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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 173

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #173
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
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doom-editing-digest Wednesday, 22 February 1995 Volume 01 : Number 173

Re: Fwd: The "WAD" - Here we go!
Re: RCPT: Re: id-ea
Re: id-ea
Re: id-ea
Re: Little editor problem...
Re: id-ea
Re: id-ea
Re: DEU 5.3 Beta
Re: id-ea
Re: editor comparison/3D preview
Re: "The WAD" Doom2 only?
List of utility authors.
Re: id-ea
Re: id-ea
Re: The Wad - Here we go!
Re: Little editor problem...
Re: id-ea
That damn RCPT thing
Re: That WAD thang...


From: Bill Bessette <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 08:25:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Fwd: The "WAD" - Here we go!

On Tue, 21 Feb 1995 wrote:

> For those who aren't included in the list above so far and want to join up!
> Please post it on the list or send mail to one of the above!! The more input
> the better!!

Count me in, I'd love to do a level for the project.

(author, Nemo.wad)

| William Bessette |"The most merciful thing in the world, |
| Systems Analyst | I think, is the inability of the human |
| New York, NY | mind to correlate all its contents." |
| | |


From: Chainsaw Jim <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 07:48:58 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: RCPT: Re: id-ea

> Confirmation of reading: your message -
> Date: 21 Feb 95 9:30
> To:
> Subject: Re: id-ea
> Was read at 12:09, 21 Feb 95.

Try to not send confirmations to mailing lists.


From: <>
Date: 21 Feb 1995 14:09:14 GMT
Subject: Re: id-ea

> >I think the IWAD project should be designed for Heretic since it provides
> >more possibilities for DM play (eg - items, flight, powered-up weapons,
> >look-up/down, etc.) IMO. What does everyone else think?

A while ago I started to write DFH: DOOM for Heretic, which was a
HHE patch and a PWAD with lotsa sprites to do exactly what you
suggested. I gave up, though, because a lot of the monsters can't
be duplicated. There is nothing in Heretic that duplicates an
Archvile's attack or the Revenant's heat-seeking missiles. (I know
YOU have heat seekers, but no monster does) For that matter, there
is nothing in Heretic that shoots a gun. Everything either has
close attacks (Like a Sabreclaw) of fires projectiles. You could
replace the textures to make it look like DOOM, but you'd have to
be content to settle for Heretic monsters, I'm afraid.


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Don't talk of love, well, I've heard the word before.
It's sleeping in my memory;
I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died.
If I never loved, I never would have cried.
I am a rock, I am an island. Simon & Garfunkel

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Jeremy Holland
Case Western Reserve University

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


From: (Dave Clough)
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 07:34:39 PST
Subject: Re: id-ea

> > I think the IWAD project should be designed for Heretic since it provides
> more possibilities for DM play (eg - items, flight, powered-up weapons,
> look-up/down, etc.) IMO. What does everyone else think?

I don`t think Heretic has the visceral appeal of DOOM. We play some form
of network game at work every day at lunch; we've tried DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic,
ROTT, Descent, etc., but we always come back to DOOM II. Nothing else comes
close to the edge-of-your-seat intensity that it offers. Perhaps because of
its simplicity (i.e. no look up/down, chaos weapons, etc) or perhaps because
of its play-by-the-seat-of-your-pants nature. I don't know. I just know
that for 4-player DM, nothing comes close to DOOM II.

Dave Clough


From: "Jason Hoffoss" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 11:34:02 CST
Subject: Re: Little editor problem...

On Sat, 18 Feb 1995 22:19:46 -0500,
Colin Pascal <> wrote:

>Here are my problems:
>- I was making a map in DoomEd, but I can't save it in playable mode
>because it says one of my sectors isn't complete (But I checked ALL of
>them, and they are.), and when I just reguraly save it, DCK can't load it.
>(It usualyl can, and it magically solves all my problems.) What would
>anyone suggest I do?

I don't think DCK likes to load DMapEdit saved maps either. I'm not quite
sure why. Lacking a little flexibility here, though. DMapEdit should be
able to load your map, though. Give it a try, and run the error checkers
on it. If your sectors aren't complete (open polygon?), it will detect it
and point out where the problem is by marking the vertexes that don't
complete the path.

>- In DCK, I can't get it to fine mode. I can only place vertexes and
>things on the vertexes of the grid, and it's really annoying. Using the
>"'" key, as the key help says...

Maybe it's the "`" key instead of "'". Only a guess, though. I think "'"
would probably be better, actually.




From: "Jason Hoffoss" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 11:34:16 CST
Subject: Re: id-ea

On Sun, 19 Feb 1995 01:40:09 -0500 (CDT),
ulasieben <l-sieben@MEMPHIS.EDU> wrote:

>>>Hi You all,
>>> I'd like to propose the idea of a Doom-editing list IWAD, ive a bunch 0
>>>of levels that work best with human style enemies, based on the idea of a
>>>small town with random(ish) insertions of enemies.
>>> If a bunch of us got together and pooled our skills we could build a
>>> 32 new levels.
>>> 20 new enemies (make the beasts thinner and faster and smarter?)
>>> all new graphics
>>> a new strategic/tactical theme
>>>Do i hear a seconder, im willing to take the work to edit this, and be
>>>the group coordinator.
>>I would be very interested in such a project. I am currently working on just
>>such a project. If you need some good levels or input please mail me.
>> Thanks
>>Tom (Clock Paradox)
> Yeah me too. I got a few levels you might be able to use. This is gonna be a
>kick-ass project! Anyone else interested?
> -- Evil Genius

Ya, me too. :) I'll take a stab at some new textures too.



From: "Jason Hoffoss" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 11:33:04 CST
Subject: Re: id-ea

On Sun, 19 Feb 1995 10:55:38 -0500 (CDT),
ulasieben <l-sieben@MEMPHIS.EDU> wrote:

>>> Hi You all,
>>> I'd like to propose the idea of a Doom-editing list IWAD, ive a bunch
>>> of levels that work best with human style enemies, based on the idea of a
>>> small town with random(ish) insertions of enemies.
>>> If a bunch of us got together and pooled our skills we could build a
>>> 32 new levels.
>>> 20 new enemies (make the beasts thinner and faster and smarter?)
>>> all new graphics
>>> a new strategic/tactical theme
>>> Do i hear a seconder, im willing to take the work to edit this, and be
>>> the group coordinator.
>>> -billy
>>I'm in!
>>------------------< Ian Springer (Rutgers College '98) >---------------------
>> (general) (computer science)
>> (USACS) (honors program)
>>---------------------< >-----------------------
> It's nice to see such a nice response. Well, someone needs to get
>together all the
>names and addresses of people wanting to do the project, and what they will
>do. For
>example, I'll do levels, maybe someone else can draw/scan grafix, etc...
>Those involved
>also need to elect a coordinator for the project, to provide lead
>leadership, etc...
>We also need a forum appropriate for discussion of this project:
>doom-editing really
>isn't. Perhaps a new listserv? Dunno. Anyway, hope we can get this project
> -- Evil Genius (Jimmy Sieben)

Why not? doom-editing seems like the right place for it, since that's
exactly what's happening, isn't it? If we have it open to any on this
mailing list that wants to contribute, we have a lot more
ideas/maps/textures/whatever available for it. If it gets too out of hand
or whatever, then we'd have to worry about moving it somewhere else. But
for now, here's not a bad idea. People could learn more about doom
editing this way. We would need coordinators and quality controllers
though. Coordinators would take all the submited stuff and organize it
all into the project. Quality controllers could evaluate it and say 'na,
that sucks' and throw it all out the window. :) But seriously.. We'd
need I guess a coordinator for each map, and a sequence coordinator. The
sequence coordinator would make sure the maps in his/her area are
cohesive. How about that?



From: "Jason Hoffoss" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 11:34:33 CST
Subject: Re: DEU 5.3 Beta

On Sun, 19 Feb 1995 12:34:53 GMT,
Steve McCrea <> wrote:

>Jason Hoffoss wrote:
>> On Fri, 17 Feb 1995, Steve McCrea wrote:
>> > David Damerell wrote:
>> > >
>> > > Again, this is a group select and edit.
>> > >
>> > You can't group select a line and a sector, can you?
>> Sure, why not? I think DEU converted what you had marked over to the new
>> editing mode, so that's only kinda half multi-mode marking.
>As far as setting tags goes, though, in DEU you'd have to go to line mode,
>mark the trigger line, then go to sector mode, and mark the (possibly
>totally unconnected) sector(s). Not a big deal, but still.

Well, you are thinking old DEU as well. No telling what is to come
really. I have put it into DMapEdit using 'Alt-T'. You just hilight
whatever line or sector you want to tie, press 'Alt-T', and select an
object from the other mode to link them together. If neither had a
trigger id (tag), then it creates a new one and give it to both. I don't
think marking all the objects and linking them at once is really a good
way to do it personally.

>> > heights change, lines change from 2s to Im, and so on. I must say the sector
>> > heights change thing should be an option - otherwise it could apply the
>> > wrong texture and it would take a playthrough to notice...
>> Hmm, but wouldn't a wrong texture be better than no texture? No texture
>> would definately be wrong. At least I think anyway. :)
>I like to put the right texture down quickly. Knowing (by running the error
>checker) that there is no texture there means that I haven't chosen a
>texture yet.

I'm going to redue this then. I'll utilize the lower and upper textures
of the default sidedef. Put in '-' there if you want it to stay '-'.

>> Two way grid sizing control then. Btw, in DMapEdit, if you are zoomed
>> out enough that the grid lines are less than 4 pixils apart, it will only
>> draw even other line, every fourth line, etc, whatever it takes to make
>> sure they aren't closer than 4 pixils. Having to wait as it draws a
>> solid grey mass that's supposed to be a grid is a real drag. Any other
>> editors out there that don't do this may want to start.
>I don't really like this feature. For my money, it would almost be better
>if you weren't allowed to zoom out until you'd reduced the grid intensity.
>That way you know what the grid means, at least. I don't like DMapEdit's
>grid at all - the dotted lines confuse me too much.

Fair enough. I've made some changes, and the grid is drawn in red now if
you zoom out too far that it can't draw all the lines. Also, you can
select solid lines, dotted lines, or points for the grid now in the ini
file. See how it pays to suggest ideas? :)




From: Ian Springer <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 11:37:46 EST
Subject: Re: id-ea

> > From: Kram Llens <>
> >
> > > Unless you made it for Doom II, since there was no shareware version.
> > Good Idea
> > >
> Hmmmm.... This is risky - can we be sure that all those who got Doom could
> afford Doom II also (answer = no - I for one couldn't, and turned down the
> offer of a pirate). I suppose since we are starting more or less from scratch
> we could design levels for Doom I, and convert, but we'd never get to see the
> final thing!
> Besides - unless I'm very much mistaken, simply putting a weapon#6, or a
> monster based on a caco causes SW doom to cough, splutter and die...
> Byeeeee,
> Bob.

if you can't afford Doom2, I guess that leaves you out in the cold..."the
WAD" must definitely be designed for Doom2 simply because of the improved
engine, the super-shotgun, and the 32-map start saving up....

- ------------------< Ian Springer (Rutgers College '98) >--------------------- (general) (computer science) (USACS) (honors program)
- ---------------------< >-----------------------


From: "Jason Hoffoss" <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 11:58:27 CST
Subject: Re: editor comparison/3D preview

On Mon, 20 Feb 1995 10:00:48 +0100,
Bernd Kreimeier <> wrote:

>Jason wrote:
>> More like the Descent automap, or something you'd see in
>> AutoCad. That's 3D preview. Walkthrough is actually walking
>> around
>> through the map like you would in Doom. What's everyone think?
>That's an accurate choice of names. BTW, a "walkthrough" might
>or might not handle the map changes due to raising stairs, doors,
>elevators ...
>> Btw, my 3D preview will use a BSP tree if available. :)
>You'll have to do your own 3D BSP, then. The Descent automap
>has a PoV "outside" the map, and I'm not sure the DOOM BSP
>will provide any useful information, as there at lots of
>places outside that aren't inside any node's bounding box.
>In addition, if you want 3 DoMovement/3 DoView like Descent,
>you'll need a 3D BSP anyway. And you will have to assign
>some "outside" textures/colors for 1S walls, floors and
>ceilings. Don't know about any wireframe with hlhsr... Don't
>know if any BSP of the "outside" is useful if you are
>"flying" trough a wall and need the "inside", will have to
>look at this.

Well, let me clear this up. DMapEdit already has 3D preview working, and
it already uses the BSP tree, same one that Doom uses. It a 3D previewer,
and not a walkthrougher. It doesn't need to be a 3D BSP, though. Id was
nice enough to make all walls vertical (z-axis parallel), so a 2D BSP
works great. My previewer looks a lot like the Descent automap, in
wireframe mode. There are several other modes, though, as well. Texture
mapping is comming. I have some theory to work with now, so I just need
to formulate it into a plan now, and need some more time. :)



From: Bernd Kreimeier <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 18:14:57 +0100
Subject: Re: "The WAD" Doom2 only?

>if you can't afford Doom2, I guess that leaves you out in the cold..."the
>WAD" must definitely be designed for Doom2 simply because of the improved
>engine, the super-shotgun, and the 32-map start saving up....

Sure? Nope.

I definitely doubt there is any difference between the DOOM.EXE
shareware & registered and the DOOM2.EXE. There hasn't been any
difference up to 1.7 (haven't looked at 1.9 ...).

Now, all you have to do is providing any WAD file (even a nearly empty
one will do) named doom2.wad, right. If any doom2.wad is present,
DOOM.EXE as well as DOOM2.EXE will ignore doom1.wad and doom.wad.

BUT you have to make sure your "The WAD" PWAD/IWAD includes *all*
resources required by your maps (you are using a Doom2 monster, you'll
have to provide the sprites and sounds according to the thing/sound
tables, either dehacked or original). And there are some lumps
you'll need anyway, even if you aren't using them, as the EXE checks
for those lumps to determine wether there *is* a DOOM2 IWAD, or only
a renamed shareware IWAD.

Now if "The WAD" is going to replace any DOOM2 lump with something
new, it will work for DOOM2.EXE as well as DOOM.EXE. Unfortunately
it will work with the shareware version as well, as long as you don't
find something that's present in DOOM2.WAD and DOOM.WAD both, but
missing in DOOM1.WAD... now here's the real problem.



From: Jens Hedegaard Hykkelbjerg <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 18:30:36 +0100 (MET)
Subject: List of utility authors.

I'm making a list of utility authors for the WWW.
My current page can be seen in

If you have any additions or comments for the page please mail to me.
(see the .sig at the end for my address)
I'm sure the readers of this list will appreciate it if you
mail to me instead of the entire list!

If you are the author of some utility, and wants to be added to the list
just send the following information to me:

1. subject: Utility author list
2. NAME of your utility
3. FILENAME of the utility
4. Your own name
5. Your E-mail address
6. Small description so I know what it's all about

Some of the information on the page might be incomplete or incorrect.
If you can help me with this please mail.

Kind regards,
Jens Hykkelbjerg

- --
Jens Hykkelbjerg | "Civilisation began with the felling
Aarhus Universitet | of the first tree; and, it will end
Email: | with the felling of the last."


From: Ian Springer <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 12:57:28 EST
Subject: Re: id-ea

> On Tue, 21 Feb 1995, Shriker wrote:
> > On Tue, 21 Feb 95 1:05:40 EST Ian Springer said:
> > >
> >
> > <<snip>>
> >
> > >I think the IWAD project should be designed for Heretic since it provides
> > >more possibilities for DM play (eg - items, flight, powered-up weapons,
> > >look-up/down, etc.) IMO. What does everyone else think?
> > >
> > >
> > >------------------< Ian Springer (Rutgers College '98) >---------------------
> > > (general) (computer science)
> > > (USACS) (honors program)
> > >---------------------< >-----------------------
> >
> >From initial playing of Heretic for Deathmatch, it doesn't seem as good
> as Doom. So designing levels for that might be a waste of time. Of course
> this is just my opinion, maybe i've just got so used to playing Doom in
> DM that nothing else seems that good, or maybe because the Heretic levels
> just aren't that good for DM play and need some specifically designed
> levels......
> Although the ability to fly in Heretic is COOL for DM.

the only good DM level that comes with Heretic is E1M1, but there are a few
fun PWAD's has more potential than Doom, and technically it could be
made to look just like Doom.

- ------------------< Ian Springer (Rutgers College '98) >--------------------- (general) (computer science) (USACS) (honors program)
- ---------------------< >-----------------------


From: <>
Date: 21 Feb 1995 19:50:36 GMT
Subject: Re: id-ea

> "the WAD" must definitely be designed for Doom2 simply because of
> the improved engine, the super-shotgun, and the 32-map
> start saving up....

Yes, you also forgot the much higher number of monsters with
original attack forms, and the alternate way of exiting a level
(killing JR's-head-on-a-stick).

Also I think there are more textures (not sure about this) and the
ones they have more closely approximate real life, so we'd have to
change less, since most of the talk seems to be based on designing
THE WAD around something on Earth. I think THE WAD could have 3
missions like in DOOM I, but I agree that the 32-level format along
with the intermission screens (which of course would have to be
rewritten with DeHackEd) will provide more continuity. DOOM ][ as
it stands had "sub-missions" (starbase, earth, and hell) but the
game flows more smoothly IMHO than DOOM I.

Just my Sqrt(4) cents.

- -j the math major

//\\ @@@@@@
///\\\ REMEMBER: @@@@@@@@@@
///||\\\ @@@@@@@@@@@@
////||\\\\ Only YOU can prevent @|@|@@|@|@|@
/////||\\\\\ forest fires! @|@@|@@@|@
/////||\\\\\ ||@@||
//////||\\\\\\ ||
///////||\\\\\\\ ||
|| Jeremy Holland: ||


From: l-sieben@MEMPHIS.EDU (ulasieben)
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 16:18:14 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: The Wad - Here we go!

What's going on here?!? Another message deleted.
Is anyone else having this problem, or is it just
my crappy server? Either way, please repost. Thanx.
-- Evil Genius (Jimmy Sieben)


From: (Ben Morris)
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 95 14:41 PST
Subject: Re: Little editor problem...

> I don't think DCK likes to load DMapEdit saved maps either. I'm not quite
> sure why. Lacking a little flexibility here, though. DMapEdit should be
> able to load your map, though. Give it a try, and run the error checkers
> on it. If your sectors aren't complete (open polygon?), it will detect it
> and point out where the problem is by marking the vertexes that don't
> complete the path.

I've never had problems loading maps into DCK that were made with DMapEdit
OR DoomEd. What kind of problem was (the original author) having?

> Maybe it's the "`" key instead of "'". Only a guess, though. I think "'"
> would probably be better, actually.

Well, not really. Left hand on the keyboard, right hand on the mouse.
I've tried to cluster most of the action keys toward the left of the
keyboard, so it's easy to get at them. The "close single quote" is on the
right side, so it's not as easy to get to.

I don't see that it relates to "fine mode" in any way better than `,
either :)

- - Ben

- ---------------------------------------------- * --------------------
the felix of your truth will always break it / Ben Morris
and the iris of your eye always shake it / ..your typical CN
- -- "Iris" / Live -------------------------- / -----------------------
revel in your perception *


From: Enigma <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 15:12:42 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: id-ea

> On this topic, is there an easy way to change those very
> annoying times for completion of levels.

If this is a big enough project, we can get id to compile a new .exe just
for us. After all, we're John's little friends from the internet!


From: Mark York <MYORK@FS8HOST>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 17:18:27 -0600 (CST)
Subject: That damn RCPT thing

I sorry about that folks. I have no idea how it was turned on. Could
some of you send me mail & tell me how many of these things you got?
I need to figure out how it happend.
Again, I'm very sorry.


From: Enigma <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 1995 15:17:48 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: That WAD thang...

> AFAICT, the following things need to be done:
> 1. Decide on theme, level types, overall stuff
> 2. Get textures developed (we gotta know what new textures there are
> before we can do new levels)
> 3. Farm out levels, preferably 1 or 2 to a person. These can all be
> done simultaneously (pretty much), along with...
> 4. New monsters/sprites. And a DeHackEd patch (if any).
> 5. Playtest extensively, and release!

* Anyone for continuing the hell theme? I kind of like it!
* Textures.. We need someone with a scanner and an artist's touch.
* Levels.. Hmm. We should farm them out after we've decided on their
content. We should know exactly what each one should be before we tell
people to make them. One more thing: we should all agree on a maximum
complexity/level size -- we don't want to shun those DX33-ers (like me).
* New monsters and sprites should be the last step before testing. I
think the monsters that came with DOOM are the best.. IMHO though.

Finally, I think this is fantastic. For the first time in a long time
there is the feeling of pioneering something -- the group has meaning!
Thanks everybody!


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #173

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