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Shadow of the Colossus

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computer games walkthroughs
 · 18 Jun 2024
Shadow of the Colossus
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The first thing to do when searching for a Colossus is to draw your sword. Unsheathe it and point it in the direction you need to go. In this case, you need to head south, so jump on your horse and set off. When you reach a steep hill, dismount and start climbing the rocks, using the growing plants to help you ascend.

Shadow of the Colossus
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Once at the top, follow the path, jump over the small gap, then climb higher and keep going. Pass under the fallen tree and then climb higher again, continuing until you face a large dark block. Jump and grab it, then go to the other side of the well to reach the Colossus. Try to approach the beast with your sword drawn. The reflected light will focus on the enemy's weak point, which in this case is under the fur behind its right leg. Run behind the creature, then jump on it and cling to the furry surface. After grabbing hold firmly, pull back the sword with the Square button, wait for it to charge, then stab it into the flesh using the same button. After doing this a few times, a cutscene will show the beast falling. At this point, climb first onto its higher thigh and then, from the back, onto its head. If you are running out of energy, you can rest for a moment on its back. If the giant starts shaking, quickly press the R1 button to avoid falling to the ground. Then reach the top of its head, where the beast's weak point is located. The Colossus will start shaking its head as soon as you get to its forehead. Hold on tightly and attack when it calms down. If you are running out of energy, crawl onto its shoulders and rest for a moment, then resume attacking with all your strength.


This time, the sword will tell you to head north. Mount your horse and go to the back of the temple where you are located.

Shadow of the Colossus
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Look around and find the bridge that crosses the well behind the building. Go to the other side, and after the cutscene, proceed on the lower path, at the end of which you will find the Colossus. This spirit resembles a mammoth. Initially, its weak point is under its feet, and you will be able to see it when you get in front of it. The beast will charge and try to hit you. It's a good idea to draw your bow and start shooting arrows at it, aiming for its weak point to make it fall to the ground.

A quicker way to climb the Colossus is to run behind it and shoot arrows at its hind legs while it walks. This way, you'll be able to climb onto its back and reach the other weak point more quickly. After hitting the soft part of its foot, you can jump onto its damaged leg and climb using the fur. Reach the tail, then jump onto the bones protruding from its head. Be ready to press the R1 button to grab the head if the Colossus starts shaking. It's the only way to avoid falling and having to start over.

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The other weak point of the beast is on its head. Charge the weapon to the maximum, then thrust the blade into its flesh. After reducing its energy by half, you will need to find another area to attack. Go back to the tail area and look around to find a small glowing area near the bones. Attack as much as you can, avoiding falling, to kill it.


Proceed once again to the north, outside the temple. Cross the bridge and go left, then head towards the mountains you see in the distance. There's a small path between the mountains that allows access to the inner area.

Shadow of the Colossus
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Upon reaching the lake, dismount from your horse and start swimming, heading towards the ramp that emerges from the water. Climb the ramp and, once you reach the edge, jump to the other side to avoid falling and having to start over. Reach the other side of the block and then jump onto the next walkway, proceeding to the area above where you will find your target.

This giant wields a large stone sword, which it will use to try to hit you. If you get too close, it will try to cut off your head, so if you see a gust of wind coming, run away to avoid being killed. Initially, you won't be able to climb the giant. There's a circular stone tablet in the middle of the platform you're on, which you need to get the giant to hit with its sword. Doing so will cause part of its armor to fall off, allowing you to grab on and start climbing. To do this, try to lure the giant to one side, then run to the circle and stop there, waiting for its strike. Run away before it can hit you and cause harm.

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The giant has two attacks: one aimed downward and one upward. Wait until its armor has fallen and it has executed the latter attack, then run up the small ramp it created, pressing R1 to grab on if it starts shaking. Once at the end of the sword, jump onto the exposed fur and climb the creature's back, resting to recover energy on the square area of its shoulder. The weak point is on the top of the spirit's head. When you're on top, the boss will start shaking its head, so try not to fall off. Rest if you need to, but keep attacking until the symbol denoting its weak point disappears.

When attacking the head is no longer effective, climb down, possibly from the shoulders while holding the R1 button, and grab onto the circular platforms around the torso area. Jump onto the second platform near the giant's stomach and hit it repeatedly to kill it.


This Colossus is located southeast of your starting position. Exit the temple and follow the reflection of your sword, heading towards the mountains. The pass through the mountains is quite dark, but it's impossible to get lost.

Shadow of the Colossus
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Once you reach the valley, follow the path to the end, then proceed through the grass to find the Colossus, which this time resembles a horse, with its weak point located on its forehead. The only attack it has is a rather violent stomp that can be easily avoided.

At the beginning, run away from the enemy and look for small openings in the ground. Wait for it to attempt to stomp you, then hide in one of these openings and shoot arrows at it to attract its attention. The Colossus will climb above the cave where you are hiding and start stomping. You'll know it's in position when you see its moving bones in front of you. The fastest, but also the most difficult, way to climb up is to grab onto these small rungs, which will allow you to reach its head. There's also another way. When the Colossus is in position, run back into the cave where you were hiding and exit through another opening, then run towards the creature and jump onto its tail, then climb up the furrier part of its back.

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The area where you need to strike the beast is on the back of its neck. When you've dealt enough damage, the Colossus will lower its head, allowing you to climb up to where its weak point is. Look for the symbol on its head and keep attacking continuously until you've completely killed it.


This Colossus is also located to the east. Head east towards the tree at the edge of the mountains, near the precipice. After a while, you'll reach a narrow path. Follow it all the way to the end, passing by a temple and eventually arriving at the shore of a lake.

Shadow of the Colossus
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Dismount your horse and dive into the water. Swim towards the wall and dive underwater (press R1 to dive) through a small hole in the corner. Continue until you find a large pillar, which you need to climb to reach the platform above. A cutscene will indicate that you've arrived at your destination.

This giant, while not very difficult to defeat, still requires you to reach its head and strike it with your sword. Dive into the water and swim towards the Colossus, slightly veering to the right where there are three small pedestals protruding from the water. Climb onto the middle one, then draw your bow and shoot an arrow at the bird to wake it up. The creature will fly towards you, so just before it hits you, jump and grab onto its shoulder. Start attacking the first weak point at the end of its tail, being careful not to fall off (press R1 to hold on).

Once you've dealt enough damage, the first weak point will disappear. You'll need to move to the central part of its body and then climb onto one of its wings. Wait for the right moment to jump to the non-grabbable part of the wing, then move towards the tip of the appendage and strike as much as you can. At this point, the Colossus will start moving more quickly, forcing you to hold on tightly to avoid falling from a significant height. Pulverize the first wing, then do the same with the second to win the battle.


This Colossus is located to the southwest, quite far away. Mount your horse and head towards the two distant towers. When you reach the forest, cross it by taking the southwest path. Once you exit, follow the path leading to the plateau.

Shadow of the Colossus
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Unsheathe your sword to determine the direction you need to go. Cross the field in front of you, and when you see a structure built into the side of a mountain, dismount and enter. Navigate through the obstacles in the corridor, including a partially destroyed staircase and a wall you need to crawl under, then proceed to the end to encounter the Colossus.

This giant will try to stomp on you to kill you, so run away and jump over the first wall you see. The beast will disregard the barrier and destroy it. Continue using the small ledges in the area to get past the next two walls. After you see the columns, try to take refuge on top of them and use arrows to attract the creature's attention. When the giant approaches, run out of the small room you're in and grab onto its beard. The Colossus will start shaking its head, lifting you off the ground. Climb up to its shoulders, resting if your energy is low. Once you are ready, reach the weak point and attack it. The top of the head is a dangerous spot, as the creature will go berserk when you are there. Attack it when you can and always watch your energy.

Move to the back of the neck and strike, then when the weak point is sealed, rest for a moment and then move down to the back. Attack with your sword as soon as you see another weak point to kill it.


This enemy is located to the northwest. Head towards the bridge west of the temple where you start, then after crossing it, go north towards a pass between the mountains, located west of the one you took to reach the third colossus.

Shadow of the Colossus
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Once you reach the pass, go right at the first intersection, then left, and then right again. You will find yourself, once at the end of the path, near a large lake. Dismount your horse and walk to the platform ahead, then jump onto the ramp in front of you and climb to the top to see the beast, which is swimming peacefully below you. Jump in to start the battle.

This Colossus, called Eel, is quite difficult to see due to the murky water, but you can still tell when it moves thanks to the three lights on its back. To fight, as mentioned, you need to be in the water, so swim until you are above it, which will attract its attention. Be ready to grab onto its tail as soon as it surfaces. Once you're holding on, keep a tight grip because the Colossus will dive back into the water, making you feel like you're drowning. Don't worry, though, as it will resurface quickly. At this point, run along its back and hold on only if the beast decides to dive again. Be careful of the lights because touching them will give you a shock. The lights are the Colossus's weak points. Strike the rear part with your sword to turn them off and prevent it from shocking you. Be ready to hold on after attacks as the beast will dive immediately. Continue with this tactic, striking the Colossus on each of its three dorsal spines. The last target will be the head, which will light up once you have dealt with the other parts of its body. Reach the head and repeatedly stab it until you've drained all its energy.


The eighth Colossus is hidden in the southeast area. Once you leave the temple, head south, then go towards the mountains in the eastern part.

Shadow of the Colossus
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Take the path through the middle and follow it until you reach a large field, where there is also a temple you can use to save. After doing so, stay to the right and look for another pass, cross it, and head towards a building. When you reach the front of the building, dismount your horse, jump over the water flooding the path, and enter the structure. Cross the corridor, enter a large room, and climb to the top of the pillar to reach the upper area. At this point, proceed until the cutscene introducing the new Colossus begins.

The creature's weak point is on the underside of its belly. However, the creature moves by crawling, so to hit the weak point, you need to expose it. Draw its attention by shooting arrows from the windows. This will make the Colossus climb the walls to investigate. You must always be quick and ready during this fight because the creature has an attack that can hurt you even if it doesn't hit you directly. The fireball it spits has a wide range, so when you see it spit, run away as fast as you can.

After the beast climbs the wall, your task is to shoot the two illuminated spots on its legs to make it fall. If you manage to hit one, the Colossus will be stunned for a moment, preventing it from attacking. The best solution is to shoot the legs from the ground. Jump down from one of the windows without the beast seeing you so you can attack from the ground without any problems. The higher the Colossus is when you hit it, the more damage it takes, so wait until it has climbed high enough to shoot your arrows. When you've knocked it to the ground, jump on it and start striking it repeatedly with your sword at its weak point. Be quick, because if the beast wakes up, you'll have to start all over again.


Proceed west on horseback, looking for a bridge to cross. Once on the other side, you'll find yourself in a field.

Shadow of the Colossus
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First, head west, then go north or south when you encounter impassable terrain. You'll know you're close to the Colossus when the sky begins to darken. A crevice in the ground will prevent you from continuing, so head south and look for the bridge that will allow you to cross it. On the other side, you will find geysers emitting hot air. Continue north on horseback until you reach the beast.

This Colossus, which resembles a crab, has a plasma rifle-like weapon under its mouth that it will use to shoot at you repeatedly. When you see it charging, run away at full speed. You can also use your horse to help you in this battle, where you will need to exploit the geysers to win. The trick is to lure the Colossus over one of the geysers when it is emitting hot air. This will lift the beast into the air, allowing you to hit its weak point, located on the inner part of its legs. Take out your bow and shoot arrows aiming at the green spots on them. Be quick, as you need to hit at least two of these green spots while the geyser is active.

After shooting the legs, the Colossus will fall to the ground, giving you the chance to climb on it. Reach the shell and grab onto the edges to avoid being thrown off. When the beast is back on its feet, run to the rear area and, from its spine, reach the head and start striking it repeatedly, holding on if it begins to shake. You'll kill it in no time.


The Colossus is located in the western part of the map. Head in this direction, cross the small bridge, and then go south.

Shadow of the Colossus
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You won't encounter many obstacles on your way to the southern hill. When you can no longer proceed west, look among the mountains for an opening to pass through or enter. You'll find a small cave from which you can reach the beast's lair.

This Colossus is reminiscent of the monster from the book/film "Dune." You can stay on horseback while attacking, which allows you to be faster and more easily avoid its attacks. Attract the creature's attention by getting close to it, then quickly run away to avoid being hit. Take out your bow and shoot an arrow at one of the worm's eyes to temporarily blind it. This will make the Colossus crash into the wall and lose consciousness, giving you the chance to jump onto its back. Move towards its head and start striking as soon as you see a glowing area on its body. If the worm wakes up, you'll have to start over, so be quick and drive your sword into its weak spot as fast and as forcefully as you can to kill it and move on to the next beast.


This time, the Colossus is located to the north. Therefore, exit the temple from the rear and head towards the bridge, which you need to cross. Take the road at the end of the bridge and cross the fields, then follow the raised bridge that passes through the desert.

Shadow of the Colossus
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At that point, the reflection of your sword will inform you that the beast is below you. Look around to see a crevice on the ground, around which you should find a way down. If your stamina is at its peak, you can also jump down, but it might not be the wisest decision.

Once at the bottom, climb into the large room, then jump over the small opening and prepare to hide. The battle against this bull-like Colossus won't be easy. The main attack you need to avoid is a charge, so be ready to run as fast as you can to escape it. If the Colossus manages to hit you, the only way to survive is to hide in one of the corners or jump down from the ledge, both places where you cannot be attacked.

Once you're there, look around to find a small niche between the wall and a series of small pedestals where you can enter. Climb the pedestals and observe the beast from above. When you're up there, the Colossus will attack you, causing a piece of wood to fall to the ground. Jump down and pick it up by pressing the Circle button, then climb back up and approach it to ignite the torch. The beast is afraid of fire, so if you approach it with a torch, you'll see it retreat. Bring it near the entrance of the room, causing it to fall from the hill. The long fall will destroy its exoskeleton and reveal its weak point.

Wait for the Colossus to get back up, then jump on its back, hitting it repeatedly with your sword as soon as you're on top of it. It won't take much to kill it.


This enemy is located northeast of the temple. Head towards the bridge that crosses the hills to the north and cross it to reach a forest. Once here, turn right and look for an exit, passing by a series of beautiful waterfalls along the way.

Shadow of the Colossus
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The path will end after a save point, which you should use. Jump onto the circular pillar, then try to reach the other side. From there, descend and follow the path to the end.

When you can't advance further, jump into the water and swim towards the small island in the middle of the lake, getting onto dry land as soon as possible. The Colossus will appear as soon as you set foot on the island. The weak point of the beast is under its torso, but it's not easy to reach at all. Watch out for the tips of its tusks: it's about to shoot you when their color turns yellow.

Jump back into the water and swim towards the Colossus. Look around to find a small opening between its leg and body to attack it from behind. Once you're behind it, jump and grab onto the strip of fur on its back, then make your way to its head. Hit the protruding teeth with your sword in one direction to make the Colossus turn that way.

Make sure the creature heads towards one of the tall circular buildings. As soon as possible, jump onto the roof and immediately hide behind one of the small stones in the middle. When the Colossus rises and positions itself on the structure, jump and cling to the fur on its belly, then start attacking it. When you've taken away a good amount of its energy, the beast will destroy the building you were on and throw you into the water. Repeat the same procedure with another building to kill it definitively.


Exit the temple, heading towards the forest to the southwest, cross it exiting on the west side. Then, enter the path below, this time heading towards the desert. After a while, you will see a small set of ruins at the base of the hill. Enter to make the Colossus appear, then try to attract its attention to provoke an attack.

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There are three strange things, resembling balloons, under the beast, which you should hit with an arrow. The creature will start descending, and when its front wings touch the ground, jump off your horse and grab onto them. Try to climb them, staying attached, then as soon as its position returns to normal, run and jump onto its body.

Look around and find the three flaps under which the weak points of the Colossus are located. A couple of strong attacks will significantly reduce the creature's energy. Of course, after you finish hitting one, the Colossus will start shaking, forcing you to jump off before touching the ground. Repeat the procedure with the other two flaps to definitively kill the creature.


This Colossus is located very far from the starting point, in the extreme western part of the map. Exit the temple and cross the bridge to the west, then head north and pass through the mountain pass west of where you encountered the third Colossus.

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Inside the pass, go left at the first intersection and right at the second, then continue following the path until you reach the entrance of a cave. Dismount your horse and swim in the small lake, then enter the cave and proceed until you reach a large courtyard.

Jump down from the first ledge and enter the small opening in the wall. Climb onto the lowest pillar on the left to reach the upper courtyard. Once up there, look to the right to see a staircase. Just a few steps will be enough to trigger the appearance of the Colossus, which resembles the bull you encountered before. This beast also has a charging attack that can knock you out for a considerable amount of time. Fortunately, in the area where you are, there is a trench where the Colossus cannot follow you, which you can use to rest and regain energy if needed. Look around for the lowest pillar, climb onto it, and run to the end, then jump to the pillar in front of you and climb to the top of it.

If the Colossus hasn't followed you, take out your bow and shoot an arrow to attract its attention and make it charge towards you. When it charges, run to the raised walkway by jumping over it and proceed to the next pillar. Follow the tactic we suggested earlier by pressing the R1 button as soon as you shoot the arrow. This will kneel you down and absorb the blow without being thrown off the pillar. When the pillar starts to collapse, immediately descend and proceed towards the large tower, which you must climb from one side, reaching the platform on the opposite side.

From here, jump to the last pillar, make the monster charge, watch the animated sequence showing the collapse of the structure, and then run into the inner courtyard, jumping on the ledges on the opposite side. You must be extremely fast to avoid being hit by the Colossus. Follow the platform until you reach the next area, then attract the attention of the beast, which will strike the column that serves as the base of the platform and cause it to collapse, simultaneously revealing the enemy's weak point.

Once on the ground, climb onto the remains of the column and wait for the Colossus to charge to jump and cling to its back. Don't get thrown off and repeatedly strike it with the sword to kill it.


The enemy is located at the extreme north. From the back of the main building, reach one of the bridges that crosses the pit. Proceed in the same direction you took to reach the sixth Colossus. Follow the base of the bridge through the desert and then continue east.

Shadow of the Colossus
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As soon as you see the monument carved into the mountain, dismount your horse and enter inside it, then proceed overcoming the various obstacles until the exit. Sprint up the staircase and cross the columns at the top, then run to the far end of the large arena where you arrived to summon the Colossus.

Its most frequent attack is a stomp, not too difficult to avoid but can still cause quite a few problems. Look at the edges of the arena to see that there's an area you can't reach with a simple jump. Run to that part of the arena and try to get the Colossus to attack you, so it destroys the floor and you can use it as a ramp to climb to the upper level. Once there, use the bow to provoke the creature properly. The beast will try to strike you with its sword, but it won't be able to hit you because all its strikes will be deflected by the columns around you. Use the fallen stones to climb to the upper floor, then once above, sprint up the staircase and reach one of the bridges that crosses the central chamber.

Run on the walkway to attract the Colossus' attention, which will destroy the bridge with its sword. When you see it preparing for the attack, take refuge somewhere, obviously leaving as soon as it has struck. At this point, use the ledge to jump onto the giant's head and once there, start hitting it repeatedly until it stops thrashing. You can rest on its shoulders whenever you need to regain energy, or on the back of its neck. When the weak spot disappears from its head, slide down its hairy shoulder until you find its next weak spot, which you should hit repeatedly to make it drop the sword from its hands. At this point, descend to the ground and try to get hit by the Colossus' punch. Dodge it and grab onto its hand as soon as it finishes its attack, then kill it by striking its last weak spot with the sword.


Head to the area where you encountered the first Colossus, pass the fruit tree on the left, and then proceed in the same direction.

Shadow of the Colossus
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Cross the mountain pass and exit to the right to reach a gigantic field. Continue south, following the path that divides the upper and lower part of the hill. In the southern part of the field, you'll notice a door marked by a glowing circle. Stand in front of it and raise your sword to open it, then ride up the staircase on the left and jump onto the bridge on the other side. Watch the cutscene and then climb up to reach the upper area.

Once here, use the plants to climb up, then proceed until you reach an area that seems like a dead end. Look around to see a column you can climb to reach the top and find the last Colossus. Immediately hide behind the pillar on the left, then as soon as the beast fires its devastating "weapon," run to the right and hide behind the wall. Move in the same direction and jump into the pit. Follow the path until you reach another opening. Position yourself in a safe spot to avoid getting hit by the creature. As soon as the shot lands, climb up and hide behind the wall.

You'll need to pass between one wall and another in the time between the enemy's shots, so make good use of all the holes, pits, and openings to protect yourself and avoid a bad ending. Enter the hole you find in the wall and cross the tunnel. Once at the end, cling to the circular ledge, then proceed to the next one. Wait for the Colossus to "fire" and sprint up the staircase to hide behind the wall. Advance again to the right, then jump into the hole in the ground and cross the tunnel to reach the base of the beast.

Climb onto the lower part of the Colossus, then alternate running and walking to find the next ledge to cling to. When you reach the torso, move to the back and draw your sword to strike the weak point. When you attack, the Colossus will turn to see who is bothering it. Jump onto its hand and start hitting it repeatedly to calm it down and catch your breath. Then, climb up its arm to reach the area under its shoulder and attack. When the Colossus turns and tries to push you away with its hand, grab onto the fur to climb up.

Once on the hand, hit it repeatedly to stop it from moving, then draw your sword to see that you need to attack the shoulder. Pull out your bow and shoot an arrow at that part of the body, then press R1 to grab onto it and wait for the Colossus to move its hand to use it as a means of transportation to reach the shoulder. From there, very carefully climb onto the head, gripping it to avoid falling, and attack it until you have killed it. Then, watch the stunning final sequence.


  • Brown Acid - Obtain all items in Normal Time Attack Mode
  • White Acid - Obtain all items in Hard Time Attack Mode
  • Unlock Time Attack Mode - Complete the game once. To start the challenge, walk over the statue in the temple and pray.
  • Cloak of Deception - Defeat 14 Colossi in Time Attack Mode
  • Cloak of Force - Defeat 4 Colossi in Time Attack Mode
  • Flash Arrow / Brown Acid - Defeat all Colossi in Time Attack Mode
  • Fruit Tree Map - Defeat 10 Colossi in Time Attack Mode
  • Lizard Tail Discovery Stone - Defeat 8 Colossi in Time Attack Mode
  • Mask of Power - Defeat 12 Colossi in Time Attack Mode
  • Mask of Strength - Defeat 6 Colossi in Time Attack Mode
  • Whistling Arrow - Defeat 2 Colossi in Time Attack Mode

Rewards for Hard Time Attack Mode

These items can be obtained through Hard Time Attack Mode. You will receive one item for every two Colossi defeated in Hard Time Attack Mode.

  • Desperation Cloth ("Parachute") - Defeat another two Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
  • Fruit Tree Map - Defeat another two Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
  • Thunder Harpoon - Defeat another two Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
  • Lizard Detection Stone - Defeat another two Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
  • Queen's Sword (From ICO) - Defeat another two Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
  • Shaman's Cloak (Reduces damage taken) - Defeat another two Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
  • Shaman's Mask (Reduces damage taken) - Defeat another two Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode
  • Sun Sword (Reflects light even when it's dark) - Defeat another two Colossi in Hard Time Attack Mode

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