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Mohenjo-Daro: the Hiroshima of Antiquity

An advanced civilization was destroyed in 2000 BCE by a sudden war... But why do the ruins show traces similar to those of a nuclear explosion?

Views of what remains of Mohenjo-Daro: a very modern city even today with sewerage and infrastructur
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Views of what remains of Mohenjo-Daro: a very modern city even today with sewerage and infrastructure comparable to a 19th century Western city.

Imagine a civilization that developed in Western India, in what is now Pakistan, around 2500 BCE and traded with the Sumerians and Chinese. Imagine a highly developed kingdom, both territorially and culturally, with thousands of villages connected by paved roads, cities built on a grid plan with streets intersecting at right angles. Imagine five million people living in two or three-story houses with an efficient distribution of drinking water, water pipes made of clay, and a sewage system in every apartment, complete with masonry toilets and flush systems. Imagine that this civilization, consisting of several thousand citadels and two small metropolises of 40,000 inhabitants (the largest in the world at the time), was destroyed by a colossal fire, so hot that it vitrified the ground, bricks, and ceramics. Finally, imagine that the skeletons of the inhabitants of these unfortunate cities were found, like those in Pompeii, surprised by the catastrophe and showing radioactivity levels fifty times higher than normal even after nearly five thousand years.

What do you think of all this?

Mohenjo-Daro, Harappa, and the other cities of the Indus Valley are an authentic mystery that challenges historians even before archaeologists. Who were these people? Where did they come from? Where did they go? Who destroyed them? And above all, why does their ideogram-based writing (which remains undeciphered) strikingly resemble that of Easter Island?

It all began in 1856, when two English brothers, John and William Brunton, who were involved in the construction of the East Indian Railway, found the remains of a city reduced to ruins: Harappa. Despite the ruins being buried, they extracted enough fired bricks to pave 150 km of track alongside their railway.

Harappa displays the same architecture as its twin city. Note a sewer line showing the usual trapezo
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Harappa displays the same architecture as its twin city. Note a sewer line showing the usual "trapezoid door".

However, rampant racism ("it is impossible that the Indians are that ancient!") relegated the discovery to obscurity, and it wasn't until 1920 that a thorough study of the remains was undertaken. The discovery of the city of Mohenjo-Daro in 1872 by archaeologist Robert Cunningham, which was also initially downplayed, 560 km further south, made archaeologists realize the existence of the most ancient Indian civilization.

Unfortunately, the characteristics of this culture are inexplicable in light of traditional knowledge… This civilization invented both the squat toilet and the Western-style toilet, as well as showers, faucets and pipes, flush systems, and water heaters. The cities were very similar to ours, and the population of the two main cities, 40,000, is significant even by today's standards, equivalent to a typical provincial town. All "clean and healthy" people… who met a tragic end.

The seal depicting a one-horned bovine, for some the mythical unicorn: the people of the Indus Valle
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The seal depicting a one-horned bovine, for some the mythical unicorn: the people of the Indus Valley knew animals that are now extinct.

An end that suggests something more than an ordinary fire, possibly caused by those Aryan peoples who invaded India from the north around 1800 BCE: who in antiquity could produce a fire between 900 and 1500 degrees Celsius?

Yet the signs of destruction, including vitrified floors and calcined bricks, along with radioactive skeletons found surprised by the catastrophe (two were found holding hands), are very similar to the sadly familiar effects of the only atomic bombs dropped on inhabited targets: Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In both Japanese cities, the signs of devastation seen in Mohenjo-Daro were found, with houses destroyed down to the foundations as if crushed by an immense shockwave followed by a literal rain of fire.

The precise foundations of Harappa are still modern today and as can be seen from this seal, the dis
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The precise foundations of Harappa are still modern today and as can be seen from this seal, the discipline of Yoga and the lotus position were born in Mohenjo-Daro!

Given the radioactivity, it is likely that the "hill of the dead" (which is what Mohenjo-Daro means) was destroyed by a similar atomic device. However, this leads to a major, almost insurmountable question: who, in 2000 BCE, possessed a nuclear weapon?

The destruction affected not only this city but also Harappa, Kot Diji, Kalibangan, Lothal, and nearly all the 140 major inhabited centers of that Indian kingdom, which were destroyed in a very short time. All were devastated by an extremely intense heat weapon, all caught off guard in a sense. In our opinion, the few statuettes found suggest a population of men with long beards, with an artistic style that appears to our eyes very similar to that of proto-Celtic art.

Could it be that the people of the Gauls originated from here?

The famous Priest of Mohenjo-Daro became the face of the people who populated the Indus Valley. And
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The famous "Priest of Mohenjo-Daro" became the face of the people who populated the Indus Valley. And he bears a striking resemblance to depictions of ancient Celtic druids.

Let's use Occam's Razor: what is more likely to have happened in the Indus Valley two millennia before Christ? Archaeologists, in their usual banality without any imagination, suggest that people abandoned that territory due to soil depletion or an exceptional drought that dried up even the Indus River. Some other, more open-minded scholars, propose the hypothesis of a meteorite impact or its explosion in the air, similar to Tunguska... This would make sense if not for the fact that people fled the cities in a hurry, and those relatively few corpses were caught by the explosion.

The nuclear hypothesis has been harshly criticized, especially by the academic world. Indian nuclear physicist Surendra Gadekar claims that the radioactivity comes from the first Pakistani atomic test, conducted on May 18, 1978, in Pokhran, in the Rajasthan region, a few hundred kilometers from Mohenjo-Daro. The underground explosion created a crater about 60 meters in diameter and 10 meters deep: the device's power was 5 kilotons, or a quarter of the one dropped on Hiroshima.

With all due respect, besides Mohenjo-Daro, other industrial and civil sites should also have been contaminated by the test, but instead, radioactivity is found only in the archaeological ones. Why? The answer might come from a skilled English linguist born in India. David Davenport, who died at forty, was one of the few true world experts on Sanskrit. Among the fundamental texts of this language, there are two epic and monumental works he studied for a long time: the Mahabharata and the Ramayana... Anyone who dares to read the hundred thousand verses that compose them (just to give an idea, seven times the Iliad) is amazed by the astonishing descriptions of the means the Indian gods used in ancient times.

The radioactive skeletons of Mohenjo-Daro were found piled up, as if killed suddenly. This was diffe
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The "radioactive skeletons" of Mohenjo-Daro were found piled up, as if killed suddenly. This was different with traditional burials, such as the Harappan skeleton.

Ancient aircraft called Vimana capable of flying faster than sound, powered by mercury engines; single-seat fighter planes but also flying sky chariots two stories high with many windows, palaces "that raced through the skies like comets"; then the Mohanastra, intelligent arrows capable of incapacitating entire armies... And then the Agneya weapon, described in the Drona Parva: "A single projectile charged with all the power of the universe, an incandescent column of smoke and flame, as bright as ten thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. An unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death that reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas"...

These Indian texts are thousands of years old and were studied by English linguists starting in the 1800s. The complete translation of the Mahabharata into English was carried out in the late 19th century by a very erudite Hindu Brahmin who also studied in Europe, P. Chandra Roy: it is impossible for the translation to be contaminated with modern elements, as not only atomic weapons but also airplanes did not exist at that time.

Aware of these facts and their likely veracity, Davenport developed his famous ufological theory in 1979 in the book titled "2000 B.C. Atomic Destruction," written in collaboration with Italian journalist Ettore Vincenti. In it, Davenport demonstrated that Mohenjo-Daro was the site of an aerial battle between opposing extraterrestrial forces. In the book, Davenport points out all the archaeological inconsistencies: it concludes that, as described in the sacred Hindu texts, a real battle took place between alien ships, ending with the drop of a small atomic bomb, tactical in type and limited in power, but still capable of creating immense devastation. This theory is confirmed by the great scholar of Sumerian texts, Zecharia Sitchin: a linguist among the few capable of deciphering the cuneiform characters of Sumerian tablets, he reports in his book "The Wars of Gods and Men" that in 2024 BCE, the Great Anunnaki (the aliens who created the Sumerian texts) approved the use of nuclear weapons in the war that involved them.

David Davenport, a great writer and scholar who died prematurely, maintained that the Vedic sacred t
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David Davenport, a great writer and scholar who died prematurely, maintained that the Vedic sacred texts widely narrate the destruction of the Indus peoples by the Hindu deities.

The text speaks of Aratta (a name quite similar to Harappa) as the capital of a land located beyond the southeastern region of Iran: and Aratta, like Sodom and Gomorrah, was bombed by the Anunnaki according to the Sumerians!

This is not the place to delve into the topic of Nibiru and the gods who created humanity, nor the wars they waged as described in the Enuma Elish, the Mesopotamian bible, of which the Hebrew Genesis is indeed an extrapolation of Book IV.

In the Maharabata and the Ramayana, flying celestial chariots called Vimanas are described, which bo
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In the Maharabata and the Ramayana, flying celestial chariots called Vimanas are described, which bombed the cities, terrorizing the population with very powerful weapons. Is this really a mythological tale of atomic wars fought in antiquity?

It speaks of immortal beings who literally created human beings from a fragment of Homo Erectus DNA enhanced with their genome… Certainly, these are theories yet to be proven but they are also very interesting. However, it is significant that the Sumerians, who undoubtedly traded with the people of the Indus Valley, had a mythical memory of the destruction of their business partners.

The Vedic texts sacred to the Hindus and the epics like the Mahabharata and the Ramayana do not explicitly speak of extraterrestrials but place the war on a human level: perhaps the last flashes of that immense conflict which some say involved the entire planet during the times of Atlantis and Mu. Two continents that, like the United States and the Soviet Union, divided the world into blocs and fought each other with nuclear weapons, to the point of causing the melting of the ice from the last ice age and the shifting of the poles…


The Hindu legends relating to the Vimanas speak of two-storey high chariots of the sky with many win
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The Hindu legends relating to the Vimanas speak of "two-storey high chariots of the sky with many windows" and we cannot help but think of the jewel of the Airbus company, the A380: a double-storey passenger plane capable of carrying 800 people between bathrooms of marble, hotels, casinos and restaurants... The heir of the ancient Vimanas of the Hindu king Rama?

Traces of vitrified soil are found in Peru, Ireland, Malta, Iraq, even in the Gobi Desert and among the pueblos of the Anasazi in America… And what about the nuclear weapon that wiped out the soldiers of the neo-emperor Commodus in retreat from the Danube frontiers? And that other device that near Vienna destroyed another Roman legion a few years before Christ? In these areas, even today, the radioactivity is ten times the normal level… In short, how many nuclear weapons were there in antiquity?

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