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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 036

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Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #36
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Thursday, 3 November 1994 Volume 01 : Number 036

Re: doom-editing-digest V1 #29
Doom 2 Lindef, Sector List Please
Problem with a window
Re: Node building
Need Help On Switches zipfile errors?
Re: Problem with a window
Re: Problem with a window
Re: Need Help On Switches
Editing Basics Filtering Service
Screen shots of DEU 5.3
Re: zipfile errors?
Re: Heretic shit
Re: doom-editing-digest V1 #29
Re: Need Help On Switches
Re: Problem with a window
Re: doom-editing-digest V1 #29
Re: Need Help On Switches
Re: doom-editing-digest V1 #29
Re: Problem with a window


From: Enigma <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 1994 17:28:05 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: doom-editing-digest V1 #29

> Pretty soon, you'll all have a new game to WAD-Edit! HERETIC is getting ready
> for a Dec. 1st release and it contains the same DOOM level structure (although
> I think there's an extra field in the sector info to tell how deep water is...)

My birthday is on December 3... Who do I call for a copy?


From: Enigma <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 1994 18:16:26 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Doom 2 Lindef, Sector List Please

I was wondering if someone would be so kind as to send me a copy of the
latest lindef list (in some kind of Awkable format) for Doom 2. Thanks.

Doom. It's not just a game, it's a cool way of seeing others die!
TTUL... enigma <>


From: "Ted Fidder, AT&T - Bell Labs, Denver" <>
Date: Wed, 2 Nov 1994 15:48:28 -0700
Subject: Problem with a window

Question on why monsters will NOT shoot through a window.

I have a wad (of basically an office building) where the
player walks down a long hall by a bank of windows. The windows
look out to a court yard where a bunch of baddies live (I have
tried all types). The problem is I can't seem to get the
monsters to shoot into the building. The details are:

Ceiling of courtyard: 0-floor/256-ceiling (F_sky)
Ceiling of building: 0-floor/128-ceiling
Window: 26-floor/110-ceiling/16 wide
Hallway: is ~80 wide

The frustrating part is that this did seem to work once. I am using
doomed26b and have check/re-checked the windows
to make sure the texture/charateristics are correct and even
attempted to redue them from scratch.

What am I doing wrong ?

- --
- -------------------------------------------------
Ted Fidder
( (303)-538-5106
AT&T Bell Labs
Room 1D-30
11900 Pecos Street
Denver, Colorado 80234


From: "Scott D. Webster" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 00:09:31 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Node building

On Sun, 30 Oct 1994 wrote:

> Sure, I'll download it. And BTW, as far as node-builders go I've had no
> problems at all with BSP1.2x. Of course you need floating point support
> for it but it's never wronged me. Anyways, I'll DL and take a look at it
> along with anyone else who wishes to. Just put 'scott test 1' in the
> subject or something like that to make us recognize it.
> Steve H.B.

It's in alt.binaries.doom as problem.wad [0/1] & [1/1]

Scott D. Webster Junior, Computer Science - William Paterson College ?????????????????????????????????????????? ?? How many wigs would a whizzywig whiz ??
?? if a whizzywig could whiz wigs? ??


Date: Thu, 03 Nov 1994 01:26:22 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Need Help On Switches

Hi All,
Can someone tell me how to construct a switch that opens up a door?
I've read through a number of editing text files, and none of them have much
of any info on switch building. I've tried making them through trial and error,but even though they work, it makes the .WAD unstable. I don't get HOL's or
anything, I just get missing texture errors about 20 percent of the time during
startup. The other 80 percent of the time the game run clean. If anyone can
help I'd appreciate it.

David Wing


Date: Wed, 02 Nov 1994 22:35:29 -0800 (PST)
Subject: zipfile errors?

Just downloaded Dehacked 2.1. It seems to work fine, but despite two
seperate tries, I got errors when unzipping it. Anyone else have
troubles that resulted from this?

What an upscale form the first version, though!

I'm going to go make myself into a Archvile now...

- --------------------------------------------------
- -Big Johnson- <>


From: "D.J.S. Damerell" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 09:11:36 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: Problem with a window

As regards the monsters not shooting, are you using a bad reject resource
builder? That might be it.

David Damerell, GCV Sauricon. RL: Trinity, Cambridge
WOODHAL2.WAD on infant2. CUWoCS President. METLMAZE.WAD sometime soonish.
|___| All people's aims are unreachable, and their struggles futile. |___|
| | | When you see this true of your own aims, life becomes a vacuum. | | |


From: (Steve Benner)
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 94 10:23:14 GMT
Subject: Re: Problem with a window

>Question on why monsters will NOT shoot through a window.
>I have a wad (of basically an office building) where the
>player walks down a long hall by a bank of windows. The windows
>look out to a court yard where a bunch of baddies live (I have
>tried all types). The problem is I can't seem to get the
>monsters to shoot into the building.

> The details are:
> Ceiling of courtyard: 0-floor/256-ceiling (F_sky)
> Ceiling of building: 0-floor/128-ceiling
> Window: 26-floor/110-ceiling/16 wide
> Hallway: is ~80 wide

Do they shoot, or do they just miss?
If they don't shoot, check you haven't set a REJECT somehow (but if this
were the case they wouldn't see you either and so wouldn't wake up till you
if they just miss (firing too low, I'd guess) try raising either the hall
or the courtyard floor or lowering the window floor.

If you can't sort it, send me the WAD UUencoded and I'll look at it.

- -Steve


From: (Steve Benner)
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 94 10:27:26 GMT
Subject: Re: Need Help On Switches

> Hi All,
> Can someone tell me how to construct a switch that opens up a door?


Don't waste bandwidth flaming this guy, folks: I've done it privately!!

- -Steve


From: (Steve Benner)
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 94 11:36:44 GMT
Subject: Editing Basics Filtering Service

First, a reminder:

>This is the DOOM Editing Mailing List
>The purpose of this list is the discussion of *advanced* DOOM editing
>techniques. If you don't know what a sector or a reject is, this isn't
>the place to ask. Please be sure to read the following reference
>sources _before_ asking questions here:
>Tom Holmes
>DOOM-Editing Mailing List

I know that I've encouraged beginners to write up to this list in the past,
'cos their "silly" questions have often triggered some rather useful and
informative debate for (most) of the rest of the list. But even I think
they're getting out of hand, now. But before this starts to just sound
like a moan, I want to offer a solution: I'm prepared to offer a message
filtering service as follows:-

Any-one on the doom-editing list that has what may be best described as a
query about basic details of WAD editing (which this list would not want to
bother itself with) can mail that query in the first instance to me at I will then either answer the query or, if I
consider that it may be of interest to the list, I'll forward it. I offer
this as a potential red-face saving and list-annoyance abatement service.
I do not want to be inundated with queries about how to use such and such
an editor, or to field questions about what id may or may not be doing.
But then, neither does this list! Hopefully, this will then allow the list
to service the needs of both beginner and advanced wad designers: the
beginners can listen in to all the high-powered stuff but still have
somewhere to mail their weanie queries. Naturally, I reserve the right to
pull the plug on this service if it becomes too onerous (I do have real
work to do, despite appearances!)

I hope that the list will welcome this offer and that it will head off the
flame war that I can see brewing.

- -Steve


From: (Raphael Quinet)
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 12:48:48 +0100
Subject: Screen shots of DEU 5.3

Hello there!

Since there have been several requests for preview pictures of DEU 5.3,
I posted 5 GIF images on alt.binaries.doom. These screen shots were
taken by Ted Vessenes in PCX format and I converted them. Both versions
(GIF and PCX) are available on my ftp server (
in /pub/doom/deu/demo.

Lots of thanks to Ted, because he did nearly everything for the new
user interface. DEU 5.3 will be released "soon" (I know, you heard
that before, but that's all I can say for now).

Hmmm... I'm thinking about HEU now. :-)

- -Raphael
| Finger: finger for some useless info. |
| Mosaic: (under construction) |
| E-mail: or |
| S-mail: Raphael Quinet, 9 rue des Martyrs, 4550 Nandrin (Belgium) |
| or: Raphael Quinet, Kapuzinergraben 2, 52062 Aachen (Germany) |
| --* Send your questions about DEU to: *-- |


From: Gregory Alan Lewis <>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 10:16:21 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: zipfile errors?

> Just downloaded Dehacked 2.1. It seems to work fine, but despite two
> seperate tries, I got errors when unzipping it. Anyone else have
> troubles that resulted from this?

From the info someone else sent me, it looks like only the dehacked.hlp
file is corrupted (and I don't know how badly that one is). I will
likely put a non-corrupted version up as soon as I can, just to avoid all
the complaints...

Greg ("Tree")
Author, DeHackEd


From: Robert Forsman <>
Date: Thu, 03 Nov 1994 10:49:54 EST
Subject: Re: Heretic shit

Shades of quake :)

We can speculate all day (I can think of 3 different setups) but unless
you have the source code you are talking out your ass.


From: (Matt Tagliaferri)
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 94 09:54:00 -0500
Subject: Re: doom-editing-digest V1 #29

Is this an id product? Or id licensed technology?

- -> Pretty soon, you'll all have a new game to WAD-Edit! HERETIC is
- -> getting ready
- -> for a Dec. 1st release and it contains the same DOOM level structure
- -> (although
- -> I think there's an extra field in the sector info to tell how deep
- -> water is...)


From: (Gordon Mulcaster)
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 09:04:54 -0800
Subject: Re: Need Help On Switches writes:

> Can someone tell me how to construct a switch that opens up a door?
>I've read through a number of editing text files, and none of them have much
>of any info on switch building.

From DEU Primer: Doom Map Concepts

Doors & Windows

Doors and windows are easy to make, they are simply separate sectors
adjoining two other sectors. Normally a window is made by placing a thin
sector between two "room" sectors and setting the ceiling lower and the
floor higher then the adjoining sectors. If the floor is more than 24
higher the player can't cross it. The floor, ceiling and walls of the
window sector become the window sills. A window can be made with a lower
sill by flagging the two sided linedefs impassible--note you and the
monsters can still shoot through it.
A door is generally made from three thin adjoining sectors, with the
first and last sectors adjoining two "room" sectors. The two sided linedefs
of the center sector are flagged as doors and have their side1s facing
outwards. The door graphic is attached to the upper texture and the normal
textures are left blank. The ceiling height is set equal to the floor
height. When the door is raised, the ceiling rises to 8 lower then the
lowest adjacent ceiling. The upper texture slides up into the ceiling
revealing the blank (or clear) normal textures.
The other two sectors are the door jams, normally they are given lower
ceilings than the adjacent rooms. If you don't use a door jam, the door
graphic slides right up the wall all the way to the ceiling and looks
goofy, note this can be use purposely for F/X.

Window Door
+-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
| 1 | | 2 | | 1 | | 2 |
| +---+ | | +----+---+----+ |
| | | | | | | | | |
| | 3 | | | | 3 A| 5 |B 4 | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| +---+ | | +----+---+----+ |
| | | | | | | |
+-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+
Sector 3 is the Sector 5 is the door,
Window. 3 and 4 are the door jams


Each linedef can have a trigger associated with it, a trigger will allow
the linedef to operate a door, raise or lower an elevator, change light
levels, and other actions. Triggers are operated in one of three ways,
either with a switch (hitting the space bar), by walking across the
linedef, or by shooting it. Triggers activated by a switch or gun fire can
only be activated on their side1. Shooting or switching side2 of a linedef
has no effect. Triggers activated by walking across them are activated when
crossed in either direction. Triggers generally cannot activated by
The action triggered by a linedef does not affect the linedef, it
affects a sector. The effect is determined by the linedef type of the
associated linedef. The sector does not have to be bounded by that linedef,
it can be in a completely different area on the map. A trigger cannot
affect a sector on a different map.
Each linedef has a sector tag and each sector has a lindef tag. Most
sectors and linedefs are not part of a trigger, these will normally be left
with linedef and sector tags of zero. In order for a trigger associated
with a particular linedef to effect a particular sector, these two numbers
must be set to the same value. The actual value is not important, it is
only important that they be the same. In normal practice they are numbered
sequentially with the first trigger set up set to one, and the second to
two, etc.
Doom keeps track of which linedef is which, and which sector is which by
numbering them. The sector tag and linedef tag numbers have nothing to do
with these numbers. When a trigger is activated, Doom looks at the map and
applies the effect to every sector who's linedef tag matches the trigger's
sector tag. More than one trigger can affect a single sector, each can have
a different effect (one switch can raise an elevator, and a second can
lower it). One trigger can also affect more than a single sector (one
trigger can lower the lights in two, or more, sectors).
Door triggers do not operate the same as other triggers. Door triggers
ignore the linedef and sector tags. When a door trigger is activated it
effects the sector bounded by side2 of the linedef. Monsters can operate
normal doors, they cannot operate keyed doors. Remote control doors can be
made using the regular triggers.

"How can I be wrong? I have a badge!" -- Groo

Gordon_Mulcaster@mindlink.BC.CA -or- a7902@mindlink.BC.CA


From: (Gordon Mulcaster)
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 09:04:49 -0800
Subject: Re: Problem with a window

Ted Fidder, AT&T - Bell Labs, Denver <> writes

>Question on why monsters will NOT shoot through a window.

What are you using for glass? Are the 2 sided lindefs for your window
sectors flagged two sided and passable? Are you sure that there are not 2
linedefs with the blocks sound flag set?

Does doomed26b build a reject map? If so it may be stopping the monsters
outside from knowing about what's going on inside...

"How can I be wrong? I have a badge!" -- Groo

Gordon_Mulcaster@mindlink.BC.CA -or- a7902@mindlink.BC.CA


From: Dan Cormack <>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 10:43:32 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: doom-editing-digest V1 #29

On Wed, 2 Nov 1994, John Romero wrote:

> Pretty soon, you'll all have a new game to WAD-Edit! HERETIC is getting ready
> for a Dec. 1st release and it contains the same DOOM level structure (although
> I think there's an extra field in the sector info to tell how deep water is...)

Hey John! Are you going to be sending review copies to the Magazine
editors again? That way the asshole pirates can get copies of it before
the rest of us... 8-)

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dan Cormack Internet

DeathMatch.. The Ultimate Experience. WaD_MaN --> IRC
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


From: Dan Cormack <>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 10:40:33 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: Need Help On Switches

On Thu, 3 Nov 1994 wrote:

> Hi All,
> Can someone tell me how to construct a switch that opens up a door?
> I've read through a number of editing text files, and none of them have much
> of any info on switch building. I've tried making them through trial and error,but even though they work, it makes the .WAD unstable. I don't get HOL's or
> anything, I just get missing texture errors about 20 percent of the time during
> startup. The other 80 percent of the time the game run clean. If anyone can
> help I'd appreciate it.
If you have a look at either of my Doom ][ PWADS ( or you'll see that I have a switch to open a door which in
both cases leads to a plasma gun... You just need to use the proper
switch and tag the sector with the appropriate number.. Have a look at
them and enjoy.. Both are available on infant2...

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Dan Cormack Internet

DeathMatch.. The Ultimate Experience. WaD_MaN --> IRC
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


From: (Phil Stracchino -- The Renaissance Man)
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 11:10:39 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: doom-editing-digest V1 #29

> On Wed, 2 Nov 1994, John Romero wrote:

> > Pretty soon, you'll all have a new game to WAD-Edit! HERETIC is getting ready
> > for a Dec. 1st release and it contains the same DOOM level structure (although
> > I think there's an extra field in the sector info to tell how deep water is...)
> >

> Hey John! Are you going to be sending review copies to the Magazine
> editors again? That way the asshole pirates can get copies of it before
> the rest of us... 8-)

How about sending the gaming magazine editors review copies with
individual serial numbers buried somewhere in the WAD or the executable?
Then if it gets pirated, we'll all know WHO leaked it............ and
can take appropriate action.

- --
==== Phil Stracchino ==== Santa Clara County Liberty Brigade ====

"They that can give up an essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety".
- Benjamin Franklin (1759)

===== Finger for PGP public key and key fingerprint =====


From: "Ted Fidder, AT&T - Bell Labs, Denver" <>
Date: Thu, 3 Nov 1994 12:41:55 -0700
Subject: Re: Problem with a window

On Nov 3, 10:23am, Steve Benner wrote:
} Subject: Re: Problem with a window
} >Question on why monsters will NOT shoot through a window.
} >
} >I have a wad (of basically an office building) where the
} >player walks down a long hall by a bank of windows. The windows
} >look out to a court yard where a bunch of baddies live (I have
} >tried all types). The problem is I can't seem to get the
} >monsters to shoot into the building.
} > The details are:
} >
} > Ceiling of courtyard: 0-floor/256-ceiling (F_sky)
} > Ceiling of building: 0-floor/128-ceiling
} > Window: 26-floor/110-ceiling/16 wide
} > Hallway: is ~80 wide
} >
} Do they shoot, or do they just miss?

They don't shoot, even after I have fired on them. They also
don't move until I shoot, but when I do fire they all see me
and collect at the window, they just don't do anything. Also,
if I go outside and leave some imps in the hall, they will
not fire at me either.

} If they don't shoot, check you haven't set a REJECT somehow (but if
} were the case they wouldn't see you either and so wouldn't wake up till
} fired)

This is the second time that someone mentioned REJECT, in all the info
that I have found I didn't see any refs to this. Given that I don't
like to ask until I have look everywhere I can (net flaming is never
a pretty thing :( do you know of any refs that this stuff is covered in ?
Doomed26 does allow setting characteristics, like "nothing can pass,..."
Is this the same ? The walls are set to two sided with no other
attributes turned on.

Although, I have been playing at building a wad for only a few days
I have been able to get a few complex things worked out. However,
given that doomed26 can't seem to select multiple items for moving
or duplicating (at least it is not obvious) is there a better editor
that you would recommend. Doing an office building requires lots
of rooms that are all basically the same, being able to copy one
would be really nice.

} if they just miss (firing too low, I'd guess) try raising either the
} or the courtyard floor or lowering the window floor.
} If you can't sort it, send me the WAD UUencoded and I'll look at it.
Thanks for the offer; however, I am sure you have better things to
do then look at this stuff. Simple pointers on where to look is
} -Steve
}-- End of excerpt from Steve Benner

Thanks, for not flaming :) by the way, it took me ~2 hours to figure
out how to get a switch working well.


- --
- -------------------------------------------------
Ted Fidder
( (303)-538-5106
AT&T Bell Labs
Room 1D-30
11900 Pecos Street
Denver, Colorado 80234


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #36

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