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Xine - issue #3 - Phile 310
| Xine - issue #3 - Phile 310 |
; -* Mini Conway game of life emulator *-
; Writed and commented by [StarZer0/ikx] a drunk night
; Double 64 ko segment to fix up speed
; Vga sync mutation , just to be visible for eye
; Lif file format 1.05 detected & suported
; Support Ascii lif format
; Use ESC to quit the game
.model tiny
org 100h
call allocate ; allocate 64k segment
mov word ptr cs:[binbuffer],ax ; save value placed in ax
call clearzone
call allocate ; allocate 64k segment
mov word ptr cs:[segbuffer],ax ; save value placed in ax
call clearzone
call analyse ; analyse the command line
; open the file and put it
; on the buffer , display comment
xor ax,ax
int 16h ; wait for a keyboard reaction
mov ax,0013h
int 10h ; Video Function CalL
call segtobin ; display the file to screen
call bintovid
xor ax,ax
int 16h ; wait for keyboard reaction
mov ax,word ptr cs:[binbuffer]
call clearzone ; clear teh binary buffer
push word ptr cs:[segbuffer]
push word ptr cs:[binbuffer]
pop es
pop ds
call nextgeneration ; render next generation state
; result placed in bin
call bintoseg ; copy binary into seg
call bintovid ; copy bin to video
xor ax,ax
inc ah
int 16h ; test if ax = ESC
jz rendergen ;if so quit , else the continue
xor ax,ax
int 16h
cmp al,27
jne rendergen
mov ah,03h ; restore video format 80x25x16
int 10h
finish: call delocate ; restore segments
call delocate
ret ; quit!
push es ; push datas on the segbuffer
push ds ; on the binbuffer
push word ptr cs:[segbuffer]
pop ds
push word ptr cs:[binbuffer]
pop es
jmp repzit
bintoseg: ; put datas on the bin buffer
; into the segbuffer
push es
push ds
push word ptr cs:[binbuffer]
pop ds
push word ptr cs:[segbuffer]
pop es
jmp repzit
bintovid: ; put datas in the bin buffer
; into Bios video (0A000h)
push es
push ds
push 0A000h
pop es
push word ptr cs:[binbuffer]
pop ds
repzit: mov cx,64000 ; the copier
xor si,si
xor di,di
repz movsb
pop ds
pop es
nextgeneration: ; rendering next generation
xor ax,ax
mov cx ,0ffffh
push cx
call rendersquare ; render for the entire segment
pop cx
inc si
loop cxsaver
rendersquare: ; here we render if the case
; died or rest alive
mov cx,3 ; we render 9 square , 3 upper
xor bx,bx ; 3 center , 3 low
push si ; -1
sub si,320+1
add bl,byte ptr ds:[si]
inc si
add bl,byte ptr ds:[si]
inc si
add bl,byte ptr ds:[si]
inc si
add si,320-3
loop mytype ; render 3 times successive 3 block
pop si
sub bl,byte ptr ds:[si] ; sub the center block
cmp bl,02h
je restquare ; rest in life
cmp bl,03h
jne setasdeath ; if different then die
mov byte ptr es:[si],01h ; set alive
restquare: ;
mov al,byte ptr ds:[si] ; change nothing
mov byte ptr es:[si],al
mov byte ptr es:[si],0 ; kill the life
clearzone: ; put a max of zero into the
; ax segment
push es
mov es,ax
xor di,di
xor ax,ax
mov cx,0ffffh
repz stosw
pop es
allocate: ; memory allocator , 64k seg
push cs
push cs
mov ah,4ah
mov bx,0ffffh
int 21h
mov ah,4ah
sub bx,0ffffh/16+2
int 21h
mov ah,48h
mov bx,0ffffh/16+1
int 21h
pop es
pop ds
delocate: ; delocate
mov ah,49h
int 21h
mov si,82h
mov cx,13 ;
cmp byte ptr [si-1],0dh ; if no command line
jne analyseloop
mov bp,offset trademark ; display trademark
mov cx,endoftrade-trademark ; and quit
call display0
pop ax
jmp finish
analyseloop: ; put a zero after the file
; in the command line
cmp byte ptr [si],0dh
jz endanalyseloop
inc si
loop analyseloop
mov byte ptr [si],0
mov ax,3d00h ; open this file
xor cx,cx
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,82h
int 21h
xchg ax,bx
jnc noproblem ; if error then display msg &
; quit
mov bp,offset filenoexist
mov cx,endoffile-filenoexist
call display0
pop ax
jmp finish
mov ax,4202h ; go to the end
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 21h
push ax ; save file size
push ax
mov ax,4200h ; go to the begin
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 21h
mov ah,3fh ; read cx bytes in the files
pop cx
mov dx,offset filebuffer
int 21h
mov ah,3eh ; close the file
int 21h
mov si,offset filebuffer ; si =
cmp word ptr [si],'L#' ; set if the file begin '#L'
je lifanalyzor ; then lif file detected
mov si,offset filebuffer ; analyse the file
mov di,(320*50)+160
pop cx ; cx = size
xor bp,bp
push ds
push word ptr cs:[segbuffer]
pop ds
mov ah,byte ptr cs:[si]
cmp ah,0ah ; detect if end of line
jne analyseloop2bis ; if so then goto at the next
; line
sub di,bp
add di,320
xor bp,bp
cmp ah,48 ;
jb dontputit ; if not 0 and 1 then skip it
cmp ah,49 ;
ja dontputit
sub ah,30h ; ah = 1 or 0
mov byte ptr ds:[di],ah ; put it into the buffer
inc bp
inc di
inc si
loop analyseloop2
pop ds ; restore ds
ret ; and return
mov si,offset filebuffer
pop cx
inc cx
call verifyversion ; verify if compatible version
cmp word ptr [si],'C#' ; detect if comment line
je putcommentonlife
cmp word ptr [si],'D#'
je putcommentonlife ; detect if comment line
cmp word ptr [si],'R#' ; detect if new rules
je setrules ; never used
cmp word ptr [si],'N#' ; Normal conway rules
je setconwayrules ; never used
cmp word ptr [si],'P#' ; start of datas
je putdatas
inc si
loop midlooping
jmp finish_and_display ; display error message
push cx
call getendofline ; get end of line (0A0Bh)
; bx return length
push si
add si,2
push bx
push bx
mov ah,03h ; print the comment
xor bx,bx
int 10h
mov ax,1301h
mov bx,7
pop cx
sub cx,2 ; skip the #D or #C
mov bp,si
int 10h
pop bx
pop si
add si,bx ; go to next si
pop cx ; and sub cx
sub cx,bx
jmp midlooping ; continue loop
call analysedatas ; continue alayzing
setrules: ; analyze rules
push cx
call getendofline
push bx
push si
xor bx,bx
mov cx,8
mov ah,byte ptr [si+bx+3]
cmp ah,'/'
je nixloop
sub ah,30h
mov byte ptr [settable1+bx],ah ; put rest in life
inc bx ; rules into settable
loop thiscx0
add si,bx
mov cx,8
mov ah,byte ptr [si+bx+1] ; put born rules into
cmp ah,0dh ; settable2
je endofnix
sub ah,30h
mov byte ptr [settable2+bx],ah
inc bx
loop thiscx1
add si,bx
pop si
pop bx
pop cx
add si,bx ; goto next line
sub cx,bx ; continue looping
jmp midlooping
mov byte ptr [conwayflag],1 ; set switch on
add si,4
sub cx,4
jmp midlooping ; and continue looping
verifyversion: ; verify if version = 1.05
push cx
cmp byte ptr [si+6],'1'
ja invalid_version
mov ax,word ptr [si+6+2]
sub ax,3030h
xchg ah,al
cmp ax,05h
ja invalid_version
call getendofline
add si,bx
pop cx
sub cx,bx
pop ax
jmp invalidlif
getendofline: ; we scan the string for an
; 0D0Ah
push si
push cx
mov cx,80
xor bx,bx
cmp word ptr [si],0a0dh
je endfounded
inc bx
inc si
loop founded
inc bx
inc bx
pop cx
pop si
analysedatas: ; analyse if we need to change location
; or put datas on buffer
push cx
pop cx
cmp word ptr [si],'P#'
jne analyse2bis ; change location code
call analyseposition
call putlineonbuffer ; else we put datas on buffer (*.)
push cx
dec cx
jc analyseOver
jnz analysedatas0
pop ax
push cx
call getendofline
push si
push bx
push es
push word ptr [segbuffer] ; set put on the buffer
pop es
xor bp,bp
mov cx,bx
sub cx,2
mov ah,byte ptr [si]
cmp ah,'*'
je putaone ; if any * the put 01h on buffer
mov ah,byte ptr [si]
cmp ah,'.'
je nothingtoput
dec di
jmp nothingtoput
mov byte ptr es:[di],01
inc di
inc si
inc bp
loop looponbuffer
cmp byte ptr [si],'.' ; if last byte equal . the next line is
je skipcount ; concatenate
add di,320
sub di,bp
pop es
pop bx
pop si
pop cx
add si,bx
sub cx,bx
push cx
call getendofline
push bx
push si
add si,3
xor ax,ax
xor dx,dx
xor bp,bp ; bp = negative flag
mov dl,byte ptr [si]
cmp byte ptr [si+1],32
je endofstoof1
cmp dl,'-' ; negative number
jne positivecounter0
inc bp
inc si
jmp stoof1
sub dl,30h ; analyse number with base 10
add ax,dx ; 1234 =
mov bx,10 ; ((((1)*10)+2)*10)+3)*10)+4)
mul bx
inc si
jmp stoof1 ; loop until space detected
sub dl,30h
add ax,dx
mov bx,320
mul bx
mov dx,(320*100) ; do it over vertical position
cmp bp,0
je okaymag1 ; for negative counter
sub dx,ax
sub dx,ax
add dx,ax
push dx
add si,2
xor dx,dx
xor ax,ax
xor bp,bp
stoof2: ; the same thing than upper
; but for vertical postion
mov dl,byte ptr [si]
cmp byte ptr [si+1],0dh
je endofstoof2
cmp dl,'-'
jne positivecounter
inc bp
inc si
jmp stoof2
sub dl,30h
add ax,dx
mov bx,10
mul bx
inc si
jmp stoof2
sub dl,30h
add ax,dx
pop di
add di,160
cmp bp,0
je okaymag2
sub di,ax
sub di,ax
add di,ax
pop si
pop bx
pop cx
sub cx,bx ; get next line
add si,bx ; sub the counter
finish_and_display: ; display error mess.
mov bp,offset errormsg
mov cx,endoferrormsg-errormsg
call display0
pop ax
pop ax
jmp finish
display0: ; display string on
; screen
push cx
mov ah,03h
xor bx,bx
int 10h
pop cx
mov ax,1301h
mov bx,7
int 10h
trademark: db ' Mini Conway Game emulator version &0.5 ',10,13
db ' By StarZer0 , Ikx(C) 1998 - Sourceware ' ,10,13
db 10,13
db ' use : lifegame filename.lif ' ,10,13
errormsg: db 10,13
db ' *** Invalid Lif format or unrecognized version',10,13
filenoexist: db ' File not found ',10,13
conwayflag: db 0
settable1: db 9 dup (9)
settable2: db 9 dup (9)
binbuffer: dw ?
segbuffer: dw ?
filebuffer: db ?
end start