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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 541

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #541
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Thursday, 4 January 1996 Volume 01 : Number 541

Re: DEU.
question about pwad loadi
Reusable code
Re: Dehacked and code poi
Re: Code Pointers
Re: Reusable code
Re: Dehacked and code poi
Packet Reading Update
Give Monsters No Clipping W/O dehacked!


From: (Mark Mathews)
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 1996 20:40:41 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: DEU.

DEU 5.3 is the latest version.

> -->Hi Michael,
ê/÷> -->DEU 6.0 does not exist. Look for DEUOS11D.ZIP on
> -->This is for OS/2 only. Would you like to be a beat tester?
> -->
> -->Happy New Year,
> Sorry, I'm not using OS/2. I thought I saw a new DEU later than the 5.21
> version made BY the authors... Was that truth or just another hack?
> -+-
> * << Michael S. Hoenie >>


From: Albert Alcoceba <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1996 21:16:27 +1100
Subject: question about pwad loadi


EE> I'm trying to make a separate wad for my levels and my
EE> music/sfx. I have a question: will having one player load only
EE> the levels wad and the other loading sound and levels crash the
EE> game? It seems unlikely because the sounds/sfx don't affect
EE> gameplay, but I just want to be sure before going ahead with my
EE> work.

Nope... only different level pwads will crash the game. You can have
different sprite and sound wads with no problems.



... What does the "Paper Out" Light mean on my printer?

* RM 1.31 * Albert!


From: (Brian Kelly)
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 96 13:27:00 GMT
Subject: Reusable code

Looking at most doom utility code, it seems to be all written in C or some sort of hybrid C++. Has anybody thought about the benefits of real object-
oriented programming for these things? I was thinking, basically, if some folk
could get together and construct some generic re-useable code for the basic
wad routines etc. for Doom + Heretic... think about it!

If a good few classes with some decent methods are built, this would save
new authors the effort of goings through the specs or trawling through some verylong header files for the wad / directory entry structures. I know of a couple
of programmers who wanted to write some utilities but felt a tad overcome with
the existing code and documentation. Of course, they could have stuck with it
and eventually got something going, but they lost interest and moved on. Maybe
there are programmers across the net with decent ideas for this kind of thing
who might really benefit from some re-usable objects for Doom...its possible.

If something was to be done [unless it hasnt already...:-}] then it should
be done without copyrighting and put on for any joe public to take
home and start churning out ideas quickly rather than after days of research
and reading, etc.

Oh yeah, and seeing as how most things out there are in some form of C, it
really should be done in C++, and also coded for as many platforms as

I seem to remember Olivier Montaunay emphasising the need for object-oriented
code with these utilities, so maybe some authors could think about writing
their next utility in C++ or whatever, for the good and benefit of the
doom-editing kingdom ;-].

Feel free to mail me personally at
or post to the list.

Anyway, just a thought!

- -Brian Kelly

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Regional Technical College, Tallaght, Ireland.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Date: Sat, 30 Dec 95 13:11:00 -0700
Subject: Re: Dehacked and code poi

- -->I tried making the chaingun fire dbl shotty by altering the code pointer
- -->for the firing frames of the chaingun to the fireframe code ptr of the
- -->dbl barrel.... but it didnt work..

Make sure you have the right code pointer. There is only one that does the
actual firing, while there are several others around it. Keep trying the
code pointers around the actual firing frame of the dblshot and you should
find it. Off monsters, just find the dbl-shot sargents.

- -+-
* << Michael S. Hoenie >>


From: Madis Remmik <>
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 1996 17:43:28 +0200 (EET)
Subject: Re: Code Pointers

> I noticed a message on a list of code pointers being available somewhere. I'm
> still trying to figure them out myself, however I only have e-mail access so I
> can't go get it myself.I was wondering if anyone would e-mail me a copy of it
> if possible (or if it isn't too big, a uuencode of that dehacked grab bag).
> ... "And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere out in space."
> ---

Did I miss something? Where are those code pointers?

Madis Remmik (


From: Robert Forsman <>
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 1996 11:50:21 EST
Subject: Re: Reusable code (Brian Kelly) ,in message <9601031327.AA197>, wrote:

> If a good few classes with some decent methods are built, this would save
> new authors the effort of goings through the specs or trawling through some v
>> erylong header files for the wad / directory entry structures. I know of a c
>> ouple
> of programmers who wanted to write some utilities but felt a tad overcome wit
>> h
> the existing code and documentation. Of course, they could have stuck with it
> and eventually got something going, but they lost interest and moved on. Mayb
>> e
> there are programmers across the net with decent ideas for this kind of thing
> who might really benefit from some re-usable objects for Doom...its possible.

Uh, my WAD parsing classes (2 headers, 2 source) are 800 lines of
C++. (header and source). If you want I can mail them to you. I
think you'll find OOP's promise of code reuse to be a slightly hollow

The one module (source file) that deals with the user interface for
consistency checking (not the actual consistency checking routines
themselves) is 970 lines of C++.

The code to deal with the different display modes (Thing, Vertex,
Linedef, Sidedef, Sector) totals to over 7000 lines in 6 source and 6
header files.

Theoretically the PFME is the most portable mission editor in
existence. It runs under Unix and X windows, which you can get for
every serious workstation. I say "theoretically" because I haven't
gone beyond Sparcs and Linux-486. No time to rebuild the FWF library
and my custom submenu widgets, array widgets, etc that I use in all my
programs. I will get around to an Irix port (4 people have asked me
for one). It's just a question of finding the time to type gnumake.

Trust me, the user interface is the REAL bear when creating an
editor. As for other utilities, knuckle down and write it. You

1) can write it in a few hours
2) need the practice


From: Pandion-Knight <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 1996 03:19:42 +1000 (GMT+1000)
Subject: Re: Dehacked and code poi

i figured it out regarding making the chaingun fire double barreled
shotgun ronds.. you have to use the code pointers of the SHOOTING FRAME
rather than the FIRING FRAME (hmm no wonder).

I have also mucked around, changing the rocket explosion code pointer to
frame #412 (archvile explosion) and get a jetpack effect whenever a
rocket explodes, shooting me in the air (and taking off 10% health :)

Is there a way around the health thing ro to compensate ?? I also found
if the #412 pointer is not referenced to an EXPLOSION (bfg, plasma,
rocket, whatever) and is pointed to by a SHOOTING frame (like fist attack
jetpack idea) it hangs my computer....

Anyone noticed that ?

Right now i got an "ultimate deathmatch" weapons patch running.. where

1> pistols are shotguns..
2> shotgun is now a double shotty.. (great help to start with a shotgun)
3> double shotty is now a CHAIN-double shotty... GRIN (harder to find in dm)
4> chaingun is now a CHAIN-shotty... GRIN (deadly in deathmatch :)

plasma and bfg unchanged..... anyone got any kewl ideas for plasma / bfg ??

I'll take anything :)

i also managed to make the cyberdemon shoot three revenant tracking
missiles, imps chuck lost souls and a few other fun things which i cant
remember cos its four in the morning.

Jeez i love code pointers...

Christopher Voutsis


From: "M[tm] 'Matt trademark' Walsh" <>
Date: Wed, 03 Jan 1996 13:49:56 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Packet Reading Update

I've been asked to better organize this project of mine to keep stray threads to
a minimum. Reply to me directly unless you can shed light on the mysterious
'consistency' field in the packet, or to correct errors.

Once I resolve this 'consistency' field, I'll write this up and include the
exact details of the values in the packet fields and make a 'Doom Netgame FAQ'
for future reference...
Well if you've been following my (many) threads you know that I've been trying
to latch on to any possible smidge of packet data to make a 'scorekeeper'
machine. A number of postings lately speculate on how the Doom netgame works.
Let me help reduce needless postings by explaining it to you, now that I've seen
it work first hand and finally understand (almost) the entire process.

Incidentally, I'm now much less optimistic that I can really get anything
interesting out of the packets, but I still have one slim possibility left, as
you'll see...

How Doom Netgames Work:
- -----------------------
Think of Doom multiplayer like this: each player's PC has 4 'keyboards'
attached to it - one being an actual keyboard, the other three being virtual
keyboards simulated through network packets. And the PC just happens to choose
to draw the screen seen by the player using the actual keyboard (ever wonder how
when playing cooperative you can see the other screens [press F11] just as
easily as yours? think about it.)

Therefore, contrary to many people's speculations, the other players really
aren't 'monsters'. Remember those 2-player PC games where you and a friend
could play with a split screen? (you on the right, me on the left) Doom isn't
really much different. In a 4 player game, Doom does not think there are 3
monsters and one player (you). It thinks there are 4 players. Internally, there
is no difference between ME pressing a button and one of my opponents pressing a

Think about this: say I'm the green character way in the southeast corner of
the wad, all by myself. And the indigo and red characters are blasting it out
way over in the northwest corner. My (the green) PC's engine is involved just
as much as the red and indigo PC's; that part of the game is going on in the
exact same way inside my PC as it is in theirs. All 3 PC's get the same
keyboard hits, update each player's location, do whatever he wants to do,
compute the results based on the physics, and presto.

When I watch the packets zoom by on my screen I can see this happen. For
example, I'll monitor the GREEN player only, and watch the forward/backward
fields. When I push the UP key on Green's keyboard, I see the packet's
forward/backward field change immediately (actually there's also an intermediate
value between stopped and walking); and when I let off of the forward key it
goes back to '0' immediately. It doesn't matter if I'm not going anywhere stuck
on a wall or moving in open space; it simply is a reflection of the keyboard.
Same with shooting. The packet's shoot field changes to 'shooting' in sync with
me pressing the shoot key; >not< in sync with the actual firing of the weapon.

(incidentally, when I send a 'chat' message to you, your computer gets each
letter of the message as I type it; your computer 'hides' the message I've typed
so far from you until I press the return key)

IN THEORY, the machines don't have to tell each other anything (except relaying
their keyboards, of course); all the computers know everything because each one
computes the same exact 'slice' of Doom from the exact same set of data (thanks
to careful timing and re-transmission of data). That's why Doom runs at the
speed of the slowest machine; they all have to wait for it to do the math before
they can do the next slice of game play.

i.e., my scoreboard project is dead in the water (save writing my own Doom
engine simulator)...

...except for (maybe) one thing. There is one field, called the 'Consistency'
data, which I suspect exists in case roundoff errors (people with older
Pentium's [8^)] ) or other problems somehow throw the machines slightly out of
whack. I am hoping that this field might have SOMETHING I can grab on to and
use. Only problem is, I can't see any pattern in the thing at all. THIS IS
WHERE I NEED HELP. Here's some clues:

- -it's 2 bytes wide
- -it stays at some value (unpredictable so far) until you actually change coords;
walking or strafing (not when rotating)
- -unlike every other field, it seems to be forming a string of values; it keeps
changing while you move, then gives you about 20 more values even after you
stop moving before it settles back to the constant value again
- -I can't reproduce the numbers by moving in the same direction or going back to
the same spot. I suspect the number has time info packed into it somehow.
- -BIGGEST CLUE: it goes to 0x0000 when I die and start over (regardless of
where on the map that may be) and also goes to 0x0000 when I go through any

If I can find out what is inside this field, then at least I can know for
certain whether the scoreboard is possible!

===== M(tm) ====
"Standing on a hill in the mountains of dreams, telling myself its not as hard,
hard, hard, as it seems."
My mailer limits my sig to 4 lines. But ingeniously I bypassed this problem by


From: (Bashir Eustache)
Date: 03 Jan 1996 18:44:52 GMT
Subject: Give Monsters No Clipping W/O dehacked!

I wuz looking over some wads I had downloaded from my favorite BBS, when I
found one called IMPGOD.wad. The level started out with a bunch of imps on a
platform and an archville all facing away from me. I began to walk towards
them when the I triggered a crusher that killed all the imps on the
platform(not the archville, though...It wuz on the platform). When the
platform came up, as usual, I found a bloody mess where the Imps had been. I
picked up some weapons that were around me and began blowing the Archville
back to the hellhole he belonged to. The Archivlle, as archvilles tend to
do, started reviving the Imps in the area. Only now, they could not be
destroyed! All the weapons I used on these now godly imps would only fly
through them. They could walk through walls and beat the ever living crap
out of me if they so pleased. This is and interesting bug in doom2 1.7!
Apparently Imps(I'm not sure about other creatures) that have been crushed
and revived by an Archville have no clipping. The only way to destroy them
is to wait for them to get close to a wall and shoot a rocket at the wall(the
explosion will kill them if they're in range. You can do the same with a


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #541

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