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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 491

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #491
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Tuesday, 21 November 1995 Volume 01 : Number 491

Re: Hexen editing is here NOW!
Re: Changing keys in Doom/Hexen/Heretic
Doom keys
Announce: hexen script decompiler
ADMIN NOTE: exhaustive dumps
Re: Changing keys in Doom/Hexen/Heretic
Hexen Thing List 0.02


From: (Bill Campbell)
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 17:38:57 -0800
Subject: Re: Hexen editing is here NOW!

Whaddaya know it works on NT.. even Runs DOOM on NT!!!!!!! Doom is
sloooow (p90,Diamond Stealth), Hexen is Fast?? (same engine?). Hey now
I can work and edit in the same enviroment. Still prefere DCK
tho'..hint hint...

Check this out..


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Hexen editing is here NOW!
Author: at Internet
Date: 11/20/95 8:16 AM

WadAuthor v1.10 with support for Hexen is now available for download from in /pub/idgames/newstuff under WAUTHOR.ZIP. It allows
complete Hexen editing in a user-friendly Windows 3.x, Windows95, or
Windows/NT environment. Happy gaming!


From: (Tom Mustaine)
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 20:31:12 -0700
Subject: Re: Changing keys in Doom/Hexen/Heretic

>From: LummoxJR@AOL.COM
>Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 16:15:29 -0500
>Subject: Re: Changing keys in Doom/Hexen/Heretic
>>I have been wondering for the longest time if it was possible to change keys
>>in the Doom2/Hexen/and Heretic EXE's that are "hard coded" into the exe.
>>Myself, Like many deathmatchrs are Hexen Crippled becuase of my movement
>>key's setup.
>>I use Q W E A S D for normal movement, and R F V T G B Z X C for other
>>stuff (looking up, Flying.) In single player, these keys work great, but as
>>soon as I get into a game, the R T B and other keys automatically (Through
>>hard coded BS in the exe) Try to talk to other players in the game, which is
>>DAMMNED annoying. If this is possible, Please let me know. I would also
>>like to remove the 'Q' key ends a demo becuase That 'Q' key has ended many a
>>good demo short.
>>I have seen a similar change of keys, with the OBTIC patch for Doom2. Where
>>the Cheat codes for all keys, god mode, and others we removed/changed.
>>Thanks guys.
>Well, they're two different kinds of patches, really. The second could very
>well be a DHE patch, as DHE 3.0 now supported changing the cheat code strings
>(Doom I and II only, of course). But note the difference- strings.
>Key for movement and other purposed is read in other ways, involving
>individual keys and their scan codes, not combinations of keypresses. This is
>no doubt hackable; it is hard-coded into the EXE, but probably in such a way
>as to facilitate change. The problem is, no one I know of has this
>My only question to this is why you'd even want to use the alphanumeric keys
>for movement in the first place. After all, that's what the arrows were put
>there for- so game designers wouldn't be forced to use letter keys anymore.
> :)

The arrow keys were put there as a defualt, and frankly are a very annoying
way to play doom of you want to compete in deathmatch. I competed at DM95
and recieved 5th place, without the key config I used, I would have not even
gotten to DM95.

>If this is a big problem for you, though, I suggest getting a programmable
>joystick that plugs into the keyboard jack. They're out there, and they do
>cost some, but it's probably a whole lot easier than adapting to an
>unfamiliar keyboard scheme, whatever you may be comfortable with.
>I know, games should let you reprogram the keys, like many used to; but heck,
>this is a little-used feature if the default keys are well-chosen in the
>first place, and it's a royal pain in the butt to implement.

That is out of the question. Using a joystick with Doom is a outright Joke.

>Anyway, the information for which you seek does not exist, at least to my
>knowledge. You could always try searching the EXE yourself for the keybaord
>scan codes, assuming you knew exactly what to look for, but even then these
>EXEs are so huge as to make detailed hacking (this kind of hack is definitely
>in that category) impossible for all but the most expert.

Not to be down on you, but that is why I posted to the list. I was looking
for that kind of information. Not critizims on people who dont use the
default keyboard setup.

>Lummox JR
>bearer of disappointment

[] Tom Mustaine a.k.a Paradox []
[] Master Levels Level Designer - Quarter Finalist at DM95 []
[] TeamTNT / TNT-II Member - Memento Mori Team Member []


From: Greg Lewis <>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 22:51:56 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Doom keys

> Well, they're two different kinds of patches, really. The second could very
> well be a DHE patch, as DHE 3.0 now supported changing the cheat code strings
> (Doom I and II only, of course). But note the difference- strings.
> Key for movement and other purposed is read in other ways, involving
> individual keys and their scan codes, not combinations of keypresses. This is
> no doubt hackable; it is hard-coded into the EXE, but probably in such a way
> as to facilitate change. The problem is, no one I know of has this
> information.
> Anyway, the information for which you seek does not exist, at least to my
> knowledge. You could always try searching the EXE yourself for the keybaord
> scan codes, assuming you knew exactly what to look for, but even then these
> EXEs are so huge as to make detailed hacking (this kind of hack is definitely
> in that category) impossible for all but the most expert.

Actually, changing the key mappings should be really easy. I've seen
the character maps in the EXE, where they assign the keyboard scan codes
to the layout of the keyboard. Theoretically (if I understand what they
are doing) it should be fairly trivial to swap the numbers around and make
Doom think it is reading in, say, a left bracket when it is really
reading in a Q. As a matter of fact, that could be REALLY useful for two
reasons, one is moving the preset TRGBI characters for multi-player
chatting, and also to move the weapons from 1-8 for those who want them
in a different place.



From: Michael Deckerd <>
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 1995 22:39:44 -0800
Subject: [none]

Hello all :) There was a post in one of the Doom newsgroups, I can't
remember where now, where someone wrote asking about the sectors in
DOOM II, Map 07, that lower and raise only when certain monsters are

I have done some experiments on this, and have found that:

a. The special sector tag numbers are all that is needed; no linedef links
are necessary,

b. The effect seems to work only on map 07 and only with the mancubus
and arachnotron. The mancubus goes with 666 and arachnotron with 667,
and they cannot be exchanged.

what I am wondering is, is there a pattern to this, or are those particular
sector tag numbers hard-coded into the EXE? I'd appreciate more info on this.




From: "Luc Cluitmans" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 10:42:41 MET-2DST
Subject: Announce: hexen script decompiler

A notice to everyone interested in hexen editing:

I just uploaded version 1.0 of my hexen script decompiler 'DEACC' to's incoming directory. I think it will be a available in
the newstuff directory soon (file

DEACC is a dos executable that will decompile hexen behavior lumps
into acs files (that are compilable by ACC). There is one bug left
(but I do not have time to fix it within a week): scripts using
string variables do not get decompiled correctly. In the original
hexen.wad, this affects only maps 22 and 39.

Happy hacking,


From: Bernd Kreimeier <Bernd.Kreimeier@NeRo.Uni-Bonn.DE>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 10:57:20 +0100 (MET)
Subject: ADMIN NOTE: exhaustive dumps

A general remark: some subscribers told us that they are
not too eager to download repeated full size dumps of
EXE or other complicated data.

On the one hand, exchange and discussion of this info
is obviously a purpose of doom-editing. On the other hand,
I'd appreciate any editing, any cuts (use of "diff" comes
to my mind). On the gripping hand, the best thing would
be to have a repository of the current version of any
Hexen SPECS, and updates/bug fixes send to the author.
The author, in turn, might just want to post something like
"HEXEN Specs v.1.6666 available at URL:..." to the list.



From: Mackey McCandlish <>
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 05:01:45 -0500
Subject: Re: Changing keys in Doom/Hexen/Heretic

>If this is a big problem for you, though, I suggest getting a programmable
>joystick that plugs into the keyboard jack. They're out there, and they do
>cost some, but it's probably a whole lot easier than adapting to an
>unfamiliar keyboard scheme, whatever you may be comfortable with.
>I know, games should let you reprogram the keys, like many used to; but heck,
>this is a little-used feature if the default keys are well-chosen in the
>first place, and it's a royal pain in the butt to implement.

Um.. DOOM's joystick interface forces the joystick to be digital, that
is it acts like nothing more than holding down a keyboard key. All the advanced
DOOM players use mouse, as it allows you to "flick" a 180 without having to
sit through the in between frames. The reason mouse players must use the letter
keys for movement is for two reasons. 1, your fingers are a lot closer to the
weapon keys, and 2, just having arrow keys doesn't give you room for left and
right strafe keys (required, to be able to circle strafe). I think the fact that
Raven left in all these damn talking keys for deathmatch. among other unuseable
buttons, tells you that none of them were ever really DOOM players, just at
best DOOM editors.

>Anyway, the information for which you seek does not exist, at least to my
>knowledge. You could always try searching the EXE yourself for the keybaord
>scan codes, assuming you knew exactly what to look for, but even then these
>EXEs are so huge as to make detailed hacking (this kind of hack is definitely
>in that category) impossible for all but the most expert.

If they were found I'd be incredibly grateful. I use the R key to left-
strafe, and whenever I play 4 player, unless I happen to be the red player, I
have to use an alternate config that places me at a disadvantage.



Date: Tue, 21 Nov 95 12:46:27 -0500
Subject: Hexen Thing List 0.02

> THIS IS A MESSAGE IN 'MIME' FORMAT. Your mail reader does not support MIME.
> You may not be able to read some parts of this message.

- --PART.BOUNDARY.0022.816976079
Content-ID: <22_61_1_816975988>
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
Content-Description: <none>

Please send bug reports to me:

Are you using DEU, WARM or DEUTEX for DOOM? WHY NOT??
- --PART.BOUNDARY.0022.816976079
Content-ID: <22_61_1_816976065>
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7Bit
Content-Description: <D:\DEU\SOURCE\HEXSPEC\THINGS2.TXT>

Hexen Thing List v0.02

Author: Mark K. Mathews

Info used from:

- - HEXEN Specs v0.9 Ben Morris (
- - Thing width/height list Greg Lewis (
- - Hexen(Registered) by Raven Software

1) This is the final class list


2) Can anybody explain the difference besides the height?

WRTHA 10011 20 68 C_Wraith2 Reiver
WRTHA 34 20 55 C_Wraith Reiver

3) Are these Weapon?
AFWPA 9015 20 16 ZZ_FWeapon Glaive Seal
ACWPA 9016 20 16 ZZ_CWeapon holy Relic
AMWPA 9017 20 16 ZZ_MWeapon Sigil of the magus

4) Sprite name confusion
Rock RCK3A 9 20 16 ZC_Rock3 (medium)
Rock MNTRA 9 28 100 ZC_Rock3

Note: THINGs with no width or height are deafuled to 20 width and 16 height.

Sorted by Type

Class Sprite Type Width Height Spec Name Game Name
* = spec correction and/or (Comment)
+ = new

Player N/A 1 20 16 Player_1_start
Player N/A 2 20 16 Player_2_start
Player N/A 3 20 16 Player_3_start
Player N/A 4 20 16 Player_4_start
Statue STTWA 5 10 62 Z_WingedStatue
Rock RCK1A 6 20 16 ZC_Rock1 (tiny)
Rock RCK2A 7 20 16 ZC_Rock2 (small)
Rock RCK3A 9 20 16 ZC_Rock3 (medium)
Rock MNTRA 9 28 100 ZC_Rock3
Weapon WCSSA 10 20 16 2C_SerpentStaff Serpent Staff(Cleric)
Player N/A 11 20 16 Player_Deathmatch
Weapon WFR1A 12 20 16 4F_3Blade Segment of Quietus
(top piece;fighter)
Weapon WFR2A 13 20 16 4F_2Crosspiece Segment of Quietus
(middle piece;fighter)
Player MAN1A 14 20 16 Player_TeleportSpot
Rock RCK4A 15 20 16 ZC_Rock4 (large)
Weapon WFR3A 16 20 16 4F_1Hilt Segment of Quietus
(bottom piece;fighter)
Light CDLRA 17 20 60 Z_Chandelier
Weapon WCH1A 18 20 16 4C_3Arc Segment of Wraithverge
(top piece;Cleric)
Weapon WCH2A 19 20 16 4C_2Cross Segment of Wraithverge
(middle piece;Cleric)
Weapon WCH3A 20 20 16 4C_1Shaft Segment of Wraithverge
(bottom piece;Cleric)
Weapon WMS1A 21 20 16 4M_3Skull Segment of Bloodscourge
(top piece;Mage)
Weapon WMS2A 22 20 16 4M_2Stub Segment of Bloodscourge
(middle piece;Mage)
Weapon WMS3A 23 20 16 4M_1Stick Segment of Bloodscourge
(bottom piece;Mage)
Forest TRE1A 24 10 96 ZF_TreeDead
Forest TRE1A 25 15 128 ZF_TreeDestructible (NOT destructable)
Forest TRE2A 26 10 150 ZS_Tree2 (Swamp Tree)
Forest TRE3A 27 10 120 ZS_Tree1 (Swamp Tree)
Forest STM1A 28 12 20 ZF_StumpBurned
Forest STM2A 29 12 20 ZF_StumpBare
Weapon PORKA 30 20 16 A_Porkelator Porkalator
Enemy DEMNA 31 32 64 C_Demon Chaos Serpent(fire ball)
Item SPHLA 32 20 16 A_HealingComplete Mystic Urn
Item TRCHA 33 20 16 A_Torch Torch
Enemy WRTHA 34 20 55 C_Wraith Reiver
Item ATLPA 36 20 16 *A_Repulsion Disc of Repulsion
Forest STM3A 37 20 16 ZS_Stump1
Forest STM4A 38 20 16 ZS_Stump2
Mushroom MSH1A 39 20 16 ZF_ShroomLarge1
Mushroom MSH2A 40 20 16 ZF_ShroomLarge2
Mushroom MSH3A 41 20 16 *ZC_ShroomLarge3
Mushroom TLGLA 41 20 16 ZC_ShroomLarge
Mushroom MSH4A 42 20 16 ZC_ShroomSmall1
Mushroom MSH5A 44 20 16 ZC_ShroomSmall2
Mushroom MSH6A 45 20 16 ZC_ShroomSmall3
Mushroom MSH7A 46 20 16 ZF_ShroomSmall1
Mushroom MSH8A 47 20 16 ZF_ShroomSmall2
Cave SGMPA 48 8 138 ZC_Stalagmite_Pillar
Cave SGM1A 49 8 48 ZC_StalagmiteLarge
Cave SGM2A 50 6 40 ZC_StalagmiteMedium
Cave SGM3A 51 8 36 ZC_StalagmiteSmall
Cave SLC1A 52 8 66 ZC_StalactiteLarge
Weapon WMCSA 53 20 16 2M_ConeOfShards Frost Shard's (mage)
Light WLTRA 54 20 16 Z_Wall_Torch_Lit
Light WLTRI 55 20 16 Z_Wall_Torch_UnLit
Cave SLC2A 56 6 50 ZC_StalactiteMedium
Cave SLC3A 57 8 40 ZC_StalactiteSmall
Forest MSS1A 58 20 20 ZS_Moss1
Forest MSS2A 59 20 24 ZS_Moss2
Forest SWMVA 60 8 52 ZS_Vine
Corpse CPS1A 61 10 92 ZG_CorpseKabob
Corpse CPS2A 62 20 16 ZG_CorpseSleeping
Tombstone TMS1A 63 10 46 ZG_TombstoneRIP
Tombstone TMS2A 64 10 46 ZG_TombstoneShane
Tombstone TMS3A 65 10 46 ZG_TombstoneBigCross
Tombstone TMS4A 66 10 52 ZG_TombstoneBrianR
Tombstone TMS5A 67 10 52 ZG_TombstoneCrossCircle
Tombstone TMS6A 68 8 46 ZG_TombstoneSmallCross
Tombstone TMS7A 69 8 46 ZG_TombstoneBrianP
Corpse CPS3A 71 6 75 ZG_CorpseHanging
Gargoyles STT2A 72 14 108 ZP_GargPortalTall
Gargoyles STT3A 73 14 108 ZP_GargIceTall
Gargoyles STT4A 74 14 62 ZP_GargPortalShort
Gargoyles STT5A 76 14 62 ZP_GargIceShort
Decor BNR1A 77 8 120 Z_Banner
Forest TRE4A 78 15 180 ZF_TreeLarge1
Forest TRE5A 79 15 180 ZF_TreeLarge2
Forest TRE6A 80 22 100 ZF_TreeGnarled1
Item PTN1A 81 20 16 A_HealingWimpy Crystal Vial
Item PTN2A 82 20 16 A_HealingHefty Quartz Flask
Item SOARA 83 20 16 A_WingsOfWrath Wings of Wrath
Item INVUA 84 20 16 A_IconOfDefender Icon of the Defender
Item SUMNA 86 20 16 A_DarkServant Dark Servant
Item TRE7A 87 22 100 ZF_TreeGnarled2
Forest LOGGA 88 20 25 ZS_Log
Ice ICT1A 89 8 66 ZI_IcicleLarge
Ice ICT2A 90 5 50 ZI_IcicleMedium
Ice ICT3A 91 4 32 ZI_IcicleSmall
Ice ICT4A 92 4 8 +ZI_IcicleTiny
Ice ICM1A 93 8 66 ZI_IceSpikeLarge
Ice ICM2A 94 5 50 ZI_IceSpikeMedium
Ice ICM3A 95 4 32 ZI_IceSpikeSmall
Ice ICM4A 96 4 8 +ZI_IceSpikeTiny
Rock RKBLA 97 17 72 ZW_RockBrownLarge
Rock RKBSA 98 15 50 ZW_RockBrownSmall
Rock RKBKA 99 20 40 ZW_RockBlack (Gray Rock)
Rock RBL1A 100 20 16 ZM_Rubble1
Rock RBL2A 101 20 16 ZM_Rubble2
Rock RBL3A 102 20 16 ZM_Rubble3
Decor VASEA 103 12 54 Z_VasePillar
Decor POT1A 104 10 32 ZM_Pot1 (destructable)
Decor POT2A 105 10 25 ZM_Pot2 (destructable)
Decor POT3A 106 15 25 ZM_Pot3 (destructable)
Enemy CENTA 107 20 64 C_Centaur Centaur
Corpse CPS4A 108 11 95 ZG_CorpseLynched
Corpse CPS5A 109 10 100 ZG_CorpseNoHeart
Corpse CPS6A 110 15 35 ZG_CorpseSitting
Corpse BDPLA 111 20 16 ZG_BloodPool
Spawn MAN1A 113 20 16 Spawn_Leaf (needs arguements)
Enemy BISHA 114 22 65 C_Bishop Dark Bishop
Enemy CENTA 115 20 64 C_CentaurLeader Centaur (shoot's blasts)
Light TWTRA 116 10 64 Z_TwinedTorch
Light TWTRI 117 10 64 Z_TwinedTorch_Unlit
Misc TLGLA 118 32 2 Z_GlitterBridge (invisible sparkely bridge)
Light CNDLA 119 20 16 Z_Candle
Enemy SSPTH 120 32 70 C_SerpentLeader Stalker(shoots fire blast)
Enemy SSPTH 121 32 70 C_Serpent Stalker
Item MAN1A 122 8 8 Mana_1 Blue Mana
Item MAN2A 124 8 8 Mana_2 Green Mana
Weapon WFHMA 123 20 16 3F_Hammer Hammer of
Player TSMKA 140 20 16 Z_TeleportSmoke
Enemy DRAGD 254 20 65 C_Dragon Death Wyvern
Sound N/A 1400 20 16 SS_Stone
Sound N/A 1401 20 16 SS_Heavy
Sound N/A 1402 20 16 SS_Metal
Sound N/A 1403 20 16 SS_Creak
Sound N/A 1404 20 16 SS_Silent
Sound N/A 1405 20 16 SS_Lava
Sound N/A 1406 20 16 SS_Water
Sound N/A 1407 20 16 SS_Ice
Sound N/A 1408 20 16 SS_EarthCrack
Sound N/A 1409 20 16 SS_Metal2
Item TLGLA 1410 20 16 SE_Wind
Misc N/A 3000 20 16 PO_Anchor
Misc N/A 3001 20 16 PO_StartSpot
Misc N/A 3002 20 16 PO_StartSpot_Crush
Item PSBGA 8000 20 16 *A_Flechette Flechette
Item SPEDA 8002 20 16 A_BootsOfSpeed Boots of Speed
Item BMANA 8003 20 16 A_BoostMana Krater of Might
Item MAN3A 8004 8 8 ManaCombined Combined Mana
Item ARM1A 8005 20 16 Ar_Armor Mesh Armour
Item ARM2A 8006 20 16 Ar_Shield Falcon Shield
Item ARM3A 8007 20 16 Ar_Helmet Platinum Helmet
Item ARM4A 8008 20 16 Ar_Amulet Amulet of Warding
Weapon WCFMA 8009 20 16 3C_Firestorm Firestorm(Cleric)
Weapon WFAXA 8010 20 16 2F_Axe Timon's Axe(Fighter)
Enemy ICEYA 8020 22 75 C_IceGuy Wendigo
Key KEY1A 8030 8 20 K_SteelKey Steel Key
Key KEY2A 8031 8 20 K_CaveKey Cave Key
Key KEY3A 8032 8 20 K_AxeKey Axe Key
Key KEY4A 8033 8 20 K_FireKey Fire Key
Key KEY5A 8034 8 20 *K_EmeraldKey Emerald Key
Key KEY6A 8035 8 20 K_DungeonKey Dungeon Key
Key KEY7A 8036 8 20 K_SilverKey Silver Key
Key KEY8A 8037 8 20 K_RustyKey Rusted Key
Key KEY9A 8038 8 20 K_WasteKey Horn Key
Key KEYAA 8039 8 20 K_SwampKey Swamp Key
Weapon WMLGA 8040 20 16 3M_Lightning Arc of death(Mage)
Item BRACA 8041 20 16 A_Bracers Dragonskin Bracers
Statue FBULA 8042 20 80 Z_FireBull
Statue FBULH 8043 20 80 Z_FireBull_Unlit
Gargoyles GAR1A 8044 14 108 ZP_GargCorrode
Gargoyles GAR2A 8045 14 108 ZP_GargLavaDrkTall
Gargoyles GAR3A 8046 14 108 ZP_GargLavaBrtTall
Gargoyles GAR4A 8047 14 108 ZP_GargBrnzTall
Gargoyles GAR5A 8048 14 108 ZP_GargStlTall
Gargoyles GAR6A 8049 14 62 ZP_GargLavaDrkShort
Gargoyles GAR7A 8050 14 62 ZP_GargLavaBrtShort
Gargoyles GAR8A 8051 14 62 ZP_GargBrnzShort
Gargoyles GAR9A 8052 14 62 ZP_GargStlShort
Decor FSKLA 8060 5 10 Z_FireSkull
Decor BRTRA 8061 6 35 Z_BrassBrazier
Forest TRDTA 8062 15 180 ZF_DestructibleTree
Light CDLRD 8063 20 60 Z_Chandelier_Unlit
Decor SUITA 8064 16 72 Z_ArmorSuit (destructsble)
Misc BBLLF 8065 56 120 Z_Bell (bell rings when hit)
Light CANDA 8066 20 16 Z_BlueCandle
Decor IRONA 8067 12 60 ZG_IronMaiden
Forest XMASA 8068 11 130 ZF_Hedge
Light CDRNB 8069 12 26 Z_Cauldron
Light CDRNA 8070 12 26 Z_Cauldron_Unlit
Chain CHNSA 8071 4 32 Z_Chain32
Chain CHNSB 8072 4 64 Z_Chain64
Chain CHNSC 8073 4 32 Z_ChainHeart
Chain CHNSD 8074 4 32 Z_ChainLHook
Chain CHNSE 8075 4 32 Z_ChainSHook
Chain CHNSF 8076 4 32 Z_ChainSpikeBall
Chain CHNSG 8077 4 32 Z_ChainSkull
Enemy DEM2A 8080 32 64 C_Demon2 Chaos Serpent(poison gas blast)
Decor BARLA 8100 15 32 Z_Barrel
Forest SHB1A 8101 8 24 ZF_Shrub1
Forest SHB2A 8102 16 40 ZF_Shrub2
Decor BCKTA 8103 8 72 Z_Bucket
Mushroom SHRMA 8104 6 20 ZF_ShroomBoom (explodes w/ poison gas)
Key KEYBA 8200 8 20 *K_CastleKey Castle Key
Decor TST1A 8500 20 16 ZM_LgStein
Decor TST2A 8501 20 16 ZM_SmStein
Decor TST3A 8502 20 16 ZM_CandleWeb
Light TST4A 8503 20 16 ZM_SmCandle
Light TST5A 8504 20 16 ZM_LgCandle
Decor TST6A 8505 20 16 ZM_GobletSpill
Decor TST7A 8506 20 16 ZM_GobletTall
Decor TST8A 8507 20 16 ZM_GobletSmall
Decor TST9A 8508 20 16 ZM_GobletSilver
Decor TST0A 8509 20 16 ZM_CleaverMeat
Misc TLGLA 9001 20 16 X_MapSpot
Puzzle ASKUA 9002 20 16 ZZ_Skull Yorick's Skull
Puzzle ABGMA 9003 20 16 ZZ_BigGem Heart of Dis'paril
Puzzle AGMRA 9004 20 16 ZZ_GemRed Ruby Planet
Puzzle AGMGA 9005 20 16 ZZ_GemGreen1 Emerald Planet
Puzzle AGMBA 9006 20 16 ZZ_GemBlue1 Sapphire Planet
Puzzle ABK1A 9007 20 16 ZZ_Book1 Daemon Codex
Puzzle ABK2A 9008 20 16 ZZ_Book2 Liber Oscura
Puzzle AGG2A 9009 20 16 ZZ_GemGreen2 Emerald Planet
Puzzle AGB2A 9010 20 16 ZZ_GemBlue2 Sapphire Planet
Statue STWNA 9011 10 62 ZZ_WingedStatueNoSkull
Statue GMPDA 9012 10 40 ZZ_GemPedestal (Sundial on Pedestal)
Misc TLGLA 9013 20 16 X_MapSpotGravity
Puzzle ASK2A 9014 20 16 ZZ_Skull2 Flame Mask
Weapon AFWPA 9015 20 16 ZZ_FWeapon Glaive Seal
Weapon ACWPA 9016 20 16 ZZ_CWeapon holy Relic
Weapon AMWPA 9017 20 16 ZZ_MWeapon Sigil of the magus
Puzzle AGERA 9018 20 16 ZZ_Gear (Steel)Clock Gear
Puzzle AGR2A 9019 20 16 ZZ_Gear2 (Bronze)Clock Gear
Puzzle AGR3A 9020 20 16 ZZ_Gear3 (Steel+Bronze)Clock Gear
Puzzle AGR4A 9021 20 16 ZZ_Gear4 (Bronze+Steel)Clock Gear
Spawn MAN1A 10000 20 16 Spawn_Fog (needs arguements)
Spawn FOGSA 10001 20 16 Spawn_Fog_a (needs arguements)
Spawn FOGMA 10002 20 16 Spawn_Fog_b (needs arguements)
Spawn FOGLA 10003 20 16 Spawn_Fog_c (needs arguements)
Enemy WRTHA 10011 20 68 C_Wraith2 Reiver
Enemy ETTNA 10030 25 68 C_Ettin Ettin
Enemy FDMNX 10060 20 68 C_FireImp Afrits
Weapon TELOA 10040 20 16 A_Banishment Arc of Death (Mage)
Enemy SORCA 10080 40 110 C_Heresiarch Heresiarch
Cave TSPKA 10090 20 128 Spike_Down
Cave TSPKA 10091 20 128 Spike_Up
Enemy PLAYA 10100 16 64 C_FighterBoss Zedek
Enemy CLERA 10101 16 64 C_ClericBoss Traductus
Enemy MAGEA 10102 16 64 C_MageBoss Menelkir
Item BLSTA 10110 20 16 A_ChaosDevice Chaos Device
Item HRADA 10120 20 16 A_HealRadius Mystic Ambient Incant
Enemy KORXA 10200 65 115 C_Korax Korax(Final Boss)
Spawn MAN1A 10225 20 16 Spawn_Bat (needs arguements)
Light FFSMA 10500 20 16 Z_SmallFlame_Timed
Light FFSMA 10501 20 16 Z_SmallFlame_Permanent
Light FFLGA 10502 20 16 Z_LargeFlame_Timed
Light FFLGA 10503 20 16 Z_LargeFlame_Permanent

Sprites with no type number. This should be connected with a type.
Anybody want to do this?

FBL1A -1 8 8
ARRWA -1 8 4
DARTA -1 8 4
DARTA -1 8 4
RIPPA -1 8 16
BLADA -1 6 6
SHRDA -1 13 8
SUMNA -1 20 16
TRNGE -1 16 16
TRNGB -1 16 16
TRNGC -1 16 16
TRNGD -1 16 16
TRNGC -1 16 16
ROCKD -1 20 16
ROCKE -1 20 16
ROCKF -1 20 16
ROCKG -1 20 16
ROCKH -1 20 16
ROCKI -1 20 16
TSPKC -1 20 16
ROCKA -1 20 16
ROCKB -1 20 16
ROCKC -1 20 16
MAN1A -1 20 16
SGSAA -1 5 16
SGSAF -1 5 16
SGSAK -1 5 16
SGSAP -1 5 16
SGSAU -1 5 16
SGSBA -1 5 16
SGSBB -1 5 16
SGSBC -1 5 16
SGSBD -1 5 16
SGSBE -1 5 16
EGGMA -1 8 8
PSBGA -1 20 16
PSBGA -1 5 5
PSBGD -1 0 0
THRWA -1 8 10
SPSHA -1 2 4
SPSHE -1 20 16
LVASA -1 20 16
LVASG -1 20 16
SLDGA -1 2 4
SLDGE -1 20 16
PBITA -1 5 5
CPB1A -1 5 5
BDRPA -1 1 4
LEF1A -1 2 4
LEF2A -1 2 4
TLGLA -1 20 16
TELEA -1 20 16
SUITB -1 4 8
FHFXS -1 20 16
FHFXS -1 20 16
FAXER -1 20 16
FAXEF -1 2 4
FHFXA -1 14 20
FHFXS -1 20 16
FSFXA -1 16 8
FSFXN -1 20 16
CSSFD -1 12 10
FHFXS -1 20 16
CFFXN -1 20 16
CFFXA -1 1 1
CFFXA -1 1 1
CFCFA -1 6 16
CFFXA -1 14 8
SPIRA -1 10 6
SPIRC -1 1 1
SPIRK -1 20 16
SPIRP -1 15 8
SPIRQ -1 4 8
MWNDE -1 20 16
MWNDC -1 20 16
MWNDC -1 12 8
MLFXA -1 16 40
MLFXE -1 16 40
MLFXI -1 15 35
MSP1A -1 16 8
MSP2A -1 20 8
SHRDA -1 13 8
BLODC -1 20 16
BLODC -1 2 4
GIBSA -1 20 16
PLAYA -1 16 64
BSKLA -1 4 4
PLAYA -1 20 16
ICECA -1 3 4
CLERA -1 16 64
MAGEA -1 16 64
PIGYA -1 16 24
PIGYB -1 12 22
FHFXS -1 20 16
CTFXA -1 20 16
CTDPA -1 20 16
CTDPK -1 20 16
DEMAA -1 5 5
DEMBA -1 5 5
DEMCA -1 5 5
DEMDA -1 5 5
DEMEA -1 5 5
DMFXA -1 10 6
DMBAA -1 5 5
DMBBA -1 5 5
DMBCA -1 5 5
DMBDA -1 5 5
DMBEA -1 5 5
D2FXA -1 10 6
WRBLA -1 10 6
WRBLJ -1 2 5
WRBLQ -1 2 5
WRBLT -1 2 5
WRBLX -1 2 5
FX12A -1 10 6
FX13A -1 5 12
FX13D -1 8 16
MNSMA -1 20 16
MNSMA -1 20 16
SSFXA -1 8 10
SSXDI -1 5 10
SSXDQ -1 3 3
SSXDR -1 3 3
SSXDT -1 3 3
BISHQ -1 20 16
BISHA -1 20 16
BISHC -1 20 16
BPFXA -1 10 6
DRFXA -1 12 10
CFCFQ -1 8 8
ETTBM -1 5 5
FDMNP -1 3 16
FDMNQ -1 3 16
FDMNS -1 3 5
FDMNT -1 3 5
FDMNU -1 3 5
FDMNV -1 3 5
FDMNW -1 3 5
FDMBA -1 10 6
ICPRA -1 8 10
ICPRI -1 1 1
ICPRN -1 4 4
ICPRQ -1 1 1
ICWSA -1 20 16
ICWSJ -1 20 16
SBMPA -1 5 5
SBMBA -1 5 5
SBMGA -1 5 5
SBS1A -1 5 5
SBS2A -1 5 5
SBS2A -1 20 16
SBS3A -1 22 65
SBS3D -1 20 16
SBS4A -1 10 10
SBFXA -1 5 5
RADEA -1 20 16
WATRA -1 20 16
SPIRA -1 20 16
SPIRA -1 20 16
SPIRA -1 20 16
SPIRA -1 20 16
SPIRA -1 20 16
SPIRA -1 20 16
DEMNA -1 32 64
DEM2A -1 32 64
ETTNA -1 25 68
CENTA -1 20 64
MLFXI -1 15 35

Sorted by Class then Type

Class Sprite Type Width Height Spec Name Game Name
* = spec correction and/or (Comment)
+ = new

Cave SGMPA 48 8 138 ZC_Stalagmite_Pillar
Cave SGM1A 49 8 48 ZC_StalagmiteLarge
Cave SGM2A 50 6 40 ZC_StalagmiteMedium
Cave SGM3A 51 8 36 ZC_StalagmiteSmall
Cave SLC1A 52 8 66 ZC_StalactiteLarge
Cave SLC2A 56 6 50 ZC_StalactiteMedium
Cave SLC3A 57 8 40 ZC_StalactiteSmall
Cave TSPKA 10090 20 128 Spike_Down
Cave TSPKA 10091 20 128 Spike_Up

Chain CHNSA 8071 4 32 Z_Chain32
Chain CHNSB 8072 4 64 Z_Chain64
Chain CHNSC 8073 4 32 Z_ChainHeart
Chain CHNSD 8074 4 32 Z_ChainLHook
Chain CHNSE 8075 4 32 Z_ChainSHook
Chain CHNSF 8076 4 32 Z_ChainSpikeBall
Chain CHNSG 8077 4 32 Z_ChainSkull

Corpse CPS1A 61 10 92 ZG_CorpseKabob
Corpse CPS2A 62 20 16 ZG_CorpseSleeping
Corpse CPS3A 71 6 75 ZG_CorpseHanging
Corpse CPS4A 108 11 95 ZG_CorpseLynched
Corpse CPS5A 109 10 100 ZG_CorpseNoHeart
Corpse CPS6A 110 15 35 ZG_CorpseSitting
Corpse BDPLA 111 20 16 ZG_BloodPool

Decor BNR1A 77 8 120 Z_Banner
Decor VASEA 103 12 54 Z_VasePillar
Decor POT1A 104 10 32 ZM_Pot1 (destructable)
Decor POT2A 105 10 25 ZM_Pot2 (destructable)
Decor POT3A 106 15 25 ZM_Pot3 (destructable)
Decor FSKLA 8060 5 10 Z_FireSkull
Decor BRTRA 8061 6 35 Z_BrassBrazier
Decor SUITA 8064 16 72 Z_ArmorSuit (destructsble)
Decor IRONA 8067 12 60 ZG_IronMaiden
Decor BARLA 8100 15 32 Z_Barrel
Decor BCKTA 8103 8 72 Z_Bucket
Decor TST1A 8500 20 16 ZM_LgStein
Decor TST2A 8501 20 16 ZM_SmStein
Decor TST3A 8502 20 16 ZM_CandleWeb
Decor TST6A 8505 20 16 ZM_GobletSpill
Decor TST7A 8506 20 16 ZM_GobletTall
Decor TST8A 8507 20 16 ZM_GobletSmall
Decor TST9A 8508 20 16 ZM_GobletSilver
Decor TST0A 8509 20 16 ZM_CleaverMeat

Enemy DEMNA 31 32 64 C_Demon Chaos Serpent(fire ball)
Enemy WRTHA 34 20 55 C_Wraith Reiver
Enemy CENTA 107 20 64 C_Centaur Centaur
Enemy BISHA 114 22 65 C_Bishop Dark Bishop
Enemy CENTA 115 20 64 C_CentaurLeader Centaur (shoot's blasts)
Enemy SSPTH 120 32 70 C_SerpentLeader Stalker(shoots fire blast)
Enemy SSPTH 121 32 70 C_Serpent Stalker
Enemy DRAGD 254 20 65 C_Dragon Death Wyvern
Enemy ICEYA 8020 22 75 C_IceGuy Wendigo
Enemy DEM2A 8080 32 64 C_Demon2 Chaos Serpent(poison gas blast)
Enemy WRTHA 10011 20 68 C_Wraith2 Reiver
Enemy ETTNA 10030 25 68 C_Ettin Ettin
Enemy FDMNX 10060 20 68 C_FireImp Afrits
Enemy PLAYA 10100 16 64 C_FighterBoss Zedek
Enemy CLERA 10101 16 64 C_ClericBoss Traductus
Enemy MAGEA 10102 16 64 C_MageBoss Menelkir
Enemy SORCA 10080 40 110 C_Heresiarch Heresiarch
Enemy KORXA 10200 65 115 C_Korax Korax(Final Boss)

Forest TRE1A 24 10 96 ZF_TreeDead
Forest TRE1A 25 15 128 ZF_TreeDestructible (NOT destructable)
Forest TRE2A 26 10 150 ZS_Tree2 (Swamp Tree)
Forest TRE3A 27 10 120 ZS_Tree1 (Swamp Tree)
Forest STM1A 28 12 20 ZF_StumpBurned
Forest STM2A 29 12 20 ZF_StumpBare
Forest STM3A 37 20 16 ZS_Stump1
Forest STM4A 38 20 16 ZS_Stump2
Forest MSS1A 58 20 20 ZS_Moss1
Forest MSS2A 59 20 24 ZS_Moss2
Forest SWMVA 60 8 52 ZS_Vine
Forest TRE4A 78 15 180 ZF_TreeLarge1
Forest TRE5A 79 15 180 ZF_TreeLarge2
Forest TRE6A 80 22 100 ZF_TreeGnarled1
Forest LOGGA 88 20 25 ZS_Log
Forest TRDTA 8062 15 180 ZF_DestructibleTree
Forest XMASA 8068 11 130 ZF_Hedge
Forest SHB1A 8101 8 24 ZF_Shrub1
Forest SHB2A 8102 16 40 ZF_Shrub2

Gargoyle STT2A 72 14 108 ZP_GargPortalTall
Gargoyle STT3A 73 14 108 ZP_GargIceTall
Gargoyle STT4A 74 14 62 ZP_GargPortalShort
Gargoyle STT5A 76 14 62 ZP_GargIceShort
Gargoyle GAR1A 8044 14 108 ZP_GargCorrode
Gargoyle GAR2A 8045 14 108 ZP_GargLavaDrkTall
Gargoyle GAR3A 8046 14 108 ZP_GargLavaBrtTall
Gargoyle GAR4A 8047 14 108 ZP_GargBrnzTall
Gargoyle GAR5A 8048 14 108 ZP_GargStlTall
Gargoyle GAR6A 8049 14 62 ZP_GargLavaDrkShort
Gargoyle GAR7A 8050 14 62 ZP_GargLavaBrtShort
Gargoyle GAR8A 8051 14 62 ZP_GargBrnzShort
Gargoyle GAR9A 8052 14 62 ZP_GargStlShort

Ice ICT1A 89 8 66 ZI_IcicleLarge
Ice ICT2A 90 5 50 ZI_IcicleMedium
Ice ICT3A 91 4 32 ZI_IcicleSmall
Ice ICT4A 92 4 8 +ZI_IcicleTiny
Ice ICM1A 93 8 66 ZI_IceSpikeLarge
Ice ICM2A 94 5 50 ZI_IceSpikeMedium
Ice ICM3A 95 4 32 ZI_IceSpikeSmall
Ice ICM4A 96 4 8 +ZI_IceSpikeTiny

Item PORKA 30 20 16 A_Porkelator Porkalator
Item SPHLA 32 20 16 A_HealingComplete Mystic Urn
Item TRCHA 33 20 16 A_Torch Torch
Item ATLPA 36 20 16 *A_Repulsion Disc of Repulsion
Item PTN1A 81 20 16 A_HealingWimpy Crystal Vial
Item PTN2A 82 20 16 A_HealingHefty Quartz Flask
Item SOARA 83 20 16 A_WingsOfWrath Wings of Wrath
Item INVUA 84 20 16 A_IconOfDefender Icon of the Defender
Item SUMNA 86 20 16 A_DarkServant Dark Servant
Item TRE7A 87 22 100 ZF_TreeGnarled2
Item MAN1A 122 8 8 Mana_1 Blue Mana
Item MAN2A 124 8 8 Mana_2 Green Mana
Item TLGLA 1410 20 16 SE_Wind
Item PSBGA 8000 20 16 *A_Flechette Flechette
Item SPEDA 8002 20 16 A_BootsOfSpeed Boots of Speed
Item BMANA 8003 20 16 A_BoostMana Krater of Might
Item MAN3A 8004 8 8 ManaCombined Combined Mana
Item ARM1A 8005 20 16 Ar_Armor Mesh Armour
Item ARM2A 8006 20 16 Ar_Shield Falcon Shield
Item ARM3A 8007 20 16 Ar_Helmet Platinum Helmet
Item ARM4A 8008 20 16 Ar_Amulet Amulet of Warding
Item BRACA 8041 20 16 A_Bracers Dragonskin Bracers
Item AFWPA 9015 20 16 ZZ_FWeapon Glaive Seal
Item ACWPA 9016 20 16 ZZ_CWeapon holy Relic
Item AMWPA 9017 20 16 ZZ_MWeapon Sigil of the magus
Item BLSTA 10110 20 16 A_ChaosDevice Chaos Device
Item HRADA 10120 20 16 A_HealRadius Mystic Ambient Incant

Key KEY1A 8030 8 20 K_SteelKey Steel Key
Key KEY2A 8031 8 20 K_CaveKey Cave Key
Key KEY3A 8032 8 20 K_AxeKey Axe Key
Key KEY4A 8033 8 20 K_FireKey Fire Key
Key KEY5A 8034 8 20 *K_EmeraldKey Emerald Key
Key KEY6A 8035 8 20 K_DungeonKey Dungeon Key
Key KEY7A 8036 8 20 K_SilverKey Silver Key
Key KEY8A 8037 8 20 K_RustyKey Rusted Key
Key KEY9A 8038 8 20 K_WasteKey Horn Key
Key KEYAA 8039 8 20 K_SwampKey Swamp Key
Key KEYBA 8200 8 20 *K_CastleKey Castle Key

Light CDLRA 17 20 60 Z_Chandelier
Light WLTRA 54 20 16 Z_Wall_Torch_Lit
Light WLTRI 55 20 16 Z_Wall_Torch_UnLit
Light TWTRA 116 10 64 Z_TwinedTorch
Light TWTRI 117 10 64 Z_TwinedTorch_Unlit
Light CNDLA 119 20 16 Z_Candle
Light CDLRD 8063 20 60 Z_Chandelier_Unlit
Light CANDA 8066 20 16 Z_BlueCandle
Light CDRNB 8069 12 26 Z_Cauldron
Light CDRNA 8070 12 26 Z_Cauldron_Unlit
Light TST4A 8503 20 16 ZM_SmCandle
Light TST5A 8504 20 16 ZM_LgCandle
Light FFSMA 10500 20 16 Z_SmallFlame_Timed
Light FFSMA 10501 20 16 Z_SmallFlame_Permanent
Light FFLGA 10502 20 16 Z_LargeFlame_Timed
Light FFLGA 10503 20 16 Z_LargeFlame_Permanent

Misc TLGLA 118 32 2 Z_GlitterBridge (invisible sparkely bridge)
Misc N/A 3000 20 16 PO_Anchor
Misc N/A 3001 20 16 PO_StartSpot
Misc N/A 3002 20 16 PO_StartSpot_Crush
Misc BBLLF 8065 56 120 Z_Bell (bell rings when hit)
Misc TLGLA 9001 20 16 X_MapSpot
Misc TLGLA 9013 20 16 X_MapSpotGravity

Mushroom MSH1A 39 20 16 ZF_ShroomLarge1
Mushroom MSH2A 40 20 16 ZF_ShroomLarge2
Mushroom MSH3A 41 20 16 *ZC_ShroomLarge3
Mushroom TLGLA 41 20 16 ZC_ShroomLarge
Mushroom MSH4A 42 20 16 ZC_ShroomSmall1
Mushroom MSH5A 44 20 16 ZC_ShroomSmall2
Mushroom MSH6A 45 20 16 ZC_ShroomSmall3
Mushroom MSH7A 46 20 16 ZF_ShroomSmall1
Mushroom MSH8A 47 20 16 ZF_ShroomSmall2
Mushroom SHRMA 8104 6 20 ZF_ShroomBoom (explodes w/ poison gas)

Player N/A 1 20 16 Player_1_start
Player N/A 2 20 16 Player_2_start
Player N/A 3 20 16 Player_3_start
Player N/A 4 20 16 Player_4_start
Player N/A 11 20 16 Player_Deathmatch
Player MAN1A 14 20 16 Player_TeleportSpot
Player TSMKA 140 20 16 Z_TeleportSmoke

Puzzle ASKUA 9002 20 16 ZZ_Skull Yorick's Skull
Puzzle ABGMA 9003 20 16 ZZ_BigGem Heart of Dis'paril
Puzzle AGMRA 9004 20 16 ZZ_GemRed Ruby Planet
Puzzle AGMGA 9005 20 16 ZZ_GemGreen1 Emerald Planet
Puzzle AGMBA 9006 20 16 ZZ_GemBlue1 Sapphire Planet
Puzzle ABK1A 9007 20 16 ZZ_Book1 Daemon Codex
Puzzle ABK2A 9008 20 16 ZZ_Book2 Liber Oscura
Puzzle AGG2A 9009 20 16 ZZ_GemGreen2 Emerald Planet
Puzzle AGB2A 9010 20 16 ZZ_GemBlue2 Sapphire Planet
Puzzle ASK2A 9014 20 16 ZZ_Skull2 Flame Mask
Puzzle AGERA 9018 20 16 ZZ_Gear (Steel)Clock Gear
Puzzle AGR2A 9019 20 16 ZZ_Gear2 (Bronze)Clock Gear
Puzzle AGR3A 9020 20 16 ZZ_Gear3 (Steel+Bronze)Clock Gear
Puzzle AGR4A 9021 20 16 ZZ_Gear4 (Bronze+Steel)Clock Gear

Rock RCK1A 6 20 16 ZC_Rock1 (tiny)
Rock RCK2A 7 20 16 ZC_Rock2 (small)
Rock RCK3A 9 20 16 ZC_Rock3 (medium)
Rock MNTRA 9 28 100 ZC_Rock3
Rock RCK4A 15 20 16 ZC_Rock4 (large)
Rock RKBLA 97 17 72 ZW_RockBrownLarge
Rock RKBSA 98 15 50 ZW_RockBrownSmall
Rock RKBKA 99 20 40 ZW_RockBlack (Gray Rock)
Rock RBL1A 100 20 16 ZM_Rubble1
Rock RBL2A 101 20 16 ZM_Rubble2
Rock RBL3A 102 20 16 ZM_Rubble3

Sound N/A 1400 20 16 SS_Stone
Sound N/A 1401 20 16 SS_Heavy
Sound N/A 1402 20 16 SS_Metal
Sound N/A 1403 20 16 SS_Creak
Sound N/A 1404 20 16 SS_Silent
Sound N/A 1405 20 16 SS_Lava
Sound N/A 1406 20 16 SS_Water
Sound N/A 1407 20 16 SS_Ice
Sound N/A 1408 20 16 SS_EarthCrack
Sound N/A 1409 20 16 SS_Metal2

Spawn MAN1A 113 20 16 Spawn_Leaf (needs arguements)
Spawn MAN1A 10000 20 16 Spawn_Fog (needs arguements)
Spawn FOGSA 10001 20 16 Spawn_Fog_a (needs arguements)
Spawn FOGMA 10002 20 16 Spawn_Fog_b (needs arguements)
Spawn FOGLA 10003 20 16 Spawn_Fog_c (needs arguements)
Spawn MAN1A 10225 20 16 Spawn_Bat (needs arguements)

Statue STTWA 5 10 62 Z_WingedStatue
Statue FBULA 8042 20 80 Z_FireBull
Statue FBULH 8043 20 80 Z_FireBull_Unlit
Statue STWNA 9011 10 62 ZZ_WingedStatueNoSkull
Statue GMPDA 9012 10 40 ZZ_GemPedestal (Sundial on Pedestal)

Tombstone TMS1A 63 10 46 ZG_TombstoneRIP
Tombstone TMS2A 64 10 46 ZG_TombstoneShane
Tombstone TMS3A 65 10 46 ZG_TombstoneBigCross
Tombstone TMS4A 66 10 52 ZG_TombstoneBrianR
Tombstone TMS5A 67 10 52 ZG_TombstoneCrossCircle
Tombstone TMS6A 68 8 46 ZG_TombstoneSmallCross
Tombstone TMS7A 69 8 46 ZG_TombstoneBrianP

Weapon WCSSA 10 20 16 2C_SerpentStaff Serpent Staff(Cleric)
Weapon WFR1A 12 20 16 4F_3Blade Segment of Quietus
(top piece;fighter)
Weapon WFR2A 13 20 16 4F_2Crosspiece Segment of Quietus
(middle piece;fighter)
Weapon WFR3A 16 20 16 4F_1Hilt Segment of Quietus
(bottom piece;fighter)
Weapon WCH1A 18 20 16 4C_3Arc Segment of Wraithverge
(top piece;Cleric)
Weapon WCH2A 19 20 16 4C_2Cross Segment of Wraithverge
(middle piece;Cleric)
Weapon WCH3A 20 20 16 4C_1Shaft Segment of Wraithverge
(bottom piece;Cleric)
Weapon WMS1A 21 20 16 4M_3Skull Segment of Bloodscourge
(top piece;Mage)
Weapon WMS2A 22 20 16 4M_2Stub Segment of Bloodscourge
(middle piece;Mage)
Weapon WMS3A 23 20 16 4M_1Stick Segment of Bloodscourge
(bottom piece;Mage)
Weapon WMCSA 53 20 16 2M_ConeOfShards Frost Shard's (mage)
Weapon WFHMA 123 20 16 3F_Hammer Hammer of Retribution(Fighter)
Weapon WCFMA 8009 20 16 3C_Firestorm Firestorm(Cleric)
Weapon WFAXA 8010 20 16 2F_Axe Timon's Axe(Fighter)
Weapon WMLGA 8040 20 16 3M_Lightning Arc of death(Mage)
Weapon TELOA 10040 20 16 A_Banishment Arc of Death (Mage)

bug fixes:


- - Changed name from Tunan's to Timon's. :)
- - Changed name from quitus to Quietus. :)
- - Changed name from Bloddscourge to Bloodscourge. :)

- - It's more like a fire ball than a blast. It still hurts.
changed from:
DEMNA 31 32 64 C_Demon Chaos Serpent(fire blast)
DEMNA 31 32 64 C_Demon Chaos Serpent(fire ball)

- --PART.BOUNDARY.0022.816976079--


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #491

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