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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 439

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Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #439
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Monday, 9 October 1995 Volume 01 : Number 439

Re: hexdemo bugs
Hexen things
Re: hexdemo bugs
level 30... I give up!
level 30. oops! wrong list!
Re: level 30... I give up!
Re: NintenDoom?
Re: hexdemo bugs
Hexen annoyance (bug?)
Re: hexdemo bugs
WEEKLY REMINDER : Beginner's Questions
Re: Win95=Quake, etc.
Re: Hexen things
ADMINISTRIVIA: Hey, why am I getting this digest thingy??
RE: NintenDoom?
Digest me


From: (Brian K. Martin)
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 21:34:35 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: hexdemo bugs


to jump on the band wagon, one time was killed and pressed the ESC
near the same time. The menu came up showing my options. I hit escape
again to make it go away, but the new game text stayedd on the screen
and would not go away. Even after selecting a new game.



From: cheryl l coovert <>
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 95 22:35:10 -0400
Subject: Hexen things

> struct hexen_thing {
> short unknown1;
> short x, y;
> short unknown_flag2
> short unknown3;

> short unknown4;
> short type;

I'm thinking the extra field might be similar to a sector/linedef tag.
In Map01, the Emerald key triggers the sideways squishers, but it isn't a
linedef because in deathmatch, grabbing the item there (a composite mana
thing) doesn't start the squishers.

Or, the other linedef field might be a deathmatch/solo bit, kinda like
the thing bits...also, there are now things that can be in solo play,
but NOT in deathmatch (Doom never did that)

Also, the switch/linedef functions seem straight out of Dark Forces, with
one line being able to trigger several functions in a row...the code
is probably similar in execution.
- -Geo
Also, some linedefs do things in DM that they don't/DO do in solo play.
Also, in DM play, at the end of Map02, there's a blue sparkling
force field that is diagonal and can be walked up to get to the
superweapon Piece and the denied ethereal gateway.
- -Geo


From: Jimmy Sieben <l-sieben@MEMPHIS.EDU>
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 1995 22:05:02 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: hexdemo bugs

On Sun, 8 Oct 1995, Matthew Miller wrote:

> On Sun, 8 Oct 1995, Jim Davis wrote:
> > > Sometimes there are minor glitches in the display of the "Ethereal Travel"
> > > plaque. A broken line of black appears off on the left side of the plaque.
> > That happens to me sometimes on the `saving game' plaque. Also, seemingly
> > at random, the game will drop to DOS with a Z_Alloc (I think) error when I
> > try to save/restore/ethereal travel.
> Another bug I've noticed was when, as I was strafing out of the way of
> those spinning fireball-shooting walls on level one, the game crashed
> with `bad v_drawpatch', I believe.

I got the same error but in a different way. I had gone, in 7 portals,
to the fire place and hit the switch. The game says "you hear fait ice
cracking" or something liek that. So I went back to the ice portal, and
went in. the game aid Etherrreal travel, but when I came out it bombed
oin me wioth Bad V_Drak patch.


From: LummoxJR@AOL.COM
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 00:32:41 -0400
Subject: NintenDoom?

>Then why did id make Doom for the SNES, and why are they going to make a new
>version of Doom (Doom 3?) for the upcoming Ultra64?

The only game system I know of that has Doom is the Jaguar 64. And I've never
even heard of Wolfenstein being ported to NES. Did I miss something? Does
someone have a list of systems iD has ported games to?
(And slightly off-topic: It's about time Nintendo came out with a 64-bit. For
a company that practically created the industry, they've been lagging behind
Sega (which in turn has lagged behind a few no-name companies), for too

Lummox JR
no, I'm not an expert here


From: "Gregg J. Anderson" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 1995 23:51:13 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: level 30... I give up!

OK... I really must be missing something on MAP30. I agree it should be
a challenge to figure it out, but even after pulling up the wad in an
editor, I still can't figure out how this gets finished.
I have run through it from scratch 3 times, and still no dice.

Is it broken, or am I just stupidly trying too hard?

I successfully get all the way to the last baron room, killing 100% along
the way. I kill the barons, hit the switch, and kill any stray monsters that
teleport in. I then go up the stairs that were raised by the switch into
the baron area with the little posts, but then things get really boring.
I am never recognized by the Romero thing like I am expecting...

Watching rockets with IDDT shows that they detonate at the goat texture
linedef, thus ammo cannot get to the romero thing.

I wander aimlessly, shooting at the goat brain. nothing. I try *every* wall
along the corridor to try to get into those hidden teleport areas that
eventually lead to the exit switch... again no dice.
If this is a puzzle that needs to be solved, I think there should be some
better clues to guide the player on a little...
If I couldn't find out with an editor, how can an average player get out?

Is MAP30 broken, or is it just a *really* perplexing puzzle?
(or have I just *really* been up too late trying to figure it out?) :-)

happy hacking,

Gregg J. Anderson =o=
Mankato State University =o=
Mankato, MN USA =o= Flames:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GCS/MU/O d? H S g=(?) p? au-->+ a- wH V- C++>++++ UU>Lu(u-) P+ L 3 E N++
K++ W--- M-- V-@ -po+ Y+ ++@ !5 jx R G? tv- b+(b) D++>+++ B++ e+>e- u++(u)
h+@ F? r* n-- y+>++ Necrophiliacs unite! --Support Dr. Kevorkian!


From: "Gregg J. Anderson" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 00:58:47 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: level 30. oops! wrong list!

My apologies about the level 30 post. I fired it off to the wrong list by
mistake. It was meant for a different list, and was not a question about
the original DooM ][ levels. Feel free to BFG me if you were offended...

Happy hacking,

Gregg J. Anderson =o=
Mankato State University =o=
Mankato, MN USA =o= Flames:
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
GCS/MU/O d? H S g=(?) p? au-->+ a- wH V- C++>++++ UU>Lu(u-) P+ L 3 E N++
K++ W--- M-- V-@ -po+ Y+ ++@ !5 jx R G? tv- b+(b) D++>+++ B++ e+>e- u++(u)
h+@ F? r* n-- y+>++


From: Ted Vessenes <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 01:16:33 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: level 30... I give up!

> OK... I really must be missing something on MAP30. I agree it should be
> a challenge to figure it out, but even after pulling up the wad in an
> editor, I still can't figure out how this gets finished.
> I have run through it from scratch 3 times, and still no dice.
> Is it broken, or am I just stupidly trying too hard?

No, not trying hard enough.

[chop chop]

> Is MAP30 broken, or is it just a *really* perplexing puzzle?
> (or have I just *really* been up too late trying to figure it out?) :-)

It's not REALLY perplexing, but it takes some thinking. If you'd like,
I can make a demo of it and mail it to you.

- -Ted
- --
Ted Vessenes | "The only force stronger than fate is dramatic irony."
| "[William] Shatner couldn't direct his way out of the
tjvessen@midway. | bathroom with both hands and a map!" | -Ryan Ingram (1st), -Kibo's .sig (2nd)


Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 16:38:38 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: NintenDoom?

> >Then why did id make Doom for the SNES, and why are they going to make a new
> >version of Doom (Doom 3?) for the upcoming Ultra64?
> R?
> The only game system I know of that has Doom is the Jaguar 64. And I've never
> even heard of Wolfenstein being ported to NES. Did I miss something? Does
> someone have a list of systems iD has ported games to?
> (And slightly off-topic: It's about time Nintendo came out with a 64-bit. For
> a company that practically created the industry, they've been lagging behind
> Sega (which in turn has lagged behind a few no-name companies), for too
> long.)

Yeah DOOM was ported to the 32X as well, looks the same as
the PC, maybe not as playable, but I hate consoles (the old
ones anyway, the Sony Playstation is incredible Graphics wise
from its stats). DOOM's everywhere on Sun, NeXt Step, linux
Mac, so expect Quake to do the same.
> Lummox JR
> no, I'm not an expert here



From: "Keith Digby" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Oct 95 22:23:30 UT
Subject: Help?

I have created just finished my first wad with new sprites!
But when I try
to use it, it doom2 bombs and puts me back in dos with this message:

R_DrawSpriteRange: bad texturecolumn

can anybody help me?

Evan Digby


From: "Luc Cluitmans" <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 11:46:50 MET-2DST
Subject: Re: hexdemo bugs

> From: Jimmy Sieben <l-sieben@MEMPHIS.EDU>
> On Sun, 8 Oct 1995, Matthew Miller wrote:
> > On Sun, 8 Oct 1995, Jim Davis wrote:
> >
> > > > Sometimes there are minor glitches in the display of the "Ethereal Travel"
> > > > plaque. A broken line of black appears off on the left side of the plaque.
> > > That happens to me sometimes on the `saving game' plaque. Also, seemingly
> > > at random, the game will drop to DOS with a Z_Alloc (I think) error when I
> > > try to save/restore/ethereal travel.
> >
> > Another bug I've noticed was when, as I was strafing out of the way of
> > those spinning fireball-shooting walls on level one, the game crashed
> > with `bad v_drawpatch', I believe.
> I got the same error but in a different way. I had gone, in 7 portals,
> to the fire place and hit the switch. The game says "you hear fait ice
> cracking" or something liek that. So I went back to the ice portal, and
> went in. the game aid Etherrreal travel, but when I came out it bombed
> oin me wioth Bad V_Drak patch.

I got the 'Bad V_DrawPatch' bomb when Ethereal travelling from level 1
to level 2.

The largest problem with hexen as far as I can see is in the fact
that it makes me nauseous within an hour of playing. Other people
already mentioned smoothing or otherwise antialiasing the graphics.
I hear other people complaining about this too, so I think Raven/Id
have to do something about this if they want hexen to become a



From: (Paul de Bakker)
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 13:20:45 +0100
Subject: Hexen annoyance (bug?)

This is a little bit off topic, but I was wondering wether someone else
noticed the following.
Sometimes, when I am loading a saved game, I find my inventory messed up.
Let me explain:
E.g. I have one purple flask (25% health) and (to the left of it) 6 green
bottles. Next, I die... (don't ask me how...)
Now, when I reload a saved game and the purple flask had been selected, I
will get 7 green bottles. Furthermore, when I want to use this (by pressing
enter) after restoring, I get the purple flask instead.
It does not occur the whole time, but it has happened to me twice while I
was playing the Hexen Demo at completely different places in the game!
So, guys at RavenSoft. Check it!
Greetings, Paul.
PS. Nice earthquake in MAP04 :-)
PPS. When will Hexen hit the shelves?
* 't Is maar hoe je het bekijkt... *
* Dr. Paul de Bakker *
* Reactor Materials Research *
* Fracture Mechanics and Modeling *
* Boeretang 200 *
* B-2400 Mol - Belgium *
* Tel. (direct) +3214/33 22 59 *
* Fax. +3214/32 15 29 *
* E-MAIL *


From: User417923@AOL.COM
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 09:19:23 -0400
Subject: Re: hexdemo bugs

I agree..The walls in Hexen are so textured it looks very grainy. I only
wish they would add some solid colored walls to ease the stomach.


From: John Wakelin <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 95 10:08:41 -0500
Subject: WEEKLY REMINDER : Beginner's Questions

This message is being posted at the request of the list's caretakers.


FROM: the list caretaker; *** A REMINDER ***

The DOOM-editing list is not a list aimed at newcomers to DOOM-editing. Its
purpose is to provide discussions on *advanced* DOOM editing techniques.
Many of its members are not tolerant of repeated "beginners" questions.
Sorry--that's just the way they are ;) There is much that beginners can
learn from the list, however, and we would like the list to be of use to as
many subscribers as possible.

In the past, there has been much moaning about new subscribers asking what
old-hands feel to be "typical newbie questions", usually posted in
ignorance of the fact that the topic has been discussed to death
previously. This leaves newcomers in a quandary: to post or not to post?

Well, help is at hand. The "Beginners Questions Service" can act as a
buffer between you and the higher echelons of the DOOM-editing elite,
conceited lot that they are. It works like this: if you have a question but
don't know whether it's advanced or not, and would like to avoid any
potential embarrassment from asking the question in front of the whole
list, you are encouraged to mail it in the first instance to:

John Wakelin :

Your question will either be answered or, if deemed appropriate for the
list, forwarded to it. This service is offered as a potential red-face
saving and list-annoyance abatement service: there is absolutely no
requirement on anyone to make use of this service, but doing so may get you
an answer quicker than sending to the list, and can potentially save you
from finding yourself in the middle of a flaming. But then, as a DOOMster,
you can take a toasting, right?

**NOTE: If your questions are prefixed with the code WQ: in the subject
field (e.g. Subject: WQ: Sprites), they will be processed quicker because
they will be brought to light sooner!**

Remember also that if you want any general info about this list, you should
send mail to the list-server, thus:

Body: info doom-editing

ADDENDUM - This list looks very unfavorably upon chain-letters (No
matter what the cause). The caretakers have indicated that persons
posting these items to this list are subject to immediate
unsubscription with no warning. CONSIDER THIS YOUR WARNING.

This reminder will be posted here weekly, with the subject title:

WEEKLY REMINDER : Beginner's Questions


From: John Wakelin <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 95 10:57:07 -0500
Subject: Re: Win95=Quake, etc.

> From: "The Ramsdell's" <>

> Anyone know of any Win95 DOOM Editors, besides the WAD Authoring Tools.

I have been using the 32 bit version of WINDEU 5.24 on WIN95 for a
while with marvelous results. Not only can I have a couple of
copies open at any one time as well as WINTEX and various graphics
and text editors, I can also set up a shortcut to run DOOM with the
current version of the level loaded. I used to have to take notes as
I ran through the level and fix them once I got out and back into my
editor. Now, as soon as I notice a problem, I can alt-tab into
WINDEU and fix it, then alt-tab back in and continue checking. I
have really sped up my editing cycle with this set up.

BTW - I agree that WIN95 does not come out of the box, read your mind
and configure itself to your exact needs...but then again, neither
does linux :)

Have a great day,


****Stereographic Sig - Unfocus eyes until two Xs merge****
:::E]:;[]::: [] :::::::::::::::: [] :::""":::[];:[3:::
:::EL__/]::::\____ :::::::::::::::: ____/:::...:::[\__J3:::
****You should see a 3d blurry image of a computer screen****


From: Robert Forsman <>
Date: Mon, 09 Oct 1995 11:05:33 EDT
Subject: Re: Hexen things

cheryl l coovert <> ,in message <9510090235.AA17554@mik.uky.
edu>, wrote:

> I'm thinking the extra field might be similar to a sector/linedef tag.
> In Map01, the Emerald key triggers the sideways squishers, but it isn't a
> linedef because in deathmatch, grabbing the item there (a composite mana
> thing) doesn't start the squishers.

I believe the swinging doors, rotating walls, and sliding walls have things
associated with them.

There are a number of things that I'm guessing are sound or animation
locations for when you activate an action (breaking glass).

There are other things that might designate the action of a linedef (the
icequake on map03, perhaps also the earthquake on map04). Other fields might
be arguments (such as height, direction).

There are things that might be monster spawn spots. Wander around on MAP02
for a while. Monsters will slurp in every few minutes.

At least one thing identifies the location for the linedef-triggered
creation of a random artifact (map03 pseudo-deathmatch start room)

> Or, the other linedef field might be a deathmatch/solo bit, kinda like
> the thing bits...also, there are now things that can be in solo play,
> but NOT in deathmatch (Doom never did that)

Yes, I noticed. That is VERY cool, but is causing me piles of trouble. I
lost the second machine (was installing Linux for a pal and he's repoed it)
so I can't deathmatch easily. That means I can't identify some of the items
(like superweapon components) because I can't make them appear.

Here's a bug: by myself I start hexen with -deathmatch -warp 2 (or 3 or 4)
and it seems to be a pseudo-deathmatch game.

non-deathmatch features:
+ none of the doors are open
+ when switching levels you always end up in the same start
+ none of the deathmatch-only items are there
deathmatch features:
+ I think you appear at deathmatch starts (I can use the chaos device to
teleport into some otherwise inaccessible areas)
+ items respawn
+ monsters don't

> Also, the switch/linedef functions seem straight out of Dark Forces, with
> one line being able to trigger several functions in a row...the code
> is probably similar in execution.

> Also, some linedefs do things in DM that they don't/DO do in solo play.
> Also, in DM play, at the end of Map02, there's a blue sparkling
> force field that is diagonal and can be walked up to get to the
> superweapon Piece and the denied ethereal gateway.

These also appear in map03 near the mystic urn and the torch. I believe
they are things, but their type is indistinguishable from things of different
function. It must be some of those unknown fields designating them.

Bad_vdrawpatch happens randomly. I have been bitten by it 2 or 3 times at
indexplicable times and never tried to reproduce it.

I have seen inventory screwups too. Just yesterday I was switching handy
artifacts around and ended up with a display that said I had 25 chaos
devices, when I really had 4, but 25 purple potions.

Anyway, playing solo pseudo-deathmatch reveals that the random number
generator is a little lame. When switching levels it always dumps the single
player into the same deathmatch start. Terribly annoying when you want to
explore and identify things.


From: (Steve Benner)
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 95 16:42:01 +0100
Subject: ADMINISTRIVIA: Hey, why am I getting this digest thingy??

John Wakelin wrote to owner-doom-editing to ask:

>There have been a few complaints the last few days asking that we,
>and I am quoting here, "Stop sending these damn digest things."
>Has our esteemed care-taker been moving inactive members to the
>digested version by any chance?

If you fall into the category of the 'suddenly digested', here's why:

Subscribers whose accounts have generated a lot of delivery failure
messages are moved onto the digest as a first step towards unsubscription.
If an account continues to reject the digest mailings, it will eventually
be unsubscribed altogether. I have moved 20 people or so in this way in the
last week, owing to full mailboxes, lost accounts and other assorted
delivery failures. This action is necessary to prevent from
choking: to give you some idea of the scale, I have received over 500
delivery failure messages since Thursday last week alone. I keep all
delivery failure messages for 1 month (approx)--there is currently 3.5Mb of

Please realise that there is no 'unfair' treatment being meted out here:
just essential list caretaking. Often the causes are subscribers going
away and letting their mailboxes fill up. Movement of a subscription to the
digest is our attempt to minimise the amount of inconvenience to us at the
same time as minimising the amount of doom-editing you miss (because mail
is sent less often, the probelm may have been cured by the time it goes
out). Unfortunately, there is never any way to notify the subscriber that
this action has been taken (their accounts are not accepting mail,
remember) but if this happens to you and you want to switch back to the
full service, you can do this very easily: just send these lines in the
body of a message to

subscribe doom-editing
unsubscribe domm-editing-digest <email account>

If you want to find out how you were subscribed, send a message saying

who doom-editing-digest

beforehand. If you want to find out why your subscription was changed, you
can always send mail to and (providing it is
within a month of the switch) I'll happily provide the reasons.

Hope this clarifies things and reassures some of you (when you receive your
next digest ;) that you are not being victimised.

- -Steve


From: Alex Janini <>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 09:26:54 -0700
Subject: RE: NintenDoom?

- ------ =_NextPart_000_01BA9629.CE7F8880
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

The only game system I know of that has Doom is the Jaguar 64. And I've never
even heard of Wolfenstein being ported to NES. Did I miss something? Does

There is a Nintendo DOOM, 32X DOOM, and more...


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From: (Spock To)
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 14:25:52 -0400
Subject: Digest me

Please change me over to the digest, thanks

Geek Code:
GO dgq H+(---) s+. !g !p au- a21 w+ v>++ c+1/2 Udon't ask N++ W+>++ M--
po---@ Y+1/2 t+++ 5++ R tv+ b+++ D++ B-- e+>++ u++(*) h+ f? n-@ y+


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #439

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