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Maison Ikkoku: Their last night

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Fan Fiction
 · 24 Jun 2024
Maison Ikkoku: Their last night
Pin it (OneShot)

Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong

Maison Ikkoku: Their last night

Chapter 1

The moon was high in the sky that late Saturday night, casting its light down onto the ground below. The leaves of the trees were gently fluttering back and forth as it was blown against by the calm winds. The streets were empty, everybody having gone home to sleep. At least, most of the people were sleeping.

Kyoko looked out of one of the windows of the hallway, her gaze on the front gate. She looked upset yet slightly worried. Maybe it was because Yusaku hadn't come home yet.

She turned her gaze from the front gate, and onto her watch.

"It's almost three in the morning" she said to herself, noticing that her voice was a bit shaky and tense.

She had been waiting there for several hours already, waiting patiently for Yusaku to come home. It wasn't like him to come home this late. If he ever did, he at least called. But Kyoko never received a phonecall that night, a phonecall she'd been expecting for almost two hours already.

"I wonder why he didn't call yet?" she said, turning her gaze frm her watch, and onto the dog house. There, she saw Mr. Soichiro sleeping soundly, not a worry in the world. Kyoko secretly wished that she had it as easy as her dog, never needing to worry about anything but food and sleep. She secretly wished she didn't worry about Yusaku, but she couldn't. Yusaku was over twenty years old, a grown man. He could easily take care of himself. Then why did Kyoko worry so much then?

The phone rang loudly, causing Kyoko to start.

She turned towards the phone, her anger now starting to build.

But before the phone rang again, she picked it up. But Before she had a chance to tell Yusaku about what she though of him calling at such a late hour, the person on the other line spoke.

"Moshi moshi" came a male voice "Is this Ikkokan?"

"Yes, this is" she said, realizing that it wasn't Yusaku on the other side.

"Is there a Soichiro Kyoko there?" the voice asked.

"Yes" she said "I'm Kyoko. Who is this?"

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself sooner. My name's Dr. Tanada" he said "I'm from the Mizukan Hospital and I have urgent news for you concerning a Godai Yusaku"

Kyoko's heart skipped a beat.

"Is there something wrong?" she said, a deep concern in her voice.

"Yes" Dr. Tanada said "Can you please come to the hospital immediately?"

"What happened to Godai-kun?" she asked, pleadingly "Is he all right?"

"I'm very sorry to have to tell this to you, but he was hit by drunk driver and was hurt pretty bad. But he's in stable condition though" he said.

"I'll be there right away" she said, fright now in her voice. Her heart was beating rapidly within her chest. She was terrified with the though that Yusaku might die.

She hung up the phone and then picked it back up, immediatly dialing in Mitaka's number.

After a few rings, someone picked up on the other side.

"Moshi moshi" came a sleepy voice. It was obvious that Mitaka was sleeping when Kyoko called.

"Mitaka-san, can you please come over here right away" she said pleadingly "It's an emergency"

"What's wrong?" Shun asked, immediately awake afetr hearing Kyoko's desperate voice.

"Godai-kun's been hit by a drunk driver" she said "He's in the hospital, and I need you to take me there"

"I'll be there right away" he said.

After about fifteen minutes, Shun arrived at Ikkokan. Kyoko ran up to the car immediate got in, and the the sports car took off for Mizukan Hospital.

Chapter 2

Kyoko stood outside Yusaku's room, a sense of fear enveloping her. Could she handle seeing Yusaku in such a serious state? Could she stand to lose him? What would happen if he died?

Kyoko hesitated for a second as all those thoughts plagued her delicate mind.

"Are you all right?" Shun asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. Shun was deeply worried about Yusaku. He no longer cared about their rivalry for Kyoko's heart. Even though Shun alway found him a nuisance, all he wanted now is for Yusaku to be okay. That was all he was asking for.

"I don't know if I can go in there" Kyoko said, tears in her eyes. Her voice shaky as she fought back the urge to sob. The tears ran down her cheeks and fell down to the floor.

"Do you want me to go in there for you?" Shun asked, wishing he could comfort Kyoko as much as he needed the comfort himself. Even if he did hide his feeling better than Kyoko, Shun was deeply concerned over Yusaku's state.

"No, I'll go in first" she said, wiping the tears from her eyes with a cloth she had in her purse. The cloth itself was very wet from the tears she wept on the way to the hospital.

Kyoko took a deep breath. She placed her hand on the doorknob, turned it and entered, Shun in tow.

In the far corner of the room, there was a dim light that shone over a motionless figure.

Yusaku was lying in a bed, and was sleeping. Next to the bed, there was metal stand that held a intravenous bag, which slowly dripped its medicine into the tude that lead to his fully bandaged arm. On the other side of the bed, there was another metal stand. This one was holding a blood of whole blood, which was dripping down at a constant rate, into a tube that was attached to his other arm by a needle. There were massive amounts of bandages that wrapped around his head, one of his eyes covered over by them. There was a tube under his nose that had two additional tubes that went into his nose. Both of his legs were in casts that extended up all the way to the top of his thighs. Nearby, there was a respirator, it gently whirring breaking the silence of the room. There was an elctrocardiograph nearby, monitoring and recording his weak heartbeat.

Kyoko turned her gaze from Yusaku and buried her head in Shun's chest, sobbing loudly. She couldn't stand to see Yusaku like this. Shun gently held Kyoko in his arms, feeling the tears starting to welt up in his eyes. He wouldn't wished this kind of punishment on anyone, not even Yusaku.

Kyoko gently pushed Shun away and proceeded towards Yusaku's bedside, sitting down in a chair that was next to it. She placed her both of her hands on Yusaku's one hand, noticing how warm it felt to her touch. She then gently turned his hand so the palm would face upward. She then leaned forward and placed the side of his face against the palm, breaking down once again.

Shun watched as Kyoko did this. As he stood there watching, he realized that Kyoko loved Yusaku much more over him. He saw it in her eyes, as she wpet for him. She wasn't weeping out of pity or sympathy, but out of love. Kyoko never realized this untill now, that she had always loved Yusaku with all her heart. She never realized that her true feeling for him was genuine.

"Do you love him?" Shun asked, knowing exactly what she was going to say.

"Yes.....I do" she said, fighting back her tears for her true love.

"You always loved him, didn't you?" he asked softly, feeling defeated.

"Yes, but I never realized it until now" Kyoko responded, turning her gaze from Yusaku, and onto Shun.

At that moment, Yusaku was slowly starting to wake, having heard voices in the room. He opened up his one good eye and looked up at Kyoko.

"K-Kyoko?" he said weakly, his eye unadjusted to the light over his bed.

"Yes, I'm right here" Kyoko said, taking a firm grasp of his hand.

"I'm...glad you...could come" he said softly.

"Please, Godai-kun. Please don't talk. You have to rest" she said.

"I-I'm fine" he responded, wincing from the sudden jolt of pain the enveloped his body when he tried to sit upright.

"C'mon. You have to rest" Kyoko urged, placing her hand on Yusaku's chest.

Yusaku finally succombed to Kyoko and relaxed.

"I want to tell you something" Kyoko said.

She turned towards Shun. Shun, knowing exactly what Kyoko wanted to tell Yusaku, nodded in aknowledgement and left the room.

Kyoko then turned her gaze back onto Yusaku.

"Godai-kun. When I saw you lying on the bed, I was so scared that you might die......When I thought of living on without you, I realized that I love you" she said with the utmost sincerity.

Yusaku said nothing for a moment, letting exactly what she said sink in.

"Y-you love me?" he asked, shock in his voice.

"Yes, I do" she replied, resting her head on his chest, hearing his heartbeat weakly.

"Don't worry about me dying, I'm fine" he said, a smile forming on his face, only to disappear after another jolt of pain enveloped him when he tried to lift a hand to Kyoko's face.

"Are you all right?" she asked, pulling away from him, thinking it was her fault he was wincing in pain.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he replied "Look. You don't need to worry about me. You can go on home"

"But I want to stay here with you" she said.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine" Yusaku said, smiling weakly, a smile that seemed brighter than the light above the bed.

"Are you sure?" Kyoko asked.

"Yeah" he said.

"Fine, I'll be back, first thing tomorrow morning" she said, kissing Yusaku on the lips, much to his delight and surprise.

Kyoko gave Yusaku one more passionate kiss and then left the room.

Yusaku smiled weakly and then went to sleep so tomorrow will come earlier for him.

"Did you tell him?" Shun asked, walking down the hallway with Kyoko next to him.

"Yes, I did" she said, feeling warm from the kiss she gave Yusaku, already looking forward to seeing Yusaku tomorrow morning.

The two left the hospital and got into Shun's car and went home.

That night, Yusaku died.

<End for now>

Well....I hoped you like the fanfic. I'd like to thank the divine Rumiko Takahashi for making such a great romantic comedy. Without her, I would've never been able to write this. Please send comments if you have any. For those of you who read my other works, doesn't this seem a little bit close to one of my Ranma fanfic. If you liked this, I'll write more. Hey, it only took me one sitting to write this. If you're wondering why I killed off Yusaku, I like to make an impact. It's not because I have a morbid sense of reality, it's just that I myself like sad endings. If this fanfic made an impact on you in any way, then my job is done. I hope you liked it....the fanfic I mean.

Jeffrey "OneShot" Wong


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