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Xine - issue #5 - Phile 102

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 · 7 months ago


| Xine - issue #5 - Phile 102 |


Heavy?? - anti debugging - By Lifewire/IKX


StarZer0 & Me & Billy decided to play the VX vs AV... I created
some crackme, *0 tried to reverse it...

After some research I found this things quite usefull:

(Usefull against patched Softices too)

(You won't find here all the anti-si stuff, because if left the
common ones you find everywhere away)

1. Clearing DRx registers at ring3 (clearing BPM's, duh)

Ok, this tech is fun: Imagine this:

AV tries to trace your decryptor... its too hard for the poor
guy, because your decryption loops are pretty heavy antidebug,
and you build your key using runtime made checksums so he can't
use BPX's... whats left? Indeed, BPM. So he places some BPM's,
and that is just what we don't like...

after viewing a lil bit, looking further after 'SetThreadContext',
which is a lil bit too visible while debugging (and maybe you can't
even use API's in the decrypting phase before your virus), I found
out in a doc I got from t2k, you can play with the ThreadContext
in your SEH too...:

;---------------- code -----------;

pushad ;(thats why all the [esp+20h]'s)

mov eax,[esp+1*4+20h] ;error code
mov edx,dword ptr [esp+3*4+20h] ;thread context blabla

cmp byte ptr [eax],01dh ;STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION
je owncreatedinvopcode


lea edi,[edx].iDr0 ;find some good .inc file if
xor eax,eax ;you wanna rip this ;)
stosd ;byebye dr0
stosd ;byebye dr1
stosd ;byebye dr2
stosd ;byebye dr3.. sigh

mov [edx].iDr7,155h ;the magic number ;)
add [edx].regEip,(offset returnadd-offset opbuf)+3 ;jmp over code
jmp exitseh

;---------------- code -----------;

(note that this code was cutted from another source of me, so it may
be a bit messy ;)

This code is your SEH handler... create runtime an invalid opcode
using a (fake?) decryption key... poor tracer thinks he did something
wrong: the key doesn't match, because the opcode seems invalid... etc,
use your imagination :) and even, this code doesn't return to the code
after the invalid opcode, it modifies EIP as you might see ;)

2. Use lot of annoying checksums as key

If you trace through some memory reading opcode in softice, it try to
perfectly hide itself: As you ofcourse know, a breakpoint is just an
int 3 (db 0cch).

If you don't trace, but just 'f10', softice isn't able to hide itself,
maybe you experienced this if your virus copied itself to allocated
memory while having breakpoints, well, at least i did :)

So if you make code ala this:

esi=source of code

add edx,al
rol edx,3
dec ecx
jnz checksum

In the simpelest form, and you use edx as decryption key, EACH loop,
it is quite annoying, see chapter 3.

<smartguy> Hey lifewire, dec ecx / jnz = loop!
<lifewire> Ok ok, but if your size(ecx) is big enough, AV needs to
use a bpx, if he don't wanna F8 a whole day ;)... and that
is just what we need! a nice 0CCh in our code to fuck up
the checksum ;)

oh! crc32 or something like it is fun too

mov esi,start
mov ecx,codesize
mov edx,scarykeybasevalue

_checksum1: ;edx = key
mov ah,8
xor dl,al ;CRC32
shr edx,1
jc _2checksum1
xor edx,1234578h ;the polynomial is random ofcourse
magic equ $-4
dec ah
jnz _3checksum1
dec ecx ;optimizing deep in my hot tight ass
jnz _checksum1

3. Always decrypt from end to start!


imagine this:

If the AV has a lil skills, he is able to trace through your antidebug
stuff. You listened to the whise words of Lifewire, you create each
loop a checksum of the decrypting code, no BPX's in decrypt, no BPM's,
no fun for AV.

But after he did some loop, the fucker can simply place a BPX on the
first decrypted byte of the next layer! Without fucking your checksum!

Bad case erh?

Well, if you decrypt from end to start, even if the ugly fucker
tries to BPX some decrypted data (??) it gets overwritten while

4. Old skool antisoftice, and some newskool?

Ofcourse use all the wide known famous anti softice stuff, it might
be a lil annoying without a unpatched softice, but what about this:

normally INT3 get catched by your SEH handler, but with Softice in
mem, and the right params, it isn't. So the big bad tracer can press
F10 on a INT3, but what about this:

push ss ;f8 trace
pop ss ;f8 trace
int 3 ;f10 stepover?

mwuhaha, you are in the INT3 code! And if the AV traces your code, it
can be pretty annoying, erh, if he has to trace thousands of loops
into this crap code?

And what about this:

mov ebp,"BCHK"
push ss
pop ss
int 3
db blabla ;opcode to modify your key register

and let your seh handler do not return after a int3, but one byte
further... so the key register gets fucked if no SEH occurs. (because
SEH doesn't get used with an BCHK INT3 if softice is in mem;)

5. The standard stuff

Always multilayer, and make the things you do as less visible as
possible, do not use the LOOP instr. and use lot of code like this:

nop ;your code
call addeip6 ;adds 6 to eip (call+1)
db onebyte ;ofcourse a byte that creates a big instruction ;)


inc [esp]
;let your lil sister write something here ;)

... ;more annoying code

the fucker can't press F10 on calls like this, and the next code
is unreadable by your onebyte... btw, press ctrl+d know (you are
running softice, aren't you??), and scroll a bit around if you broke
into code on a 32bit segment (sorry if i use the wrong word for it,
i'm lame). Then look a bit around as I said, until
you find a big instruction (in softice type 'code on' if you don't
have it in your cfg).

and, combine addeip6 with addeip7, addeip8, etc.. and inside addeip6
call addeip7 which calls addeip8 some times ;)

(for example, a C7 05 (mov [hardcodedaddress],imm32) is pretty huge)

also a

jmp $+3
db 0c7h

will do something against viewers/disasm's/people who try to under-
stand your code.



Not only the readability (see above), but also the way you decrypt
and build keys, etc.
This was the thing that made StarZer0 able to crack my crackme: he
understanded the way i decrypted, and did it by himself. :/

6. API's & more

Well, you succesfully beated the AV... but then the API's are left
to break into your code.

See the other source/stuff i made, called API tunnel

note: t2k told me AV's breakpoint the importtables (you know, a call
api using tasm is a call jmp table), so if you code a worm remind this.

7. conditional

Make analysing hard: use lot of checks and jne,jg,jbe,jo..etc.
use fake ones, that are random and return very much fake code later
to the same point as when the jmp didn't occure... you understand?
ok, sorry, well, look this:

jmp oversomething
jmp blabla (etc.. and finally return to the label bla)

test eax,eax
jmp lotoffakestuff

lodsb (encrypted data)

cmp al,62 ;just a number
je something

You see? it has the same effect. And if av is analysing it, it can
be possible your decryptor has special action if byte = 62. So he
has to unassemble a lot to see nothing happened.

and... use also really needed checks between them :)

8. You need self a debugger too!

Well, at least, I guess :)

I recommend that you read some cracking-related soft/winice
articles, since winice has many many futures. (there is more
then bpx, f8 & f10 :)

What about a int3 on start of your code, and a bpint 3 do "rip ip+1"
will work finer then the stupid loader32.

And, what about

call talk_to_me ;push offset string
db "burp",0ah,0
talk_to_me: call OutputDebugStringA

at some place in your virus? For debugging it is better then that
stupid messageboxes i see in some viruses.

Oh, if your commandwindow gets flooded with lot of messages you don't
wanna know: try to set the default verbose var off, in winice.dat or
directly by doing a set verbose off. In this way your debugout texts
don't scroll away so fast.

heh, and more fun: What about talking to the AV'er if he is debugging
your code?

tell him about your dog, about your grandma, about your sexuality,
erh ;)

give him false hints like
"Hey! You really think this is the decryptor? Wahaha looser!! :)"
let him see a user-agreement that tells it is not allowed to
analyse/reverse your binary code according to some law, etc ;))

heh sorry, this section is about nothing ;)

9. The end

maybe i forgot something, or i said things wrong, sorry if thats the
case, mail me then, and remember i'm in the best group, but that
doesn't mean i am l33t :)

OOH! erh... the following code was added to this stupid text late
in december, very loooong after i wrote this article:

Because I didn't had win2k nor NT while writing the main article,
I didn't know at that moment win2k/NT handles SEH in anotherway. Its
mainly about the context record: If you read the EIP in a program in
w9x after an exception, its the address of the instruction. If you
do the same in 2k, its the value AFTER the exception.

you see?

oh and as a good practice: reverse some pe-protectors. start with
some lame ones, and grow step by step. try PE Lock / MarquisDeSoiree,
PE Shield by ANAKiN, etc.


Its me...

PS. first think, then code :)

10. Extra for you

well, here you find my winice.dat. SI works the finest in this way.
(And some people seem to have problems with using/configuring SI)

lines 60 is a nice option if you work inside a fullscreen dosbox.
but if you are in 800x600 or more, you can use more then 60 lines (if
you are in the GUI)


; *************************************************************************
; If your have MORE than 32MB of physical memory installed, change
; the PHYSMB line to the correct # of Megabytes.
; If you have LESS than 32MB you can save a bit of memory by
; specifying the correct # of Megabytes
; Example: PHYSMB=32
; *************************************************************************

INIT="lines 60;data;X;code on;set mouse off;wc 32;wd 8;"

F11="^G @SS:ESP;"
F12="^p ret;"
CF11="SHOW B;"
AF8="^XT R;"
AF11="^dd dataaddr->0;"
AF12="^dd dataaddr->4;"
CF1="altscr off; lines 60; wc 32; wd 8;"

;Just some DLLs. Usefull for debugging

;what about this one? it was when i was researching the wzip dll to really
;infect file inside zips without adding a file (!).. but i remembered i was
;busy with it some time ago ust a few minutes ago while writing this article ;))

;hehe no comment about these ;)

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