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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 361

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #361
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Friday, 28 July 1995 Volume 01 : Number 361

CheckHeap error.
Hall of Mirrors
Wall Climbing
Hall of Mirrors
Transparent Ceilings
Re: Hall of Mirrors
Re: Transparent Ceilings
Re: Strange sector fall-ins...
Re: CheckHeap error.
Re: FOS problem
Surprised apology (was: Level merge/scale/translate/rotate/shear in Perl)
Re: CheckHeap error.
Re: CheckHeap error.
Re: Hall of Mirrors


From: (Russ Wear)
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 1995 17:33:45 -0700
Subject: CheckHeap error.

Hello all:

After lurking on this list for over a month I figure I've finally got a
question that isn't so pathetically simplistic that I'd be relegated to
"beginner's corner!!"

I'm currently working on a level which has been going very well - until now.
The sectors have all been built and I have played the level successfully -
everything looks and plays as it should. When I went back into WinDeu to
make some texture changes and alingments and then in turn loaded into doom
(after rebuilding the nodes, sectors etc with TBSP), doom bombed to DOS with
a " Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next block" error message. I
checked the .wad using WinDeu's integrity check and everything appears fine.
I didn't make any structural changes to the level from the time I test
played it to the time I made the cosmetic changes. Does anybody know what's
going on here?

Thank in advance.

If you'r chewing on life's gristle...
don't grumble, give a whistle!


Date: Sat, 3 Jan 1987 23:59:56 +0000
Subject: Hall of Mirrors

Hi Gents,

I've been working on a level which is not too complicated and I'm
getting an HOF which I've been trying to figure out for about 2 weeks
now. It is an open area with an F_SKY ceiling. I can't describe it
very well so I thought I'd see if any of you would like to take a
crack at it.

I'm running dck22. Any takers?



From: "Matt Harvey" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 02:38:50 +0000
Subject: Wall Climbing

I am trying to build a level in which the player appears to climb a
sheer wall by using steps 24 units high but only 1 unit deep, as
described in the Doom Metrics document. I am making another sector at
the top of the faux-wall (staircase), but to get into this room,
there must be at least 33 units of clearance between the ceiling of
the lower sector and the top of the faux-wall.

Is there a way to make a walk-through ceiling, not unlike the one-way
walk through walls found in some wads? I want to conceal this upper
room's existance, but still make it possible to get in by climbing a
sheer wall. Thanks for any help. In case it matters I am using WinDEU



From: (Spock To)
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 02:45:53 -0400
Subject: Hall of Mirrors

Has anybody created a wad with this effect in it on purpose? I imagine that
some pretty spectacular effects could be produced using the bugs in various
programs, if anybody cares to try.
Geek Code:
GO dgq H+(---) s+. !g !p au- a21 w+ v>++ C+1/2 Udon't ask N++ W+>++ M--
po--- Y+1/2 t+++ 5++ R tv+ b+++ D++ B-- e+>++ U++(*) h+ f? n-@ y+


From: "Matt Harvey" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 02:41:40 +0000
Subject: Transparent Ceilings

I am trying to build a level in which the player appears to climb a
sheer wall by using steps 24 units high but only 1 unit deep, as
described in the Doom Metrics document. I am making another sector at
the top of the faux-wall (staircase), but to get into this room,
there must be at least 33 units of clearance between the ceiling of
the lower sector and the top of the faux-wall.

Is there a way to make a walk-through ceiling, not unlike the one-way
walk through walls found in some wads? I want to conceal this upper
room's existance, but still make it possible to get in by climbing a
sheer wall. Thanks for any help. In case it matters I am using WinDEU



From: Andrew Morton <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 00:43:08 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Hall of Mirrors

On Sat, 3 Jan 1987 wrote:

> Hi Gents,
> I've been working on a level which is not too complicated and I'm
> getting an HOF which I've been trying to figure out for about 2 weeks
> now. It is an open area with an F_SKY ceiling. I can't describe it
> very well so I thought I'd see if any of you would like to take a
> crack at it.

uuencode it and post (or email it direct to me me a copy) and i'll give
it a look >
> I'm running dck22. Any takers?
> Dan

| /\ |\ /| |
| / \ | | \/ | _|_ |
| |--| |^\ /\| \_/ | | /\ |\ | /\ |^\ |
| | | | | \/| / | | \/ | | \/ | | |


From: (Steve Benner)
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 95 12:38:18 +0100
Subject: Re: Transparent Ceilings

At 2:41 am 27/7/95, Matt Harvey wrote:
>I am trying to build a level in which the player appears to climb a
>sheer wall by using steps 24 units high but only 1 unit deep, as
>described in the Doom Metrics document. I am making another sector at
>the top of the faux-wall (staircase), but to get into this room,
>there must be at least 33 units of clearance between the ceiling of
>the lower sector and the top of the faux-wall.
>Is there a way to make a walk-through ceiling, not unlike the one-way
>walk through walls found in some wads? I want to conceal this upper
>room's existance, but still make it possible to get in by climbing a
>sheer wall. Thanks for any help. In case it matters I am using WinDEU

You can't have a walk-through ceiling as such, but why not just make the
floor of your "hidden" room be 56+ units below the ceiling of the 1-unit
wide sectors you use to make the "wall"? Hide the room by using a texture
on the main texture of the line which separates it from the top "step" of
the "wall" so that from below the wall looks to go right up to the ceiling.
If the player thinks to try to climb the wall, she will pop into the hidden
room once the "top" is reached.

I don't need to illustrate with ASCII art, do I? No, I don't. ;)

- -Steve


From: (Steve Benner)
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 95 12:49:26 +0100
Subject: Re: Strange sector fall-ins...

At 4:52 pm 26/7/95, Denis wrote:

[BSP suggestion snipped]

>My thought. But now that thing appears again; there is a floor that
>should move up due to a switch. Now I can't fix this fall-in-problem.
>Everytime it's fixed (by splitting some sectors or moving some things)
>the shitty floor WON'T move up. I can't believe it. If the floor is
>working the fall-in is back. Argh!
>Does anyone got any ideas?

This sounds like you have some sidedefs on the wrong sides of the lines:
this is causing a conflict between the view renderer and the player mover
(and confusing the nodes builder). If you want to send me the WAD (stick
player 1 close to the trouble so I find it quick) I'll take a look at it.

- -Steve


From: (Steve Benner)
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 95 12:27:21 +0100
Subject: Re: CheckHeap error.

At 5:33 pm 26/7/95, Russ Wear wrote:

>After lurking on this list for over a month I figure I've finally got a
>question that isn't so pathetically simplistic that I'd be relegated to
>"beginner's corner!!"

Well.... it comes kinda close (but not so close that it warrants a
personal-only response ;)

>I'm currently working on a level which has been going very well - until now.
>The sectors have all been built and I have played the level successfully -
>everything looks and plays as it should. When I went back into WinDeu to
>make some texture changes and alingments and then in turn loaded into doom
>(after rebuilding the nodes, sectors etc with TBSP), doom bombed to DOS with
>a " Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next block" error message. I
>checked the .wad using WinDeu's integrity check and everything appears fine.
>I didn't make any structural changes to the level from the time I test
>played it to the time I made the cosmetic changes. Does anybody know what's
>going on here?

Z_Checkheap errors mean that your sectors are faulty: incomplete normally.
I find WADED is good for spotting these errors, though you have to drive it
manually, it can't do it automatically: Go into DRAW mode and click on
MakeSector. Now move your mouse over your map (without clicking anywhere
for now): all of your sectors should light up as you pass over them. If any
don't, just click on them with the left mouse button: that will fix that
one and you can go on to the next. Note that when you're over a sector, ALL
of its lines should light up. If there are any holes in the red lines,
you'll get an error when you play the WAD.

This doesn't mean that I think you should use WADED for preference: just
that you might want to use it just to track down your current problem if
your preferred consistency checker can't find the problem. Or you can mail
me the WAD if you want me to take a look at it.

- -Steve


From: David Damerell <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 14:51:01 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: FOS problem

On Thu, 13 Jul 1995, Daniel Bateman wrote:
> I have a feeling that assigning skill levels to the startpoints is a "bug" of
> the third-party editors. Since the startpoints are treated like objects, the
> authors probably didn't bother disabling the non-applicable attributes, like
> skill level and direction. This is also the case with things like teleport
> destinations; skill level and direction do not apply to them either.

If start point and teleport exit directions are irrelevant, what do you
suppose determines the direction you face on entry to a level or after

- --
David 'Gotterdammerung' Damerell, GCV Sauricon.
Trinity College, Cambridge University. CUWoCS President. All Hail Discordia!
|___| WOODHAL2.WAD ftpable from and the current mirrors. |___|
| | | I'm currently working on an as yet nameless WAD for Aliens-TC. | | |


From: (Ian Jackson)
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 95 12:38 BST
Subject: Surprised apology (was: Level merge/scale/translate/rotate/shear in Perl)

I've received a message from Steve Benner - the list caretaker -
objecting to the length of my posting, considering its lack of
usefulness to some (most?) users.

My apologies for not realising that this would not be appropriate.

I have to say, though, that I'm rather surprised. doom-editing is the
first mailing list I've encountered (I'm subscribed to well over 50)
where a 12K message containing an 8.5K script or data file is
considered too long.

However, I shall of course bow to his wishes. I'll upload to, too (Steve Benner also suggested this).

NB: Please do not discuss this matter on the mailing list. If you
want to comment on it do it in private email to me only. I'm sure
Steve Benner has better things to do with his time than read it, too.
I have set the Reply-To to my personal address, though the listserver
may change it.



From: (Denis)
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 95 16:21 GMT
Subject: Re: CheckHeap error.


>everything looks and plays as it should. When I went back into WinDeu to
>make some texture changes and alingments and then in turn loaded into doom
>(after rebuilding the nodes, sectors etc with TBSP), doom bombed to DOS with
>a " Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next block" error message. I
>checked the .wad using WinDeu's integrity check and everything appears fine.
>I didn't make any structural changes to the level from the time I test
>played it to the time I made the cosmetic changes. Does anybody know what's
>going on here?
TBSP is limited in the WAD size it can handle. Sure, it's the fastest Node
Builder on the planet, but limited. Probably your WAD is now too big for
TBSP - try BSP or WARM instead.

[] Denis Moeller, author of NWT v1.3 and TiC's WAD Reviews. []
[] Just play our Doom (2) Add-Ons: Sudtic, Teutic, Obtic. Thanks. []


From: Herschel Giansiracusa <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 10:04:51 -0500
Subject: Re: CheckHeap error.

On Wed, 26 Jul 1995, Russ Wear wrote:

> I'm currently working on a level which has been going very well - until now.
> The sectors have all been built and I have played the level successfully -
> everything looks and plays as it should. When I went back into WinDeu to
> make some texture changes and alingments and then in turn loaded into doom
> (after rebuilding the nodes, sectors etc with TBSP), doom bombed to DOS with
> a " Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next block" error message. I
> checked the .wad using WinDeu's integrity check and everything appears fine.
> I didn't make any structural changes to the level from the time I test
> played it to the time I made the cosmetic changes. Does anybody know what's
> going on here?

I was having the same problem... It's a bug in some editors; allowing
one vertex to occupie the exact same position as another. Try wiggling
your vertexes, if it asks you if you want to merge overlaping vextexes,
or you see a second one under, then you've found your problem.

Are you sure you didn't move any vertexes around between the time it
worked, and the time it didn't?



From: "" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 1995 22:44:17 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Re: Hall of Mirrors

| | UUD - Member |
| Amon Endt | Irc #UUD |
| The Hague, Holland | WWW Home Page : |


On Sat, 3 Jan 1987 wrote:

> Hi Gents,
> I've been working on a level which is not too complicated and I'm
> getting an HOF which I've been trying to figure out for about 2 weeks
> now. It is an open area with an F_SKY ceiling. I can't describe it
> very well so I thought I'd see if any of you would like to take a
> crack at it.
SUre, I have no idea what is wrong with it, mail the wad (uuencode or
attach it_ and i'll take a shot at it.
> I'm running dck22. Any takers?

> Dan

Cyu Quester


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #361

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