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The Hollow Earth and the subterranean kingdom of Agharti

Is there an underground kingdom that, defying theories that speak of a glowing underground, develops right up to the center of the planet? Why do many ancient legends seem to confirm this?

The interior of the Earth according to modern theories, which date back to 1907.
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The interior of the Earth according to modern theories, which date back to 1907.

Centuries have passed since the discovery that our Earth is spherical.

The existence of a hollow Earth has thousands of years of traditions and also a lot of supporting ev
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The existence of a hollow Earth has thousands of years of traditions and also a lot of supporting evidence, including the density of rocks.

Since then, we have been taught that, according to the most widely accepted hypothesis put forward by Swiss geologist Eduard Suess, our planet is primarily composed of silicon and aluminum on the outside (the crust), silicon and magnesium inside the mantle, and nickel and iron in the central core.

Yet, until today, these remain hypotheses, considering that we have not drilled more than 12 km into the crust, and that, according to another geologist, Victor Moritz Goldschmidt, the composition was the opposite.

Nowadays, various hypotheses continue to be made about the Earth's density, but if this theory, which was first proposed in 1907, were correct, from the perspective of physics, chemistry, and astrophysics, the Earth would have to be so dense and heavy, even more so than the Sun, that it would attract all other bodies in the solar system.

Recently, it has been hypothesized that the Earth is hollow, that is, empty inside, with a non-solid, non-ferrous core but rather a sort of small central star composed of plasma and gas. This star would have created a kind of bubble around itself that would separate it from the mantle and the crust, creating a vast cavity inside the planet.

Ferdinand Ossendowski saw an entrance to the underworld.
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Ferdinand Ossendowski saw an entrance to the underworld.

This revolutionary theory also finds support in the legends of many ancient peoples of the planet, including Tibetans, Indians, Egyptians, Greeks, and peoples of Asia Minor, the Americas, and China. It is present in all the writings of their traditions and speaks of a mysterious underground world populated by advanced civilizations.

These peoples are similar to us humans, although they vibrate on different dimensional planes. They are free people and do not know good and evil; many of them live and act on the surface among humans for their benefit.

Legends or a kernel of truth?

Research by some scholars seems to confirm it. Among them, the Polish explorer Ferdinand Ossendowski, in 1923, during a journey in Asia, claimed to have received fundamental information from some Lamas and a Mongolian prince named Ciultun Bejli. This information described an underground kingdom, a world of extremely long tunnels located mainly beneath all of Asia, in the regions of Tibet, Mongolia, and under the Gobi Desert, extending throughout the entire world, with various hidden entrances in different places on the planet; this would be the famous underground kingdom of Agharti.

Many stories narrate this mysterious people of Initiates governed by the King of the World, the mythical sovereign of Agharti.

The Potala, the Dalai Lama's palace in Lhasa, Tibet: this sacred fortress also hides a gateway to th
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The Potala, the Dalai Lama's palace in Lhasa, Tibet: this sacred fortress also hides a gateway to the Hollow Earth.
Internal of the Cheops pyramid showing the Zed in the center and the various corridors and chambers
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Internal of the Cheops pyramid showing the Zed in the center and the various corridors and chambers present in the monument. The Zed would be a gigantic granite column capable of generating energy, channeling cosmic currents (known as Vril) to the center of the Earth.
The Zed is also a symbol that is inserted as a sacred element within the hieroglyphics: here it is s
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The Zed is also a symbol that is inserted as a sacred element within the hieroglyphics: here it is seen with the Ankh and it means vital energy.

Plato also talks about all this, describing galleries running inside the Earth, the famous Elysian Fields.

Ossendowski recounted hearing a Lama say that all the underground caves in America are inhabited by ancient civilizations that disappeared underground. The two great oceans of the world were once continents, and when these disappeared, their inhabitants moved to the underground world.

This suggests that he was referring to the legendary continents of Atlantis and Mu, whose peoples are not entirely extinct but still exist today, hidden in these underground galleries illuminated by a particular greenish light.

The capital of this kingdom is called Shamballa, famous because it has been sought after by many explorers, including Hitler, who pursued the search for this city in order to communicate with the King of the World.

The mythical capital of Agharti, Shamballa, is said to be made of pure diamond.
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The mythical capital of Agharti, Shamballa, is said to be made of pure diamond.

But finding the entrances to this world seems to be impossible because only the initiated and enlightened can see them. It is said that the main access points are located at the poles, while other entrances are situated in the Gobi Desert, in Mongolia, among the mountains of Tibet, in the caves of Kentucky, in Mato Grosso in Brazil, beneath the Great Pyramid of Cheops, or perhaps the Sphinx.

Others are in Central and South America, and even in Italy, on Mount Epomeo in Ischia.

It is likely that other entrances are near many of the world's megalithic sites, such as Stonehenge, Angkor Wat, or Easter Island.

This would explain the existence of the great temples and the absence of the cities that should surround them. Indeed, it is puzzling why in all these great archaeological sites, only the temples remain, while the ancient dwellings have left not even the foundations; where did all the people live? Certainly not in the temples. And if we think about the pyramids of Giza, were they really funerary monuments? And especially the Mayan civilization, where did it suddenly disappear to without a trace? And where are the skeletons or their tombs?

A small underground world: the Yucatan coast in Mexico is dotted with thousands of these caves calle
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A small underground world: the Yucatan coast in Mexico is dotted with thousands of these caves called Cenotes which descend into the ground for tens of km, losing themselves in the Earth's mantle. For the Mesoamerican people it was an entrance to the kingdom of the gods.

All this suggests that these great monuments were nothing but enormous energy centers designed to provide power for the underground world, technological monuments capable of channeling the cosmic current of magnetic nature known as Vril and irradiated through the Zed, which is placed inside the Great Pyramid of Cheops.

The Zed is a huge tower depicted in many Egyptian paintings: also known as "the spine of Osiris," it probably served to distribute energy much like our high-voltage power lines. Even among the Eskimos, there are stories that tell of a great opening to the north and their ancestors who made a journey to a paradisiacal land. This land was perpetually illuminated with no nights, always had a mild climate, and had great rivers and lakes that never froze.

Mount Epomeo in Ischia is an ancient seabed raised by volcanic activity: here would open an entrance
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Mount Epomeo in Ischia is an ancient seabed raised by volcanic activity: here would open an entrance to the underground Earth.

Some Amazonian Indians tell that at the beginning of the 20th century, they entered these caves and walked for at least fifteen days before reaching the interior. Along the way, there was a strong wind blowing outward for five days and inward for five days, as if it were some kind of Earth's breath.

There were men up to 3-5 meters tall.

The deeper they descended, the more they continued to lose weight, as if the force of gravity was missing. They recounted that they floated lightly like astronauts to the point that they had to cling to the walls. Upon reaching the center where gravity returned, it was always day, the sun shone reddish, and there was never night. When they told everything to the English conquerors, the men of the underground kingdom, angry with them, caused the entrance to the galleries to collapse, hiding them forever.

It seems that these galleries are connected to the underground magnetic currents that men have claimed to flow beneath the planet's surface for millennia and used for esoteric purposes.

Mammoth Cave in Kentucky is another place mythologically connected by Native Americans to the realm
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Mammoth Cave in Kentucky is another place mythologically connected by Native Americans to the realm at the center of the planet.

Mythology helps to clarify the mystery. All ancient cultures speak of a legendary Golden Age in which all men lived in peace and possessed great knowledge.

These peoples then decided to move to the underground world with the advent of the Kali-Yuga, an era of evil, confusion, and materialism, the same era in which we still live today.

In this kingdom, there is no evil; its people have reached a high degree of knowledge, technology, scientific progress, and spirituality. Probably this kingdom is not only composed of galleries but also of immense cavities within the mantle where there are cities, fields, and great rivers where, besides humans, many extinct animals, including prehistoric creatures, coexist.

Other explorers recount the existence of enormous concavities from where perhaps UFOs originate, flying saucers with engines powered by Vril energy, whose extraterrestrial occupants lived even before humans arrived.

The other peoples who inhabit it are of terrestrial origin.

A portrait of Jules Verne. Verne was a Freemason expert in esotericism and in his books he included
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A portrait of Jules Verne. Verne was a Freemason expert in esotericism and in his books he included elements that tradition associates with Agharti and the Hollow Earth.

According to Tibetan monks, the King of the World, besides being the sovereign of the kingdom of Agharti, is also the oldest and most evolved being on Earth. He alone has the ability to speak face-to-face with the gods.

They say that from time to time he makes his appearance on the surface world. His last appearances date back to 1890 at the Narabanchi monastery, in 1923 in Siam, and in 1937 in Delhi, and according to the monks, he will reappear when the time comes to lead good humanity against evil beings.

The Earth will undergo purification and evolve to reach higher dimensions. The Kali-Yuga will end: the beings of Agharti will reveal themselves on the surface to celebrate the new era in which all men will finally know the truth and be free.

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