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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 556

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #556
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Wednesday, 24 January 1996 Volume 01 : Number 556

ADMIN NOTE: Binary Attachments, Flame Wars, Security and Life...
Re: Firing Frames (or rat
Re: False Accusations
Re: Insane Weapons Patch not available
RE: False Accusations and Crap
DeHackEd, Insane, AD3, etc...
Insane Weapons Responses
Hmm... Deadly silence
Re: Firing Frames (or rather, code pointers)


From: Stephen Heaslip <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 10:23:09 -0500 (EST)
Subject: ADMIN NOTE: Binary Attachments, Flame Wars, Security and Life...


Okay, now that we've gotten the pleasantries out of the way :) ...

The lesson on internet security Michael Gummelt provided does not need to be
discussed further. It's a shame that Mike's account got hacked, but posting
your password to _any_ public place, much less a mailing list populated by
hackers, is a mistake. I trust the truth in this is now quite evident.

BTW, I think Scott's (single) response to the accusation that he was the hacker
was appropriate, considering he was replying in the forum where he was accused.

Please refrain from further discussions about what a [good/bad] thing it was
that [Mike/Whomever hacked Mike's account] did.

While I'm at it, there are a couple of other policy points that these events
have touched upon:

- -Posting Binaries: There was talk of Michael uploading his patch here. I asked
him not to, as binary attachments are not appropriate for this list. Uploading
binaries can be the cause of swift unsubscription of the offenders.

- -Posting Flames: What two people do via private email is their business, but
public flames via the list will not be tolerated.

- -Posting your password: You make the call.

Just making sure nothing gets out of hand...

- --
blue (Steve Heaslip)

"He who does not bellow the truth when he knows the truth
makes himself the accomplice of liars and forgers."
- -Charles Peguy


Date: Thu, 18 Jan 96 17:10:00 -0700
Subject: Re: Firing Frames (or rat

I've been thinking about this a bit, Mike, and thought about something else.

- -->1. Make the lamp's pain chaince 256.
- -->2. Make the lamp's injury frames fire a projectile you're not
- -->using (like the arachnotron fireball since you're using Doom I).
- -->3. copy the ammo clip to the projectile you want to have the
- -->lamp shoot.
- -->4. Make the death frame of the new projectile the same as
- -->the initial frame, and you may want to turn on the projectile
- -->bit. Make sure the speed is 0.

What if you made a stationary monster that shot ammo out to you? If you use
the arachnotron fireball, wouldn't it follow you? Interesting effect to
enter a room and have it shooting (only in line-of-site) boxes of rockets or
health potions & what not. Good DM stuff.

- -->I haven't tried this,but it should work nicely. You should be
- -->able to shoot the lamp and get ammo clips Oh yeah, be sure to
- -->turn on "shootable" and "puffs vs bleeds" for the lamp and give
- -->it 999999999 hp.

Question: What does the PVB do? I haven't tried tweaking this bit yet.

- -+-
* << Michael S. Hoenie >>


Date: Sat, 20 Jan 1996 02:29:47 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Re: False Accusations

On Thu, 18 Jan 1996 12:26:50, Scott Benner wrote:
> Hmm, time to rise from the Abyss and defend my honor...
> So, someone out of the 200 or more did what I warned you would happen.

Yes, unfortunately. I was away during the week, but if I had been there I
would probably have sent the same kind of message to Mike Gummelt, because
sending an account name and password on a mailing list is extremely
dangerous. Not only is he compromising his own account, but also all the
accounts of the people who are using the same system.

I have a rather good experience in UNIX security. Several times, system
administrators (in universities and private companies) asked me to check if
their system was secure. Usually, the systems were secure from the outside
(once the proper OS patches were applied), but totally vulnerable once I
got an account on them. I actually managed to get access to the root
account of one machine in less than 10 minutes, which means that I was then
able to access all other accounts on the system. That machine had been
checked and was considered as "secure". On another system, I installed a
trojan horse which gave me total access to the machine after only one day.
I have numerous other stories like that, including cracking a system only by
using X Window commands. In all these cases, I had no malicious intents and
I reported the problems to the administrators. Some people are not so nice.
I'm sure that several members of this mailing list know at least some of the
tricks that I used (don't ask, I won't tell!). Posting an account name and
passord on a mailing list is like comitting suicide.

In most companies, giving your password to someone else (not to mention 300
strangers) is considered as a very serious fault and usually means that you
loose your account, if not your job. Some universities also have strong
policies regarding breach of security.

> [...] I have posted before - back
> when Hexen just came out in November, and again when I developed my NWT clone
> for Hexen.

Well, so far I have seen more than 20 messages from you posted on this list.
I just checked my '95 archives and the first message signed "Scott Benner" is
dated "Wed, 22 Feb 1995". Not bad for someone who has never posted to this
list, according to Mike...

- -Raphael


From: (Justin Baugh )
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 16:22:26 -0800
Subject: Re: Insane Weapons Patch not available

You wrote:
>First of all: I downloaded the patch. Nice work. I enjoyed it a
>Second of all:
> From: Michael Gummelt <>
>> The Insane Weapons Patch is no longer available at my private
>> ftp site. If you'll recall, I posted the location, login and
>> password to this mailing list so you could all DL the file
>> when you wished. Of course, I knew someone could telnet in and
>> change the password, but I trusted that the readers of this group
>> had a sort of community and wouldn't do something and childish
>> and meaninglessly malicious as this.
>What possessed you to post your account name and password to a group
>that is comprised, almost EXCLUSIVELY, of hackers? I agree that
>whoever did it was in the wrong but, guy, come on, it was almost a
>certainty that it would happen. Do you not realize how many people
>are on this list? (310 as of today)

As a unix-knowledgeable hacker myself, i totally don't
build a fort around a castle and then dig a hole under it! Giving out
your password is in some cases a violation of the rules of the server
you are on (and not a wise idea). If i wanted, i could login, change
the password, and whamo, a new warez site in less than 5 seconds. Now
I am not responsible for what has happened (i'm not exactly sure, but I
hear it's really bad), but what did you expect? Temptation is a
powerful force; if you give someone a donut and tell them not to eat
it, probably everyone would. Mabye this isn't a good analogy but I
think you get my point. Distributing your patch (which is quite good,
btw) on is enough. But don't risk your own server's
security by giving out a password. By doing this you risk the entire
machine, not just your account. It's not like on a BBS where he can
just use up all your credits or send flames to other people. On a UNIX
machine, security violations become quite serious. On most you can be
banned or thrown off the server for sharing your password with anyone,
for any reason. Would you give anyone your credit card number and
expiration date? I don't think so.

>> I encourage anyone who wants to to flame him if you wish (not via
>> this mailing list of course), and I request that he be kicked off
>> this mailing list (he's never posted a single thing). I will
>> fix the password and make it available again, this time I will make
>> all the file read-only.
This was quite uncalled for. After reading Scott's reply, I find it
quite childish to pull such crap. He was just trying to help - you did
NOT need to do that. Have we sunk to the depths of the typical AOL
user? Encouraged mail bombing and flaming and hate mail et al is
something i'd expect from a typical AOL user, not an internet person.
I am disgusted and outraged at your response to his attempt to prevent
you from totally screwing yourself (which, of course, you did.)

>I suggest that this time you put it on an anonymous ftp server or
>better yet just let people get it from

I completely agree.

- -Justin Baugh (

- -=-=-=-=TwC 1996=-=-=-=-


From: Ryan Ramsdell <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 19:21:58 -0600
Subject: RE: False Accusations and Crap

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From: Stauf[]
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 1996 11:26 AM
Subject: False Accusations

OK, OK, we've heard enough. Let's just get back to the subject this list is really for. Alright.

Hmm, time to rise from the Abyss and defend my honor...

Look folks, I wake up this morning, log on before going to my ethics class,
and find hate mail, quite a few. Then I read why.

I hope the members of this list remember the other day's Stupidity Award, the
release of a user and password to the, what, 200 people on this mailing list,
with the "intent" that you all go and get this file from the account. Well,
the first thing I did was reply to Michael, telling him why he did such a bad
thing. Thanks to the miracle of Z-Mail, I have my letter here:

Subject: Password release

You do understand that by releasing your password to the mailing list, you've
just compromised your security to that account? Say if I was malicious, I'd
telnet to and login as cuervo with the password you
released (which I just did successfully) I am now known as cuervo. I could
print stuff and waste your paper quota, upload WaReZ to your account, or just
simply change your password with the `passwd` command, thus you or anyone
else that tries to access the account can no longer. I assume you are not
root on that system, or else you would have put the file in the /home/ftp
directory (well, thats where it goes in linux) and not jeopardized your
account. Since you not root, you cannot fix the problem if someone changes
your password. You'd be screwed...

- -- Scott
(from a workstation at if you finger cuervo...)

This was ment in jest, seeing as how I did none of the above (though fourty
megs of Warez would have been fun to explain to the sysadmin) Then I read
this message:

YOU are and asshole. Don't you have anything better to do than do shit
like this. I guess that's what I get for trusting people. It's shitheads
like you that make the internet a hazard to decent and charitable people
like myself. You must have no fucking life. You have one chance to
return the password to what it was. Or else.

Mike Gummelt

Imagine my surprise, since I didn't touch the account since the previous
afternoon, realised that there was nothing there, and moved on. I don't even
have the password letter anymore. Next Letter (you'll recall this):

Due to an asshole by the e-mail address of:
The Insane Weapons Patch is no longer available at my private
ftp site. If you'll recall, I posted the location, login and
password to this mailing list so you could all DL the file
when you wished. Of course, I knew someone could telnet in and
change the password, but I trusted that the readers of this group
had a sort of community and wouldn't do something and childish
and meaninglessly malicious as this. Well, this jerkoff even had
the balls to write me and warn me what he was going to do! If he
was trying to prove a point about security (saying I should have
posted the password since people are assholes), all he proved is
that HE is an asshole.
I encourage anyone who wants to to flame him if you wish (not via
this mailing list of course), and I request that he be kicked off
this mailing list (he's never posted a single thing). I will
fix the password and make it available again, this time I will make
all the file read-only.

What evidence did he have to show it was me? I'm f'ing perplexed. Me, a
member of the linux security mailing list because I'm so paranoid, send a
message to some clueless user about why he shouldn't have posted what he did.
Naw, he only have the password to the 200 people here (never forget the
lurkers) then bounced on me because I assume I was the only one to tell him
what a dumbass he was. What's the one thing any user knows how to do (Hint:
its the first thing most providers, collegeses, etc tell you to do) CHANGE
YOUR PASSWORD. Anyone and everyone knows how to do this (Well, maybe not AOL
users) Sheesh, I run my own computer with other users on it, I know what can
happen if someone breaks in. Over the winter of 94, someone broke into one
of the main servers on campus through a priter daemon bug as root, kicked all
the other users off (this was THE fastest server on campus) and "reorganized"
some files. Once you give anyone this account, any half-brained internet
junkie says "Wow, a new account!" You;ve also given everyone on the list
access to the /etc/passwd (the list of all the user on campus, unless its
shadow-passworded, but thats a different story) One pass through a cracker,
so I've been told, and everyone is insecure.

So, someone out of the 200 or more did what I warned you would happen. I
left the account as I found it (your system sucks anyway) but others didn't.
Why don't you check the logs before harping on me? That's what the
/var/adm/* logs are for.
`cat messages |grep telnet` will reveal everone who connected remotely to
your computer.
'xferlog' would tell you who ftp'd stuff
`finger -m` would find that the last login to
the account would be from a computer called "pegasus.montclai" which means
that someone on campus last accessed it.

Another point. Why the hell would I email you from a non-anonymous account,
telling you that I'm gonna break into your system with the password you gave
me and fuck you over. Do you think I'm really that dumb? I've been Dean's
list since I arrived at RPI; I've never used AOL; I have posted before - back
when Hexen just came out in November, and again when I developed my NWT clone
for Hexen. I am not the idiot you take me to be. Nor am I "probably sitting
back in your chair and laughing right now" (remember this, Chris?) I am most
definitely not laughing. Mike destroyed everyone's trust in me, and now I am
paying for someone else's crime.

Let me sum up here. I didn't do it. I'm getting email telling me what crap
I am for doing it. No-one's bothered to trace through and find who did do
it. People think I'm scum, all on account of Mike's idiocy. I may have to
unsubscribe if people don't bother to learn the truth before they flame.

- -- Scott

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From: Joel Huenink <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 1996 14:47:37 -0600

I have modeled a 45 cal pistol to use in doom2 using corel dream and
editing it through picture publisher6 and wintex41. The colors look fine
until I copy and paste the image into wintex and then I get strange
results. I have tried converting the image to 256 pallette color before
copying and it still changes color once I paste it into a wintex .bmp
and return to doom2. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Joel Huenink


From: Michael Gummelt <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 01:55:20 -0500 (EST)
Subject: DeHackEd, Insane, AD3, etc...

Hi all,
I haven't been getting any messages from doom-editing, so
I don't know if this is going to get through to you. Apparently,
something went wrong or it's down or something. If somehow you get
this, please address all DeHackEd questions or questions/comments
about Insane.wad or AD3 you might have for me to:
at least until the problem with the mailing list is fixed.

Mike Gummelt
DeHackEd Helper


From: Steven Towle <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 1996 16:58:38 -0800

At 02:47 PM 1/23/96 -0600, you wrote:
>I have modeled a 45 cal pistol to use in doom2 using corel dream and
>editing it through picture publisher6 and wintex41. The colors look fine
>until I copy and paste the image into wintex and then I get strange
>results. I have tried converting the image to 256 pallette color before
>copying and it still changes color once I paste it into a wintex .bmp
>and return to doom2. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Use a more down to earth graphics editor. Get the Doom palatte from somewhere,
and load it. The thing is, you basically have to work in 256 colors. (all
gfx programs use 24-bit color) You can use BMP, PCX, or GIF in Wintex. (?) I
Paint Shop Pro 3.12 for the font (oops..) and it worked _almost_ fine. We
all know
that black is in the Doom palette though. ;)

- -Steve

| Steve Towle, D1M, D1SG |
| (Dipstick on iFrag) |
| "This quote intentionally left blank." |


From: Michael Gummelt <>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 13:05:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Insane Weapons Responses

Hello again everyone,
I've been absent from the list for a little while so I've missed any
responses\comments about the patch I put out here. I know a lot of
people ftp'd it from me and it's also at in newstuff.
So if you had any comments\questions about it since wednesday, please
send them directly to me (or if appropriate, post to list).

Mike Gummelt


From: Stauf <>
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 1996 16:15:58 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Hmm... Deadly silence

Allo everyone. Now that the "matter" has been cleared up, I believe its
safe to post to the list about editing stuff once more...

I'd like to begin by voiceing a private dream of mine, one shared by a few
others on the editing newsgroups (or maybe I just read it in
Ok, a while back, people were remarking how kewl it would be if you could
take the dark palette, killing, and future tech of doom, but have the modified
abilities of heretic. Admittedly, the two aren't all that different
(7 weapons, E?M? setup, etc) but heretic has the look up/down, fly, and
possessions. (I would personally rather see Doom transported to
Hexen, but noone knows how to get the seven weapons back [yet] )

So, has anyone ever attempted this? I did once, and its a huge project
which I quickly abandoned. Change the palette, and you have to reorganize
all of the sprites. Change the .exe sprite names, convert the levels, etc.
But, has someone out there done it already and is keeping a private copy for
fear of copyright infringement? If not, who wants to do it?

- -- Scott
... and may the person who screwed Mike have his balls munched by a Maulotaur.


Date: Tue, 23 Jan 1996 16:07:11 -0500
Subject: Re: Firing Frames (or rather, code pointers)

In response to the following:

>I've been thinking about this a bit, Mike, and thought about something else.
>-->1. Make the lamp's pain chaince 256.
>-->2. Make the lamp's injury frames fire a projectile you're not
>-->using (like the arachnotron fireball since you're using Doom I).
>-->3. copy the ammo clip to the projectile you want to have the
>-->lamp shoot.
>-->4. Make the death frame of the new projectile the same as
>-->the initial frame, and you may want to turn on the projectile
>-->bit. Make sure the speed is 0.
>What if you made a stationary monster that shot ammo out to you? If you use
>the arachnotron fireball, wouldn't it follow you? Interesting effect to
>enter a room and have it shooting (only in line-of-site) boxes of rockets or
>health potions & what not. Good DM stuff.

1. Using gettable things as projectiles does not work. Not only that, but you
have to deal with bit 4, which, when turned off for a projectile or similar
object, invariably causes a lock-up. Even if it is turned on, it doesn't work
at all.
2. Arachnotron projectiles do nothing of the kind. Only revenant missiles
track you, and then only by means of a special code pointer and target

>-->I haven't tried this,but it should work nicely. You should be
>-->able to shoot the lamp and get ammo clips Oh yeah, be sure to
>-->turn on "shootable" and "puffs vs bleeds" for the lamp and give
>-->it 999999999 hp.
>Question: What does the PVB do? I haven't tried tweaking this bit yet.

Just what it says: "puffs vs. bleeds". In other words, this is for things
like lamps and columns, which create a bullet puff when shot, instead of a
monster, which bleeds.
And for the record: Even extremely high hit points doesn't make for a perfect
patch. It just doesn't keep going after a while.

Also, I have discovered the following about respawning monsters using the
archvile movement code pointer (243):

1. The monster being respawned must be on a frame with -1 duration- its final
death frame. It must also at some point have invoked the "death" code pointer
(160, I think 191, etc.), which makes it a non-obstacle and turns off the
floating bit, and it must have the "affects kill %" bit turned on. Because
the monster must be on its final death frame, it can't be in motion.
3. A monster cannot respawn itself, but it can respawn another of its own
kind. I've never played Doom II, so I can't say if the archvile is an
exception; if it is, it's entirely internal to the game.

I've been experimenting a great deal with ammo dispensers and such. I've also
been working on a sort of self-resurrecting monster- basically, the ammo clip
or shotgun is made into a sort of monster, capable of respawning the creature
that dropped it. But to do this, you need two frames (one for first normal
frame, one for first moving frame- the second should have code pointer 243);
and you need to alter frames 266-268 such that they use the sprite of a
gettable thing- possibly the blur sphere, or something else rare- and make
another gettable frame for objects that have just finished respawning
something (I use 241, which has the right code pointer already) and give it
the "waiting to wake up" code pointer (174, 241, etc.).
Try this patch:

Thing #64 (ammo clip):
First normal frame: 243
First moving frame: 244
Frames 243-244:
Sprite #: 78 (I think... make it match frame 870's- the ammo clip's sprite)
Sub-sprite #: 0
Duration: 4
Frame 243:
Next frame: 243
Code pointer: 174
Frame 244:
Next frame: 244
(Use existing code pointer, 244)
Frames 266-268:
Sprite #: 73 (blur sphere)
Sub-sprite: 0-2
Duration: 6
Frame 268:
Next frame: 241
Frame 241:
Sprite #: 73
Sub-sprite: 3
Duration: 6
Next frame: 266
(Use existing code pointer, 241)

That can easily be altered to include shotguns. Just take two more frames
from the archvile, like 245 and 246, and alter them like you did with the
ammo clip.
With this patch, troopers will be respawned right after they die, as long as
you don't throw them too far away from their ammo clip (this is easily
possible with a rocket).

Lummox JR
punching holes in everything


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #556

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