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Enigmatic treasures from the Titicaca's lake

A group of underwater archaeologists has discovered at the bottom of Lake Titicaca, in Bolivia, a real treasure made up of pieces of gold and silver, bones and 1500-year-old ceramics.

Enigmatic treasures from the Titicaca's lake
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Located at almost 4 thousand meters above sea level, Lake Titicaca, with its 8 thousand square kilometers of extension, is the largest lake in South America. It is so large that half of its waters belong to Peru, while the other half belong to Bolivia.

It is a very important lake for the mythology and history of the South American natives, and there are numerous legends that tell of cities submerged in the waters of Titicaca. However, some surprising findings suggest that the legends have their roots in real events.

In 2014 a group of underwater archaeologists participated in an expedition to the bottom of Titicaca's lake and recovered numerous relics belonging to different eras, both from the Inca and pre-Inca periods. The divers explored various parts of the lake, finding objects from different eras. Around 2,000 objects and fragments where found, including ceramics and urns that are 800 years old. Among the objects, some stone vases, incense containers and animal figures such as pumas were also found. The divers also brought 31 gold fragments to the surface.

Archaeologists are convinced that these objects are just the beginning of other discoveries that could revolutionize the study of the Inca and pre-Inca civilization. Most of the finds have occurred near Isla del Sol, where according to legend the mythical founders of the Inca Empire emerged from the depths of the lake.

According to Inca mythology, Isla del Sol is the place of creation. After the great flood, the god Viracocha emerged from the waters and created the sun, moon and stars. Then he headed to Tiahuanaco to create the first humans, Mallku Kapac and Mama Ocllo (the Inca version of Adam and Eve).

The enigmatic charm of Peru and Bolivia

It is not only Lake Titicaca that exerts its enigmatic fascination on researchers from all over the world. There is no doubt that the entire region surrounding the large body of water is shrouded in mystery.

In fact, a short distance away is the ancient city of Tiahuanaco, one of the greatest archaeological enigmas of all time, located approximately 800 meters above the level of Lake Titicaca. It is certainly one of the most important cities of ancient South America, being passed down as the place where the first humans were created.

Archaeologists have demonstrated that the city, in the distant past, even had a harbor. Structures found in Lake Titicaca show that the water level has drastically changed throughout history.

The debate on the dating of the ruins is very heated among researchers. Some argue that the city dates back to 14,000 BC, a much older period than currently believed to be the beginning of human civilization.

One of the most enigmatic ruins of the Tiahuanaco site is represented by the "Gate of the Sun", an immense architectural work carved from a single block of stone.

Zonnepoort Tiwanaku
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Zonnepoort Tiwanaku

The figures decorating the stone are believed to have astronomical connotations. Others, however, closely resemble human beings equipped with wings and rectangular helmets.

The central relief shows a figure armed with two serpent-shaped sceptres, surrounded by 48 other winged figures, 32 of which have a human face and 16 bearing the head of a condor.

The Gate of the Sun was so called because standing in front of it at the beginning of spring you can observe that the sun rises exactly above the middle of the gate. One theory holds that the 48 figures carved into the stone represent the basic scheme of a calendar which would have served to determine further astronomical references.

Hayu Marca's “Stargate”

Almost 1300 kilometers southeast of Lima, Peru, on the shores of Lake Titicaca, lies the enigmatic Puerta de Hayu Marca. When you look at it, you are perplexed: a gigantic door, dug into solid rock. It really seems like an access, but it leads nowhere!

The site is literally in the middle of nowhere, at over 4000 meters above sea level. The door is seven meters wide and has a smaller recess of around 2 metres. In the center it has a small circular depression.

Puerta de Hayu Marca
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Puerta de Hayu Marca

The natives call this area the "City of the Gods", although there is no urban agglomeration. According to legends, heroes of the past used the door to satisfy the wishes of the gods. By passing through the door, they gained immortality.

It is said of men who returned to Earth through the door, in the company of the gods, in order to inspect their kingdoms. The gate, in fact, was the passage that led to the world of divinities.

The circular depression in the center of the door served as the location of a golden device with which the dimensional passage was opened. According to Philip Coppens, author and investigative journalist, “it sounds like a modern science fiction story. It is said that the device was made entirely of gold and various other precious stones. Anyone in possession of it could make the door work, establishing contact with the gods."

But was there really a device capable of activating this door? And if so, where did the passage lead? According to the theorists of the "ancient astronauts", the door of the gods is at the end of a space-time tunnel, a sort of portal that connects to another part of the universe or another dimension.

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