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Our culture has a clear ancient origin ...

Our culture has a clear ancient origin ...
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Many of us think that the civilizations that preceded us lived in semi-primitive conditions, that they had strange visions of realities dominated by non-existent divinities and that they told imaginative stories understandable only if read from a mythological perspective.

For example, I have often heard it said that these people discovered a certain thing by chance and attributed this discovery to the gods, a gift that the gods granted them.

In my opinion this is a completely wrong view and is conditioned by the fact that we have no other logical answers capable of supporting different theories. I think this vision of the peoples who preceded us is very limited. However, the ancients had extraordinary knowledge in every field, they left us testimonies that we have always struggled to understand. The symbolism and messages that have reached us are of immense importance.

The message that I would therefore like to leave us is exactly the opposite of what has always been generally believed. For a long time, for example, it was thought that modern society originated from the Romans and the Greeks or the Egyptians and that the populations preceding these were very backward at every level of knowledge, despite the fact that the ancient Greek philosophers had written several times, having drawn from previous sources.

Today, thanks to important archaeological discoveries in the Mesopotamian land, in particular, grandiose fortified citadels with imposing stepped pyramids called zigurratts have come to light which dominated the entire city and which served as a stairway to heaven for the gods. The discovery of these buildings augured even more exciting discoveries. Before then they had been buried for centuries and centuries by meters and meters of sand and earth.

The structures that made up these buildings and the various sculptures, statues, jewels, chariots, decorations and works of art that came to light immediately suggested a complex and extremely advanced lifestyle. The citadels that emerged from these findings had been founded by the ancient peoples who inhabited Mesopotamia.

At the same time, clay tablets with written names, places and events began to emerge from these archaeological excavations, which found great confirmation in the stories of the sacred book of the Bible. In a short time, the inscriptions found in the various sites revealed the history of two important Mesopotamian kingdoms competing with each other: the Babylonians in the south and the Assyrians in the north. Two populations who, despite being rivals, also managed to coexist peacefully for some periods since the two cultures were almost identical.

The real treasure found was precisely these inscriptions! Thousands and thousands of tablets in cuneiform writing which were the most relevant testimony of their advanced social and cultural status. Marriage and divorce records, school textbooks on grammar, geography, mathematical formulas, astronomical tables and predictions, epic poems, history, rights and duties of the gods. It was immediately evident that the cultural level and knowledge that these civilizations had were of considerable depth and many traces suggested that these peoples had certainly drawn their knowledge from previous sources.

The main point was this: both the Assyrians and the Babylonians never boasted of having invented this type of writing nor their spoken language, Akkadian. This language came from the kingdom of Akkad which was certainly prior to Hebrew, Aramaic, Phoenician and Canaanite, in fact, in several of these tablets it was clearly specified that the topics covered had been copied from much older originals. This was extremely clear also because the Akkadian cuneiform writing was syllabic but signs continually appeared in the texts which were not attributable to phonetic syllables but communicated very specific concepts such as "life", "city", "gods".

These signs similar to pictograms and very similar to Egyptian hieroglyphs were very frequent especially in scientific, technical and "religious" texts, in which divine entities were spoken of! Terms which therefore seemed to be foreign mixed with their current language (a bit like today we use the English word weekend) and which had every appearance of being a very ancient heritage. The definitive proof emerged from an archaeological dig in which some tablets were found on which the unchanged Shumer language was engraved! It was clear that this discovery was of crucial importance, because it was the clear demonstration that these civilizations drew their knowledge from a previous people who had inhabited those places and who had certainly had a very advanced level of knowledge. This mysterious language was Sumerian!

Our culture has a clear ancient origin ...
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An immense round of discoveries, research, translations which did nothing but corroborate the biblical writings where we find phrases like this from the book of Genesis: "the royal cities of Babylon, Akkad and Erech were located in the land of Shin'ar". Shin'ar was the biblical name for Shumer! The city from which the Sumerians took their name. Consequently, a true story was told in the Bible that had roots in those ancient places. So Mesopotamian inscriptions and biblical texts supported each other!

Everything therefore indicated that the principle of civilization was to be found precisely in this mysterious people who inhabited Mesopotamia since the dawn of civilization and who were the main source of all subsequent cultures: Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks and then Romans.

Today we actually know much more! Thanks to the most recent excavations and archaeological findings, all possible evidence has emerged to support the fact that the Sumerians were undoubtedly the first people ever known with a highly advanced civilization, to which in fact, for example, the invention of cuneiform writing is attributed which allowed them to reach very significant levels of development.

Our culture has a clear ancient origin ...
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To better understand how enormously important this civilization was for all those who followed, we must stop and analyze together what we know about them today. First of all, in addition to the invention of cuneiform writing which seemed to appear out of nowhere and which in any case allowed the Sumerians to reach a higher level of development, we must take into consideration other important factors such as the invention of printing!

The Sumerians millennia before us used typographical characters in relief composed of ready-made pictographic signs to imprint on wet clay what they wanted to write, but not only that they used small stone cylinders on which the messages they wanted to make public were engraved in negative, thus, passing them on the clay the message that came out was not only positive but also a demonstration of the authenticity of the object! In practice, Johann Gutenberg is as if he had discovered hot water! So to speak, certainly, but we immediately realize that this civilization had some surprising characteristics and in fact the Sumerians were also aware of the most important mathematical principles.

Our culture has a clear ancient origin ...
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They used a very advanced mathematical system: the sexagesimal system! In some ways this system was even more sophisticated than ours, as it allowed to do very complex calculations such as multiplications by millions, square roots and raising numbers to different powers!

Complex mathematics over 6 thousand years ago?

It seems like science fiction, but instead, it is pure reality. For example, look at the watch on your wrist for a moment. In your opinion, what mathematical system is it based on? Right on the sexagesimal system! Interesting isn't it? And the circumference that we measure in 360° today? The concept of a dozen? It is clear that the Sumerians also had a profound impact on our complex society. But that is not all. In fact we have seen how the Sumerians used clay just as we use paper today but it might be interesting to know why they had this need.

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The first purpose that emerged was of an economic-social nature. Every temple, every court, every place where goods were bought and decisions made had its own person in charge, who engraved every act on wet clay tablets.

Basically our legal and tax documents!

However, the Sumerians also made other things with clay such as tools and containers for daily use and above all they made bricks by mixing wet clay with cut reeds, then baking them in the oven and with these they built all kinds of buildings.

Our culture has a clear ancient origin ...
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It is practically the exact same thing that we do today with concrete and iron rods to ensure that the seal will be greater and more resistant. They certainly must have been aware of this.
But as understandable from these first steps they certainly did not limit themselves to this. In fact, they also used these high-temperature furnaces to shape every type of metal they could obtain, which required knowledge and extraction skills never seen before. They used bitumen and oil as fuel which the rich Mesopotamian deposits had in abundance, in order to thus be able to reach the high temperatures in the furnaces which allowed the metals to then be shaped and molded to their liking.

Thanks to these techniques they even managed to create real new alloys such as, for example, bronze.

These created metal objects were primarily the basis of trade and exchange activities, but they formed the basis for the development of a sort of banking business and the first currency: the silver “shekel”!

Not only were they economically advanced but they did better than us since the money we have in our hands today is worth nothing, it is made up of cheap metals and colored paper, furthermore, while the shekel had a precise value (not case it was literally defined as a weighed ingot) the money that we earn today with hours of hard work is produced not by the state on behalf of the citizens, as many think, but is owned by a bank that produces it and delivers it to the state and gets paid production costs.

In the end, the only person who gains is the bank which will soon have absolute economic power (this is the clear objective of the Freemasons and Illuminati of the planet to easily centralize power in their hands, above politics, having the banks in their hands We will soon see a single world currency, how much do we want to bet on it?). Each currency, therefore, is born with a certain amount of debt that the citizen will have on his shoulders (and the public debt increases...). This concept is the expression of a big word with little sense, often used in today's political debates: "seignorage".

It might be curious to know that this practice seems to date back to the times of the Babylonians who had serious social problems linked precisely to this aspect. Yet history should teach!

The fact is, however, that the first coin and the consequent circulation of money dates back to the dawn of human civilization and its creation can certainly be attributed to the Sumerians. Returning to us and the petroleum products that abounded in those lands, today we know that the Sumerians also used these elements as materials to build roads, to waterproof houses, to paint!

It is no coincidence that all the names of petroleum derivatives have a clear Sumerian origin, for example the very common name "naphta" (naphtha) derives from the Sumerian "napatu" (stones that catch fire).

Our culture has a clear ancient origin ...
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These people also had an in-depth knowledge of chemistry, had a large variety of paints and pigments, knew techniques such as glass polishing and were capable of producing various semi-precious stones. The Sumerians were also experts in the medical field, there were three types of doctors: "azu" water doctor, "iazu" oil doctor and the doctors of oxen and donkeys, practically our veterinarians. Medicine was divided into three groups: “bultitu” (therapy), “stipi bel imti” (surgery) and “urti mashmashshe” (formulas and spells).

Doctors able to complete a surgery were given a monetary compensation, but if by mistake they cut off some important area with the scalpel, which put the patient's life at risk, they even risked losing a hand, since the punishment in these cases it was very harsh. Guess what symbol appeared on a seal that belonged to a doctor? Two snakes on a tree! A classic symbol of modern medicine is the Caduceus which you have undoubtedly seen several times. However, this symbol also has other meanings of considerable importance, in fact it would also represent the DNA and the Kundalini (with the two snakes Ida and Pingala) which according to Eastern philosophy would represent the energy channel that starts from the lowest point of the spinal column and which following the course of the bone marrow would have its apex in the pineal gland or epiphysis and intracilia. We find the connection even more evident when in the Sumerian seals we find depictions of pine cones in the hands of gods or present at the ends of the sticks that the gods themselves had in their hands.

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The pine cone has always represented the pineal gland since anatomically it has that specific shape and is considered by many to be the gateway to the spiritual world. It is no coincidence that if you enter the Vatican state you are immediately struck by the presence of a gigantic pine cone. We will deal with these aspects in detail later, for now let's focus on the fact that the Sumerians knew medical practices of various kinds very well. In fact, in the seals where, for example, men were represented lying on "operating" tables surrounded by doctors and gods, medical instruments clearly used such as those for cutting the umbilical cord and surgical forceps also appeared.

The operations we were talking about were not simple interventions at all, the Sumerians even operated on the brain, removed cataracts and knew perfectly well what to do in case of illness.

So just like we do today, patients went to the doctor who first gave them the diagnosis and then provided them with the most appropriate therapy, or they moved on to invasive surgery.
In addition to the classic remedies such as washing the diseased part thoroughly or immersing it in hot water, with the addition of mineral solvents, applying plant-derived ointments or applying compresses with petroleum compounds, the doctors in fact used real medicines made of herbs and mineral compounds that were mixed with liquids such as wine, beer or honey to then be taken orally. From this it can be deduced that not only did they invent the production of beer and very probably also wine but they also knew very well that alcohol (Akkadian kuhlu-Arabic kohl-today alcohol) played a fundamental role in the disinfection of wounds and it is no coincidence that it is still the basis of our medicine.
They weren't even limited to oral intake. In fact, with the support of vegetable oils they also administered drugs rectally!

Medicine was therefore a very important art, they were interested in everything that had to do with life, illness and death, as demonstrated by tablets which listed the deeds of a king of Erech, Gilgamesh, who he was always looking for something that could ensure eternal youth. Medicine was certainly studied in schools, so much so that models of organs made of clay were very often found in excavations.

Schools in Sumerian times?

Yes, that's right!

There was even a complex education system, the school was directed by an expert professor (an "ummia") who had three collaborators at his side: a Sumerian language teacher, a drawing teacher and a character assigned to the whip, since, the discipline was very strict. On a tablet a student said he had been whipped for skipping school, for being distracted in class and for writing unclearly.

In the school they taught different subjects such as: botany, mathematics, science, zoology, geography, and also studied the literary works of the past!

The teachers left us many essays on their activities in which they listed all kinds of things such as previous experiences, teaching methods and set professional objectives. Practically real "curriculums".

Our culture has a clear ancient origin ...
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Issues relating to society were addressed by the king who put the various issues to a vote in two pre-established assemblies: that of the elderly and that of the young fighters.
With immense surprise we practically discover that the Sumerians had the first bicameral parliament in human history already 5 thousand years ago.

They established the first system of laws to ensure social order and the administration of justice.

Even the poor were protected thanks to laws that set maximum price ceilings for the most important consumer products to prevent the richest from being able to subjugate them.
Other laws instead dealt with crimes against the person or property and regulated family matters such as inheritance and divorce. But that's not all, we even read that about 5 thousand years ago King Urukagina had to implement a reform based on freedom, equality and justice because some important evils afflicted society.

The laws were approved by a sort of court made up of three judges chosen from a shortlist of 36, of which one was the king judge, certainly the most important of all.

These figures as well as the king himself were very important to the Sumerians because they had to implement the will of the Gods of justice on earth!

These judges, however, had a central role, because at the end of the year they had to be judged by a deity named Nanshe, who judged them not on the basis of their conquests and wealth, but rather on the basis of how much they knew how to implement justice! A very interesting parallel is with the Old Testament according to which the Jews at the end of the year, in the Jewish New Year to be precise, had to spend a period of ten days in which the actions performed were evaluated to determine the fate of the next year.

Out of curiosity, let's take a look at what the evils of Sumerian society were: improper use of the power of those who managed public affairs to obtain personal advantages and imposition of very high prices by those who held a monopoly on a particular commodity.

Incredibly modern don't you think?

However, thanks to this reform the powerful were no longer able to subjugate the weaker and injustices became just a distant memory.

Our culture has a clear ancient origin ...
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Another great ability that this people had was certainly an advanced level of agriculture, which they managed to make very productive, using complex irrigation systems, exploiting the two large nearby rivers such as the Tigris and the Euphrates.

Considering that the rainfall in those regions was not very abundant. Apricot (Akkadian-Armanu, Latin-Armenica), cherry (Akkadian-karshu, Greek-kerasos, Neapolitan cerase), saffron, myrrh, lettuces, onions, cucumbers, lentils, cauliflowers, meat, fish etc.

They transformed wheat into flour to produce bread, biscuits and desserts in general, milk from animals, which they drank or transformed into cheese, cream or yogurt.
On some clay tablets actual detailed recipes were found.

Thanks to such high agricultural development and livestock breeding, they produced clothing of all types in which ancient depictions demonstrated how rich and varied textile production was, which also revealed a certain elegance, good taste, and great matching skills. with jewels and hairstyles of various kinds.

It is interesting to note how the basic garment, the "tug", was undoubtedly the precursor of the Roman toga.

With such a flourishing economy rich in trade and travel even to very distant countries, in search of new raw materials, it is easy to imagine how highly developed the transport system was. In the depictions we find carts and wheelbarrows pulled by animals such as the horse or the ox, thanks to which they transported all kinds of things.

The Sumerians practically invented wheeled transportation!

But not only that, thanks to the translation of an Akkadian dictionary, today we know that the Sumerians exploited the two great rivers and the network of artificial canals to transport all kinds of goods or people by water.

They had 105 different types of boats, each with a specific purpose depending on the destination.

This undoubtedly implied a long and consolidated maritime tradition.

The material and spiritual conquests were finally accompanied by a grandiose development of various artistic forms such as music. Thanks to a team of scholars from the University of California, who managed to decipher and reproduce some songs, today we know that their music was based on a heptatonic-diatonic scale just like our Western and Greek music of 3 thousand years does. It is no coincidence that the Greek scholar Philo stated that the people of Mesopotamia were known for their search for universal harmony, through musical tones.

Our culture has a clear ancient origin ...
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But their most disconcerting knowledge was linked above all to the heavens! Astronomy was known to perfection(6), the Sumerians represented the planets and were even aware of their dimensions, they knew that the sun and not the earth was at the center of the solar system centuries before the Copernican revolution and even listed the exact order of the planets as we know them today.

They even knew about Uranus discovered in 1781, Neptune (1846) and Pluto (1930) discovered even later.

The Sumerians referred to deities of the sky, namely the planets, and deities of the earth, or their Gods.

Their solar system, however, was made up of 12 planets while today we only know 11.

It is very curious at this point to underline how they were truly convinced of this further presence in our solar system, not surprisingly in their epic stories, it was expressed a sophisticated cosmogony in which the creation of our solar system was represented.

We find everywhere in their writings traces that tell us about this hypothetical twelfth planet called Nibiru (planet of passage), whose symbol was the cross, on which, according to them, the Annunaki lived, those who descended from heaven to earth, or rather their Gods. Curious to know that in the Bible Elohim means the same thing.

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This planet had a particular elliptical orbit in which in the perigee it approached the sun and then moved away and ended its apogee beyond the limits of our solar system.

They were the first to catalog and divide the constellations, in fact the current term zodiac derives from the Greek Zodiakos Kylos (circle of animals) because once grouped together these stars seemed to take on the shapes of different animals (bull, lion, fish, ram, scorpion etc), but also in this case, as Thales stated, astronomical knowledge had been drawn from previous Mesopotamian sources, in fact the names and shapes of the constellations were a creation of the Sumerians who called these groupings of stars UL.HE or luminous herd.

These were the stars that were part of the central path of Anu. To better catalog the countless stars that appeared in the night sky, they divided the skies into 3 main bands or routes: a northern route in today's northern hemisphere in which they classified other groups of stars such as the Great Bear, the Dragon, the Lyre etc; a southern one, today's southern hemisphere, in which they classified Orion, Canis Major, Hydra etc and precisely the central one of Anu which included the sun, the planets and the constellations of the zodiac.

To think that astronomical concepts such as the Ptolemaic one dominated the ancient world for over 1300 years, in this vision of the universe, the earth was flat and resting on a layer of murky waters beneath which there was Hades and was dominated from the distant heavens where there were fixed stars and planets wandering around the earth. There were 7 celestial bodies: the sun, the moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Memories of this concept have also profoundly marked our modern society, in fact the days of the week are: Sunday-Sunday-day of the Sun, Monday-the Moon, Tuesday-Mars, Wednesday-Mercury, Thursday-Jupiter, Friday-Venus, Saturday-Saturn-Saturday.

Finally, the hell that is talked about so much, especially in religious terms, which was precisely Hades! The Sumerians were far ahead of us!

In many tablets full of very complicated mathematical calculations this people managed in various ways to quantify the distances between the various celestial bodies, in one of these the 26 most visible stars of the Tropic of Cancer are listed, in which precisely, through 3 different types of calculations established the distances between these stars.

Methods that analyzed the distance between two stars in terms of time, others in terms of degrees of arc of the sky and others with real units of measurement such as "beru".

Exactly as we today measure the distances from the earth of certain stars with the parallax system.

In many of these tablets they were based on a particular number, 12960000, a number which was most likely linked to the phenomenon of precession and which made clear the important knowledge of the great year of 25920 years (12960000/25920=500). The Sumerians were undoubtedly aware of the sphericity of the earth, of the fact that the sun was at the center of our star system and they necessarily had to be aware of precession in order to be able to make such precise and detailed astronomical calculations, i.e. the slow oscillation of the earth on its axis in its motion around the sun. Thanks to this phenomenon, the constellations of the zodiac seemed to rise on the horizon when the sun appeared at the first light of dawn.

The Sumerians paid particular attention to this process especially on the day of the vernal equinox on March 21st. Due to the phenomenon of precession, the spring equinox accumulated delay from year to year and was thus delayed by an entire zodiac constellation every 2160 years. Around 2100 of our era the spring equinox will be delayed by one constellation and it is precisely for this reason that we today affirm that we are about to enter the era of Aquarius.

For example, when the spring equinox occurred in the constellation of Taurus, the summer solstice occurred in that of Leo. The ancient iconographic representations contained the various records of these movements such as the passage from the bull to the ram and from the ram to the fish. In particular, a Sumerian tablet lists the constellations of the zodiac starting from that of the lion which makes us suppose that a possible beginning was precisely under this sign 13 thousand years ago, a date that we will encounter very often from here on out since it would seem this is the period to which the famous biblical flood should date back.

Besides, doesn't the sphinx represent a lion?

Our culture has a clear ancient origin ...
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But if the Sumerians knew the motions of our solar system with such great precision, the question arises spontaneously, how did they manage to obtain similar notions?

Various hypotheses could be formulated, but in my opinion the most plausible one is that on earth before the Sumerians there were several thousand-year-old civilizations who, with or without the help of the "gods", left their knowledge to the peoples who came and their memory is slowly vanished, to the point of becoming almost a legend!

The Nippur calendar, the oldest ever known, dating back 6400 years ago in the era of Taurus, clearly reflected all this knowledge, it provided for the division into 12 parts of 30 degrees each of the great circle, which the earth's cycle completed around the sun and was based on a sun-moon system that featured a solar year of just over 365 days divided into lunar months of just under 30 days.

It is easy to understand that this calendar is not only the model of our current system of measuring time, but that for these people it had a crucial importance, since its absolute precision was fundamental for determining the exact day of the New Year and holidays linked to the cult of the Gods.

All this is incredible!

How is it possible that the Sumerians knew these details?

Without a doubt, to be able to make such precise calculations 6400 years ago, we would have to have news of their culture many, many years before.

These calculations require very long periods of careful astronomical observations. But then what interest did they have in calculating interstellar distances? Why observe the sky almost obsessively and carry out very complicated mathematical calculations?

And above all, for what purpose?

What was their main goal?

What were they waiting for?

All of this is truly incredible! Such an advanced people who had knowledge of all kinds.

They were practically the first in everything!

The first parliament in history, with its first legal and social codes, the first schools, the first history scholars, the first pharmacopoeia, the first forms of medicine and agriculture, the first cosmology and the first cosmogony, the first artistic forms of a certain thickness, printing, the wagon, the textile industry, writing, transport by wheel or water, in short, first in everything.

It is clear and evident that everything we have today, we owe it to the Sumerians! A mysterious people who marked the beginning of our civilization, a people who appeared out of nowhere in the lands of the Middle East and who experienced a very advanced social and cultural level. Everything that we Westerners have always thought came from the Greeks or Romans was actually the work of the wise men who over the centuries left immense knowledge to posterity and who today allow us to have reached such an advanced level of technology. But after seeing and knowing who the Sumerians really were, how can we say that their discoveries were accidental? Today such an interpretation would make very little sense. But the most interesting part is certainly linked to the epic stories of this people, we must focus on their history, on the origins of the human being, a story that tells of very distant periods in time in which the earth was populated by gods and demigods, stories like that of the flood, of Noah and of the creation of Adam which find an extraordinary confirmation in the sacred book of the Bible!

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