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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 529

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #529
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
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doom-editing-digest Sunday, 24 December 1995 Volume 01 : Number 529

Re: Proof of monster strafing
Insane Weapons Patch release...
HEXEN telelanding higher than 0
Re: Proof of monster strafing
Re: Dehacked 3.0 & Chainguns
Re: HEXEN telelanding higher than 0
Switch w/o grunting...
Re: WinTex 4.1 officially released
Hexen bugs
Re: Hexen bugs
Hacking Monsters Apart.
question about pwad loading
Re: NWT and .GIF/.PCX DOOM1.9
Re: NWT and .GIF/.PCX DOOM1.9


From: (Lois Danks)
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 1995 17:38:38 -0800
Subject: Re: Proof of monster strafing

>Should we REALLY have a whole bunch of marines running about? When the
>real marines are killing the fake ones, they'll eventually run out.

If you're playing modem, on a mdeium to small level 2 of each color, gray
and green, works pretty well.

>We've heard how difficult it can be to stay alive when all of these fake
>marines are after you, so we probably couldn't use -respawn then unless
>we spread them over a large level. If the level wasn't particularly
>large, we might just have a handful of fake marines, so we could turn on
>-respawn to get the effect that the fakes are coming back to life. Of
>course, their bodies don't stay when they respawn like real marine bodies
>do, but that's a small price to pay for added realism. This way, we
>wouldn't have tons and tons of marines around - although we might lack
>the diverse 'types' of marines that could be used.

The main thing is getting the right number of fake marines, and don't
give them ALL plasma guns or rocket launchers. One fake marine with a
shotgun can be more accurate than a real player with chaingun.

Respawn does work, but maybe that idea about a non-violent invisible
archvile would work better. You could have more diversity because the
fakes wouldn't come back as quickly and that would allow more fakes on
the level.

- --
Lois Danks - Port Angeles, WA - Radical Women


From: Michael Gummelt <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 01:50:15 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Insane Weapons Patch release...

Dear all,
I will be releasing my Insane Weapons patch
as soon as I get Wintex 4.1 so I can seperate my
sprites from the Doom ones without offset problems.
Expect it before Christmas. It's still got unfinished
graphics, so I'll probably give the .zip file a password
that I will post only to this newsgroup so the rough
version doen't get widely disseminated. Alternately, I
may forgo and put it on my own ftp site and
post the location, login name, and password to this
mailing list. In any case- expect it soon and play
DeathMatch with it! You'll love it, I guarantee!
(Or your money back- :))
Mike Gummelt


From: (Colin Caird)
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 95 23:02 PST
Subject: HEXEN telelanding higher than 0

Just wondering if anyone has been able to get the telelanding in HEXEN to
occur at a value higher than 0. No matter what height I give it the teleport
always occurs at 0, all the values I've tried have been positive (no one
else I know can get it working either). All other things altitude's work
fine and I'm doing the same thing to the telelanding as I do to the others.
I'm using the instant teleport flag on the tele line.


| Check out the most wicked DOOM, DOOM ][, Heretic and HEXEN WWW site. |
| Also has a Quake section with all of the screenshots. |
| Plus screenshots of an alpha version of Strife! |
| |
| WWW: (Will be up soon) |
| E-mail: Use /doom/ for now. |


From: Michael Gummelt <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 01:49:26 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Proof of monster strafing

Well, I frequently run at my opponnents and surprise them. They
also have a hard time targeting me when I'm so close and running
so fast. Also, you can make a monster strafe you by adding another
frame in there that makes the monster face you, wait a few seconds, THEN
charge. He will move in another direction (assuming you've moved)
and truly "strafe" you.

So far there are 3 people who say they charge, and only 1 (Gene, I assume
that's you) that never charges. Looks like we're the many, and you're
the few here. Whatever, it's a moot arguement.

Mike Gummelt

On Fri, 22 Dec 1995, Joel Huenink wrote:

> >>
> >>
> >> 1. The enemy suddenly makes a ridiculously dramatic speed increase.
> >>
> >> 2. How many people, when playing deathmatch, run directly at your fellow
> >> marines to attack them?
> I charge my opponents constantly and keep them on the run! My frag ratio's
> are always 25 or 50 to 1.
> Joel Huenink


From: Pandion-Knight <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 19:05:57 +1000 (GMT+1000)
Subject: Re: Dehacked 3.0 & Chainguns

I noticed that.. and you're right, players do the same thing.. if they
are firing and running towards a target their feet DO NOT MOVE.

Mhhmmm.. perhaps my 199 frags to 13 effort is a result of me watching the
FEET move too much... :)

(i was the poor sucker on 13...)

Christopher Voutsis

Ps. that effort was on a level i designed too.. AARGHH


From: Steven Towle <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 05:36:15 -0800
Subject: Re: HEXEN telelanding higher than 0

At 11:02 PM 12/22/95 PST, you wrote:
>Just wondering if anyone has been able to get the telelanding in HEXEN to
>occur at a value higher than 0. No matter what height I give it the teleport
>always occurs at 0, all the values I've tried have been positive (no one
>else I know can get it working either). All other things altitude's work
>fine and I'm doing the same thing to the telelanding as I do to the others.
>I'm using the instant teleport flag on the tele line.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but alll things that have a alitude higher that zero
are affected by gravity once the level starts. You could build a 1 unit square
invisible platform up there and put the teleport landing there, but that would
take some working to make it look good. I *think* its internal and can't be

- -Steve

Steve Towle (Dipstick on iFrag)
Machine tested, flame retardant, power where you need it.


From: "J. Kugelman" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 95 12:42:52 PST
Subject: Switch w/o grunting...

- ---
Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

Can someone please answer this time? Last two times no one responded.
I'm trying to make a switch with the animations SW_OL1-5 and having the
switch work w/o the player grunting. I've looked through MAP05, and don't
know what I'm missing. I've included the scripts I've made so far.
- ---
Content-Type: APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM; SizeOnDisk=3424; name="VIATASSO.ACS"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64
Content-Description: My scripts


- -----


From: (Jim Elson)
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 11:09:42 -0600
Subject: Re: WinTex 4.1 officially released

At 09:11 PM 12/22/95, wrote:
> Well I tried to hold it a bit more but it escaped. WinTex 4.1 is now
> on, soon to be available. You may wish to take a look
> at it, since it's the ultimate WAD file editor (until NWT pro gets
> out of the wood). ;-)
> My Christmas present for those of you who are still using DeuTex, DMAUD,
> DMGRAPH, and anything of the sort.

<sniffle> Goodbye, old and faithful DeuTex.

> Have fun!

Thanks Oliver.
H2HMud NorthAmerican DeathMatch Tourney
Promo/Marketing Coordinator for "The New Technology: Evilution"
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------; WEB page ==>


From: BonesBro@AOL.COM
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 12:17:51 -0500
Subject: Hexen bugs

Working on a Doom2 --> Hexen conversion, I seem to have run across a few
bugs. They are as follows:

1) Hexen cannot seem to accept any new flats whatsoever. When you try to load
up any stage, whether it uses the new flats or not, Hexen bombs out with a
NumLumps error.

2) This one is weird. Taking Ethereal Travel from Map05 to Map10 screws up
the palette. The dark blacks were replaced with a flat yellow (hidiously
ugly!), and the sky was just random stuff...exactly like tutti-frutti.

3) Can Hexen have a Map07? The game won't seem to find it...

4) It seems Hexen uses a screwy way to determine which things are in view. I
had a stage with a whole bunch of walk-discs (but they all displayed).
However, from parts of the stage far away, looking in the general direction
of them (with many impassible walls between them and I) items wouldn't
appear, until you walked up to them. It looks like Hexen was drawing the
walk-discs, and all the items in that area, and then running out of sprites
(64, isn't it?) and not drawing the ones right in front of me.

5) In Network play, if one person uses -randclass, everyone must use it or
the game bombs with a consistency failure.

6) In Network play, hitting <Enter> uses TWO of the currently selected item.
Not a problem with flechettes, but discs are almost completely useless
against homing weapons...the first disc causes the shot to seek the firer,
and the second disc makes it go back at you. Bloodscourge just does a little
"jump" in midair then blows you to pieces...

7) Network play sometimes (about 1/3 times) just won't load up...but retrying
with the same settings works fine.

8) That silly "Chaos Device" / "Disc of Repulsion" mix-up.

9) Fog and lightning do weird things, if they're in the same stage at the
same time. But I think this is because of how it handles the fog...instead of
fading away to black, it fades away to white (when it's dark). So lightning
messes that up with it's flash.

Does anyone know of a workaround for #1-#6? They're the ones I really care
about. Oh, and I'd like this to get to Raven, but I don't have their E-Mail
address. Could some knowledgable person forward this to them? Thanks...


From: Steven Towle <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 10:21:14 -0800
Subject: Re: Hexen bugs

>1) Hexen cannot seem to accept any new flats whatsoever. When you try to load
>up any stage, whether it uses the new flats or not, Hexen bombs out with a
>NumLumps error.

The ONLY way you can insert flats into Hexen is if someone puts them into the
HEXEN.WAD. (DEUSF for Hexen, please.) Sucks, doesn't it? This goes _WAAAAAY_
back to Heretic 1.0.

>2) This one is weird. Taking Ethereal Travel from Map05 to Map10 screws up
>the palette. The dark blacks were replaced with a flat yellow (hidiously
>ugly!), and the sky was just random stuff...exactly like tutti-frutti.

That's a mulit-clusterial jump. Jumping from Map5 (Guardial of
Steel?)(Cluster 2)
to (???, Cluster 3). I have NO idea why, though. Edit the MAPINFO lump.

>3) Can Hexen have a Map07? The game won't seem to find it...

Either stick to the way Hexen levels go (There is _no_ Map7 in Hexen.) or edit
the MAPINFO lump. That was in the original lump as buffer. (Please seperate
clusters with useless junk?)

>5) In Network play, if one person uses -randclass, everyone must use it or
>the game bombs with a consistency failure.

Don't use it. :)

>6) In Network play, hitting <Enter> uses TWO of the currently selected item.
>Not a problem with flechettes, but discs are almost completely useless
>against homing weapons...the first disc causes the shot to seek the firer,
>and the second disc makes it go back at you. Bloodscourge just does a little
>"jump" in midair then blows you to pieces...

Account for this in your WAD. Only have one item. This sucks too. So this would
make someones HXTENNIS.WAD impossible, because you would hit the pig over
with the first,
and back with the second. What is that, ping-pong?

- -Steve

Steve Towle (Dipstick on iFrag)
Machine tested, flame retardant, power where you need it.


Date: Sat, 23 Dec 95 12:04:00 -0700
Subject: NWT and .GIF/.PCX DOOM1.9

Thanks to all who helped with DEHACKED. It is rather un-documented, but most
of it is trial and error. Is there anyone putting together a comprehensive
list of well tested dehacked patches like a SWAG packet? (SWAG is an archive
full of PASCAL and C source code, complete with index & etc).

Now that I've figured out DEHACKED, I have still been having trouble with
the images in the .WAD files. I have been using NWT to pull .PCX or .GIF
images out. As far as I can tell, they are 256 color images. Unfortunatly,
any time I edit them, I can't get the CYAN background to stay. Paintbrush
that comes with windows isn't good enough. I have a digital scanner and
"MicroGrafx Picture Publisher LE" which is an excellent editor. I can edit
in 256 colors under multiple images.

HOWEVER... I haven't figured out HOW to save the images so DOOM will use
them correctly through NWT. I need some pointers to follow in maintaining
files applicable to NWT and DOOM 1.9 (I am working soley with original DOOM
1.9). How to keep the CYAN color for the background correctly. NWT and
others seem to "warp" the color patterns, but upon display, they look fine
(in MPP-LE... or VPIC or DVPEG).

Thanks in advance!

Thanks to all the great DOOM minds here. And yes, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOOM!

* ** Michael S. Hoenie **

* RM 1.3 * Eval Day 27 *


Date: Fri, 22 Dec 95 15:20:00 -0700
Subject: Hacking Monsters Apart.

**>A simple patch that will let you make troopers use chainguns is the

Thank you for that. Matter of fact, after I figured out what the Code
Pointer was and how it applied to line-of-site and firing pointers, I was
able to make any monster shoot any kind of gun. I also easily used un-used
frames to make the shotguns double-barrel. Thanks for the help!

It was really awesome to see demons stop, and start chomping the air
throwing imp fireballs at you non-stop! Cool effect!

Since it seems to be a helpful thing for anyone who is exploring this area,
for what it's worth;

Troopers have firing frams 184 thru 186.

Frame 184:
- ----------
First Fire Frame of Trooper (view), duration 2,
-code pointer 618 (618=162720 line of site pointer)-
Next Frame 185.

Frame 185:
- ----------
Second Fire Frame of Trooper (view), duration 2,
-keep code pointer the same- <- change to any firing pointer
Next Frame 186.

Frame 186:
- ----------
Sprite should be same as 187 (hurt frame view), duration 0,
-code pointer is 0-
Loop back to Frame 184

To make the trooper fire different weapons, point Frame 185's Code Pointer
to the firing frames of the different monsters. I haven't been able to get
them to fire "human" weapons (ie. plasma or chainsaw).

This should work on ANY monster.

* ** Michael S. Hoenie **

* RM 1.3 * Eval Day 26 *


From: "Erwen L. Tang" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 95 17:33:34 EST
Subject: question about pwad loading


I'm trying to make a separate wad for my levels and my
music/sfx. I have a question: will having one player load only
the levels wad and the other loading sound and levels crash the
game? It seems unlikely because the sounds/sfx don't affect
gameplay, but I just want to be sure before going ahead with my

- --
Erwen Tang - Class of 1997 TJHSST \|/ ____ \|/
Email:, @~/ ,. \~@ /_( \__/ )_\ \__U_/
- ---
Flame Shield operating 24hr. Flames will be deleted so don't bother.


From: (Joel Huenink)
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 16:35:54 -0600
Subject: Re: NWT and .GIF/.PCX DOOM1.9

On 12\23\95 Micheal Hoenie wrote:

>Thanks to all who helped with DEHACKED. It is rather un-documented, but most
>of it is trial and error. Is there anyone putting together a comprehensive
>list of well tested dehacked patches like a SWAG packet? (SWAG is an archive
>full of PASCAL and C source code, complete with index & etc).
>Now that I've figured out DEHACKED, I have still been having trouble with
>the images in the .WAD files. I have been using NWT to pull .PCX or .GIF
>images out. As far as I can tell, they are 256 color images. Unfortunatly,
>any time I edit them, I can't get the CYAN background to stay. Paintbrush
>that comes with windows isn't good enough. I have a digital scanner and
>"MicroGrafx Picture Publisher LE" which is an excellent editor. I can edit
>in 256 colors under multiple images.
>HOWEVER... I haven't figured out HOW to save the images so DOOM will use
>them correctly through NWT. I need some pointers to follow in maintaining
>files applicable to NWT and DOOM 1.9 (I am working soley with original DOOM
>1.9). How to keep the CYAN color for the background correctly. NWT and
>others seem to "warp" the color patterns, but upon display, they look fine
>(in MPP-LE... or VPIC or DVPEG).
I am using Picture Publisher 6.0 and Wintex 4.1 and I have had great results!
But I used to use the old PP4.0 Le like you are and you might check and see
what you image type is (rgb or cmyk or pallette color) cause it will mess up
everything big time. I'm not familiar with NWT but I am pretty good with
picture publisher so If anyone needs any help just ask.

Joel Huenink
local graphics guru


From: (Joel Huenink)
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 1995 17:15:10 -0600

I would like to announce that I am working on a Doom III total conversion
that will feature:

*All new or modified doomII monsters
*All new or modified weapons
*All new 32 levels specially designed for DoomIII
*Lots of new textures and pathces
*Some new sounds
*All new soundtrack

If anyone out there in the Doom Editing community has any Ideas/suggestions
or would like to contribute in any way feel free to reply!

Joel Huenink
local doom guru


From: Denis <>
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 1995 01:24:17 +0100
Subject: Re: NWT and .GIF/.PCX DOOM1.9


>Now that I've figured out DEHACKED, I have still been having trouble with
>the images in the .WAD files. I have been using NWT to pull .PCX or .GIF
>images out. As far as I can tell, they are 256 color images. Unfortunatly,
>any time I edit them, I can't get the CYAN background to stay. Paintbrush
>that comes with windows isn't good enough. I have a digital scanner and
>"MicroGrafx Picture Publisher LE" which is an excellent editor. I can edit
>in 256 colors under multiple images.
>HOWEVER... I haven't figured out HOW to save the images so DOOM will use
>them correctly through NWT. I need some pointers to follow in maintaining
>files applicable to NWT and DOOM 1.9 (I am working soley with original DOOM
>1.9). How to keep the CYAN color for the background correctly. NWT and
>others seem to "warp" the color patterns, but upon display, they look fine
>(in MPP-LE... or VPIC or DVPEG).
Simply, NWT does not fit the palette. It does not care about the palette
changes any of the programs you used did to the picture. This is a sad
limitation of NWT and of course NWTpro will do it right. I can only
recommend using a gfx-converter to fit the palette. Since this problem
appeared already, here's my mail I wrote the last time:

>A very fast and clean way to quantize a 24bit to an 8bit picture is to
>use Alchemy. Simply extract a picture to have a gif with the original
>Doom palette and save it as 'original.gif'. With NWT press F3 to do this.
>Then use Alchemy to convert your 24bit pic to an 8bit gif USING the original
>Doom palette from 'original.gif':
>alchemy -o -g truecolor.pcx output.gif -f original.gif
>Batchfile-compatible, fast and very good quality.

It does work with 24bit as well as with 8bit pictures. If more problems
arise using NWT, e-mail me please.

[] Denis Moeller, author of NWT v1.3 and TiC's WAD Reviews. []
[]------------ E-Mail: ------------[]
[] For Doom, Hexen, Quake-Links, Good WADs List & Memento Mori(!) []
[] check this out: []


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #529

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