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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 408

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #408
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Thursday, 14 September 1995 Volume 01 : Number 408

linedef triggered player position markers
Re: linedef triggered player position markers
Doom network node address
Re: linedef triggered player position markers
Re: linedef triggered player position markers
Re: Doom network node address
Re: linedef triggered player position markers
WEEKLY REMINDER : Beginner's Questions
transparent doors
Re: Barrels
First post again
How scale/rotate using DCK?
Visplanes (yes, again)


From: (Paul D Shelton)
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 95 17:57:21 MDT
Subject: linedef triggered player position markers

I've been experimenting with linedef triggered player position markers
in some of my most recent wads. Here's how they work: I set up a line
def in a remote position in the level that triggers a lift or a door
opening to a teleporter. When a player runs onto the teleport def,
they are transported to the opposing player's position. The cool thing
about this method is that if you put these "teleport stations" in strategic
positions around your level and make them fairly abundant, you can build
larger and more complicated deathmatch wads without it being too difficult
to find your opponent. Has anyone else experimented with this idea?
If so, please give me the titles and locations of your wads so that I can
have a look. Thanks.

- --

- -Paul Shelton.



Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 10:34:49 +0200
Subject: Re: linedef triggered player position markers

On Tue, 12 Sep 95 17:57:21 MDT, (Paul D Shelton) wrote:
> [...] When a player runs onto the teleport def,
> they are transported to the opposing player's position. The cool thing
> about this method is that if you put these "teleport stations" in strategic
> positions around your level and make them fairly abundant, you can build
> larger and more complicated deathmatch wads without it being too difficult
> to find your opponent. Has anyone else experimented with this idea?

Cool idea!

I had a different idea for making it easier to track down your opponent in
a deathmatch WAD. In one of my numerous not-released-yet-but-maybe-I-will-
finish-it-if-I-have-the-time WADs, I have a maze of dark rooms in which
arrows light up on the floor, showing the direction to your opponent. This
wastes a LOT of linedefs, sectors and tags, but the effect is nice.
The tricky part is to make sure that only the arrows that show the shortest
path to your opponent are turned on (light set to max.) and that they are
turned off (light set to min.) when he leaves the room(s). I also had to be
careful about laying down the linedefs in the right order and very close to
each other in order to prevent people from fooling the system by running back
and forth between some linedefs. Of course, this works both ways: your
opponent can also see where you are.

Maybe I will release this WAD after DEU 5.3 is finished. I haven't had the
time to decorate the rooms with the right textures, and I don't want to
release a WAD that doesn't look nice (see the comments that have been made
recently in about crappy deathmatch WADs).

- -Raphael

P.S.: Yes, I'm back after a long time of silence...


From: (Peter Murgatroyd)
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 95 12:34 EET
Subject: Doom network node address


I've come accross the doom IPX socket address which is 869Ch, and was
wondering if anybody knew how many ECB's for sending and recieving are
needed to watch doom's packet flow accross the network. And if anyone had
any spec's about what is in the packets and how they are structured (not the
ECB info, but dooms internal packet structure).




From: (Christian Nyholm)
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 13:21:12 +0200
Subject: Barrels

I've been fooling around whith a barrel throwing gun.
I changed the BFG shot to a barrel and put some mass to it.
But as soon it hits the floor it explodes. So I set the no-
clipping bit. Now when it hit the floor it went on sliding
away through the wall and dissapeared. To prevent this I
set the speed to zero, but that made me standing 'inside' the
barrel so i couldn't move. This made me setting the obstacle
bit to zero, and whith the shootable bit set It worked pretty
well. But now the whole point was ruined. I wanted a barrel that
flew out of the gun, landing in front of me to stay there and be
an obstacle, but still not explode until someone shoot it.
Is there a way to accomplish this.

Christian Nyholm HiS Sweden...



From: Robert Fenske Jr <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 07:49:58 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: linedef triggered player position markers

On Wed, 13 Sep 1995 wrote:

> arrows light up on the floor, showing the direction to your opponent. This
> wastes a LOT of linedefs, sectors and tags, but the effect is nice.
> The tricky part is to make sure that only the arrows that show the shortest
> path to your opponent are turned on (light set to max.) and that they are
> turned off (light set to min.) when he leaves the room(s).

I used a similar idea in a WAD I created some time ago. This WAD
is mainly a large number of hexagonal rooms connected together (a giant
honeycomb pattern). The room light would turn on when a player entered
the room and turn off when the player left the room. Since the
connections between the rooms were aligned you could see into a number of
rooms at once. So by watching for the lighting to turn on and off as the
players moved you could track your opponents. This was tedious to set up
since this also required a lot of linedefs and unique sector tags.

Robert Fenske, Jr. Sw | The Taming the C*sm*s series:
Electromagnetics Division /R---\ |
Southwest Research Institute | I | | "The Martian canals were the
San Antonio, Texas USA \----/ | Martians' last ditch effort."


From: Robert Forsman <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 09:46:47 EDT
Subject: Re: linedef triggered player position markers (Paul D Shelton) ,in message <9509122357.AA22752@rgfn.epcc.
Edu>, wrote:

> I've been experimenting with linedef triggered player position markers
> in some of my most recent wads. Here's how they work: I set up a line
> def in a remote position in the level that triggers a lift or a door
> opening to a teleporter. When a player runs onto the teleport def,
> they are transported to the opposing player's position. The cool thing

I saw a wad with a similar effect several months ago. He was using
linedefs to activate doors or lifts or something. Not for teleporters, but
for indicators.

I used indicators in my 4-room wad. If your enemy was going for the rocket
launcher, he opened a lift in the demon's face that let you get a green suit
of armor. When you watched the demon-faced wall waiting for lifts to tell
you where your opponent was and provide you with presents we said you were
"praying to the demon".


From: (Andy Rooney)
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 15:23:55 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: Doom network node address

As of 14/9/95 all of my email will need to be redirected via



From: John Wakelin <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 95 11:39:57 -0500
Subject: Re: linedef triggered player position markers

> From: Robert Forsman <>

> I used indicators in my 4-room wad. If your enemy was going for the rocket
> launcher, he opened a lift in the demon's face that let you get a green suit
> of armor. When you watched the demon-faced wall waiting for lifts to tell
> you where your opponent was and provide you with presents we said you were
> "praying to the demon".

I used this feature in a similar manner in a doom 1 wad of mine. The
wad was simply eight circular rooms arranged in a circle, joined in
the center by eight connecting halls. The level had plenty of
shotguns, easy access to the chain gun in the center and off in one
of the rooms was a rocket launcher. Whenever someone went for the
rocket launcher an arrow would appear in the center pointing to that
room. The arrow would only go away once someone left the room.

This wad was the simplest wad I ever made but it turned out to be one
of the best I've ever deathmatched in. It would be a complete
shot-gun slugfest until that arrow appeared. Then there would be
this unspoken truce between the other three players until the guy
with the rocket launcher was killed at which point the rest would go
back to killing each other.

I have since tried to reproduce that 'temporary co-op against a
common threat' behavior in other levels I've made with limited
success. It's one of those things you just stumble on sometimes.

BTW I like these types of threads. Talk about tricks and neat
effects is cool but, these types of things address playability which
has started to become a neglected aspect of 99% of the levels out

Have a great day,


****Stereographic Sig - Unfocus eyes until two Xs merge****
:::E]:;[]::: [] :::::::::::::::: [] :::""":::[];:[3:::
:::EL__/]::::\____ :::::::::::::::: ____/:::...:::[\__J3:::
****You should see a 3d blurry image of a computer screen****


From: John Wakelin <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 95 11:45:50 -0500
Subject: WEEKLY REMINDER : Beginner's Questions

This message is being posted by me in Steve's stead, while he is on
business in the states.

New members of the list should read on.

Have a good day,



FROM: the list caretaker; *** A REMINDER ***

The DOOM-editing list is not a list aimed at newcomers to DOOM-editing. Its
purpose is to provide discussions on *advanced* DOOM editing techniques.
Many of its members are not tolerant of repeated "beginners" questions.
Sorry--that's just the way they are ;) There is much that beginners can
learn from the list, however, and we would like the list to be of use to as
many subscribers as possible.

In the past, there has been much moaning about new subscribers asking what
old-hands feel to be "typical newbie questions", usually posted in
ignorance of the fact that the topic has been discussed to death
previously. This leaves newcomers in a quandary: to post or not to post?

Well, help is at hand. The "Beginners Questions Service" can act as a
buffer between you and the higher echelons of the DOOM-editing elite,
conceited lot that they are. It works like this: if you have a question but
don't know whether it's advanced or not, and would like to avoid any
potential embarrassment from asking the question in front of the whole
list, you are encouraged to mail it in the first instance to:

John Wakelin :

Your question will either be answered or, if deemed appropriate for the
list, forwarded to it. This service is offered as a potential red-face
saving and list-annoyance abatement service: there is absolutely no
requirement on anyone to make use of this service, but doing so may get you
an answer quicker than sending to the list, and can potentially save you
from finding yourself in the middle of a flaming. But then, as a DOOMster,
you can take a toasting, right?

**NOTE: If your questions are prefixed with the code WQ: in the subject
field (e.g. Subject: WQ: Sprites), they will be processed quicker because
they will be brought to light sooner!**

Remember also that if you want any general info about this list, you should
send mail to the list-server, thus:

Body: info doom-editing

This reminder will be posted here weekly, with the subject title:

WEEKLY REMINDER : Beginner's Questions


From: (drake o'brien)
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 95 08:26:22 PST
Subject: transparent doors

I think a few people besides myself have been puzzled over how to make
transparent doors, even after having seen the things in editors. I'm
finally starting to get it.

Having found out about the WARM -NA switch I've been testing it out a bit.
After Robert Fenske posted the info that invisible sectors and transp doors
depend on mutually incompatable nodesbuilding procedures (guess what I was
trying, and failing, to do at that time) I tried WARM -NA on SPCIAL2B.WAD
from Jens' site. Sure enough the invisible stairs had disintegrated.
However, what caught my attention was that the transparent door, which under
the previous nodebuild displayed a small 'flash of bleeding ceiling' glitch,
was now perfect. It didn't even display the 'doorface rising into the
opaque ceiling' glitch because the doortrack sector was displaced to 1/101
from the surrounding 0/100 floor ceilings.

This transp door is 'traditional' in that the left-sidedefs of the doorfaces
don't refer to a dummy sector somewhere else and the doorfaces share
vertices with the doortracks. I tried to reproduce it and couldn't get a
consistent result! Not until I'd spent a few hours on the problem
anyway. Here's the formula I worked out:

Both inside sidedef numbers of the doorfaces have to be larger than at least
one doortrack sidedef number.

Thus if you split the linedefs of the doorfaces and draw the vertices
closing the smaller numbered line segments you're left with large nubered
sidedefs and perfect transparent doors.

This condition can be bypassed if you use a technique like I showed in the
NEWDOOR.WAD, where the doorfaces don't share vertices with the doortracks.


From: (Bill Campbell)
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 11:52:25 -0700
Subject: Re: Barrels


Along the lines of Barrel techniques has anybody explored the
possability of a "respawning barrel"?

In deathmatch mode its quite satisfying to "burn" you opponent with
a pistol and a barrel :) trouble is once the barrels run out...

Forgive me if this topic has already been beaten into the ground...



From: "Christopher R. Merlo" <>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 1995 17:55:33 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: First post again

Hi there, all. I posted a message about a week ago, but I don't know if
anyone got it. If you already did, I apologize for the redundant
redunancy over and over again.
Anyway, I've never edited my own levels in my life, and I want to start.
I don't know where to begin! I have a CD-Rom called D!Zone with, like,
every level editor known to God or man on it. What do I do?
Thanks in advance for your patience with such a rank amateur.

- -Chris

* Christopher R. Merlo |8^)= *
* The University of Vermont, 211 Jeanne Mance Hall *
* Burlington, VT 05405 U.S.A. *
* *
* * Will work for bass strings * *


From: Jay_A._Gabin/
Date: 13 Sep 95 17:43:57
Subject: How scale/rotate using DCK?

Hi all. Are there any DCK users out there? If so, can you tell me how to
rotate and scale objects? I can get into rotate mode but I can't then actually
make things rotate.




From: Julian Peterson <>
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 1995 09:00:37 +1200 (NZST)
Subject: Visplanes (yes, again)

On Wed, 13 Sep 1995 wrote:

> >I saw the discussion about visplane overflow and how to correct it,
> >but I also have recently got another error 'no more visplanes', it seems
> >to be caused (and cured) by the same methods, I was just wondering what it
> >actually meant.
> hi, Visplanes are visable lines (planes)
What I actually meant was what is the difference between the error messages,
'visplane overflow' and 'no more visplanes'.

Julian (


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #408

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