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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 121

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #121
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Friday, 13 January 1995 Volume 01 : Number 121

Re: consistency checking
Re: Heretic Sound???
Re: Heretic Sound???
Re: consistency checking
New DEU feature suggestions
Heretic Things
Re: New DEU feature suggestions
Deep Water
Re: Deep Water
Re: sidedef mode again
Re: Heretic Sound???
Re: sidedef mode again
Re: New DEU feature suggestions
Re: consistency checking
Re: Heretic Sound???


From: Anthony Spataro <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 17:52:54 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: consistency checking

This strays a bit from the topic of maps, but I'm wondering if anybody's
gotten guns to "shoot" objects other than what they originally did. I
don't mean just changing the bullets' frames, I mean actually changing
what the guns shoot. If you change a BFG shot to, say, a trooper, sure,
the trooper's gonna fly through the air, but he'll go splat the instant
he touches something. It may be that the game flags all objects coming
from the player's gun as projectiles at runtime and it's impossible to do
this, but it'd be nice if it could be done...


From: Anthony Spataro <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 17:55:43 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Heretic Sound???

We're talking about screeches and bleeps here, but, fact is, the PC
speaker is capable of digitized speech. It may sound like crap, but it's
doable, and better than not being able to hear anything.

With all the fancy scientists in the world, why can't they just once
build a nuclear balm?

> No, but when i deathmatch, i now play doom, because only one machine
> has a a soundcard ( run the CD ROM of Course.. :) ), and it
> is too unfair if you can't hear when you are being shot. All they
> needed was a clouple of bleeps for when you got hit, and it would
> have been okay. Minus a couple of brownie points ID.


From: (Brent Metz)
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 1995 21:45:04 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Heretic Sound???

> We're talking about screeches and bleeps here, but, fact is, the PC
> speaker is capable of digitized speech. It may sound like crap, but it's
> doable, and better than not being able to hear anything.
If I'm not mistaken, doing digital sounds over the PC speaker has alot
of overhead involved with it.
I think this entire issue goes back to the Re-Writing DOOM issue a
while back : yes, id *COULD* make DOOM run 20% faster if id decided to
make that a priority, but id decided that they were going to go off and
work on QUAKE, and leave DOOM to those whose computers can handle it.
- --
Brent Metz -- &


From: Greg Lewis <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 00:24:29 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: consistency checking

> This strays a bit from the topic of maps, but I'm wondering if anybody's
> gotten guns to "shoot" objects other than what they originally did. I
> don't mean just changing the bullets' frames, I mean actually changing
> what the guns shoot. If you change a BFG shot to, say, a trooper, sure,
> the trooper's gonna fly through the air, but he'll go splat the instant
> he touches something. It may be that the game flags all objects coming
> from the player's gun as projectiles at runtime and it's impossible to do
> this, but it'd be nice if it could be done...

I'm pretty sure you can do this. I tried changing rockets into soul
spheres once and got it to work (most of the way at least). I think you
need to turn off the "automatics" bit and turn on the "gettable Thing"
bit, and then just copy the info from the Thing you want it to be to the
projectile (from the soulsphere to the rocket in this case). I can't
remember all the details so you may have to play around with it, but I
remember getting those battles with cyberdemons to be pretty easy that
way... :)



From: <>
Date: 13 Jan 1995 05:50:15 GMT
Subject: New DEU feature suggestions

> Something else (but I'm not sure how you would implement it) - when a
> warning box pops up (and the offending object is highlighted), give the
> option of saying "This is intentional - don't tell me about this error
> on this object again (until the object is changed)".
> Maybe the information could be saved in the WAD file somewhere, maybe it
> could be saved in an external file, maybe it shouldn't be saved - just
> kept for the current instanciation of the editor.

This is what I was suggesting before. It would be esp. useful for
me since me .WAD files tend to have SpFX in them, even if they're
not major, and it's annoying to get told about these intentional
"errors." I gather from following this thread that there are two
ways of saving this information: a new directory entry ("DEUINFO"
perhaps?) in the .WAD itself or an external file (maybe BOB.DEU to
go along with BOB.WAD. Or maybe DEUINFO.DAT could hold it for all
.WAD files in a .WAD-by-.WAD directory or something?) The argument
against the first was that it could screw up other editors. But I
don't know many people who use both DEU and something else. I
think it's preferable to the second because I like to keep the
number of files to a minimum. But even if the info isn't saved
this would be a useful feature.

* * * NEW TOPIC! * * *

I asked around my friends and fellow .WAD-authors here about what
features they'd like to see, and one was almost unanimous:

What would be *REALLY* nice to have would be more support for
adding external files (.WAV, .MID, .GIF) as .WAD objects. i.e.
click on menu option: "External File" and it brings up a scroll
list of files and lets you highlight them and then type in what
directory entry you want them to replace. Built in support for
DMAUD, DMMUS, and DMGRAPH would then be necessary.

This info would also have to be saved, maybe in the same
way as the info about errors.

Is this support already planned? I hadn't heard so but I was gone
for 3 weeks ant xmas.

Well, just musing. If either of these are too big for inclusion in
DEU 5.3 could they be delayed until DEU 6.0?

- -j

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jeremy Holland

If you visit American city,
You will find it very pretty.
Just two things of which you must beware:
Don't drink the water and don't breathe the air.

-Tom Lehrer


Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 04:56:33 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Heretic Things

Here is a list of all the things in Heretic that I know of. Basically it is
the list that John Romero released a while ago to which I've added
descriptions from the manual and the game.

10: Ammo_GoldWandWimpy Wand Crystal
12: Ammo_GoldWandHefty Crystal Geode
13: Ammo_MaceWimpy Mace Spheres
16: Ammo_MaceHefty Pile of Mace Spheres
18: Ammo_CrossbowWimpy Ethereal Arrows
19: Ammo_CrossbowHefty Quiver of Ethereal Arrows
20: Ammo_SkullRodWimpy Lesser Runes
21: Ammo_SkullRodHefty Greater Runes
22: Ammo_PhoenixRodWimpy Flame Orb
23: Ammo_PhoenixRodHefty Inferno Orb
54: Ammo_BlasterWimpy Claw Orb
55: Ammo_BlasterHefty Energy Orb

8: Arti_BagOfHolding Bag of Holding
30: Arti_Egg (Torpol's) Morph Ovum
31: Arti_Shield2 Enchanted Shield
32: Arti_HealingComplete Mystic Urn
33: Arti_Torch Torch
34: Arti_FireBomb (Delmintalitar's) Time Bomb of the Ancients
35: Arti_SuperMap Map Scroll
36: Arti_Teleport (Darchala's) Chaos Device
75: Arti_Invisibility Shadowsphere
81: Arti_HealingWimpy Crystal Vial
82: Arti_HealingHefty Quartz Flask
83: Arti_Fly (Inhilcon's) Wings of Wrath
84: Arti_Invulnerability (Valador's) Ring of Invulnerability
85: Arti_Shield1 Silver Shield
86: Arti_TomeOfPower (Tyketto's) Tome of Power

17: Blob_SkullHang70
24: Blob_SkullHang60
25: Blob_SkullHang45
26: Blob_SkullHang35
27: Blob_SerpentTorch
28: Blob_Chandelier
29: Blob_SmallPillar
37: Blob_StalagmiteSmall
38: Blob_StalagmiteLarge
39: Blob_StalactiteSmall
40: Blob_StalactiteLarge
44: Blob_Barrel
47: Blob_BrownPillar
48: Blob_Moss1
49: Blob_Moss2
50: Blob_WallTorch
51: Blob_HangingCorpse
76: Blob_FireBrazier
87: Blob_Volcano
94: Blob_KeyGizmoBlue
95: Blob_KeyGizmoGreen
96: Blob_KeyGizmoYellow

43: GasBagGenerator
2035: GasBag

73: Key_Green
79: Key_Blue
80: Key_Yellow

5: Monster_ImpLeader Fire Gargoyle
6: Monster_Head Iron Lich
7: Monster_Sorcerer ??
9: Monster_Minotaur Maulotaur
15: Monster_Wizard Disciple of D'Sparil
45: Monster_MummyLeader Nitrogolem
46: Monster_MummyLeaderGhost *
56: Monster_SorcererSpot ???? (this doesn't seem to be a monster)
64: Monster_Knight Undead Warrior
65: Monster_KnightGhost *
66: Monster_Imp Gargoyle
68: Monster_Mummy Golem
69: Monster_MummyGhost *
70: Monster_Beast Weredragon
90: Monster_Clink Sabreclaw
92: Monster_Snake Ophidian

1: Player_1_start
2: Player_2_start
3: Player_3_start
4: Player_4_start
11: Player_Deathmatch

41: Sound_E2_Waterfall
42: Sound_E1_Wind
1200: Sound_A2_Scream
1201: Sound_A2_Squish
1202: Sound_A1_Drops
1203: Sound_A1_SlowFootsteps
1204: Sound_A1_Heartbeat
1205: Sound_A1_Bells
1206: Sound_A2_Growl
1207: Sound_A2_Magic
1208: Sound_A1_Laughter
1209: Sound_A1_FastFootsteps

14: TeleportMan
52: TeleportGlitterExit
74: TeleportGlitter

-: - Elvenwand
53: Weapon_Blaster Dragon Claw
2001: Weapon_Crossbow Ethereal Crossbow
2002: Weapon_Mace Firemace
2003: Weapon_Phoenix Phoenix Rod
2004: Weapon_RamSkull Hellstaff
2005: Weapon_Gauntlet Gauntlets of the Necromancer


From: (Raphael Quinet)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 11:42:14 +0100
Subject: Re: New DEU feature suggestions

Jeremy Holland ( wrote, in reply to
> > Maybe the information could be saved in the WAD file somewhere, maybe it
> > could be saved in an external file, maybe it shouldn't be saved - just
> > kept for the current instanciation of the editor.
> This is what I was suggesting before. It would be esp. useful for
> me since me .WAD files tend to have SpFX in them, even if they're
> not major, and it's annoying to get told about these intentional
> "errors." I gather from following this thread that there are two
> ways of saving this information: a new directory entry ("DEUINFO"
> perhaps?) in the .WAD itself or an external file (maybe BOB.DEU to
> go along with BOB.WAD. Or maybe DEUINFO.DAT could hold it for all
> .WAD files in a .WAD-by-.WAD directory or something?) The argument
> against the first was that it could screw up other editors. But I
> don't know many people who use both DEU and something else. I
> think it's preferable to the second because I like to keep the
> number of files to a minimum. But even if the info isn't saved
> this would be a useful feature.
I tought about saving some information about the WAD in a special entry
called "E*M*INFO" or "MAP**INF", for each level. I had a discussion on
this topic some time ago (err... more than six months) with the authors
of other Doom editors, because we wanted to establish a "standard format"
for keeping additional information in the WAD file. We originally wanted
to include some information about authorship, etc.

Well, we somehow dropped the idea and forgot about it. If I remember well,
the last time I was talking with Jason about this, we intended to have some
standard text fields that could be read by all editors. But it would of
course be possible to add some editor-specific binary fields, like a list
of object references, etc. Even this list could be "standardised" for
several editors, although I don't see much point in doing this because each
editor has its own way of checking things (I hope that not all people copied
my code :-).

Adding a new entry like E1M3INFO in a WAD file should not be a problem for
all good editors (but what is a good editor?). For example, DEU will just
display "Adding new entry xxxx" when some unknown entry is found in a PWAD.
No editor should crash with this.

In summary, it would be possible to do this. But the question is: is it
worth the trouble?

> What would be *REALLY* nice to have would be more support for
> adding external files (.WAV, .MID, .GIF) as .WAD objects. i.e.
> click on menu option: "External File" and it brings up a scroll
> list of files and lets you highlight them and then type in what
> directory entry you want them to replace. Built in support for
> DMAUD, DMMUS, and DMGRAPH would then be necessary.
> Well, just musing. If either of these are too big for inclusion in
> DEU 5.3 could they be delayed until DEU 6.0?
This is a feature that I want to add to DEU 5.3. Some people on the DEU
team have been working on filters for including graphics, music and sounds
directly in the WAD file, without having to use any external program.

Well, progress on this topic has been a bit slow lately, but I'm still
hoping to be able to include all these import (and export!) filters in 5.3.
If anybody wants to help us with this, you are welcome (as long as you are
a good programmer). DEU is an open project, so if you have some experience
of the WAV or MIDI formats and you have some spare time, you can drop me a
note. :-)

- -Raphael


Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 11:36:29 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Deep Water

After reading a message about 'deep water' I did some experimenting
of the holidays and this is what I came up with. Feel free to use
these ideas, basically because they look real cool.

To make simple Deep water take a sector which defines the wet area
and call that A. Then define a sector inside this with the same
floor/ceiling height and call this B.

X--------------------X X--------------------X
!A ! !A !
! ! ! X-------------X !
! ! ! !B ! !
! ! --> ! ! ! !
! ! ! X-------------X !
! ! ! !
X--------------------X X--------------------X

Now, on the linedefs which seperate A from B make the sector
reference of all the sidedefs point to B. Now make the floor level
of B slightly lower than the floor level of A. The water surface
will appear at the floor level of A, and when inside sector B the
players feet will stand at the floor level of B.

I have found it is also possible to change the ceiling height of
a corridor full of deep water.

!A !C !
! X--------------------X--------------------X !
! !B !D ! !
! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! !
! X--------------------X--------------------X !
! ! !

By manipulating the sector references make the sectors as follows :

A X**********X----------X B X----------X----------X
* * ! ! ! !
* X-------X-------X ! ! X*******X-------X !
* ! ! ! ! ! * * ! !
* ! ! ! ! ! * * ! !
* X-------X-------X ! ! X*******X-------X !
* * ! ! ! !
X**********X----------X X----------X----------X

C X----------X**********X D X----------X----------X
! * * ! ! !
! X-------X-------X * ! X-------X*******X !
! ! ! ! * ! ! * * !
! ! ! ! * ! ! * * !
! X-------X-------X * ! X-------X*******X !
! * * ! ! !
X----------X**********X X----------X----------X

Where a * means a sidedef which is referenced to that sector. Note
both the sidedefs on the lindefs which seperate A from B are
referenced to B, and both the sidedefs on the linedefs which
seperate C from D are referenced to D.
Now make the ceiling heights of A&B equal and C&D equal, the floor
heights of B&D equal and A&C equal, for exanple :-

Floor height 0 -24 0 -24
Ceiling height 128 128 64 64

Now on the linedefs that seperate A&C and B&D make the upper
texture on BOTH sidedefs be the one you want to see between the
two ceilings.

A Few Notes on Deep Water.
* A depth of 32 units is a bit too much, you get some HOM effects
when you run.

* Sprites (objects, monsters, other playeys) will probably look
very stupid.

* Probably a bad idea to make the sectors movable ie lifts,
crushing ceilings etc.

* If you die in deep water you get some VERY bad HOM so avoid
making the deep water damaging, and possibly avoid giving the
player rockets ?

I belive that you cannot change the depth of the water without
going back to a depth of nothing, but I would love somebody to
prove me wrong, as I would like to do some under water steps.

All these examples have been done on DEU5.21GCC and Doom V1.2, but
they should work on any editor and hopefully on all versions of
Doom, but I have not tested this.

Robin Patenall - 1st year student at surrey university


From: (Robert Fenske Jr)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 07:57:33 CST
Subject: Re: Deep Water

I see someone else has discovered the water feature. Below is a
small WAD file that I posted to this list about 6 mo. ago that demonstrates
this effect quite nicely.

begin 444 swimpool.wad
M4%=!1 L N"0 /\ 0 ' , @ ! /__ @ ! $
M $ __\! 0 @#__P P ! # /__! % 0 0
M& % 8 ! !0 9 8 !P $ & !H !P $ 0 < &P +
M H ! " / H "0 $ ) X "0 ( 0 H #0 ( L
M! "P , P #0 $ 0 !< #0 . 0 !$ %@ . \ !
M $@ 5 \ # $ 3 !0 "T .P \ #T +0 _ $ 00!'4U1/
M3D4Q "T 2@!+ $P +0!F &< : !'4U1/3D4Q "T D0"2
M ), +0"5 )8 EP!'4U1/3D4Q "T T #1 -( +0#4 -4 U@!'4U1/
M3D4Q "T 'P$@ 2$!+0 C 20!)0$M "T @
M &AK+0!R:SL / M "T 10!V 7<!+0!Y 7H!>P$M
M "T ! "+0!: .P'!P M "T :&]S
M92!T+0!T:6]NW $M ( "T $0 ) D0+0#S_S * M
M ( "T +0!R:SL +0!'4D%9- M ( "T
M " /+0#<W / M ( "T @#P +0 #P @$M
M ( "T M +0 @#RT W-PM ( "T -P!
M 0 +0 ",/ M ( "T ! 0 +0 "T ( \M
M ( "T 0 / #<+0 W$!AA$M , "T '1H
M =S<+0 $ M , "T \ (!+0 C " M
M , "T $0#__P +0 ! M , "T C
M#P +0 %" 9 'DM , "T M !$ +0 "T 0 M
M , "T !Q 881+0 "1 #<0$M , "T
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M $ T/Z _] @/_0 ( T/Z *#_H/^X *#_N !@ *#_8 *3_M "D
M_[0 7 %P 8 "H_[ J/^P %@ 8 !8 - H/_0_J#_N " -#^8 "X %P
MH/]< +0 H/^@_Z3_M "H_P J/^P %P !8 8 % P 4 0 < !@
M 8 0 !4 !P 0 < 0"\ H "P @ @ 0 4 %@ @ 0 0 !0
M!0 P 4 0"\ D "@ 0 D 0 !8 ! @ 0 0 4 00 %P 0 < 0
M @ "0 H 0 !< %0 0 < 0"X L " P L 0 T # @ P
M 0 X #0 P T 0 \ #@ X 0 P #P 0 \ 0 !D &P
M0 L $ \ # P \ L &@ @ !L "P 0 L ( X
M#P @ X !H "@ @ $ H & P D T #@ 0 T
M !@ "0 P D $ D " @ H @ &0 0 L P #0 P
M !$ $P 0 , @ < ! P < , $@ !, P
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MM !< *C_ "P > 0!@ *C_4 *C_I/\ +0 7 "H_P M (@ ( "D
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MH/^T 0 H"T *C_ #\_UP H/^@_[0 7 "@_[0 N % & L !< 0 !<
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M1DQ/3U(P7S-&3$%4,3@ /\ /C_@ !&5T%415(Q $9,050Q. _P
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M,3@ /\ R/YX_P4 P 3 !< ' B "P , S #< / !% $@ 3 !/
M %( 50 ( P#__P @ $ < __\ ( ! * L __\ ( ! % D
M"@ , T #P#__P 0 " /__ # /__ & < __\ 8 " + /__ %
M 8 " ) T #@ / /__ ! /__ , __\ __\ __\
M__\ 0#__PP 13%-,0 , "@ %1(24Y'4P %@
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MK@0 . ! !314=3 (X& T 4U-%0U1/4E/"!@ 4 $ $Y/1$53
M $@@ &@ !314-43U)3 'H( " 4D5*14-4 !\" L@ $),



From: (Robert Fenske Jr)
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 95 08:15:00 CST
Subject: Re: sidedef mode again

I have found that the player/deathmatch start stuck problem only
occurs when the sector floor heights differ by more than 24, whcih is the
difference that Robert Forsman suggested yesterday. At first I thought
"why 24?" but then I figured that it must have something to do with the
fact that 24 is the largest difference that a player can step up while
playing. So DOOM must get confused when you start on such a dividing line
and it thinks that no matter which way you try to move you are trying to
step up to the higher sector.
And it looks like you have to start exactly on the dividing line,
even if it's a diagonal one. And at least for horizontal lines, even being
centered on the line does not guarantee that the problem will occur. And
stranger still, the effect is PC-dependent. With the same WAD file, I can
get stuck on one PC and not on another (one is a 486, the other a Pentium;
s-a-a-y....maybe the Pentium has an integer DIV bug as well....)

Robert Fenske, Jr. Sw | The Taming the C*sm*s series:
Electromagnetics Division /R---\ |
Southwest Research Institute | I | | "The Martian canals were the
San Antonio, Texas USA \----/ | Martians' last ditch effort."


From: Brad Spencer <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 10:37:27 -0400
Subject: Re: Heretic Sound???

On Thu, 12 Jan 1995, Anthony Spataro wrote:

> We're talking about screeches and bleeps here, but, fact is, the PC
> speaker is capable of digitized speech. It may sound like crap, but it's
> doable, and better than not being able to hear anything.
Yeah... shame that takes so much CPU time that Doom would slow to a
crawl.. Geez.. buy a soundcard :)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Brad Spencer - Bilbo - - Dalhousie University
"Everybody is Kung-Fu Fragging . . ." Remember... God plays Doom


Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 09:51:33 -0500
Subject: Re: sidedef mode again

If you don't want to see your 'warnings' during the error check, should be
easy enough to add an 'Ignore' option to the errorhandler, to be selected the
first time you see the warning..


From: Robert Forsman <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 10:06:57 EST
Subject: Re: New DEU feature suggestions (Raphael Quinet) ,in message <9501131042.AA2438>, wrote:

> Well, progress on this topic has been a bit slow lately, but I'm still
> hoping to be able to include all these import (and export!) filters in 5.3.

Dude, get 5.3 working, and THEN add in nifty new features. People are dyin
over here.


From: Ed Phillips <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 10:42:31 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: consistency checking

On Fri, 13 Jan 1995, Andrew McNamara wrote:

> > I can see that there should probably be three levels of consistency
> >checks: error, warning, and informational. Errors would be those that crash
> >DOOM; warnings would be those that grossly affect game play or game appearance
> >(like missing textures); informational would be those that don't really affect
> >game play, but may cause effects that are unintended.
> That sounds like a good idea.
> Something else (but I'm not sure how you would implement it) - when a
> warning box pops up (and the offending object is highlighted), give the
> option of saying "This is intentional - don't tell me about this error
> on this object again (until the object is changed)".
> Maybe the information could be saved in the WAD file somewhere, maybe it
> could be saved in an external file, maybe it shouldn't be saved - just
> kept for the current instanciation of the editor.

I've found this annoying in doomcad5 as well. How about an
"in-between" solution... just allow the checking to continue, don't stop
the checking and say "FIX THIS" or something like that. I've found that
doomcad's checking is "a little TOO good", in that you can't even check
the first level of DOOM][ with it because it immediately stops with a
"linedef is too long" message. This is fine, but why not continue on (if
possible) and check more stuff. Some things are not critically wrong
that the wad won't work... so maybe change it to more of a list of
warnings. I like the way doomcad walks you through the problems by the
hand tho'... it's good while I'm still a wad-duffer ;)


/* Ed Phillips University of Delaware */
/* Jr Systems Programmer (302) 831-6082 IT/Network and Systems Services */


From: Ed Phillips <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 1995 10:47:24 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Heretic Sound???

On Fri, 13 Jan 1995, Kram Llens wrote:

> >
> > And besides... I don't think anyone will say, "Gee, I'd love to buy
> > Heretic, but I feel that I'm missing too much of the Heretic environment
> > without those wonderful screeches coming from my PC speaker."
> >
> No, but when i deathmatch, i now play doom, because only one machine
> has a a soundcard ( run the CD ROM of Course.. :) ), and it
> is too unfair if you can't hear when you are being shot. All they
> needed was a clouple of bleeps for when you got hit, and it would
> have been okay. Minus a couple of brownie points ID.

I think it's fine (not great) without sound... the screen turns
and annoying bright RED when you get hit anyway... I don't see how you
can miss it considering it pretty much dominates the screen (almost
annoying in the heat of a battle).

My .02.... :) Ed

/* Ed Phillips University of Delaware */
/* Jr Systems Programmer (302) 831-6082 IT/Network and Systems Services */


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #121

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