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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 228

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #228
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Friday, 31 March 1995 Volume 01 : Number 228

Custom floor lowering?
Re: 8 Player Expandability?
Re: Custom floor lowering?
UDS 1.666 Errata
Errata errors (sigh)
Changing Doom2 Midlevel Messages ?
sound fields
Re: graphic enhancement
Re: sound fields
Re: UDS 1.666 Errata
Re: Custom floor lowering?
Re: graphic enhancement
Introduction of New WADs
Re: Introduction of New WADs
Re: Introduction of New WADs


From: Joseph Fouche <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 18:51:03 -30000
Subject: Custom floor lowering?

A quick question, and, I think, just a little beyond a SNQ...

I have a small (but growing) .wad that contains a lowering starting
sector, kind of the opposite of e3m1. The floor goes down into a huge,
tall lava pit when a upper-texture switch is thrown. Now, what do I do
(in terms of placing other sectors) to get the floor to go down to, say,
16 above the pit? Right now, it goes flush with the pit, and I don't know
the linedef type (though I thought there was a "down to 8+adj" type, I
can't find it)... I also thought there might be a solution using dummy
sectors or merged sectors a la the recent uu-encoded stairway post. What
do the pros say? Can i do this without adding any extra sectors? Or does
this description even make sense? Awaiting responses...

/ __ _ __ ** joseph s. fouche ** the march monthly .sig quote: \
| | (_` |_ ** kingsport, tn, us ** "You mean Uncle Robert?" \
| (_/ ._) | ** L I Q U I D ** --- _The State_ (Doug re. Dylan) \, where computers are overtly bragged about!


From: (Ross Carlson)
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 15:39:51 -0500

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<FORWARDED MESSAGE FOLLOWS:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>This is the perfect example of the decline of our great country.
>they want to take our freedoms away one by one, we cannot let this
>happen. SPEAK OUT NOW!!!!! Its not that difficult, ok?!
>I think we should do more!!! SEND MAIL TO THE PRESIDENT!!!!!
>I am mailing everyone I know. I ask that you do the same. My
>friends, this is an outrage! No one seems to care about our other
>freedoms being taken away, but I cannot imagine anyone who would sit
>by and allow this to happen!!! If you are on mailing lists, post
>this to them. Post this on all the newsgroups you're on. I know
>some of you maintain largely-used services, post publicly to all the
>people. WE CANNOT LET THIS HAPPEN. I'll shut-up now...
>please help us...
>------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
>> > Hey...
>> >
>> > A matter has come to my attention that is of the utmost importance to all
>> > of us online.
>> >
>> > Simply put, a couple of senators have proposed a particularly
>> > heinous piece of legislation titled the "Communications
>> > Decency Act of 1995" (Senate Bill S. 314). Basically, the
>> > bill would subject all forms of electronic communication --
>> > from public Internet postings to your most private email --
>> > to government censorship. The effects of the bill onto the
>> > online industry would be devastating -- most colleges and
>> > private companies (AOL, Compuserve, etc.) would probably have
>> > to shut down or greatly restrict access, since they would be
>> > held criminally liable for the postings and email of private
>> > users.
>> >
>> > Obviously, this bill is designed to win votes for these senators
>> > among those who are fearful of the internet and aren't big
>> > fans of freedom of speech -- ie., those who are always trying to
>> > censor "pornography" and dirty books and such. Given the
>> > political climate in this country, this bill might just pass
>> > unless the computer community demonstrates its strength as a
>> > committed political force to be reckoned with. This, my friends,
>> > is why I have filled your mailbox with this very long message.
>> >
>> > A petition, to be sent to Congress, the President, and the media,
>> > has begun spreading through the Internet. It's easy to participate
>> > and be heard -- to sign it, you simply follow the instructions
>> > below -- which boil down to sending a quick email message to a
>> > certain address. That's all it takes to let your voice be heard.
>> > You know, if the Internet makes democracy this accessible to the
>> > average citizen, is it any wonder Congress wants to censor it?)
>> >
>> > Finally, PLEASE forward this message to all your friends online.
>> > The more people sign the petition, the more the government will
>> > get the message to back off the online community. We've been doing
>> > fine without censorship until now -- let's show them we don't plan
>> > on following them to start now. If you value your freedoms - from
>> > our right to publicly post a message on a worldwide forum to your
>> > ight to receive private email without the government censoring it --
>> > ou need to take action NOW. It'll take fifteen minutes at the most,
>> > small sacrifice considering the issues at hand. Remember, the age
>> > f fighting for liberty with muskets and shells is most likely over;
>> > he time has come where the keyboard and the phone line will prove
>> > ightier than the sword -- or the Senate, in this case.
>> >
>> >
>> > Here's what you have to do to sign the petition:
>> >
>> > send the following information to:
>> > the message (NOT the subject heading) should read as follows:
>> > SIGNED <your online address> <your full name> <U.S. Citizen> (y/n)
>> > example: SIGNED lsewell@leland.Stanford.EDU Laura Sewell YES
>> > ~~~~~~~
>> > If you are interested in signing the petition, I would highly suggest
>> > investigating the details of the situation. You can find out more on
>> > the Web at or in the newsgroup
>> >
>> >
>> > >
>> > >Best Regards, Jeff. [full sig on request]
>> >
>> > ----------CUT---------
>> >
>> >
>> > peace,
>> > t
>> >
>> >
| |
| Ross A. Carlson - |
| "Trials & Tribulations" Super-Wad Home Page: |
| |
| My home page: |
| |
| It will be a great day when our schools have all the money they |
| need, and the Air Force has to hold a bake sale to buy a bomber. |


Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 20:51:31 -0500
Subject: [none]


From: jordanf <>
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 20:52:05 -0500
Subject: Re: 8 Player Expandability?

Is there a hack out there that will enable DOOM to play with 8 players?
I seem to remember some discussion about this a long time ago, and
wondered if it is possible.

Jordan Feinman System Operator
Global One, Inc. (518) 452-1465 v (518) 452-1234 d


From: (Steve Benner)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 95 09:53:16 +0100
Subject: Re: Custom floor lowering?

At 6:51 am 12/4/95, Joseph Fouche wrote:
>A quick question, and, I think, just a little beyond a SNQ...
>I have a small (but growing) .wad that contains a lowering starting
>sector, kind of the opposite of e3m1. The floor goes down into a huge,
>tall lava pit when a upper-texture switch is thrown. Now, what do I do
>(in terms of placing other sectors) to get the floor to go down to, say,
>16 above the pit?

This comes firmly into the PNQ bracket to my mind. You need to make sure
that the sector borders nothing but the lava sector and use "down to
HEF+8". Or if you can't manage that, put a sector between the moving one
and the pit with its floor at the height you want your moving sector to
stop at. Then use a "down to LEF" line-type. There is no "down to LEF+8"
(or 16) action.

- -Steve


From: Bernd Kreimeier <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 11:16:00 +0200
Subject: UDS 1.666 Errata

I've added the following to the UDS Errata file:

DOOM 1.2 netgame packet info
DOOM 1.2 savegame file info

I've received no updates/corrections so far.
The Errata file can be found at

Matt and I agreed on keeping the "Errata" separate
from the UDS for now. Perhaps it would be nice
if somebody is able to offer a small ftp directory
for non-www doom-editing participants, w/o any
incoming-wait-newstuff overhead.



From: Bernd Kreimeier <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 11:53:53 +0200
Subject: Errata errors (sigh)

Two typos yesterday. It's

There are now plain ASCII versions available, not only
GNU zip *.gz files, thus DOS/WinDOS based www readers
should be able to handle the stuff. If I dig up
any DOS zip utility, I might add a DOS zip of the
UDS, too.

Sorry for any inconvenience. Additional suggestions?



From: Stefan Maes <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 14:15:46 +0200 (MET DST)
Subject: Changing Doom2 Midlevel Messages ?

Hi all,
I want to make some sort of Doom2 mini episode. Something like 3 or 4
levels. Five at most looking at the time it took to construct my first level.
(OK, it was huge and most time crept into texture alignment) For this project,
one of the things I would love to change are the midlevel messages in doom2
(like seen after level 6, when entering the secret levels,...) to tell some
sort of story interconnecting the various levels.
I got myself the latest doom specs (dmspec16 ?) & some others docs.
I experimented a little with dehacked (2.3) and from there it is possible to
change the texts. As for when those messages appear, does anyone know how
to control the appearance ? Normally they appear after levels 6, 11, 22(?) and
30, as well as before levels 31 and 32 (the secret ones). Would it be
possible to change that into 1,2,3,4... ? Or should I change the order in which
the levels are played: map06 first, then map11, ... ? Is the trigger
behind it the *end* of level X, or the *start* of level Y? My guess is
the end of the level.
If I save a level as map06, I get the midlevel text after finishing it.
So if everything else fails, I just could save my first level as 15 and make
it exit to the secret level which by default exits to the super secret one. If
I warp to level 15 from the commandline, I could achive a sequence play level
- - read text - level - text - level Maybe not quite like I wanted, but the
surely closest I can get without a lot of EXE hacking.
While I'm at it, has anyone an idea how to change the background
pic on which these text are written ? They look like tiled floor textures
to me...
If you have any suggestions, ideas, ... Thanks in advance.

_________ Stefan Maes -
| |
_o_ _| ___=___ |_ _o_
/`-'\( ) ( )/`-'\ University of Antwerp (UIA)
| |-| ___*___ |-| | Chemistry Department
| | | (-+-+-+-) | | | Universiteitsplein 1
| |--\_BAH_219_/--| | 2610 Wilrijk Tel : +32 3 820 23 65
--- --- BELGIUM Fax : +32 3 820 23 56
The 'WWW' touch
Excalibur V1.1 ! DOOM Wad file -- Raytraced Darts and LEGO Pictures
* If you don't like what you're reading, read with your eyes closed *


From: <>
Date: 31 Mar 1995 12:51:08 GMT
Subject: sound fields

<in response to Greg Lewis' post, which I foolishly deleted...>

You said that the 1/0 field determined what level the sounds were
played at... but this doesn't seem to me to be right. Some sounds
which are always played at the same level (oof, bossit) are not
tagged 1, and some sounds which are tagged 1 are not always played
at full volume. (cacsit, vilact)

Am I missing something?

- -j

HHHHHH Jeremy Holland
HH HH Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio
"I'm a liberal arts major... would you like fries with that?"


From: Chainsaw Jim <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 06:54:14 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: graphic enhancement

> The graphics look the same except
> they ae abut 800 X 640 now. If you would like a copy of this graphics
> patch mail me and we can make arangements. It will be done by the end of
> may and I am asking $10 for the basic and $20 for the full pathc +
> instructions, shareware packages that I used and other cool stuff.
> Please mail me personnally rrather than through this mailing list, and by
> the way,thisis not shareare or freeware!

So what you're saying is, you want to copyright id's images in your name.
You expect no one to modify your images and re-release them. Heaven forbid
someone should make a profit off YOUR work.

You (Dave Worth) may be having trouble reading the above paragraph.
I'll reword it in a way that may be more natural for you:

Sooo wat yur saying, you want copyright ids imag in yoos name.
xpect nooone modifx you images re-relllease. Hevan forbit
someone shuld make a profid off YER works.


From: Greg Lewis <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 10:09:08 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: sound fields

> You said that the 1/0 field determined what level the sounds were
> played at... but this doesn't seem to me to be right. Some sounds
> which are always played at the same level (oof, bossit) are not
> tagged 1, and some sounds which are tagged 1 are not always played
> at full volume. (cacsit, vilact)
> Am I missing something?

Well, the 1/0 field explanation is just a theory, which someone pointed
out to me very recently (so I haven't had time to verify it). If those
sounds you mention do break the pattern, perhaps there is something else
we're missing... I welcome any suggestions anyone has on the matter.
Or, maybe more likely, Doom just does all those sound's volumes internally
and ignores the 0/1 value. Sigh...



From: Robert Forsman <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 11:01:57 EST
Subject: Re: UDS 1.666 Errata

Bernd Kreimeier <> ,in message <199503310916.LA>, wrote:

> Perhaps it would be nice
> if somebody is able to offer a small ftp directory
> for non-www doom-editing participants, w/o any
> incoming-wait-newstuff overhead.

Sorry. I can offer a directory, but there's going to be the wait.


From: Robert Forsman <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 11:02:18 EST
Subject: Re: Custom floor lowering?

Joseph Fouche <> ,in message <Pine.3.89.9503301841.A8210-0
100000@Preferred.COM>, wrote:

> A quick question, and, I think, just a little beyond a SNQ...
> I have a small (but growing) .wad that contains a lowering starting
> sector, kind of the opposite of e3m1. The floor goes down into a huge,
> tall lava pit when a upper-texture switch is thrown. Now, what do I do
> (in terms of placing other sectors) to get the floor to go down to, say,
> 16 above the pit? Right now, it goes flush with the pit, and I don't know
> the linedef type (though I thought there was a "down to 8+adj" type, I
> can't find it)...

L lowest
H highest
C ceiling
F floor
E adjacent sectors, excluding the affected sector
I adjacent sectors, including the affected sector
nh next-higher, i.e. LEF that is higher than source.

36 Floor W1 mover fast - - down to HEF + 8
71 Floor S1 mover fast - - down to HEF + 8
98 Floor WR mover fast - - down to HEF + 8
70 Floor SR mover fast - - down to HEF + 8

If you still need 16, you can create a dummy sector either behind the
scenes, or immediately there (and small) that is 8 above the pit.


From: (Charlie Acord)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 10:00:59 -0600
Subject: Re: graphic enhancement

> The graphics look the same except
> they ae abut 800 X 640 now. If you would like a copy of this graphics
> patch mail me and we can make arangements. It will be done by the end of
> may and I am asking $10 for the basic and $20 for the full pathc +
> instructions, shareware packages that I used and other cool stuff.
> Please mail me personnally rrather than through this mailing list, and by
> the way,thisis not shareare or freeware!

I can prove that this is a joke. In real life, if a person were really this
stupid, he would not have sufficient intelligence to be able to learn to
operate a computer, which he had to do in order to post this ridiculous
message (doh, maybe his daddy posted it for him....).
Charlie Acord, "the Green Marine" | "Wow, I just found the BFG-9000!!!!"
Telecom Div/FedEx/Memphis/TN | "No kidding?"
(home of BBQ, the blues, and Elvis) | "Yeah"......<click> <whoooooosh>
Internet: |
CompuServe: 75143,621 | #include <std_disclaimer.h>


From: (Charlie Acord)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 10:10:13 -0600
Subject: Introduction of New WADs

I am cross-posting this from the WADS List, because it specifically concerns
you guys:

>I appreciate all the great WADs you guys create for our pleasure, and I'm
not trying to piss anyone off, so just chill out and listen to a piece of
advice from someone who's had no end of frustration about this subject ====>
When you upload your shiny new WAD to (or wherever), it goes
into the "incoming" directory, which is not accessible to the public. Some
(unknown and varying) time later, it is moved to some publicly accesible
directory, maybe even the right one. DON'T make your announcement when you
originally upload your new WAD -- wait until it has been moved out of
"incoming", and then announce its existence and exactly where it is (the
actual path and filename). This will save a lot of logons by people wanting
the WAD, only to find it still in "incoming" and unavailable. It will also
make a lot of logons shorter, since the person wanting the WAD would now
know exactly where it is. It's a real hassle trying to find a file, or even
if it exists, under UNIX at some unknown FTP site. Under DOS, I can issue a
single command and find out if a file exists and exactly where it is. I
know no way to do this while logged onto a UNIX FTP site....hell, AFAIK, you
can't even view the .txt info files that most sites have that tell you about
the files have to actually FTP the file back to you, which in
my case means it's still on a dern UNIX box, so then I still have to go to
trouble to view it, plus take the chance on the FTP site timing me out while
I'm reading it. I've been looking for one particular WAD (REHAB) for about
two months....the author uploaded it to "incoming", but I have never been
able to find it <sigh>.
>Anyway, I think if you guys would use this approach for announcing new
WADs, it would save a lot of grief, plus conserve the scarce resources of
the boxes that are serving as our Doom "file dumps".
>P.S. Yes, I know there would be a span of several days to a week with no
announcements while WADs transitioned out of "incoming" what?
Charlie Acord, "the Green Marine" | "Wow, I just found the BFG-9000!!!!"
Telecom Div/FedEx/Memphis/TN | "No kidding?"
(home of BBQ, the blues, and Elvis) | "Yeah"......<click> <whoooooosh>
Internet: |
CompuServe: 75143,621 | #include <std_disclaimer.h>


From: Rick Brown <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 12:54:52 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Introduction of New WADs

> >
> > [some stuff snipped]
> ....hell, AFAIK, you
> can't even view the .txt info files that most sites have that tell you about
> the files have to actually FTP the file back to you, which in
> my case means it's still on a dern UNIX box, so then I still have to go to
> trouble to view it, plus take the chance on the FTP site timing me out while
> I'm reading it. I've been looking for one particular WAD (REHAB) for about

IN UNIX line mode: To read the *.txt file when in ftp, use the command:
get wadname.txt |more

The "|more" part of the command will allow you to browse page by page the
text file.

If using FTP in windows (like chameleon's ftp), there is a "view" button
you can use to read the text file.

Hope this helps!
- --------------------------------------------------------------------- * *
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------


From: (brandon perry)
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 12:57:25 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Introduction of New WADs

> I am cross-posting this from the WADS List, because it specifically concerns
> you guys:
> >
> >I appreciate all the great WADs you guys create for our pleasure, and I'm
> not trying to piss anyone off, so just chill out and listen to a piece of
> advice from someone who's had no end of frustration about this subject ====>
> When you upload your shiny new WAD to (or wherever), it goes
> into the "incoming" directory, which is not accessible to the public. Some
> (unknown and varying) time later, it is moved to some publicly accesible
> directory, maybe even the right one. DON'T make your announcement when you
> originally upload your new WAD -- wait until it has been moved out of
> "incoming", and then announce its existence and exactly where it is (the
> actual path and filename). This will save a lot of logons by people wanting
> the WAD, only to find it still in "incoming" and unavailable. It will also
> make a lot of logons shorter, since the person wanting the WAD would now
> know exactly where it is. It's a real hassle trying to find a file, or even
> if it exists, under UNIX at some unknown FTP site. Under DOS, I can issue a
> single command and find out if a file exists and exactly where it is. I
> know no way to do this while logged onto a UNIX FTP site....hell, AFAIK, you
> can't even view the .txt info files that most sites have that tell you about
> the files have to actually FTP the file back to you, which in
> my case means it's still on a dern UNIX box, so then I still have to go to
> trouble to view it, plus take the chance on the FTP site timing me out while
> I'm reading it. I've been looking for one particular WAD (REHAB) for about
> two months....the author uploaded it to "incoming", but I have never been
> able to find it <sigh>.
> >
> >Anyway, I think if you guys would use this approach for announcing new
> WADs, it would save a lot of grief, plus conserve the scarce resources of
> the boxes that are serving as our Doom "file dumps".

You are unix illeterate then, because it is SIMPLE to search ftp sites,
and it is VERY easy to view text files online. You should go back to
your Winblowz and stay there before complaining about unix.

BTW: Use ncftp's page command to view text files online.


From: Dave Worth <>
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 14:41:32 -0700 (MST)
Subject: graphics


I was just reminded by Id. Software that what I was doing is completely
illegal and have seiced my activities until such time as I have complete
concent from Id. to make these changes, please disregard my past posts on
this subject as it is no longer in the works.



End of doom-editing-digest V1 #228

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