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Uluru, the Dreamstone

Ayers Rock, in the heart of Australia, is one of the most popular destinations for tourists: but it is also one of the most ancient, sacred and mysterious places on Earth, the place of origin of the primordial "Dream Time"

Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is the most famous place in Australia: an immense red monolith, alm
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Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, is the most famous place in Australia: an immense red monolith, almost 4 billion years old. Uluru has a characteristic clenched fist shape, complete with knuckles. Uluru shows a rock color very similar to that of the surface of the Mars Planet.

Many, many tourists take a three-hour flight into the Australian desert every year to see the symbol of the Land of Kangaroos: Ayers Rock, or rather, Uluru. It is perhaps the very essence of Australia, as well as the largest monolith in the world. A red sandstone monolith, 348 meters high, 3.6 km long, and 2 km wide, with a total circumference of 9 km. It is a colossal stone that takes the breath away of all visitors, causing them to exclaim words and expressions of amazement, as if the fatigue of the journey and the heat of the desert were not even noticeable. But Uluru is not just a stunning natural monument: from a scientific and religious point of view, it represents the very life of the planet... To the extent that the Aboriginal people, aware of its importance, made it the starting point for the creation of the world, the primordial place of the "Dream Time."

Indeed, the conceptions of the native Australians fully align with scientific discoveries. Uluru (which in the Pitjantjatjara language means practically nothing, being just a surname common among the local people, of the Anangu ethnicity who inhabit the nearby village of Mutitjulu) was discovered in 1872 by the explorer Ernest Giles, who saw the monolith from afar, from the edges of Lake Amadeus. It was another explorer, William Gosse, who saw the mountain up close, climbed it (desecrating it), and named the place Ayers Rock in honor of the Australian Prime Minister, Sir Henry Ayers. However, the locals continued to call it by its ancient name, and thus, starting from the 1970s, the dual denomination was accepted.

Uluru is located on the southern border of the Northern Territory, approximately 450km from Alice Sp
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Uluru is located on the southern border of the Northern Territory, approximately 450km from Alice Springs.

Today it is simply called Uluru: located a few kilometers from Yulara and 470 km from Alice Springs, in the southern part of the Northern Territory province, since 1985 it has become the exclusive property of the Aborigines, although under joint administration for 99 years with the National Park authority of the same name (which allows tourists to climb the mountain, a practice theoretically prohibited by the natives themselves). This apparent benevolence of the Australian Government should not be misleading: for the Arunta, the Aboriginal people of all of Australia, Uluru is the holiest place that exists, like Mecca for a Muslim or the Wailing Wall for a Jew. And it is difficult for a Westerner to understand the meaning of this place, a link between the world we see and the True World that lies outside, the Dream World that we can only visit when we sleep. This is why the meaning of this exceptional stone escapes too materialistic people…

Uluru is actually the tip of an iceberg of sandstone rich in feldspars dating back to the Precambrian, a geological era dating back to 3 billion 800 million years ago. It was then, when comets brought water to the scorching surface of the primordial Earth, that life blossomed on our planet and developed over what appears to be an infinite amount of time. The Australian continental shield, three billion years old, is much more recent than Uluru and the rocks adjacent to it, such as the Olgas Mountains, called Kata Tjuta ("many heads") in the local language, and Mount Conner: these are sedimentary sandstone complexes similar to the rocks of Ayers Rock and for geologists unequivocally linked. In practice, the Olgas Mountains and Mount Conner, respectively 25 and 88 km away from Uluru, are part of a single group of rocks, an immense monolith largely buried in asteroid-sized sand!

According to some frontier scientists, this immense monolith could actually be the remains of an Earth moon, very similar morphologically to the Martian Phobos, which fell around 3.5 billion years ago and stuck in the nascent Australian continental shield…

The Olgas Mountains, or rather the Kata Tjuta: 25 km away from Uluru, it is the same incredible mono
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The Olgas Mountains, or rather the Kata Tjuta: 25 km away from Uluru, it is the same incredible monolith that resurfaces at this distance. Note the identical color of the surface.

Uluru and the twin mountains have witnessed all the history of life on Earth: initially submerged in the oceanic crust, then part of Pangaea and later Gondwana. Starting 250 million years ago, Uluru ended up in the polar region, covered by ice; after 80 million years, due to the mysterious shifting of the Poles we reported here, it found itself in a tropical area, among gigantic dinosaurs and a climate similar to Equatorial Africa.

Then, shortly after dinosaurs disappeared from the face of the Earth, Australia became its own continent, bringing unique species like marsupials and other saurians that survived the disaster until recent epochs, until about 120,000 years ago when the vanguards of Homo Sapiens Sapiens began to populate the north of the vast island.

Were they the first Aborigines? It's hard to say, as true human traces date back to such ancient times; according to studies conducted using thermoluminescence, anthropologists claim the first true Aborigines settled no earlier than 60-40,000 BCE. And this dating creates serious problems, as it means the first Australians are older than the first Americans... And certainly constitutes the most ancient culture still existing. Leaving aside certain genetic facts, such as finding traces of mitochondrial DNA of Aboriginal lineage in Italian prehistoric sites in fairly recent times (30,000 years ago), it is nonetheless clear that the age of the indigenous Australian population is staggering and raises nightmarish scenarios for a proponent of traditional human history.

As ancient as almost four billion years, Uluru is a monolith that has witnessed the planet's history, bearing extraordinary traces of all the geological eras it has traversed. Caves, carvings, striations, waterholes, channels, crevices, cliffs, towers: it seems like a festival of Geology, almost a manual on what rock can offer us. Moreover, being sandstone, it is the same material that makes up an infinity of magical earthly places, the most familiar of which is the famous mountain of Montserrat in Spain, home to a Black Madonna, the renowned Moreneta. Well, Uluru, like Montserrat, is a labyrinth of underground galleries, unexplored caves and off-limits to tourists. The Aborigines are strict in this regard: there are areas forbidden to "piranypa," strangers; other areas are reserved for women, others only for males. In some, initiation rites are celebrated, in others shamanic practices reserved for the "Arunta race." In each of these caves there are sacred paintings that tell the story of the Earth: some have been declared ancient for twenty thousand years!

The point is that scholars cannot access these areas precisely because of the sacredness of Uluru. Regarding traditions, the Aborigines are very jealous, not hesitating to punish with death or with magical spells the Western stranger who has dared to violate sacred ground. The "bone curse" in this sense is the most famous among the magics evoked by Aboriginal shamans: it is a very powerful curse, according to esoterics the most powerful that a human being can cast.

Obviously, the result of such a spell is always the death of the person hit by the curse. This also explains why British colonial authorities first and Australian governments later have never completely managed to break the will of the native people, despite operations of ethnic cleansing, deporting children from their families and their forced assignment to whites, have managed to break the chain of magical traditions and therefore the mysterious deaths caused by the "bone curse" and similar spells.

Mount Conner (or Attila) is also part of the immeasurable block of rock dating back to the creation
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Mount Conner (or Attila) is also part of the immeasurable block of rock dating back to the creation of the Earth, 4 billion years ago. Mount Conner seen from the sky has the same shape as Mount Olympus on Mars.

Uluru is, in essence, an incredibly powerful place, laden with energies linked to the quartz it is composed of, perhaps one of the entrances to Agartha and also a graveyard of pre-human entities that fought for control of the planet. In this regard, the Aboriginal people have an absolutely fabulous mythology; their stories are worthy of a science fiction novel, and it would take an encyclopedia to contain them all. In practice, Uluru represents the crossroads of the Dreamtime, known in English as Dreamtime and in Aboriginal languages as Tjukurpa (or Alterjiinga, according to another of the 200 native Australian languages).

The Dreamtime was the primordial time when humans did not exist, but a collection of very high spiritual entities, totemic, who inhabited the dimensional space now occupied by our planet.

Caves, tunnels, lakes that open into the sedimentary bedrock, steep and deadly walls for inexperienc
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Caves, tunnels, lakes that open into the sedimentary bedrock, steep and deadly walls for inexperienced climbers: Kata Tjuta and Uluru are incredible, enchanted places, full of surprises but also terribly dangerous, as all Australians well remember when thinking to the case of little Azaria Chamberlain, who disappeared in 1980 on the slopes of Uluru and was never found again. Her mother was accused of the crime, but then after numerous trials the blame was placed on a dingo.

Billions of years ago, this dimension formed and spiritual entities occupied this space by materializing themselves: the sacred place of Uluru was the scene of countless battles. One particularly imaginative tale, loved by mystery enthusiasts, recounts how the Yankuntjatjara, diamond-serpent men who inhabited the southern area of Uluru, were attacked by evil serpent-men from space. After suffering heavy losses, the Yankuntjatjara were saved by the intervention of Bulari, the Aboriginal mother goddess, who protected the good serpent-men with a toxic cloud of "sickness and death."

This is a clear reference to Sekhmet from Egyptian mythology, herself an aspect of the mother goddess Isis, whom we are familiar with! Astonishingly, to the delight of David Icke fans, the bodies of the reptilian invaders are said to still be preserved within the depths of Ayers Rock...

Another battle involved the Pitjiantjatjara, kangaroo-men who give their name to the local language and who lived on the northern side of Uluru. They were once attacked by the evil giant dingo Kalmpunya, a monstrous being created by a rival tribe. The kangaroo-men narrowly escaped his wrath by leaping higher and higher up the slopes of the monolith. After numerous attempts (and losses), they finally destroyed the Giant Dingo by taking away the totem that animated him from his mouth: today, it is visible, petrified, on the northern side of Ayers Rock.

Deities carved into the Uluru caves.
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Deities carved into the Uluru caves.

Another myth involves the conflict between the Bellbird brothers and the lizard-men, or the futile search by the good lizard-goddess Kandju for her lost boomerang. Kandju died at Uluru without the chance to return aboard her boomerang, but not before imparting her cosmological knowledge to the local inhabitants... Even Kandju is said to be buried within the depths of the mountain!

Clearly, these myths often speak of entities that can be defined as extraterrestrial, serpent-like peoples, and others with wings, often at war among themselves, but generally ethical and benevolent towards human populations. The Aboriginal people recount these stories through chants and laments, ancient for thousands of years. The approximately 1,250 generations that have lived in Australia seem to have preserved these teachings intact and, in some way, can open our eyes to the brevity of human history. What Uluru truly is remains difficult to say: just observe the 36 peaks of the Olgas Mountains or the flat summit of Mount Conner to understand that it is a place that has little of the earthly, although historically it represents the very shape of the primordial Earth.

The Australian desert, the bushy Outback where temperatures can reach 50 degrees Celsius in January, somehow preserves and guards the secret of ancient stories, perhaps millions of years old: pre-human peoples, metaphysical entities that lived on Earth long before the human species.

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