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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 354

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #354
Reply-To: doom-editing
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doom-editing-digest Friday, 21 July 1995 Volume 01 : Number 354

Re: trigger 666
Re: MIDI Files
Re: How Much Stuff
.WAV used as musical score
Wanted: Write Help file for DEU PM
Re: MIDI Files
Re: MIDI Files
Re: MIDI Files
Re: .WAV used as musical score
Re: How Much Stuff
Re: MIDI Files
Sound Files in General
Re: .WAV used as musical score
Re: .WAV used as musical score


Date: Fri, 19 Jul 1980 21:56:53 +0000
Subject: Re: trigger 666

Trigger 666 will work on Level 1 of Doom2 with the little Hanging
Billy's. It seems that when the last of the little tykes dies, It
triggers 666 and if I remember right performs a raise floor to
ceiling on the tagged sector. Also, I think this will work on any

Dan Butcher (


From: (Tom Mustaine)
Date: Wed, 19 Jul 1995 20:24:29 -0600
Subject: Re: MIDI Files

>On Wed, 19 Jul 1995, Tom Mustaine wrote:
>> Ok, You can: Convert Midi to MUS - MOD to Midi - Midi to MOD
>You cannot convert MODs to MIDIs to work with doom. You can convert the
>note/controller information, but not the instrument patches. These are
>fixed in doom.

Yes, you can - I have done it, and am still doing it. There is a MOD2Midi
converter available at and You re-assign
mod insturments with a general midi insturment and it converts it to midi.
Then convert midi2mus and you have doom music. Only drawbacks, works with
only 4 channel mods and dosent work if that mod insturment was off key. But
it does work.

| Tom Mustaine - Clock Paradox - Paradox - TWM2029 |
+--(http// Soon!).html)--+


From: (Keith Myers)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 95 07:32:09 CDT
Subject: Re: How Much Stuff

> By god ye've cracked the code! Then again maybe could
> always use rationale to determine that 10 Barons in the initial room is a
> slightly unbalancing factor....we shouldn't let programs run the
> development process or dictate what is right or wrong... :)
> Brandon

I think this is getting a little off of the original intent
here. The intent is not to have a program dictate what's
right or wrong, BUT to give a broad idea of HOW MUCH 'stuff'
to put in for the ratio of monsters. Obviously you must have
and be able to 'USE' common sense when placing the 'stuff'.

(Please direct all flames and comments to ME!!)


From: (Robert Fenske Jr)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 95 08:08:01 CDT
Subject: .WAV used as musical score

I had some time to do a little experimenting last night. I
first looked in the DooM Specs for the format of the DS* sound entries.
Their format is (16-bit ints):

word 0 word 1 word 2 word 3 ...

3 output/sample # data bytes 0 data bytes ...
rate (11025)

With this format the maximum # of data samples is 65535. At 11025/sec this
comes to 5.94 seconds--hardly long enough for any real song. So I tried
assuming that the # data bytes is actually a 32-bit int (use both word 2 & 3
for the # bytes). I replaced the teleport sound with Hawaii 5-0 theme (~50
seconds). Only the first 1.5 - 2 seconds of the song played. Then I found
that regardless of the # bytes value put in word 2, the sound always played
at the same length. Which leads me to believe that these sounds are played
for some hard coded length.
One other thing I tried was changing the 3 in word 0 to values from
0 to 4. The sound didn't play for these other values. So the 3 means
something, but if it's the only value that makes the sound work, then why
bother having it in the WAD?

Robert Fenske, Jr. Sw | The Taming the C*sm*s series:
Electromagnetics Division /R---\ |
Southwest Research Institute | I | | "The Martian canals were the
San Antonio, Texas USA \----/ | Martians' last ditch effort."


Date: Thu, 20 Jul 95 09:20:42 -0500
Subject: Wanted: Write Help file for DEU PM

Would anybody like to help write a help file for DEU PM?
We are porting DEU 5.3 over to OS/2 Warp.

Or would you be interested in helping to port DEU over to OS/2.?

Mark Mathews TEAM OS/2, TEAM DEU
Are you using DEU, WARM or DEUTEX for DOOM? WHY NOT??

CARETAKER'S NOTE: Please ensure that replies to this mailing are posted to
the sender, *not* to this list. Thanks. -Steve


Date: Thu, 20 Jul 95 11:16:49 -0500
Subject: Re: MIDI Files

> On Wed, 19 Jul 1995, Tom Mustaine wrote:
> > Ok, You can: Convert Midi to MUS - MOD to Midi - Midi to MOD

PLEASE show how to convert Midi to Mus! Do you have any code I can look at?
Anybody know to convert Mus to Midi correctly?

> You cannot convert MODs to MIDIs to work with doom. You can convert the
> note/controller information, but not the instrument patches. These are
> fixed in doom.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ->Ryan Drake<- "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
> [eMAiL] But I have promises to keep.
> [URL] --to be announced-- And miles to go before I sleep."
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mark Mathews TEAM OS/2, TEAM DEU
Are you using DEU, WARM or DEUTEX for DOOM? WHY NOT??


Date: Thu, 20 Jul 95 11:16:49 -0500
Subject: Re: MIDI Files

> On Wed, 19 Jul 1995, Tom Mustaine wrote:
> > Ok, You can: Convert Midi to MUS - MOD to Midi - Midi to MOD

PLEASE show how to convert Midi to Mus! Do you have any code I can look at?
Anybody know to convert Mus to Midi correctly?

> You cannot convert MODs to MIDIs to work with doom. You can convert the
> note/controller information, but not the instrument patches. These are
> fixed in doom.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ->Ryan Drake<- "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
> [eMAiL] But I have promises to keep.
> [URL] --to be announced-- And miles to go before I sleep."
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mark Mathews TEAM OS/2, TEAM DEU
Are you using DEU, WARM or DEUTEX for DOOM? WHY NOT??


Date: Thu, 20 Jul 95 11:16:49 -0500
Subject: Re: MIDI Files

> On Wed, 19 Jul 1995, Tom Mustaine wrote:
> > Ok, You can: Convert Midi to MUS - MOD to Midi - Midi to MOD

PLEASE show how to convert Midi to Mus! Do you have any code I can look at?
Anybody know to convert Mus to Midi correctly?

> You cannot convert MODs to MIDIs to work with doom. You can convert the
> note/controller information, but not the instrument patches. These are
> fixed in doom.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ->Ryan Drake<- "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
> [eMAiL] But I have promises to keep.
> [URL] --to be announced-- And miles to go before I sleep."
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Mark Mathews TEAM OS/2, TEAM DEU
Are you using DEU, WARM or DEUTEX for DOOM? WHY NOT??


From: Ryan Drake <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 13:31:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: .WAV used as musical score

On Thu, 20 Jul 1995, Robert Fenske Jr wrote:

> With this format the maximum # of data samples is 65535. At 11025/sec this
> comes to 5.94 seconds--hardly long enough for any real song. So I tried
> assuming that the # data bytes is actually a 32-bit int (use both word 2 & 3
> for the # bytes). I replaced the teleport sound with Hawaii 5-0 theme (~50
> seconds). Only the first 1.5 - 2 seconds of the song played. Then I found
> that regardless of the # bytes value put in word 2, the sound always played
> at the same length. Which leads me to believe that these sounds are played
> for some hard coded length.

What is the longest-playing sound in the game? I have not been able to
experiment but my guess would be the "reverse-demon-voice" on MAP30. But
i remember sound wads with sounds in them that were clearly > 6 seconds...

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ->Ryan Drake<- "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[eMAiL] But I have promises to keep.
[URL] --to be announced-- And miles to go before I sleep."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


From: (Brian Hess)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 95 14:43 EDT
Subject: Re: How Much Stuff

>I must say that I'm a bit skeptic of the information that might
>be generated by a program, because I think it will never be able
>to really "evaluate" the difficulty. I wonder what happens if
>you consider a level which has a quite large layout and 10 Barons,
>all of them in the INITIAL room :)

It's not the amount of things in relation to the level but in relation to
the amount of things in different difficulty levels. I.E. skill 4 has four
times as many enemies as skill2 etc.
| BRIAN HESS | To reply, send to |
| | SysOp: Subways BBS (804)220-1759 |
| | FidoNet - 1:271/235.1 On IRC: _Wendigo |
| | Homepage: |


From: Ryan Drake <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 15:51:16 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: MIDI Files

On Thu, 20 Jul 1995 wrote:

> PLEASE show how to convert Midi to Mus! Do you have any code I can look at?
> Anybody know to convert Mus to Midi correctly?

there are two utilities, MIDI2MUS.EXE and MUS2MIDI.EXE that do these very
nicely. You can find them at under the directory

My question to the world is, is there a MUS player floating around that
uses a sound card's OPL3 and general MIDI capabilities rather than the
yucky FM synthesis? I believe such a utility would have to be made
specifically for each particular sound card, but maybe i'm wrong. I have
an Audiotrix Pro and would like to play stuff directly from the MUS file.

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ->Ryan Drake<- "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
[eMAiL] But I have promises to keep.
[URL] --to be announced-- And miles to go before I sleep."
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


From: "Matt Harvey" <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 17:07:20 +0000
Subject: Sound Files in General

A bit of sound file theory here. I know it has been outline before,
but there is still some confusion. I attempt to offer a brief
synopsis of what can and cannot be done with them.

WAV, au, SND, AIFF, RAW, VOC, and various other formats are digitized
audio. An actual record of what sound waves were like to be played
back through a digital-to-analog converter circuit. Any one of these
can be converted to any other one of these. Per time these are large
in size but they reproduce the original exactly.

MIDI, MUS, ROL, Cakewalk, Voyetra, etc. are all records not of actual
sound waves but of notes that are to be played back by a synthesizer.
It is simply a list of instructions to be carried out - like a piano
roll, for those of you who know what that is - there aren't many
player pianos around anymore except the electronic ones. It is just
like a piece of sheet music. Most of these can be converted to any of
the other ones in this group with considerable accuracy. They can
also be played back by a synthesizer and one can record the sound
waves to yield one of the digital formats (wav, voc, etc.) The
opposite CANNOT be done. It would be like saying, "Can you take a CD
of someone singing and accurately record that EXACT singer's voice on
a piece of sheet music?" I think not.

MOD is a mix between the two previously mentioned formats. It is
played back through a special program that converts it to digital
audio in real time. To make a MOD, one must record digital audio
samples and then program a sequence to make a song. It is like having
a MIDI sequence, but instead of playing a synthesized FM or wavetable
instrument, it uses digital audio files for the notes. Samples can be
extracted from MOD to get WAV, and sequences could be extracted to
get MID, but the other half of the information is lost EITHER WAY!

This message basically had three paragraphs of file description. Try
not convert from one format to a format not in the same paragraph. It
will not work or will work very poorly.


From: (Mackey McCandlish)
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 18:32:44 +0500
Subject: Re: .WAV used as musical score

>What is the longest-playing sound in the game? I have not been able to
>experiment but my guess would be the "reverse-demon-voice" on MAP30. But
>i remember sound wads with sounds in them that were clearly > 6 seconds...

I stuck a 14.5 second long death sound in one of my wads, so I doubt
there's much of a limit.
-*The Avatar*-
_Avatar_ on IRC. Mackey McCandlish.
(Nifty pics of DMF there, too).
ftp: in pub/avatar
The key to ONE MUST FALL is knowing who the 17 hit combos
work on..
DOOM MUST FALL IS OUT! Get it from my home page or ftp site!


From: "Tom Talionis" <>
Date: Fri, 21 Jul 1995 01:41:35 +0000
Subject: Re: .WAV used as musical score

On 20 Jul 95 at 13:31, Ryan Drake wrote:

> What is the longest-playing sound in the game? I have not been able to
> experiment but my guess would be the "reverse-demon-voice" on MAP30. But
> i remember sound wads with sounds in them that were clearly > 6 seconds...

I made a sound WAD some time ago (didn't release it yet - this will
be when I'll have the time to finish my current level), in which I
replaced the "Player Dies" sound with a "Marches Funebres" sample
which was about 9 seconds (and it works fine!). So this would be
beyond 65535 (the WAV file is about 96K). But maybe some other sound
entries are limited in size - the teleport sound, spider/cyber demon
walking... I'm not sure.

bye, Tom


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #354

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