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The Gods of the Gobi Sea

Could the discovery in Asia of mummies with white skin and underground tunnels hundreds of kilometers long confirm the existence of an advanced ancient civilization? Perhaps the mythical Mu of the Polynesian legends?

The ruins of Khara Khoto, in the Gobi desert, one of the most mysterious and ancient cities in the w
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The ruins of Khara Khoto, in the Gobi desert, one of the most mysterious and ancient cities in the world

The Gobi Desert is the second driest area on the planet, after the Sahara. The largest desert in Asia stretches across China and Mongolia, covering an area as vast as Western Europe. A true sea of sand...

Yet ancient legends and fossil findings tell a story different from what appears in archaeology textbooks. Yes, because the Gobi was actually an ocean, an internal sea larger than the Mediterranean, thousands and thousands of years ago.

In the 1920s and 1930s, American paleontologists unearthed some remains of massive animals and fossil eggs, but the most sensational discovery was made by the Russian archaeologist Pyotr Kuzmich Koslov. During archaeological excavations of the city of Khara Khoto, the professor found an ancient tomb dating back 18,000 years. The walls depicted the buried royal couple and a curious symbol consisting of a circle divided into four sectors and the Greek letter M, or Mu.

According to the British colonel James Churchward, this city was actually the mythical Uighur, an important colony of the lost continent of Mu.

Gobi's map
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Gobi's map

This vast continent included many of the current islands in the Pacific Ocean, such as the Fiji Islands, the Marianas, Ponape, Tonga, the Carolines, and even Easter Island, as evidenced by the various megalithic ruins found on almost all the Pacific islands.

These ruins bear striking similarities to each other, suggesting that they were once part of a single, large landmass that has since disappeared, and what remains today are just the highest mountain peaks emerging from the water.

In addition to legends, ancient Chinese sages spoke of a very remote era when this area, now a desert, was once covered by the Sea of Gobi, which contained an island inhabited by "white men with blond or red hair and blue eyes."

The mummies of Takla Makan are extraordinary both in detail and in physiognomic characteristics. Sta
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The mummies of Takla Makan are extraordinary both in detail and in physiognomic characteristics. Starting with the elderly woman, with red hair gathered in two braids, a hairstyle still in use today. Note the high cheekbones and distinctly Western features.

Even more astonishing is the claim by these sages that this ancient people came from the sky, descended from the great "White Star," a name that the ancient Indians and Tibetans used for the planet Venus. They supposedly brought significant knowledge to the inhabitants of the area, and even earlier to the inhabitants of Mu.

On this island in the Sea of Gobi, the ancient star people settled and built a fortress and a city connected to the mainland by underwater tunnels. This might sound like science fiction if it weren't for some ancient celestial maps found in the Bohistan caves, which depicted the sky as it was about 13,000 years ago and included mysterious lines connecting Earth to the planet Venus.

In reality, the English colonel was right; beneath the layer of the city discovered by the Russian explorer, there was an even older one: it was the city of Uighur, which according to Churchward, was at least 15,000 to 19,000 years old!

This city was also likely the capital of the fantastical kingdom of Prester John in the 1200s.

Mummy of a girl about twenty years old: note the ash blonde hair, typical of Nordic races.
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Mummy of a girl about twenty years old: note the ash blonde hair, typical of Nordic races.
A a perfectly preserved man with very white skin and reddish hair. This is a man who died around 100
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A a perfectly preserved man with very white skin and reddish hair. This is a man who died around 1000 B.C.

Galleries that led from the island to the mainland have been found with several entrances, similar to those discovered around the world by speleologists. However, these galleries have only been partially explored due to collapses that have hindered further investigation. In some of these galleries, ceramic and glass objects containing a drop of mercury were found; similar items have also been discovered in caves in Uzbekistan.

According to ancient Indian texts, this liquid metal was used as fuel for the mythical Vimanas, the ancient flying machines described in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, believed to still be hidden in the caves of the underground kingdom of Agharti.

The same Indian text narrates, "...with the mighty thunder of its swift descent from unfathomable heights [...] appeared the chariot of the Sons of Fire [...] the Lords who came from the Shining Star. It stopped above the White Island of the Sea of Gobi..."

In 1978, during archaeological excavations in the Chinese desert region of Takla Makan, precisely in the area of Uighur, thousands of mummies were unearthed, perfectly preserved thanks to the dry desert climate that allowed for natural mummification. The estimated age of these mummies is about 4,000 years, but what is astonishing about these findings are their physical characteristics. All the mummies exhibited Western features: white skin and wavy blond or red hair! Their height ranges from 1.70 to 1.80 meters, and some even have beards.

The famous Venus of Loulan : a woman of about 35-40 years old, still in excellent condition.
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The famous "Venus of Loulan": a woman of about 35-40 years old, still in excellent condition.

At the time of discovery, the mummies were dressed in silk garments, boots and shoes, and adorned with braided hairstyles similar to those of Celtic peoples. According to archaeologists, these populations migrated from Europe or the Caucasian regions, traversed through Asia eastward, and settled in the Gobi Desert. However, ancient Tibetan and Indian texts tell a different story; they speak of advanced peoples who, according to sages, came from the stars and settled on this island situated where once existed an extensive sea in ancient times.

Mummy of a young and beautiful woman, buried in a sarcophagus shaped like a pirogue, testifying to t
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Mummy of a young and beautiful woman, buried in a sarcophagus shaped like a pirogue, testifying to the link of this mysterious civilization with the Gobi Sea.

Another extraordinary discovery of mummies in 2005 at Xiaohe, in the western part of Lop Nur lake, revealed the existence of a mound with strange poles placed above the burials. Among approximately 300 individuals buried there, over a hundred were in pristine condition: the opening of the coffin-shaped boats, conducted by scientists from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, revealed bodies of men, children, and women perfectly preserved, even better than Egyptian mummies.

Their Western features and Caucasian race characteristics, including light brown hair and high cheekbones, were not more surprising than the fact that all bodies had a clear, gummy layer similar to latex covering their skin, presumably to preserve it against decay (but the rubber tree, from which latex is derived, is native to South America, and it is unclear how it could have been used by the people of the Gobi unless the climate was different or there were trade exchanges).

Carbon-14 dating placed the mummies around 1800 BC. Until a few centuries ago, as evidenced by Landsat satellite photos, there were water pools and rivers, a humid ecosystem rich in fauna, including gigantic creatures thriving due to significant water reserves that are now either underground or dried up.

The Xiaohe mound, an incredible mound of earth about ten meters high that hosted the bodies of three
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The Xiaohe mound, an incredible mound of earth about ten meters high that hosted the bodies of three hundred people for four millennia. Each pole corresponds to a burial. The origins and customs of this Caucasian ethnic people are completely unknown to archaeologists.

All this magical yet mystical land abounds with narratives, such as that of the legendary general and warrior Ban Chao who "could walk in the sky and unleash green lightning," and who is buried "next to the Jade Man" in the Taklamakan Desert, one of the most mysterious and treacherous deserts in the world where locals tell of dwelling "demons of the sky." This ancient people later traveled and educated the rest of the world by erecting villages and cities in Europe and throughout the world. There was therefore no reason to settle in the middle of one of the most inhospitable deserts on the planet; the discovery of tunnels and the remains of ancient cities further support the hypotheses that here, in a distant past, the climate and terrain were totally different from how they appear today. Not to mention, as ancient documents assert and as Tibetan sages testify, the advanced knowledge brought to the peoples of the now vanished continents of Mu and Atlantis, which later these latter would bring to other ethnic groups of the world.

The Moai of Easter Island were built on the orders of a white-skinned people.
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The Moai of Easter Island were built on the orders of a white-skinned people.

Consider the discovery of metalworking or knowledge of unknown technologies such as the wheel and the cart. This could explain the similarities in monuments, languages, and customs among different peoples of the Earth. The origin of this mysterious race, which according to writings came from the planet Venus, reminds us of the Maya deity who brought knowledge and wisdom represented in the Crystal Skull found in Belize in 1927 by Anne Mitchell-Hedges. Or the legendary Inca king Viracocha, also remembered by the Incas as the god with white skin and red beard depicted on the megalithic Gateway of the Sun on the shores of Lake Titicaca in Bolivia.

The Peruvian god Viracocha, portrayed on the Sun Gate in Tiahuanaco in Bolivia: according to traditi
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The Peruvian god Viracocha, portrayed on the Sun Gate in Tiahuanaco in Bolivia: according to tradition he was white, with a red beard.

Depictions of white gods with beards and light hair can also be found on Easter Island. Right here in 1774, a naturalist named Georg Forster landed describing it as a barren land, poor in vegetation, and devastated by volcanic eruptions. On this inhospitable-looking island, the scholar encountered the local indigenous population and was surprised to find some of them with fair skin and red hair!

Evidently, these were descendants of that ancient advanced people depicted on the island's rocks who brought knowledge and wisdom thousands of years ago to the peoples of the Polynesian lands. Here too, mysterious cyclopean underground galleries are found that end in the sea; probably in ancient times these tunnels were used to travel from one part of the islands to another, or even to travel from one part of the planet to another. It is indeed curious that wooden tablets depicting hieroglyphs similar to those of pre-Columbian America have been found, or even writings similar to those of the Indus Valley or Celtic scripts.

Similar tunnels are also found in South America, and in fact they would connect precisely with Easter Island, but not only that: there are networks of tunnels in Peru that would connect Lima to Cuzco and even extend to Bolivia and probably to Lake Titicaca. Here, the treasures of the Incas massacred by the Spanish Conquistadors are still believed to be hidden. There are other galleries in Hawaii and throughout Oceania where the tunnels continue under the ocean floor. Others are found in California, Kentucky (the famous Mammoth Caves, said to be one of the entrances to Agartha). The Apaches also speak of these galleries: according to their wise men, these galleries extend to Tiahuanaco, and according to their stories, they were carved by beings that came from the stars through lights that break the rocks. There are also networks of underground tunnels in Europe, some of which have been discovered and explored only for a few kilometers, like the one that connects the Iberian Peninsula with Morocco in Africa.

A colossal semi-submerged tunnel with a collapsed entrance on Easter Island: these are vestiges that
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A colossal semi-submerged tunnel with a collapsed entrance on Easter Island: these are vestiges that are unitary to those of all the peoples of the Pacific, like the incredible megalithic submerged structure of Yonaguni, in Japan. Caves and tunnels are present in the Easter Island and according to legends they reach both South America and the Gobi desert. Note how even in the Gobi tunnels and tunnels open in the rocks, like the "entrance" in Khotan or an underground canal that flows into the desert, like the one in Turfan, in the area of ​​the Caves of a Thousand Buddhas.

When we first heard about the Hollow Earth and the underground galleries, we thought it was all just legends; then we learned about the discoveries made by early explorers including Ossendowski, who after meeting a Lama in Tibet, claimed to have seen one of the entrances to these colossal galleries, while others were discovered all over the world by various explorers.

It wasn't until the 1970s with the Italian scientific researcher Peter Kolosimo that the discovery of the Hollow Earth and underground worlds began to be widely disseminated; and after many discoveries by spelunkers and archaeologists, it was confirmed that these were not just legends. After the discovery of the white mummies of Takla Makan, even the legends of the white gods found confirmation, because as ancient scriptures told, it was these beings who dug these enormous galleries.

They were explorers, specifically Russians, who identified the so-called "bottomless pit," which was part of an extensive network of caves located in Azerbaijan that attracted their attention. For a long time, screams, thuds, and strange noises came from that cavity. Once inside, researchers noticed a strange green luminescence and that these cavities led towards the Caucasus! From the paintings and bones found there, they initially thought they were prehistoric caves, but after analyzing them, the surprise was great: these were even older bones. The tales of old adventurous explorers claimed that some men who entered the galleries of the Kingdom of Agartha saw this green light and never returned.

Later it was discovered that this network of tunnels reached small squares from which conduits left to join with the underground galleries of the Gobi Desert; the same ones that once connected the mainland to the island of the Gobi Sea! And perhaps here they would connect to the islands of the Pacific. Noticing all this, one cannot help but think that it must have been a cyclopean work, carried out by an evolved people.

Lake Lop Nor, the last vestige of the Gobi Sea, photographed by a satellite. Note the progressive re
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Lake Lop Nor, the last vestige of the Gobi Sea, photographed by a satellite. Note the progressive retreat of the waters, which will soon lead to drying up, similarly to what happened to the Aral Sea.

According to scientists, this system of galleries should even reach China and Tibet, just as Ossendowski claimed: according to Tibetan monks, this is where the capital of Agartha would be found, and the conduits would connect to the Dalai Lama's palace in Lhasa. Unfortunately, despite the discoveries of these caves around the world, it has not been possible to proceed further due to massive collapses that have forever blocked the entrance due to their colossal dimensions; at other times, entrances have been deliberately concealed by sages who know their location, or it is said that the inhabitants of the underworld have masked the accesses.

Unfortunately, until today, no one has managed to see them.

The Tarim basin is entirely occupied by the Takla Makan desert, one of the most dangerous and inhosp
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The Tarim basin is entirely occupied by the Takla Makan desert, one of the most dangerous and inhospitable places on the planet. Note the depression, centuries ago occupied by the Gobi Sea.

All this story helps us understand how little we know today about the territories of Asia and the legends that speak of evolved populations with white skin and immense and colossal tunnels stretching thousands of kilometers. It's like a global subway system that perhaps represents the very essence of the realm of Agartha and, on the surface, of the mythical Mu.

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