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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 192

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 7 months ago

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #192
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Wednesday, 1 March 1995 Volume 01 : Number 192

Re: "The WAD" Counter
Sort of a test.
The theme - final results
Re: Things stuck in walls
Re: doom-editing-digest V1 #189
Re: Things stuck in walls
Re: Things stuck in walls
Event driven sounds
Re: Event driven sounds
What to read to come up to speed FAST?
Weird WAD Problems
Re: Event driven sounds


From: l-sieben@MEMPHIS.EDU (ulasieben)
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 19:14:41 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: "The WAD" Counter

>> At one point, the executables for Doom 1 and and Doom 2 were the same.
>> However, it was necessary that all parties in a Deathmatch had the same
>> release. Shouldn't the question be not one of Doom1 or Doom 2, but 1.666
>> or 1.7 or 1.9 ?
>There's no question there. PS: you might want to move this to the thewad
>editing mailing list. I don't know the address though; I'm not on it.
>Ted Vessenes | "The only force stronger than fate is dramatic irony."
> | "[William] Shatner couldn't direct his way out of the
> | bathroom with both hands and a map!"
> -Ryan Ingram (1st), -Kibo's .sig (2nd)
Send mail to:
with 1 line in it:

subscribe wad-team

-- Evil Genius (Jimmy Sieben)


From: Mike Duggan <>
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 23:12:00 -500 (EST)
Subject: Sort of a test.

I know that nobody likes tests, especially moderators (or whatever passes
for them on the internet), but I need to make sure I am getting through.
To stay on-topic, what is all the talk about a big wad project?

-Sean Duggan
aka TheCat


From: (Ross Carlson)
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 01:25:17 -0500
Subject: The theme - final results

From: (Ross Carlson)
Subject: The theme - final results

Hello all you ambitious doom editors,

I have an update for you!

We had another chance meeting on IRC, and here's what we
came up with:

I will act as the voice for the alpha project, or TNT.
Unless of course, someone thinks I'm not worthy. This
is only to avoid confusion. We have had more than one
person try to explain the same thing to the group in
different ways, and that doesn't help anyone.

Okay, this is how things will progress:

Every level author will submit a level using his/her (do we have
any hers?) favorite theme. That is, you can use ANY theme you
like. The levels will then be reviewed by an, as of yet, unnamed
panel. We have plenty of time to name those people. That panel
will group the levels according to content, i.e. the look and feel
of the levels. These groups will become the episodes. So we may
end up with a techy-looking set, or a underground, spooky cave type
set, or whatever. If you guys want, you can talk amongst yourselves
to get an idea of what the others are doing, and maybe keep that in
mind as you design YOUR level. That may make the grouping easier.

So, once the groups are established, the levels will be put in an
order that makes sense. Here, we will look at the weapons, monsters,
and so on, that are used in each level, and try to make each episode
progress in difficulty/discovery like the original doom one episodes

Now that we have the episodes, we can plug in the moonbase. The
moonbase will be used in the first level of each episode, and also
in the last level - to get you back home when you're done with the
episode. Dsquid is still designing the moonbase, he plans to make
it worthy of deathmatch play.

Does this make sense to everyone?

Does everyone agree with this?

We came up with this, because it doesn't leave anyone out of the theme
decision making progress. This is just giving structure to the project,
and that's what we co-ordinators are here for! I hope everybody is happy
with this, please let me know ASAP!!!!! I want to get those levels

A note on artistic license:
Go ahead and make a new texture or two for your level. Use new textures
only when it upholds the theme of your level, not just cuz it looks cool.
An example would be a logo for the moonbase, on top of one of the metal

Same goes for sounds - don't over do it though! If you do, your level
won't mesh with the rest, and will be cut from the project for one that
mixes better. By the way, we are assuming that we will get more that
enough levels, so there will have to be a quality control, so submit
your BEST wads, put some thought into these things guys!

And, as far as dehacked patches go, we will only use them to change
intermission texts, and level name texts to make our project look
as professional as possible. The goal here is to keep the amount of
data that this project represents to a minimum. So the fewer patch
wads with graphics, and/or sounds in them, the better.

A final note: we have not decided wether to use Doom one or two.

It was proposed at the meeting that we take votes for two days, and then
get started on levels. So that's what we're gonna do. Send e-mail to
me with either of the following subject lines:


Don't put anything in the message body, because I'm just going to tally
them from my mailbox, and not read the message. I will tally what I have
on March 1st just before midnight. Everyone got that?

See my web page for a copy of this message.

Talk to you all soon!

- -Ross
* Ross Alan Carlson *
* *
* "THE WAD" Home Page: *
* *


Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 07:42:11 +0100
Subject: [none]


Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 08:30:42 +0100
Subject: [none]


Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 09:59:06 +0100
Subject: [none]


From: (Keith Reid)
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 1995 17:33:23 -0500
Subject: Re: Things stuck in walls

> On MAP03, the starting points for Player 1 (#0), Player 3 (#9) and
> Player 4 (#10) are also partially in a wall (but by one pixel only, so
> maybe this doesn't count). The Sargeants and Troopers #49, #50 and #51
> sould be partially in a wall if you assume that all things are "square".
> I don't want to display "false alerts" for these things, because they
> work fine when you play the game. What is the real criterion for
> "monsters stuck in walls"? Maybe I should use "radius - 7" instead
> of "radius"? From what I can see, 7 pixels is the limit in the original
> levels. And maybe this is one reason why most of the Things in Id's
> levels are aligned on a 8x8 grid?
> I haven't experimented a lot because I don't have much time now. But
> maybe someone could do some experiments with WAD files and see when the
> monsters are stuck and when they aren't?

Could you be wrong in assuming that monsters are "square"? I mean, I've
edited levels before where if the monsters were actually square (ie, take up
a NxN grid rather than a circle of N/2 radius) they'd be overlapping and
should be "dancing" when you run the level and they don't. However, if the
circle representations of the monsters when viewed from DEU overlap, they are
indeed trapped.

Keith Reid
Keith Reid, Fidonet@1:153/859.0


From: ambient! (Larry Mulcahy)
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 95 04:44 MST
Subject: Re: doom-editing-digest V1 #189

Shouting to be heard above the roaring chainsaw of dismemberment on Sun,
26 Feb 1995 21:16:42 +0100, Enigma bellowed:

Enigma> This is the latest wad-base report. It outlines who wants to
Enigma> do what for the wad project.

Enigma> Texture designer/editors: [ 3]

Following is a description of a collection of textures libraries I
uploaded to yesterday. I think some of the Aliens
textures would look good in The Wad, such as the grates, guard rails and
the fan animation. How does everyone feel about recycling old textures
this way?

The next release, TEXLIB2, will probably feature animations from the
GRAPHICS part of DOOM.WAD (i.e. using the WIA* images, plus one using
the player face images, STF*) and possibly one other large collection
from, say, TRINITY or STAR WARS (I haven't asked for permission yet for
either of these), and maybe a few miscelleneous images such as the
biohazard symbol, Cthulhu and "Bob".

Since texture WADS get huge fast, we would need to choose just the ones
we want to use. All the textures of ALIENS alone take up 1.2 MB. See
texlib1.doc for more discussion of the issues.

Date Finished : 2/26/95
Author : Larry Mulcahy
Email Address :
Other Files By Author : AMBIENT.ZIP, DISGRUN3.ZIP

Description : This is the first of a series of texture-only
wad libraries for use by wad developers.
The first release includes:
TXBARNEY.WAD - shock and frighten those who
play your WADs with hideous images of the
Purple Satan and his cohorts. Similar
to what appears in my first WAD AMBIENT.
TXDISGRU.WAD - textures I created for
DISGRUN, mostly featuring Slick, Hillary,
Algore, Sarah Brady, and (shudder) Socks.
TXALIENS.WAD - textures of ALIENS DOOM (with
permission of Marc Gordon).
TXBIG.WAD - all of the above in one great
hulking texture WAD.
More coming soon. Please bring your cool
textures to my attention for inclusion in
the next release.

Additional Credits to : The AliensDoom Team --
*Marc Gordon*
*David Lobser*
*Mike Dickson*
*Dan Goldwasser* dang+@CMU.EDU
*Bernd Kreimeier*
Andy Presbe
Aaron Teske
Robert Trace
* Type of DOOM or DOOM II file*

(Choose One)
New level WAD : No
Sound PWAD Only : No
Music PWAD Only : No
Graphic Addon Only : Yes
Dehack Patch Only : No
.LMP Only : No
Other : Graphics patches and textures only.
Required To Have In Dir : N/A

* Play Information *

Map # : N/A
Episode and Level # : N/A
Single Player : N/A
Cooperative 2-4 Player : N/A
Deathmatch 2-4 Player : N/A
Difficulty Settings : N/A
New Sounds : No
New Music : No
New Graphics : Yes
Demos Replaced : None

* Construction *

Base : Part original, part used with permission
Build Time : 8 hours
Editor(s) used : DEUTEX
Known Bugs :
May Not Run With... :

* Copyright / Permissions *

Authors (MAY) use this level as a base to build additional

(One of the following)

You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with
no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file

* Where to get this WAD *

FTP sites:
- --
Larry Mulcahy larry@ambient.uucp ambient!
GCS d H s !g p1 au-- a w+++ v--- C++ U+ P++ L++ 3 E+ N++ K W--- M--
V-- po--- Y+ t 5++ j- R G? tv b++ D++ B--- e+++ u h+ f? r* n--- !y
The Failed Clinton Presidency: day 770, 692 days to go


Date: Tue, 28 Feb 95 13:49:37 +0100
Subject: Re: Things stuck in walls

On Mon, 27 Feb 1995, (Keith Reid) wrote:
> Could you be wrong in assuming that monsters are "square"? I mean, I've
> edited levels before where if the monsters were actually square (ie, take up
> a NxN grid rather than a circle of N/2 radius) they'd be overlapping and
> should be "dancing" when you run the level and they don't. However, if the
> circle representations of the monsters when viewed from DEU overlap, they are
> indeed trapped.
Of course, the Things are square. But this makes things even worse, since
a NxN square covers a larger area than a circle with the same diameter.
When I wrote that I use "radius" in my tests, this refers to the name of
the variable, but it actually means "half the size of the square". :-)

Anyway, if you check some of the Things that I described in my previous
message, you will see that a part of them is clearly inside a wall,
regardless of the shape used for collision detection (circle or square).

Note: I just checked with Heretic, and I found no such Things stuck in
walls (except for the wall torches, but this is normal).

I'm still wondering: what is the real rule for "monsters stuck in walls"?

- -Raphael


From: (Ben Morris)
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 95 11:37 PST
Subject: Re: Things stuck in walls

> I'm still wondering: what is the real rule for "monsters stuck in walls"?

I don't think there's a rule more than there's a lenience based on an
absolute value, or perhaps based on a fraction of the monster's radius.

DCK calculates intersections/collisions using the thing's diameter minus
the diameter divided by four, ie:

diameter = thing->radius * 2;
diameter = diameter - (diameter / 4);

It's worked perfectly on all the ID levels, so I figure it's good. Moving
a thing a little closer to the wall where they're pretty close in the
first place yields a stuck monster in the game and a collision error in

- - Ben

- ---------------------------------------------- * --------------------
the felix of your truth will always break it / Ben Morris
and the iris of your eye always shake it / ..your typical CN
- -- "Iris" / Live -------------------------- / -----------------------
revel in your perception *


Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 21:30:56 +0000 (WET)
Subject: Event driven sounds

Does anybody know how to make a patched sound occur when the player crosses
a linedef, I've only seen this is Yakworld.Wad, when the player enters the
arena with the cyberdemon, or was there some hidden event I did not see ?

- --
Plasma guns rule * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Robin J Patenall ( Student at Surrey University, England)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


From: Robert Forsman <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 17:32:03 EST
Subject: Re: Event driven sounds ,in message <>,

> Does anybody know how to make a patched sound occur when the player crosses
> a linedef, I've only seen this is Yakworld.Wad, when the player enters the
> arena with the cyberdemon, or was there some hidden event I did not see ?

I bet it was the cyberdemon's "I see you" noise.


Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 17:50:07 -0500
Subject: What to read to come up to speed FAST?

I've done some desultory WAD creation, desultory because my free time has been
at a minimum lately. Now I'm free
to learn! I've seen references to animation included in WADs (like the movie
in TRINITY), as well as refs on
including new sounds and music as well. If someone could list the FAQS and
related docs that explain this I'll
happily begin RTFM'ing...I've started using the DCK2.1b editor; it's most
excellent, and if I may make 1 more
request? What other utilities do the pros recommend?

Thanks in advance for your time,



From: l-sieben@MEMPHIS.EDU (ulasieben)
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 1995 16:48:05 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Weird WAD Problems

Hey there. I am having an error I have never heard of or seen before:
Fisrt, my level is HUGE! Over 700 sectors, over 4000 sidedefs, etc... It's
big. Now, I never noticed these problems before. There is one room where
I can go to it, and shoot from a certain direction at the corner, and
Doom screws up. The screen looks like the one you get when you have a
linedef without sides, but I can play the level! Also, there is another
section where this problem pops up. Except in this place, it's a large,
tall room (256 floor, 640 ceiling), very big. But, here's the kicker:
when I walk past a certain point, don't shoot even, and bam! Doom kicks
me back to DOS. I can use the computer still, after resetting my video
mode, but weird! Never seen this before. Also, the weapon I shot was the
shotgun. This was in Doom 1 v1.666. Any ideas?
-- Evil Genius (Jimmy Sieben)


From: Shriker <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 95 17:18:05 EST
Subject: Re: Event driven sounds

On Tue, 28 Feb 1995 21:30:56 +0000 (WET) <> said:
>Does anybody know how to make a patched sound occur when the player crosses
>a linedef, I've only seen this is Yakworld.Wad, when the player enters the
>arena with the cyberdemon, or was there some hidden event I did not see ?

Actually, I'm pretty darn sure that YAKWORLD simply replaced the CyberDemon's
"yell" with the voice announcement, in .WAV format (or whatever). Although, I
had already placed something similar in a WAD I was working on, I think this
may have been the first WAD to demonstrate it publicly.

A better example might be what was done in Aliens-TC. I haven't taken a close
look at it yet (to see how it was done), but it had something similar to what
you're asking about. Anyone know how it was done ? Were the sounds made by
inanimate objects that were "assigned" a sound for "spotting player" (ie like
a torch) ? If the YakWorld method is not what you're looking for, then take
Aliens TC apart and see how he did it.

Hope this helps,

- -Shriker

>>>>>> DOOM: the only place where I *like* to get "blue balls" <<<<<<


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #192

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