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Netizens-Digest Volume 1 Number 412

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Published in 
Netizens Digest
 · 16 May 2024

Netizens-Digest       Thursday, January 2 2003       Volume 01 : Number 412 

Netizens Association Discussion List Digest

In this issue:

Re: [netz] Happy Birthday, Dear Internet
Re: [netz] Happy Birthday, Dear Internet


Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2003 13:27:49 -0500
From: "Howard C. Berkowitz" <>
Subject: Re: [netz] Happy Birthday, Dear Internet

At 12:28 AM -0500 1/2/03, Jay Hauben wrote:
>2003 is the 30th anniversary of the first drafts of the paper "A Protocol
>for Packet Network Intercommunication" by Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn. Jan 1
>2003 is also the 20th anniversay of the target date (Jan 1 1983) for the
>cutover from the ARPANET protocol NCP to the Internet protocol suite
>TCP/IP. There should be celebration of these significant events in the
>development of the Internet.
>The following article appears in the current online Wired News. It is good
>to see there is some effort to acknowledge these important historic
>events. It was not that the cut over was seen as something that needed to
>be jammed down anyones throughts. There were problems having adequate
>implementations for all operating systems used on the ARPANET in time for
>the cutover. If interested in more details you can see:
>Take care.
>Wired: 02:00 AM Dec. 31, 2002 PT
>Happy Birthday, Dear Internet
>By Justin Jaffe
>>From its early days as a pet project in the Department of Defense to its
>infamous time nestled under Al Gore's wing,

In fairness to Gore, I've heard Vint say that while Gore had nothing
to do with the technology, he was an early advocate and helped get
the funding.

>the history of the Internet is
>littered with dozens of so-called birthdays.
>But, as Gore can surely attest, not everyone agrees when they are.
>Wednesday is one of those days.
>Some historians claim the Internet was born in 1961, when Dr. Leonard
>Kleinrock first published a paper on packet-switching technology at MIT.
>Others cite 1969, when the Department of Defense commissioned the Advanced
>Research Projects Agency Network, known as ARPANET, to research a
>communication and command network that could withstand a nuclear attack.

It's urban legend that ARPANET was supposed to be nuclear attack
survivable. At best, it was a testbed for technologies for such
purposes. Around 1969, the nuclear command and control was the
Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network (MEECN), which was
really 20-plus separate military networks with some common operating
procedures. Some subsystems of MEECN could send to all bases, some
to bombers, some to submarines, etc. None of these, however, were
packet-switching. Some were highly redundant circuit-switching.

>The 1970s boast a slew of what could be pegged essential Internet
>milestones, including the advent of e-mail and the splintering off of
>ARPANET from military experiment to public resource.
>But perhaps the most famous of the lot is the acclaimed Jan. 1, 1983,
>switch from Network Control Protocol to Transmission Control Protocol and
>Internet Protocol.
>The transition from NCP to TCP/IP may not have been the sexiest moment in
>Internet history, but it was a key transition that paved the way for
>today's Internet.
>Call it one small switch for man, but one giant switch for

Since the first DNS papers (now obsolete) came out in late 1983, with
limited implementations, there couldn't have been Oh
well. Journalistic license, but an indication of the fundamental and
widespread confusion between names and addresses.

>Until that fateful moment 20 years ago, the fewer than 1,000 computers
>that connected to ARPANET used the primitive Network Control Protocol,
>which was useful for the small community despite some limitations.

Primitive? Let the journalist implement it. :-)

>But despite the need to take ARPANET to the next level, the decision to
>switch to TCP/IP was controversial.
>Like the current Windows versus Linux debate, there were factions of the
>community that wanted to adopt different standards, most notably the Open
>Systems Interconnection protocol.

Again, the dates don't quite fit. TCP/IP was available in 1983. A
significant number of OSI implementations weren't available until
1987 or so, and were expensive versus the freeware TCP/IP. In 1986,
when we set up the internal networks at the Corporation for Open
Systems (COS), the OSI/ISDN industry group, we had no choice other
than using TCP/IP. At best, we had "statements of direction" from

The biggest issue was that the Official Standards Bodies of the
world, dominated by national telecom administrations and large
carriers, did not want something

(1) that had not gone through their [cumbersome] process*
(2) was associated, in the words of one European, with the "bomb-crazed
American military"

*An elephant is a mouse designed by the ISO/CCITT/ITU standards
process. Correct that -- an elephant is reasonably elegant. Try a


Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 22:12:36 EST
Subject: Re: [netz] Happy Birthday, Dear Internet

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- - All right, Ronda! Nice quotes. Congrats. :-)

- - Simon

In a message dated 01/02/2003 12:33:35 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> Subj:[netz] Happy Birthday, Dear Internet
> Date:01/02/2003 12:33:35 AM Eastern Standard Time
> From: (Jay Hauben)
> Sender:
> Reply-to:
> To:
> Hi,
> 2003 is the 30th anniversary of the first drafts of the paper "A Protocol
> for Packet Network Intercommunication" by Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn. Jan 1
> 2003 is also the 20th anniversay of the target date (Jan 1 1983) for the
> cutover from the ARPANET protocol NCP to the Internet protocol suite=20
> TCP/IP. There should be celebration of these significant events in the
> development of the Internet.
> The following article appears in the current online Wired News. It is good
> to see there is some effort to acknowledge these important historic
> events. It was not that the cut over was seen as something that needed to
> be jammed down anyones throughts. There were problems having adequate
> implementations for all operating systems used on the ARPANET in time for
> the cutover. If interested in more details you can see:
> Take care.
> Jay
> Wired: 02:00 AM Dec. 31, 2002 PT
> Happy Birthday, Dear Internet
> By Justin Jaffe
> >From its early days as a pet project in the Department of Defense to its
> infamous time nestled under Al Gore's wing, the history of the Internet is
> littered with dozens of so-called birthdays.
> But, as Gore can surely attest, not everyone agrees when they are.
> Wednesday is one of those days.
> Some historians claim the Internet was born in 1961, when Dr. Leonard
> Kleinrock first published a paper on packet-switching technology at MIT.
> Others cite 1969, when the Department of Defense commissioned the Advanced
> Research Projects Agency Network, known as ARPANET, to research a
> communication and command network that could withstand a nuclear attack.
> The 1970s boast a slew of what could be pegged essential Internet
> milestones, including the advent of e-mail and the splintering off of
> ARPANET from military experiment to public resource.
> But perhaps the most famous of the lot is the acclaimed Jan. 1, 1983,
> switch from Network Control Protocol to Transmission Control Protocol and
> Internet Protocol.
> The transition from NCP to TCP/IP may not have been the sexiest moment in
> Internet history, but it was a key transition that paved the way for
> today's Internet.
> Call it one small switch for man, but one giant switch for
> Protocols are communication standards that allow computers to speak to one
> another over a network. Just as English speakers of different dialects and
> accents can often understand one another, protocols provide a lingua
> franca for all the different kinds of computers that hook into the
> Internet.
> Until that fateful moment 20 years ago, the fewer than 1,000 computers
> that connected to ARPANET used the primitive Network Control Protocol,
> which was useful for the small community despite some limitations.
> "NCP was sufficient to allow some Internetting to take place," said
> Kleinrock, now a computer science professor at UCLA. "It was not an
> elegant solution, but it was a sufficient solution.
> "They saw a more general approach was needed."
> Indeed, as ARPANET continued its exponential growth into the 1980s, the
> project's administrators realized they would need a new protocol to
> accommodate the much larger and more complicated network they foresaw as
> the Internet's future.
> Vint Cerf, who is credited with co-designing the TCP/IP protocol with
> Robert Kahn, said, "It was designed to be future-proof and to run on any
> communication system."
> The switch was "tremendously important," according to Rhonda Hauben,
> co-author of Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the
> Internet.
> "It was critical because there was an understanding that the Internet
> would be made up of lots of different networks," Hauben said. "Somehow the
> Internet infrastructure had to be managed in a way to accommodate a
> variety of entities."
> But despite the need to take ARPANET to the next level, the decision to
> switch to TCP/IP was controversial.
> Like the current Windows versus Linux debate, there were factions of the
> community that wanted to adopt different standards, most notably the Open
> Systems Interconnection protocol.
> "A lot of people in the community -- even though we had given them six
> months' to a year's notice -- they didn't really take it seriously," Kahn
> said.
> "We had to jam it down their throats," Cerf said.
> It was worth the jamming, Hauben said.
> "They had the vision," she said. "They understood that this was going to
> be something substantial, and that's what they provided for in a very
> special way."
> =A9 Copyright 2002, Lycos, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> ----------------------- Headers --------------------------------
> Return-Path: <>
> Received: from ( []=
> by (v90.10) with ESMTP id MAILINXM42-0102003335; Thu=
> 02 Jan 2003 00:33:35 -0500
> Received: from (
> []) by (v90.10) with ESMTP id=20
> MAILRELAYINXM57-0102003326; Thu, 02 Jan 2003 00:33:26 -0500
> Received: from (localhost [])
> by (8.12.3/8.12.3) with ESMTP id=20
> h025SunD000964
> for <>; Thu, 2 Jan 2003 00:28:56 -0500=20
> (EST)
> Received: by (8.12.3/8.12.3/Submit) id=20
> h025Supf000963
> for netizens-outgoing; Thu, 2 Jan 2003 00:28:56 -0500 (EST)
> Received: from (
> [])
> by (8.12.3/8.12.3) with ESMTP id=20
> h025SrnD000955
> for <>; Thu, 2 Jan 2003=20
> 00:28:54 -0500 (EST)
> Received: from ( [])
> by (8.12.3/8.12.3) with SMTP id=20
> h025SqFj018073
> for <>; Thu, 2 Jan 2003 00:28:53 -0500 (EST)
> Received: from localhost (4749 bytes) by
> via send-mail with P:stdio/R:inet_hosts/T:smtp
> (sender: <jrh>) (ident <jrh> using unix)
> id <>
> for <>; Thu, 2 Jan 2003 00:28:52 -0500 (EST)
> (Smail- 2000-Feb-17 #1 built 2002-Nov-3)
> Message-Id: <>
> Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 00:28:52 -0500 (EST)
> From: (Jay Hauben)
> To:
> Subject: [netz] Happy Birthday, Dear Internet
> Sender:
> Precedence: bulk
> Reply-To:

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<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><FONT SIZE=3D2>- All right, Ronda! Nice=20=
quotes. Congrats. :-)
<BR>- Simon
<BR>In a message dated 01/02/2003 12:33:35 AM Eastern Standard Time, jrh@ais=
.org writes:
<BR><BLOCKQUOTE TYPE=3DCITE style=3D"BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px solid; MARGIN-=
LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">Subj:<B>[netz] Happy Birthd=
ay, Dear Internet</B>
<BR>Date:01/02/2003 12:33:35 AM Eastern Standard Time
<BR><I>From: (Jay Hauben)
<BR>2003 is the 30th anniversary of the first drafts of the paper "A Protoco=
<BR>for Packet Network Intercommunication" by Vint Cerf and Robert Kahn. Jan=
<BR>2003 is also the 20th anniversay of the target date (Jan 1 1983) for the
<BR>cutover from the ARPANET protocol NCP to the Internet protocol suite=20
<BR>TCP/IP. There should be celebration of these significant events in the
<BR>development of the Internet.
<BR>The following article appears in the current online Wired News. It is go=
<BR>to see there is some effort to acknowledge these important historic
<BR>events. It was not that the cut over was seen as something that needed t=
<BR>be jammed down anyones throughts. There were problems having adequate
<BR>implementations for all operating systems used on the ARPANET in time fo=
<BR>the cutover. If interested in more details you can see:
<BR>Take care.
<BR>Wired: 02:00 AM Dec. 31, 2002 PT
<BR>Happy Birthday, Dear Internet
<BR>By Justin Jaffe
<BR>>From its early days as a pet project in the Department of Defense to=
<BR>infamous time nestled under Al Gore's wing, the history of the Internet=20=
<BR>littered with dozens of so-called birthdays.
<BR>But, as Gore can surely attest, not everyone agrees when they are.
<BR>Wednesday is one of those days.
<BR>Some historians claim the Internet was born in 1961, when Dr. Leonard
<BR>Kleinrock first published a paper on packet-switching technology at MIT.
<BR>Others cite 1969, when the Department of Defense commissioned the Advanc=
<BR>Research Projects Agency Network, known as ARPANET, to research a
<BR>communication and command network that could withstand a nuclear attack.
<BR>The 1970s boast a slew of what could be pegged essential Internet
<BR>milestones, including the advent of e-mail and the splintering off of
<BR>ARPANET from military experiment to public resource.
<BR>But perhaps the most famous of the lot is the acclaimed Jan. 1, 1983,
<BR>switch from Network Control Protocol to Transmission Control Protocol an=
<BR>Internet Protocol.
<BR>The transition from NCP to TCP/IP may not have been the sexiest moment i=
<BR>Internet history, but it was a key transition that paved the way for
<BR>today's Internet.
<BR>Call it one small switch for man, but one giant switch for
<BR>Protocols are communication standards that allow computers to speak to o=
<BR>another over a network. Just as English speakers of different dialects a=
<BR>accents can often understand one another, protocols provide a lingua
<BR>franca for all the different kinds of computers that hook into the
<BR>Until that fateful moment 20 years ago, the fewer than 1,000 computers
<BR>that connected to ARPANET used the primitive Network Control Protocol,
<BR>which was useful for the small community despite some limitations.
<BR>"NCP was sufficient to allow some Internetting to take place," said
<BR>Kleinrock, now a computer science professor at UCLA. "It was not an
<BR>elegant solution, but it was a sufficient solution.
<BR>"They saw a more general approach was needed."
<BR>Indeed, as ARPANET continued its exponential growth into the 1980s, the
<BR>project's administrators realized they would need a new protocol to
<BR>accommodate the much larger and more complicated network they foresaw as
<BR>the Internet's future.
<BR>Vint Cerf, who is credited with co-designing the TCP/IP protocol with
<BR>Robert Kahn, said, "It was designed to be future-proof and to run on any
<BR>communication system."
<BR>The switch was "tremendously important," according to Rhonda Hauben,
<BR>co-author of Netizens: On the History and Impact of Usenet and the
<BR>"It was critical because there was an understanding that the Internet
<BR>would be made up of lots of different networks," Hauben said. "Somehow t=
<BR>Internet infrastructure had to be managed in a way to accommodate a
<BR>variety of entities."
<BR>But despite the need to take ARPANET to the next level, the decision to
<BR>switch to TCP/IP was controversial.
<BR>Like the current Windows versus Linux debate, there were factions of the
<BR>community that wanted to adopt different standards, most notably the Ope=
<BR>Systems Interconnection protocol.
<BR>"A lot of people in the community -- even though we had given them six
<BR>months' to a year's notice -- they didn't really take it seriously," Kah=
<BR>"We had to jam it down their throats," Cerf said.
<BR>It was worth the jamming, Hauben said.
<BR>"They had the vision," she said. "They understood that this was going to
<BR>be something substantial, and that's what they provided for in a very
<BR>special way."
<BR>=A9 Copyright 2002, Lycos, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
ial" LANG=3D"0">
<BR>----------------------- Headers --------------------------------
<BR>Return-Path: <>
<BR>Received: from ( [172.20.=
83.106]) by (v90.10) with ESMTP id MAILINXM42-01020033=
35; Thu, 02 Jan 2003 00:33:35 -0500
<BR>Received: from (
u []) by (v90.10) with ESMTP id MAILRELAYIN=
XM57-0102003326; Thu, 02 Jan 2003 00:33:26 -0500
<BR>Received: from (localhost [])
<BR>    by (8.12.3/8.12.3) with ESM=
TP id h025SunD000964
<BR>    for <>; Thu, 2 Ja=
n 2003 00:28:56 -0500 (EST)
<BR>Received: by (8.12.3/8.12.3/Submit) id h025Sup=
<BR>    for netizens-outgoing; Thu, 2 Jan 2003 00:28:56 -0500=
<BR>Received: from (
<BR>    by (8.12.3/8.12.3) with ESM=
TP id h025SrnD000955
<BR>    for <
t;; Thu, 2 Jan 2003 00:28:54 -0500 (EST)
<BR>Received: from ( [
<BR>    by (8.12.3/8.12.3) with S=
MTP id h025SqFj018073
<BR>    for <>; Thu, 2 Jan 2003 00=
:28:53 -0500 (EST)
<BR>Received: from localhost (4749 bytes) by
<BR>    via send-mail with P:stdio/R:inet_hosts/T:smtp
<BR>    (sender: <jrh>) (ident <jrh> using unix)
<BR>    id <>
<BR>    for <>; Thu, 2 Jan 2003 00=
:28:52 -0500 (EST)
<BR>    (Smail- 2000-Feb-17 #1 built 2002-Nov-3)
<BR>Message-Id: <>
<BR>Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2003 00:28:52 -0500 (EST)
<BR>From: (Jay Hauben)
<BR>Subject: [netz] Happy Birthday, Dear Internet
<BR>Precedence: bulk
E=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">

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