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UFO ROUNDUP Volume 4 Number 02

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 · 27 Jun 2024

Volume 4
Number 2
January 11, 1999
Editor: Joseph Trainor


On Wednesday, January 6, 1999, World Net Daily revealed that the USA Department of Defense (DOD) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are planning for a nationwide practice mobilization of Army National Guard troops on May 1, 1999.

Under the code name Exercise COMEX/MOBEX 99, the planned alert will call up all 480,000 National Guard troops in the USA's fifty states and four territories.

In peacetime, a state's National Guard remains under the command of the state's governor. But in time of war, the National Guard becomes part of the U.S. Army.

COMEX/MOBEX will be the biggest deployment of National Guard troops in nearly sixty years. The last full mobilization occurred in June 1940, when President Franklin D. Roosevelt mobilized the entire National Guard in preparation for American involvement in World War II.

According to David M. Bresnahan of World Net Daily, "The National Guard is planning its first national mobilization of troops since 1940 in preparation of civil unrest relating to the Y2K Millenium Bug. The National Guard Bureau in Washington is currently formulating plans for a mobilization test in conjunction with FEMA."

"The plan, as it is now being described, will be a full mobilization of all 480,000 members of the National Guard in all 54 states and territories. Exercise COMEX/MOBEX will be conducted without telephone, radio and television to get the word to all Guard members."

"'This will be a simulated COMM-out,' explained another member of the group." DOD and FEMA will assume that the Y2K problem has paralyzed electronic communications nationwide. Direct contact means will be used to round up the National Guard members. By the end of the three- day exercise, they hope to have all National Guard units at an effective manpower strength of 95 percent.

Bresnahan's story was also confirmed by "a C2 (Command and Control) officer at the National Guard Bureau in Washington," who said, "This is going to happen. They are currently working on Public Affairs Guidance."

On Thursday, January 7, 1999, a document appeared in USENET which seemed to confirm preparations for a nationwide military response to possible Y2K civil unrest after January 1, 2000.

The document appears to have originated in the Office of General Administration, Commandant, Naval Reserve Forces, U.S. Navy under the title REF/A/DOC/COMNAVRESFOR/960301 and refers to a Navy Emergency Preparedness Liaison Officer (NEPLO) program.

The NEPLO document stated that "senior Naval Reserve officers" with the rank of Captain or Commander were needed "to support Navy commanders in implementing their responsibilities under the National Security Emergency Preparedness and Military Support to Civil Authority programs." Eligible officers are invited to volunteer for billets (posts) still available in the NEPLO program.

Naval Reserve officers were asked to send in their short cover letter, current mailing address, service record, copies of their last three fitness reports, current official photograph and a short biography of their civilian career experience. A Navy Selection Board will begin reviewing the applications on July 1, 1999.

Surprisingly, NEPLO billets will have a duration of three years, beginning in 2000 and ending in 2003.

Open NEPLO billets are still available at the Department of Defense; FEMA offices in Philadelphia, Atlanta, Kansas City, San Diego and Denton, Texas; Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska; Fort Richardson, Arkansas; Springfield, Illinois; Reading, Massachusetts; Helena, Montana; Raleigh, North Carolina; Carson City, Nevada; Austin, Texas; Richmond, Virginia; and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

In September 1996, the U.S. Army Reserve Command was restructured to bring it into alignment with FEMA, making it easier for FEMA to control military units during a national emergency. The old Army Reserve Commands (ARCOMS) were abolished and replaced by ten Regional Support Commands (RSCs), which conform to the Standard Federal Regions (SFRs) used by FEMA. Also, there are three Regional Support Groups, based at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana and San Antonio, Texas, which also collaborate with FEMA in times of emergency. (See World Net Daily for January 6, 1999. Many thanks to UFOSSI for forwarding the news article.)

(Editor's Comment: The biggest military mobilization since 1940, and what's on the front page of the New York Times? The continuing adventures of Dr. Jekyll and Rep. Hyde, also known as the Love Story of the 90s--When Bubba Met Tubba. And they wonder why people are tuning out the Establishment media. Don't go away, folks. There are more Y2K shockers to come.)


On Wednesday, January 6, 1999, British TV viewers watching a segment on Nick McCamley's new book, SECRET UNDERGROUND CITIES, were startled when host Peter Morgan and journalist Douglas Campbell showed up on the doorstep of a secret NATO underground base in Wiltshire, eight miles (13 kilometers) east of Bath.

Morgan and Campbell discovered the top-secret facility at Corsham, Wilts. The huge underground base, known as the Corsham Computer Centre (CCC), costs billions of pounds sterling and was reportedly constructed as a "black project" by the Ministry of Defence (MoD) without the knowledge and approval of Parliament.

The facility is located at the end of Peel Circus, described as "an area of clipped lawns and landscaping designed to look like a patch of suburbia."

According to Gerry Lovell of Far Shores, Morgan and Campbell "attempted to make contact with a security building" at the bottom of a stairwell that had been built right into the hill. "Almost stunned silence greeted their opening question...namely that CCC was in fact the UK Government's nuclear command center... The men at the other end replied only that the location was a (Royal) Navy administration site and declined further comment."

During the Nineteenth Century, Corsham was the site of a stone quarry, and there are said to be extensive tunnels in that section of Wiltshire. One tunnel, Lovell added, links Corsham with the nearby village of Hawthorn, also the site of RAF base at Rudloe Manor.

(Editor's Note: Until recently, Rudloe Manor was the headquarters of the RAF's Provost and Security Services, claimed by some to be the kingdom's central UFO monitoring unit. Provost and Security Services is now located at RAF Henlow.)

The TV program also revealed that NATO had built an underground facility similar to Corsham on Mount Penteli in Greece, 50 kilometers (30 miles) north of Athens. (Many thanks to Gerry Lovell of Far Shores for this report.)

(Editor's Comment: Corsham may be the UK's command center for Operation Abacus and the Y2K computer crisis.)


On Sunday evening, January 3, 1997, Israel's Millenium Unit swooped down on two villas in Jerusalem's hilly west end and arrested 14 members of Concerned Christians, an Evangelical sect from Lakewood, Colorado, USA.

"In carefully synchronized raids, dozens of uniformed and plainclothes police descended on two spacious homes a mile apart on Jerusalem's hilly outskirts," in Messaveret Zion and Motza.

"The group, whose members call themselves Concerned Christians, did not resist, and police said they will seek members' deportations." (See USA Today for January 4, 1999, "Israeli police detain 14 from Denver cult" by Laura King, page 4A)

"All 14 Americans, including six children and three married couples, were arrested Sunday in raids on two villas near Jerusalem."

"They were the first people detained by a new Israeli task force--including members of the Mossad spy agency--created to deal with possible violence by doomsday cults and messianic groups in the Holy Land when millions of tourists arrive for the 2000 millenium celebrations." (See the New York Post for January 5, 1999, "Israel sends Denver doomsday cultists packing," by Uri Dan, page 17)

The task force--informally known as the Milleium Unit--included officers of the Jerusalem police, the Shin Bet security police and the Mossad.

"Two months ago, Israeli police formed a task force to deal with the possibility of violence here by doomsday cults and messianic groups as the turn of the century approaches."

"'There is great fear that among the 4 million or so visitors who are expected to come, there may be some who have ideas about the end of the world,' said Ehud Sprinzak, a Hebrew University professor and expert on religious extremism, who is advising police on the phenomenon."

"'They are coming to one of the most volatile places on Earth, and the fear is that if Jesus Christ does not appear, some of them might try to help the messiah-- according to their perceptions--by starting Armageddon,' Sprinzak said, 'There is concern that they could try to start a war between Jews and Arabs.'" (See the Providence, R.I. Journal for January 4, 1999, "Israel detains members of U.S. doomsday cult," page A-4)

"Police said the group had planned to provoke a millenial shootout by opening fire on the officers, believing their own deaths in the subsequent bloodbath would help bring about the second coming of Christ."

"'They planned to carry out violent and extreme acts in the streets of Jerusalem at the end of 1999 to start the process of beinging Jesus back to life,' said Brig. Gen. Elihu Ben-Onn, the national police spokesman." (USA Today, January 4, 1999, ibid.)

The Concerned Christians, however, denied any intention of committing crimes. "I am not here to hurt anybody, I don't feel I have committed any conspiracy," said John Bayles of Denver, Colo., one of the men arrested.

Bayles, as well as Terry Smith, 42, of Eagle, Colo. and Eric Malesic, 36, of Westminster, Colo., was taken by the Shin Bet to the prison at Petah Tikvah and held incommunicado most of the week.

On Friday, January 8, 1999, all 14 members of Concerned Christians were deported. "Israeli police escorted the handcuffed Christians to collect their belongings yesterday before putting them aboard an early-morning Air Canada flight." (See the New York Post for January 9, 1999, "Israel deports doomsday cult back to Denver," page 12)

In October 1998, the Concerned Christians, who are led by Monte Kim Miller, 44, a former Proctor and Gamble executive turned prophet, moved from Denver to Jerusalem after Miller predicted that the Mile-High City would soon be destroyed by a major earthquake. (It wasn't--J.T.)

Like Marshall H. Applewhite, founder of the Heaven's Gate sect, Miller told followers that he was one of "the Two," i.e. prophets mentioned in the Book of Revalation who would announce the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Miller "has prophesied that he will die in Jerusalem in 1999 and be resurrected" three days later.

The Millenium Unit is continuing its hunt for other members of Concerned Christians, including Miller, who is thought to be in Mexico.

"'The police will continue to work in every legal way possible to allow for freedom of religion and ritual in Jerusalem and in Israel for all religions in the years of the millenium,' said Gen. Yair Yitzrak, chief commander of the Jerusalem Police District. 'However, we will act firmly against the attempts of extreme groups to block access to other Christians in the year 1999.'"

"In Colorado, relatives of the cult members said they had expected the arrests."

"'We knew they were going to deport them a couple of weeks ago,' said John Weaver of Lakewood, Colo., whose daughter used to be a member of the group. 'Israel is trying to set an example that they don't want these millenial groups.'" (See the New York Times for January 4, 1999, "Israel arrests 8 cultists who expect Apocalypse." by Deborah Montag.)

(Editor's Comment: Perhaps someone can explain to me the difference between Spain expelling the Granada Jews in 1492 and Israel expelling the Colorado Christians in 1999. I don't expect Israel to adopt the Bill of Rights. But an Edict of Nantes would be nice. Otherwise, Israel will begin to resemble more and more the other religion-based nations in that part of the world--Afghanistan and Iran.)


"Something plunged into Lake Parsippany on Christmas Eve (Thursday, December 24, 1998) breaking a hole in the ice 75 feet across and blowing vegetation into the air."

"Gifts were delivered by morning, so it wasn't St. Nick and the reindeer buying the farm. Nor were any meteor sightings reported, according to ION Weather meteorologist Bill Cotter."

"The hole in the ice caught the attention of Joe Strobel, who lives 150 feet away on a small island in the lake. He told a friend about it on Christmas morning."

"'They were all ready to have me committed to Greystone (a local mental health facility--J.T.),' said Strobel, a nine-year resident. "Then they came over and they couldn't explain it. One guy lived here for 35 years and said he's never seen anything like that.'"

"The green vegetation was blown into the air and fell in a circle on the surrounding ice, drawing a flock of hungry Canada geese. A thin sheet of ice has since formed on the lake."

Parsippany, N.J. is located about 20 miles (32 kilometers) northwest of New York City." (See the Daily Record of Morris County, N.J. for December 29, 1998, "75-foot hole appears in Lake Parsippany" by Erik Engquist. Many thanks to "Aiwass" for forwarding the newspaper article.)


On Wednesday, January 6, 1999, at 3:10 p.m., Warren A. and his wife were driving on Tudor Avenue in Anchorage, Alaska (population 226,338), heading towards the Chugiach Mountains, when they spotted something very unusual 15 miles down the road.

"My wife and I saw what appeared to be a large 'plane' head straight up and then level off at a high rate of speed," Warren reported, adding that they "could make out its general shape (larger than a commercial airliner at approximately the same distance), which was a silver reflective triangle. It appeared that the (condensation) trail went from two streams to four at an indeterminable altitude. We watch the fighters out of Elmendorf (air force base--J.T.) all the time. This was like nothing we've ever seen before."

"This was no small aircraft. This was almost shuttle-sized. And since we were heading straight towards it, we were able to make out details more clearly," he added.

Several other Anchorage residents also witnessed the strange launch.

A woman and her two daughters saw the enigmatic craft from Aurora Village. "We watched the large smoke trail in the sky and stared at the object until it was out of sight."

Two men driving on Minnesota Avenue saw it from the intersection at Huffman. "We saw a large smoke trail and a shiny object. We thought it was an ICBM."

An elderly woman living on Muldoon Road happened to look out her window at 3:10 p.m. "I saw it leave the ground," she reported.

Two teenagers walking home from Service High School on Abbott Road said they saw "two shiny objects" which they described as "saucer-shaped." (Email Interview)


On Tuesday, December 29, 1998, Sami C. was driving through Casper, Wyoming (population 46,742) when she saw a strange light in the sky.

The UFO, Sami reported, "approached from the northwest. I would have to say it was 45 degrees" above the horizon. "I could not see the shape. The light was too bright. It was totally quiet. There was no sound at all around us."

As Sami watched, the luminous UFO "went up and down, then left and right, very fast-like. I had it in sight for around 10 minutes. It departed to the southwest, I think. All I can say is, it moved pretty fast."

Sami added that a woman in the car immediately behind hers also saw the light.

Casper, Wyo. is located 180 miles (300 kilometers) northwest of Cheyenne, the state capital. (Email Interview)


On Thursday, December 31, 1998, at 7:30 p.m., a woman decided to take her dog for a walk in a residential neighborhood in Mt. Healthy, Ohio (population 7,580), a suburb located 13 miles (21 kilometers) north of Cincinnati.

As she strolled along, the witness "reported seeing a large stationary object with a 'very bright' steady white light in what she said looked to be a circular pattern. As she watched, the small white light detached itself and flew away" through a partly cloudy sky.

The following evening, Friday, January 1, 1999, at 5:45 p.m., "after exiting (Interstate Highway) I-275 onto Hamilton Avenue, Mr. H. and his mother witnessed another unusual object in the sky near their home. Mr. H described the object as three steady bright white lights in a triangular formation with another light at the center. It appeared to be stationary and about 500 feet in altitude."

"'It was larger than a plane,' Mr. H asserted. As they watched, the center light detached itself and flew a short distance before the object disappeared behind some trees. A small plane with a blinking red light had also been observed above the object before they were all lost to view. Mr. H said that he had the impression that the object was shaped somewhat like a B-1 bomber, but he was unable to explain the light he saw 'drop off.'" (Many thanks to Charles Stuart and Kenneth Young of Cincinnati UFO Research for this news story.)


On Thursday, December 31, 1998, at 11:30 p.m., residents of Narooma, a port city in New South Wales, Australia approximately 300 kilometers (180 miles) south of Sydney, watched a dazzling UFO display in the night sky.

Witnesses described "three yellow/orange very large lights in triangular formation" moving through the sky south of Narooma. "They appeared to be travelling slowly from west to east, or left to right as they witnesses were looking south."

"After five minutes in formation, the middle light moved to the right and" between the other two "so that they were all travelling in a horizontal line. A minute or so later, the middle light dropped sharply and then radically moved upward and downward. The left light slowly dropped and seemed gradually to disappear...The lights seemed too large and close together to be an aeroplane."

On Saturday, January 2, 1999, at 8 p.m., "a bright orange square or plug-shaped object with a shape tapering at each end" was seen by residents of Portsea, Victoria, 80 kilometers (50 miles) southeast of Melbourne. "It was seen almost standing still in the sky for a while. It appeared to be heading toward Port Phillip Bay." (Many thanks to Ross Dowe of Australasian National Space Information Hotline for these reports.)

from the UFO Files...


Thirty-four years ago, on January 12, 1965, a DC-3 transport plane took off from Whenuapai, New Zealand for a flight to Kaitaia. As the twin-engined propellor plane flew over Kaipara Harbour, a broad estuary 100 kilometers (60 miles) northwest of Auckland, the pilot, Captain Kirkpatrick, spotted an unusual gleam in the water below--an unidentified submerged object or USO.

"He was about one-third of the way across Kaipara Harbour when he saw what he at first believed to be a stranded gray-white whale in an estuary."

"As he veered his DC-3 for a closer look at the object, it became evident to him that he was observing a metallic structure of some sort."

Captain Kirkpatrick "noted that the thing was perfectly streamlined and symmetrical in shape... had no external control surfaces or protrusions... appeared metallic with the suggestion of a hatch on top...was resting on the bottom of the estuary and headed toward the south as suggested by the streamlined shape...was harbored in no more than 30 feet of water...was not shaped like a normal submarine but approximately 100 feet in length with a diameter of 15 feet at its widest part."

After he filed his flight report, the Royal New Zealand Navy told Captain Kirkpatrick "that it would have been impossible for any known model of submarine to have been in that particular area, due to the configuration of harbour and coastline." (See the New Zealand magazine Spaceview, issue number 43 for 1965. See also ATLANTIS RISING by Brad Steiger, Dell Books, New York, N.Y., 1973, page 99.)


If you want to read David M. Bresnahan's full story about Exercise COMEX/MOBEX, you'll find it at

Scott Carr of WBAI-FM Radio in New York City has made some changes to his Flying Saucer Gazette. Check them out at UFO Roundup readers in the Big Apple and vicinity can listen to WBAI on 99.5 FM.

Ken Green has done it again. This longtime reader has turned our newsletter into an interactive computer game. You've got to try out his UFO Roundup Word Search Puzzles. You'll find it at As for me, I'll have to start seriously hitting Roget's Thesaurus and improve my vocabulary!

Gordon Speer has a load of UFO books for sale. For a list and prices, check out his site at this URL:

Don't miss our parent site, UFOINFO. John Hayes has a vast array of news stories, features, links and brand-new photographs for your viewing pleasure. Drop in any time at

Back issues of UFO Roundup can be read, accessed and downloaded from our webpage. Look us up at

That's it for this week. Join us in seven days for more saucer news from around the planet, brought to you by "the paper that goes home-- UFO Roundup." See you then!

UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 1999 by Masinaigan Productions, all rights reserved. Readers may post items from UFO Roundup on their websites or in newsgroups provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue in which the news item appeared.

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