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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 376

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 7 months ago

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #376
Reply-To: doom-editing
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doom-editing-digest Saturday, 12 August 1995 Volume 01 : Number 376

Lummox JR's DeHackEd grab bag
Colin Reed - you out there?
Re: A big room problem.
Quake specs
Re: Quake specs
Re: Quake specs
Re: Quake specs
Re: Quake specs
Re: Quake specs
Re: Quake specs
RE: Quake talk
Re: Quake Technical speculations


From: LummoxJR@AOL.COM
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 20:48:51 -0400
Subject: Lummox JR's DeHackEd grab bag

In case I haven't already mailed you about it, or if you just plain haven't
seen it yet, here's a description of a hot new page for DeHackEd, the
DOOM.EXE editor.
The page features a wealth of patches, tips, tricks, and information for
editing in DeHackEd. Some of DHE's more famous patches have been reworked in
this file, and there is a section on why certain things, to the best of my
knowledge, can't be done. Doom 1.666 is the one referred to in the patches,
but the patches can easily be reworked to work with other versions.
The newest revision of this page (1.1), which should be online very soon,
also includes a sneak-preview of DHE 2.5, and exciting new information about
how to edit code pointers (which will be fully supported in DeHackEd 2.5)
using a hex editor. Lately I've been working very closely with Greg Lewis,
the author of DeHackEd, who is now searching the other versions of Doom for
their code pointer locations.
The address of the page is:

It can also be reached from Jens Hykkelbjerg's Doom Editing Pages
(, which are a must-see on
their own merit.
Feel free to write me with any comments or questions you have about the page.

Lee Gaiteri (a.k.a. Lummox JR)


From: Nicholas Mcleod <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 11:17:52 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Colin Reed - you out there?

I apologize in advance for the inappropriate subject. Well, it's sort
of related...

I need to contact Colin Reed to ask permission to distribute BSP1.2 in a
doom-editing package that is being put on the net this Monday 14th.
(Better late than never... If Quake conversion is possible, it will come
out early...)

He is no longer at

Anyone with info regarding his whereabouts please email me privately

- - Nick McLeod


From: Jim Kennedy <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 21:39:33 -400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: A big room problem.

On Wed, 9 Aug 1995, Robert Forsman wrote:

> (Jeff Ross) ,in message <199508090257.TAA05760@desiree.te
>>, wrote:
> > BUT, how come I can jump over items without the IMPASSIBLE flag set? I can
> > jump over health packs or weapons, but not over barrels because they're an
> > impassible item. So that Z space is impassible. By the same token, when I
> > jump over a health pack, that Z space is crossed, and therefore I should
> > have picked it up but I didn't. Does this tell me that Doom is determining
> > my height?
> The code refuses to let you grab the item unless you are within the proper
> Z delta.

And then if his health is 100% or over, he won't pick-up the pack,
because he won't need it.


From: The Romeromeister <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 95 20:52:46 -0500
Subject: Quake specs

Intelligent lifeforms:

Quake's plain-vanilla VGA modes will include 320x200, 320x400 and 360x480
(what didja expect with Abrash writing the video code?)

Of course, we're using UNIVBE for all the hi-res VESA modes.

Mark Matthews was correct in his assumption (?) that Quake's 3-D editors will
be a top-view and a side-view. Our QuakeEd World Builder uses both of those
as well as a 3-D Camera View so we can see what we're drawing. I placed a GIF
of a typical QuakeEd work screen on our ftp site in
/idstuff/quake/qe_dev.gif. The colors looked a little off after i converted it
from TIFF to GIF, but hey - it's the content that matters, right?

The game is coming along better than expected. Goodbye DOOM.

- ---
| John Romero ( id Software |
| Send questions about id software to |
| Official id anonymous FTP site |
| Official id Web site |


From: Greg Lewis <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 1995 23:26:39 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Quake specs

On Thu, 10 Aug 1995, The Romeromeister wrote:

> Intelligent lifeforms:
> The game is coming along better than expected. Goodbye DOOM.

Hmmm. Do I hear a bell tolling for doom-editing, too?


P.S. ROTFL on the name...


From: Ryan Drake <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 09:21:51 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Quake specs

On Thu, 10 Aug 1995, The Romeromeister wrote:

> Mark Matthews was correct in his assumption (?) that Quake's 3-D editors will
> be a top-view and a side-view. Our QuakeEd World Builder uses both of those
> as well as a 3-D Camera View so we can see what we're drawing. I placed a GIF

Oh great... I cant wait to start coding a freeware quake editor... I
wonder if whoever made 3D Studio feels like donating some code ;-)

Seriously... Imagine what the first Quake-editors are going to look
like. If they're anything like DEVIL (for Descent), i think I'll just
stick to *PLAYING*...

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ->Ryan Drake<- "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[eMAiL] But I have promises to keep.
[URL] --to be announced-- And miles to go before I sleep."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


From: Kurt <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 08:32:01 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Quake specs

Love the name... BTW, will the game support hi-color mode? (not like I
can run it)!

Also, will the game support the Gravis Ultrasound Max (and if it does,
will you all do the patch loading right)? Or, seriously, will I have to
upgrade my memory on-board to 1024k, and wait for a patch to come out?

Oh, and to keep this on topic, can I have the source code to Doom? (BIG

As always,
Kevin "Da Kurtster" Crawley

| Kevin Crawley Sysop: The Lost World |
| - Former Student Worker - (615)540-8699 (Down..AGAIN) |
| COE: KC-Programming Internet Email: |
| Tutoring - Windows, DOS Doom ][ Master |
| (615)380-0493 |
| |
| Mail Address: 1159 Roy Sellers Road |
| Columbia, TN 38401 |
| |

On Thu, 10 Aug 1995, The Romeromeister wrote:
^---- Like I said, love the name!
> Intelligent lifeforms:
> Quake's plain-vanilla VGA modes will include 320x200, 320x400 and 360x480
> (what didja expect with Abrash writing the video code?)
> Of course, we're using UNIVBE for all the hi-res VESA modes.
> Mark Matthews was correct in his assumption (?) that Quake's 3-D editors will
> be a top-view and a side-view. Our QuakeEd World Builder uses both of those
> as well as a 3-D Camera View so we can see what we're drawing. I placed a GIF
> of a typical QuakeEd work screen on our ftp site in
> /idstuff/quake/qe_dev.gif. The colors looked a little off after i converted it
> from TIFF to GIF, but hey - it's the content that matters, right?
> The game is coming along better than expected. Goodbye DOOM.
> ---
> +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | John Romero ( id Software |
> | Send questions about id software to |
> | Official id anonymous FTP site |
> | Official id Web site |
> +-------------------------------------------------------------------+


Date: Fri, 11 Aug 95 12:15:57 -0500
Subject: Re: Quake specs

> Intelligent lifeforms:
> Quake's plain-vanilla VGA modes will include 320x200, 320x400 and 360x480
> (what didja expect with Abrash writing the video code?)
> Of course, we're using UNIVBE for all the hi-res VESA modes.
> Mark Matthews was correct in his assumption (?) that Quake's 3-D editors will
> be a top-view and a side-view. Our QuakeEd World Builder uses both of those
> as well as a 3-D Camera View so we can see what we're drawing. I placed a GIF
> of a typical QuakeEd work screen on our ftp site in
> /idstuff/quake/qe_dev.gif. The colors looked a little off after i converted it
> from TIFF to GIF, but hey - it's the content that matters, right?
> The game is coming along better than expected. Goodbye DOOM.

Wow! I'm right I can't beleive it!

Are you going to have Quake specs so we can start on QUE (Quake Utility Editor).
This name is reserved for Raphael Quinet.

Mark Mathews TEAM OS/2, TEAM DEU
Are you using DEU, WARM or DEUTEX for DOOM? WHY NOT??


Date: Fri, 11 Aug 95 13:59:29 -0500
Subject: Re: Quake specs

> Are you going to have Quake specs so we can start on QUE (Quake Utility Editor).

I mean QEU (Quake Editor Utility).

Mark Mathews TEAM OS/2, TEAM DEU
Are you using DEU, WARM or DEUTEX for DOOM? WHY NOT??


From: "Erwen L. Tang" <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 95 16:17:32 EDT
Subject: Re: Quake specs

According to
> > Are you going to have Quake specs so we can start on QUE (Quake Utility Editor).
> I mean QEU (Quake Editor Utility).
> Mark Mathews TEAM OS/2, TEAM DEU
> Are you using DEU, WARM or DEUTEX for DOOM? WHY NOT??

I'd rather use DCK, BSP, and RMB. <g>

- --
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Erwen Tang | Tel: (703) 803-8940 | \|/ ____ \|/ |
| Class of 1997 | Add: | @~/ ,. \~@ |
| Thomas Jefferson | | /_( \__/ )_\ |
| High School For | | \__U_/ |
| Science & Technology | | |
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------


From: Arek Wojciechowski <awojciec@FLASH.LakeheadU.CA>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 16:08:36 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RE: Quake talk

On Wed, 9 Aug 1995 wrote:

> Back to revolving doom concepts....... speaking of.... DF has areas where
> things
> go round and round... is there any way to simulate something like this in DO=
> OM?
> Got up/down, disappearing, invisible, pulsating... rotating tho?
> _ o o | Michael ( (TEAM OS2) | _=86_
> \/o\ o o | (M&M's) Home:Johnson Creek; Work:UW-Whitewater | -=3DO O=3D-
> /\_/ | (HHJJ BBS;414-699-5560;8am-2am CST;VBBS/2-Warp | \0/

I don't remember what wad it was, but there was a tower with windows, only
the windows had the SKY1 pic in them, and were animated. You used an
elevator to get there, and one inside the effect was quite awsome (and
sickening!) In fact it was so good, I think I will use it in my wad (hope
I can find the permissions by author!)



From: James L Elson <>
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 1995 17:00:55 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Quake Technical speculations

On Wed, 9 Aug 1995, Denis wrote:

> Hi!
> >Gr8 info. However, I have heard a rumour that it is going to need a
> Pentium-90 MINIMUM. Can you or anyone else confirm this?
> >Dennis Nabieszko
> If you got rumours, go to - pleeeeease.

I asked Romero this ? at a party about at month ago:

Muddy: "I want to upgrade my puter, but I'm wondering what I should get
since Quake will be coming."

JR: "A P-90 will be fine"

That doesn't really answer your ?, but from what else has been said
elsewhere, I translate this to mean that in "normal" resolution mode
the game-play on a P-90 will be just fine.

- --da Muddy_One


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #376

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