeth and scowl.

For myself, whenever I think about Adam Weishaupt and his sect, the haunting question of Jesus Christ comes to mind. "Can an evil tree produce good fruit?" (See The New World Order by Pat Robertson, Word Publishing, Dallas, Texas, 1991, pages 180 through 183; Einige Originalschriften des Illuminatenordens, Munich, 1786; and Essai sur la secte des Illuminees, by J.P.L. de la Roche de Maine, Paris, 1792.)

We'll be back next week with more UFO and paranormal news from around the planet, brought to you by "the paper that goes home--UFO Roundup." See you then.

UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 2000 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post newsitems from UFO Roundup on their websites or in newsgroups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue in which the item first appeared...

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