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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 298

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 7 months ago

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #298
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Tuesday, 30 May 1995 Volume 01 : Number 298

Re: WAD ID Util *** WARNING ***
Weirdest doom bug ever?
Re: Weirdest doom bug ever?
Re: Recent list troubles
Re: WAD ID Util *** WARNING ***
Newsgroups R.G.C.D.* and A.G.D (off-topic)
Re: Weirdest doom bug ever?
Re: Weirdest doom
Re: WAD ID Util *** WARNING ***
Weekly reminder: beginners' questions
Re: WAD ID Util
Re: WQ: Secret levels, player width
More administrivia (was RE: recent...)
Re: WQ: Secret levels, player width
Re: WQ: Secret levels, player width
WAD ID information block


Date: Tue, 30 May 95 02:14:00 +0200
Subject: Re: WAD ID Util *** WARNING ***

On Mon, 29 May 1995 17:42:39 -0500, (Jeff Jones) wrote:
> Oh, I know they exist, but which program generates the WADS with the dir
> BEFORE the data (after the header?)
Hmmm... I know that two old utils used to do that. But I don't remember
their names (maybe WT?). DEU 5.21 and all DEU clones do this if you use
the [I]nsert function, but not if you are editing a normal level or using
the [G]roup function (so the WADs created with DEU 5.21 should be safe). But
I think that some other editors (maybe old ones) save the directory before
the data, because I remember having examined two or three WADs which were
organised like this.

And I am thinking about using this as the default save option in DEU 6.0
(maybe DEU 5.3 too), because it is safer: if something bad happens to your
WAD while you are saving it or while you are getting it from some FTP site
or BBS, you are more likely to be able to recover at least some bits of
it if the WAD directory is intact. Most of the current WADs are unusable
if the last few bytes are lost: I think it would be better if all editors
were saving the directory at the beginning of the WAD file (at least for
the WADs for which the number and size of the entries is known in advance).

> Thanks for the feedback, and remember, I'm not knocking you, or your
> programs.

Don't worry, I'm not upset. :-) I was just pointing out that you should
be careful about the WAD directory. It would be a shame to loose a great
WAD file while attempting to enhance it.

Anyway, it's good to see someone pushing for some ID field in the WADs.
I talked about the ExMxINFO fields with Jason (author of DMapEdit) several
months ago, and we never added the code in our editors. I still have
everything written on paper (with some bits of code), but this has not been
integrated in DEU 5.3 yet. So maybe it's better if you are pushing for it
even if your idea is a bit different. That way, I will be forced to do
something about it. :-)

> In about a flat second or so each, they're easy to ID. Most PWADs are for
> a single game in mind anyway.
You are right, of course. But I was thinking about the future: with the
commercial release of Doom 1, I expect that the number of people having both
Doom 1 and II will increase. And if the editors are encouraging users to
save dual-game WADs, there will probably be more WAD files supporting both
games. That's why I suggest that you change the numbers slightly in order
to allow some overlap. Especially, "Doom 1" (1) + "Doom II" (2) should not
be equal to "Heretic" (3). You should use 4 (next digit available) or 16
(like I did in DEU).

- -Raphael


From: cheryl l coovert <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 95 21:57:05 -0400
Subject: Weirdest doom bug ever?

Hi all. I just found a really weird bug in this one wad I have
(I ported CIRCLE.WAD to doom2, dont ask me why)

There's this one door, everytime I step in it, 90% of my levels sectors
start crushing. Weird part is...they dont have crushing begin linedef
actions. They're (M) open door things.

Why? huh? I dont know
I'll try to put it on, if you wanna see this , email me
& I'll uuencode it to you
- -Geo


From: Greg Lewis <>
Date: Mon, 29 May 1995 23:27:22 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Weirdest doom bug ever?

> Hi all. I just found a really weird bug in this one wad I have
> (I ported CIRCLE.WAD to doom2, dont ask me why)
> There's this one door, everytime I step in it, 90% of my levels sectors
> start crushing. Weird part is...they dont have crushing begin linedef
> actions. They're (M) open door things.

I'll bet you anything I know your problem, having stumbled on it myself
last June. Some Door linedef types require a Sector Tag to properly
function (telling Doom which Sector to perform the action on). By
default, the Sector tag is 0. Also by default, all of the Sectors have a
linedef tag of 0. Sooooo, when you forget to change it, Doom assumes
that every single sector should act like a door, and performs likewise.
Now if the sectors actually CRUSH instead of acting like a door, I'd bet
you accidentally put the wrong linedef type down (a crushing-sector type
rather than a door type).
Best of luck,



Date: Mon, 29 May 95 14:49:43 CDT
Subject: Re: Recent list troubles

> Can I please remind *everyone* whose email account may be threatened to
> unsubscribe *before* you lose it, or ask someone with an account to
> unsubscribe on your behalf (with a note to
> to explain what has happened).

While we're on this subject....

> Please note that the correct address to send subscription/unsubscription
> request is, while the address for queries about the
> operation of the list should go to

Is there a nice way of _changing_ the list email address? My account here
is getting nuked in about a week, but I still have another account at:

- -Ted
- --
Ted Vessenes | "The only force stronger than fate is dramatic irony." | "[William] Shatner couldn't direct his way out of the
tjvessen@midway. | bathroom with both hands and a map!" | -Ryan Ingram (1st), -Kibo's .sig (2nd)


From: (Jeff Jones)
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 01:07:07 -0500
Subject: Re: WAD ID Util *** WARNING ***

>You are right, of course. But I was thinking about the future: with the
>commercial release of Doom 1, I expect that the number of people having both
>Doom 1 and II will increase. And if the editors are encouraging users to
>save dual-game WADs, there will probably be more WAD files supporting both
>games. That's why I suggest that you change the numbers slightly in order
>to allow some overlap. Especially, "Doom 1" (1) + "Doom II" (2) should not
>be equal to "Heretic" (3). You should use 4 (next digit available) or 16
>(like I did in DEU).

Ok, Ok, you've convinced me... Lemme change some code... 1 for Doom, 2 for
4 for Heretic, 8 for BLAH, BLAH, 16 for ehem.... and so on... I'll revise
the code...

BUT to prevent problems, which you and I both know will happen (sorry for
not being smart enough to think ahead before<G>) I will need to stress the
point of the DIR problem (if you will) in the code and docs... Anything you
wish to add or suggest?
Hell, after all, you guys write the editor (which by the way I use HEEP and
DEEP, and am still getting over that damn doom problem!) but anyway, i'll
register, i'll register, as soon as I get this code we're working on done!
Hopefully this week or next...

DEU or HEEP for Heretic wads? which is "better", in your honest Opinion of

Thanks for the support, the help, the kick in the ascii, etc.... (ps. lemme know if this msg. is doube signed.)


Date: Tue, 30 May 95 01:08:35 +0200
Subject: Newsgroups R.G.C.D.* and A.G.D (off-topic)

Hi, fellow Doomers!

I know this message is slightly off-topic for this mailing list, but I hope
that I will find some help here. If you don't have access to the USENET
newsgroups, you can skip this message (and please forgive me). Otherwise,
please read this...

NOTE: If you want to comment on this, DO NOT REPLY TO THE LIST! Instead,
reply to me directly. The address in the "To:" field should read:
"". If you see the address of the mailing
list, change it. Do not flood other people's mailboxes with replies to my
message (which is already off-topic). And please trim down the quoted text...

As you probably know, the* newsgroups have been
created last year in replacement for and
After several weeks of informal talk, three formal RFD's (Requests For
Dicsussion) and two CFV's (Calls For Vote), the majority of the readers of decided to create five new groups for discussing various
aspects of Doom:{announce, editing, help, misc,
playing}. They (I should say "we", since I voted too) also voted for
the removal of the old and groups as soon
as the traffic would decrease significantly.

As it turns out, the traffic in the old "alt" groups has not decreased enough.
The main reason why the traffic is still high is that new readers keep on
coming to these groups. And they are coming to the "alt" groups first,
because the list of groups is usually sorted alphabetically and thus the* groups are easier to find than*.
Another reason is that some old documentation pages are still mentioning
a.g.d as the only Doom newsgroup. They move to r.g.c.d.* after a few weeks,
when they see that there is more info available there, but in the meantime
they keep on posting in a.g.d.

At first, I tought that this wouldn't be a problem: although this is a waste
of disk space and bandwidth, I tought that keeping the two hierarchies would
not be a major problem. Unfortunately, I was wrong...

- - New people are coming to and think this is the only group
about Doom. As a result, they post there and most of the time they don't
get an answer to their questions. Look at the articles in a.g.d asking
always the same questions, one of them with the subject "How many times
must I ask for help?"
. And when there is an answer, it is often wrong or
- - Some people who apparently did not understand the voting process or who
just want to start flame wars and stroke their ego by making a lot of
noise are trying to confuse readers: people like Steve Bushore are posting
lies about the status of the r.g.c.d.* newsgroups and they are encouraging
people to go back to (sic!).
- - After several unsuccessful attempts to get an answer to their questions,
the users who do not know about the r.g.c.d.* groups send their questions
by e-mail to the people who could provide an answer. This usually means
the authors of the editors or utilities they are using (who, by the way,
are usually reading but not
I am a kind of "victim" of this: I receive a lot of questions by mail. I
was suprised to see some of them beginning with "Since nobody answered on, I am writing to you directly..."

This proves that does not fulfill its function: providing
useful information to its readers. Even worse: in a way, it prevents people
from getting the right info in the r.g.c.d.* groups. Most of the answers
to the questions that I receive can be found in the RGCD FAQ or in one of the
articles posted in the r.g.c.d.* newsgroups. This is a stupid waste of time
and resources!

I am convinced that I would waste less time replying to these messages if
more people were reading the r.g.c.d.* groups. I'm sure that it would be the
same for the other authors of Doom editors and utilities. I am not a student
anymore and work during the day. This means that I spend most of my spare
time in the evenings answering the same questions again and again... I would
like to spend this time on DEU instead, or on other things that life may offer

IMHO, the best solution for this is to encourage people to move to the
r.g.c.d.* groups. This will probably increase the noise level in these groups
for a short period of time, but it should come back to a normal level once the
users take the time to read the RGCD FAQ.

If you agree with what I wrote above, I would like you to do two things
in order to help me (this is a call for help!):
- - If you have some interesting information to provide about Doom or the
other games using the Doom engine, post it on the appropriate r.g.c.d
newsgroup. Do not post it on (although you can post a
short message telling people to come and read your article in r.g.c.d.*).
- - If you see someone asking a question on, tell him/her in
which of the r.g.c.d.* groups he/she can find the answer. Very often,
the answer can be found in the RGCD FAQ, which is posted weekly in all
r.g.c.d groups (it is better to read it from r.g.c.d.announce, because
there are less articles in this group). Don't post the answer directly
in a.g.d, because people are lazy and they won't move to the new groups if
they find everything in the group they are reading (I know this because
I'm lazy too :-).
- - If you are the author of one editor or utility for Doom, add a pointer
to and in
the documentation. These are the two groups in which users will find
the answers to most of their questions.
- - If you are maintaining a WWW page, please also add a pointer to the
r.g.c.d.* groups (for example, put a pointer to r.g.c.d.playing if your
page is about playing Doom or playing add-on WAD files, or to r.g.c.d.misc
if your page is about one of the ports of Doom to UNIX). Of course, it
would be good to put a short description of the newsgroups too. You can
get such a description from the RGCD FAQ and from the Posting Guidelines,
which are available in r.g.c.d.announce.

I hope that you understand the reasons why I am writing this. I am not a
control freak and I don't want to be considered as a censor or whatever.
But I am tired of receiving always the same questions by e-mail. And I am
fed up with the few short-minded people who are spreading lies about the
newsgroups. This is a waste of time and I'd better spend this time on DEU.
I just spent the whole evening (six hours) answering such questions and
composing this article. I had planned to finish DEU 5.3 beta 8 and make a
public release today, but I had to do something after having seen the lies
posted by Steve Bushore about the newsgroups. :-(

Please help me and all the people who do not want to waste their time
answering the same questions again and again... The
newsgroups are a very good source of information, and we should encourage
the people to use them.

- -Raphael
| WWW: (with preview of DEU 5.3) |
| E-mail: or |
| S-mail: Raphael Quinet, 9 rue des Martyrs, 4550 Nandrin (Belgium) |
| --* Read for info and help about DEU. *-- |


Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 09:47:13 MEZ
Subject: Re: Weirdest doom bug ever?

> Hi all. I just found a really weird bug in this one wad I have
> (I ported CIRCLE.WAD to doom2, dont ask me why)
> There's this one door, everytime I step in it, 90% of my levels sectors
> start crushing. Weird part is...they dont have crushing begin linedef
> actions. They're (M) open door things.
> Why? huh? I dont know
> I'll try to put it on, if you wanna see this , email me
> & I'll uuencode it to you
> -Geo
I had the same problem with an older version of DCK.
Sometimes it happend that a line tag number changed from any value
to zero and then influenced all sectors in the level, but not the
sectors which have a higher tag number.

ciao Snider
- -----------------------------------


Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 09:40:33 MEZ
Subject: Re: Weirdest doom

> DAA32165 for doom-editing-outgoing; Tue, 30 May 1995 03:57:22 +0200
> Received: from ( []) by
> (8.6.12/8.6.9) with SMTP id DAA32159 for
> <>; Tue, 30 May 1995 03:57:10 +0200
> Received: from by (NX5.67e/NX3.0M) id AA13562;
> Mon, 29 May 95 21:57:03 -0400
> From: cheryl l coovert <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Received: by (NX5.67e/NX3.0X) id AA05527; Mon, 29 May 95
> 21:57:05 -0400
> Date: Mon, 29 May 95 21:57:05 -0400
> To:
> Subject: Weirdest doom bug ever?
> Sender:
> Precedence: bulk
> Reply-To:
> Hi all. I just found a really weird bug in this one wad I have
> (I ported CIRCLE.WAD to doom2, dont ask me why)
> There's this one door, everytime I step in it, 90% of my levels sectors
> start crushing. Weird part is...they dont have crushing begin linedef
> actions. They're (M) open door things.
> Why? huh? I dont know
> I'll try to put it on, if you wanna see this , email me
> & I'll uuencode it to you
> -Geo


From: Olivier <>
Date: 30 May 95 10:37:18+0200
Subject: Re: WAD ID Util *** WARNING ***

> *** WARNING ***
>Do NOT use this version of IDWAD.EXE because it could destroy your WAD files!

>- In my previous posting, I said that the names for the entries are
> ExMxINFO and MAPxxINF (where the "x" are replaced by the level number).

IDWAD.EXE would not destroy anything if instead of adding one entry to the IWAD
directory, it would modify the SIZE or POINTER that are indicated in the
ExMY or MAPxx entries.
since DOOM and HERETIC consider those entries as markers, fooling around with
the pointers should be tolerated.

>- I understand that you want to keep your program very simple and have only
> one entry for the whole WAD instead of one for each map as I want to
> have in DEU. But you should at least provide a way to identify the WADs
> that work with more than one game: I suggest that you use 1 for Doom,
> 2 for Doom II and 4 for Heretic (or 16, like in DEU). That way, you could
> use 5 for Doom + Heretic or 3 for Doom + Doom II.

Can't be more simple than the above proposal, can it?

The Arrogant Frog(tm)

ps: I've got very nice node viewer!
No one bothers, right...


From: (Steve Benner)
Date: Tue, 30 May 95 10:33:27 +0100
Subject: Weekly reminder: beginners' questions

FROM: the list caretaker; *** A REMINDER ***

The purpose of this list is to discuss *advanced* DOOM editing techniques.
If you have a question but don't know whether it's advanced or not, and
would like to avoid the extreme embarrassment of demonstrating the extent
of your ignorance in front of your peers, you are encouraged to mail it in
the first instance to:

Steve Benner :

Your question will either be answered or, if deemed suitable, forwarded to
the list. This service is offered as a potential red-face saving and
list-annoyance abatement service. Feel free to send questions at any level
on any topic of WAD editing.

**NOTE: If your questions are prefixed with the code WQ: in the subject
field (e.g. Subject: WQ: Sprites), they will be processed quicker because
they will be brought to light sooner!**

Remember also that if you want any general info about this list, you should
send mail to the list-server, thus:

Body: info doom-editing

This reminder will be posted here weekly, with the same subject title.

- -Steve Check out:
and "Tricks of the DOOM Programming Gurus" (SAMS: ISBN:0-672-30717-0)


From: "Luc Cluitmans" <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 11:56:46 MET-2DST
Subject: Re: WAD ID Util

> From:

> Ok, here it is, a SIMPLE utility with source in C++ to demo the
> easiest way to ID a wad.
> This method allows for the WAD to be distinguished as a simgle type, which is
> what we want in
> this case...

[from uue-ed file]:
> Create a DIR entry with the following:
> long integer (4 bytes) = 0x0000 (0 dec.)
> long integer (4 bytes) = GAMETYPE -> 1 = DOOM, 2 = DOOM 2, 3 = HERETIC
> 4 = (next game released using WADs, etc.)
> char (8 bytes) = "!!GAME!!"

Hmmm, is changing the interpretation of directory entries such a good
idea? I think many currently existing WAD tools will destroy the
contents of this entry: they simply consider it to be an entry with 0
bytes and may copy it to an entirely different 'location'.

Why not adding a real wad entry, 1 long in size if you like? I think
Raphael's idea of adding entries that code the level they apply to
(ExMxINFO/MAPxxINF) provides more flexibility as well.

I agree on the fact that entries like these are very useful in WADs.
I think it would be a good idea to try to reach agreement on a
standard really soon, before everyone starts using his own invention.

I think there should be two objectives to keep in mind:
- - Try to stay compatible with any existing tool. (The very existence
of MS-DOS in these days shows how important compatibility is for
acceptance of a product :-) )
- - Be flexible, in the sense that extensions may be allowed later.



From: (Steve Benner)
Date: Tue, 30 May 95 11:24:13 +0100
Subject: Re: WQ: Secret levels, player width

Here is a recent query to Beginners' Questions that may be of interest to
other subscribers, together with my reply. Others may wish to chip in if
they know anything otherwise... wrote to ask:

>Secret levels
>I guess that a secret level in a multilevel wad must have the same map
>number as the secret levels in Doom ][? Does the line type 51 Go to secret
>level 9 work in Doom][? The other side of this question is which level the
>player returns to after finnishing the secret one. Does Doom automatically
>return to the level after the one from which the player was brought to the
>secret one? (map15 -> secret -> map16) Or does it always return to map16?

DOOM 2 connects levels in exactly the same way in PWADS as in the IWAD.
This means that an exit to a secret level will ONLY work if it is on the
same level as the id-supplied exit to a secret level. Attempts to use
secret level exits on other levels dumps the player back at MAP01. Standard
exits on secret levels also connect the same way as in DOOM2. DOOM
preserves no knowledge of where the player came from. The connection of
standard and secret levels seems to be hard-coded into the EXE and cannot
be changed, so basically, yes--you must match your map numbers to those
used in the main WAD of DOOM2.

>Player width
>I know that the player is supposed to have 'width' when passing through a
>sector, but does he have it when crossing a linedef? Can the player trigger
>two linedefs if he crosses on the vertex connecting them?

Only the player's center-point activates triggers, so there is no way to
have two activated at once. Pity.

Hope this helps.

- -Steve


From: (Steve Benner)
Date: Tue, 30 May 95 11:46:18 +0100
Subject: More administrivia (was RE: recent...)

At 2:49 pm 29/5/95, wrote:
>Is there a nice way of _changing_ the list email address? My account here
>is getting nuked in about a week, but I still have another account at:

Send a message to from your NEW account with no
subject and the following two lines in the message body:-

subscribe doom-editing
unsubscribe doom-editing <oldaccountname>

Both accounts will receive postings until Bernd or I approve the
unsubscription request (usually same day, often within minutes). Of course
if you unsubscribe separately from your old account, you won't need to wait
for us to approve it, but this way is prolly easier. If it is not obvious
to us that the two accounts do indeed belong to the same person, you might
want to speed the process up by mailing us (
with a note explaining what you are trying to do.

If you are not sure of the precise form of your oldaccount name (as used by
doom-editing) you can send a request to (again, in
the message body) thus:

who doom-editing

and hunt for yourself in the list that will be sent to you.

Hope this helps.

- -Steve


From: (Robert Fenske Jr)
Date: Tue, 30 May 95 08:53:33 CDT
Subject: Re: WQ: Secret levels, player width

>>Player width
>>I know that the player is supposed to have 'width' when passing through a
>>sector, but does he have it when crossing a linedef? Can the player trigger
>>two linedefs if he crosses on the vertex connecting them?
>Only the player's center-point activates triggers, so there is no way to
>have two activated at once. Pity.

It's true that it's the player's center point that has to cross the
line to activate it. So in theory, crossing a vertex joining two lines would
activate both lines. But, DooM actually restricts line activation to those
lines that are at least 17 units apart. Crossing over two lines (or using
your activate key (e.g. space bar) less that 17 units apart will activate
only one of them.

Robert Fenske, Jr. Sw | The Taming the C*sm*s series:
Electromagnetics Division /R---\ |
Southwest Research Institute | I | | "The Martian canals were the
San Antonio, Texas USA \----/ | Martians' last ditch effort."


From: Greg Lewis <>
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 09:49:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: WQ: Secret levels, player width

> Only the player's center-point activates triggers, so there is no way to
> have two activated at once. Pity.

Can two "non-vital" linedefs (i.e. those which only trigger an action
but don't have textures, or different sector numbers, etc) cross in a
level? For example, take a big square and draw two diagonal linedefs,
without a vertex at the center. Would Doom choke on it?



From: (Robert Fenske Jr)
Date: Tue, 30 May 95 08:47:37 CDT
Subject: WAD ID information block

>IDWAD.EXE would not destroy anything if instead of adding one entry to the IWAD
>directory, it would modify the SIZE or POINTER that are indicated in the
>ExMY or MAPxx entries.
>since DOOM and HERETIC consider those entries as markers, fooling around with
>the pointers should be tolerated.
This strikes me as the way to include the extra WAD description/
information block. Instead of having to carry around another entry (e.g.
ExMxINFO), just co-opt the use of the normal ExMx and MAPxx entries. If their
lengths are zero, then they are normal. If non zero then scan for the data
in the block. Have the first longword contain the bit pattern (using the
format Raphael laid out) describing the game. Any subsequent bytes would be
any additional textual info the WAD author cared to put in. Personally, I
would like to see the info (some, probably not all) that is in the .TXT file
that accompanies each WAD file put into the WAD itself so that the .TXT doesn't
have to be carried around with the WAD.

Robert Fenske, Jr. Sw | The Taming the C*sm*s series:
Electromagnetics Division /R---\ |
Southwest Research Institute | I | | "The Martian canals were the
San Antonio, Texas USA \----/ | Martians' last ditch effort."


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