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Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess

paradox's profile picture
Published in 
computer games walkthroughs
 · 18 Jun 2024
Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess
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Joel isn't a happy Prince after his Father, King Stevius of the Kingdom of Hillsborough, passed on the crown to his first born Myrridian after his death. Joel left the Kingdom vowing to start his own, never to return. Years later, King Myrridian on his wedding day is about to wed Princess Klaudia when a huge army of Dwarves appear and seize Klaudia, declaring that the Ruler of Tunnelworld, Joel is taking Myrridian's bride-to-be for his own pleasure. Distraught at the events, Myrridian has vowed to leave the kingdom and bring back his future Queen but he was never seen again. Prince Maracus, from the House of Stevius is now King and on the night before his wedding to Princess Gwendolyn, a Dwarf army once again from Tunnelworld have taken your bride-to-be for Joel once again. You play the role of Maracus as you attempt to find and bring back Princess Gwendolyn.

Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess is a graphic adventure where you use the joystick to interact with your surroundings and control your hero. On the screen you see a picture of what you can see in each location and below is text describing what you can see also. There is also directions you can move, any objects and a compass also shows the directions you can move and you use the joystick and press the fire button to move in your chosen direction. Pressing down the fire button without moving the joystick brings up options and these are, go back to direction mode, get object, use object, inventory and save or load a game.

Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess - Level 1
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Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess - Level 1

Level 1

You start at F4

1. Get spectacles
2. Go to A6
3. Use spectacles
4. Go to L4
5. Get key
6. Go to F4
7. Use key
8. Use spectacles
9. Go to L2
10. Get rock

Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess - Level 2
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Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess - Level 2

Level 2

You start at N1

1. Go to C2
2. Get brass lamp
3. Go to J3
4. Get magic key
5. Go to H7
6. Use brass lamp
7. Go to J7
8. Use magic key
9. Go South

Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess - Level 3
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Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess - Level 3

Level 3

You start at A4

1. Go to C3
2. Use spectacles
3. Go to F1
4. Get shovel
5. Go to J3
6. Get cross
7. Go to M3
8. Get hooka
9. Go to G5
10. Get gold key
11. Go to I7
12. Use hooka
13. Go to J4
14. Use cross
15. Get myrridian's ring
16. Go to I4
17. Get skull
18. Go to M6
19. Use gold key
20. Go East

Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess - Level 4
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Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess - Level 4

Level 4

You start at L2

1. Go to I1
2. Use spectacles
3. Go to D2
4. Use shovel
5. Go to B6
6. Use spectacles
7. Go to C5
8. Use skull
9. Go to F5
10. Get gem
11. Go to H4
12. Use gem
13. Go to H7
14. Use gold key
15. Go North

Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess - Level 5
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Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess - Level 5

Level 5

You start at M2

1. Go to J1
2. Use spectacles
3. Go to E3
4. Use spectacles
5. Go to B1
6. Use spectacles
7. Go to A5
8. Get top of lamp
9. Go to E7
10. Get soceror's potion
11. Go to H3
12. Get bottom of lamp
13. Go to L5
14. Get curling iron
15. Go to L4
16. Get scroll
17. Go to L3
18. Use curling iron
19. Get artworx
20. Go to I7
21. Use gold key
22. Go North

Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess - Level 6
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Gwendolyn: Pursuit of a Princess - Level 6

Level 6

You start at L2

1. Go to F2
2. Use siamese lamp
3. Go to H4
4. Use myrridian's ring
5. Go to I6
6. Use scroll
7. Go to G6
8. Use artworx
9. Go to D6
10. Use soceror's potion
11. Go to A6
12. Finished

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