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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 042

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Doom editing
 · 7 months ago

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #42
Reply-To: doom-editing
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doom-editing-digest Tuesday, 8 November 1994 Volume 01 : Number 042

Re: Shareware vendors profiting from YEU.
Re: Shareware vendors profiting from YEU.
'Smear' effect; why and how to alleviate?
Re: Shareware vendors profiting from DEU.
Re: Consistency failures
Re: Shareware vendors profiting from DEU.
Re: Shareware vendors profiting from DEU.
Re: 'Smear' effect; why and how to alleviate?


Date: Mon, 07 Nov 1994 11:50:33 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Shareware vendors profiting from YEU.

> Anyway, I had this idea, but I don't have the time to make a snazzy WAD
> to show it off.

So how about making a boring little room to show it off? At least to us
designer types :).



Date: Mon, 07 Nov 1994 12:16:59 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Shareware vendors profiting from YEU.

On Sun, 6 Nov 1994, S. McCrea wrote:

> Andy Scherrer wrote:
> > What you're paying for here is a nice
> > convenient package, where someone else put the time into downloading and
> > organizing all the cool stuff so you won't have to.

It's also easy to forget that the vast majority of people playing Doom
aren't connected, or at least don't have a form of access that would let
them get the same resources at a cost lower than the price of the CD.
Many people can't get to Infant2 (or whatever it is now), and for them
this may be the only way they can get PWADs and editors.



From: Paul Robinson <>
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 1994 14:55:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject: 'Smear' effect; why and how to alleviate?

From: Paul Robinson <PAUL@TDR.COM>
Organization: Tansin A. Darcos & Company, Silver Spring, MD USA
- -----
I'll explain the situation then ask for advice.

I am attempting to create a wad of a store in which there are checkout
lanes. These lanes are large enough to have an enemy or a player between
them or in front of the cash register area.

For some reason at one angle the texture on the top of the counter bleeds
off and smears down the screen. This is a 'flat', e.g. a floor value,
not a wall. And it 'smears' but only from some angles.

Is this fixable? Is it that the sectors are too small or have other
problems? I'd like to try to figure out why it is doing this. Please
pass on any assistance you might be able to offer, I can use all the help
I can get.

Thank you.

- ---
Paul Robinson - Paul@TDR.COM
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From: Matthew Ayres <>
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 94 12:09:09 -0800
Subject: Re: Shareware vendors profiting from DEU.

Edward J Novitsky <> said...

>I was wondering if Walnut Creek is sharing its profits with the creators of
>the varios PWADs and Doom tools. If not, it seems like Walnut Creek is
>taking advantage of people and their work. Most people who post work to
>the Net really don't want money. They do it for others' enjoyment and
>maybe a little recognition. It's a shame that a company will use people
>and their work in the pursuit of money, especially to charge people
>for freeware.

Most people are pleased to see their work being distributed so greatly. And
those seeking files can access a great deal of information on one CD, rather
than slowing the net down by transferring files at relatively slow speeds.
It's simply an easier form of accessing the files. For any company to have
any interest in doing this, they have to make some profit. And of course
enough money to pay employees. The profits also go into making our ftp
site, wcarchive, bigger and faster. Personally, I'm pleased that my program,
WADED, is being distributed on our CD, and the many other DOOM oriented CD's
out there today.

- -Matt Ayres


From: (Paul Griggs)
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 1994 20:25:09 GMT
Subject: Re: Consistency failures

> Robert Fenske Jr writes:
> >I wonder if anyone knows why when I try to run the wad files I have written
> >I am getting consistency failures?
> Are you running v1.2? Consistency failures happened to us quite
> a bit when we were playing with v1.2. With v1.666 they very rarely show
> up. You mentioned it happens someone uses the rocket launcher. This will
> happen if one of the .EXE's has been hacked on and the other(s) haven't.
> Are you sure that your .EXE's are identical?
No I am running ver 1.666 and as far as I know both exe's are the same as they
were laplinked they should be identical..

What do you reckon?


Paul Griggs


From: Matthew Ayres <>
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 94 12:51:26 -0800
Subject: Re: Shareware vendors profiting from DEU. (Gordon Mulcaster) said...
>Matthew Ayres <> writes:
>>However, I highly doubt anyone would really mind too much. It does
>>distribute their work widely, and that's the whole idea of releasing
>>their work anyhow.
>The idea is they want their work freely distributed, they don't want
>slimeballs making money off their work.

Many people use our ftp archive site for DOOM related files. There's almost
a half a million DOOM related transfers per day. For people to be able to
distribute their work freely, they need places to do it. Some of our money,
time, and effort goes into paying for and maintaining our ftp site they everyone
so graciously uses freely.

Also, it's much easier to have files on a CD then spending all day transferring
them. So, we sell CD's to people, that actually saves them time, and possibly
money. And the authors of files on the CD get their work distributed like they
intended. Of course we make a profit, we have to, we have bills to pay too.

Isn't this the DOOM editing mailing list?

-Matt A.


From: Matthew Ayres <>
Date: Mon, 07 Nov 94 12:57:40 -0800
Subject: Re: Shareware vendors profiting from DEU. (Steve Benner) said...
>>>On Fri, 4 Nov 1994, Matthew Ayres wrote:
>> Walnut Creek CDROM (the company I work for), sells the "Toolkit for DOOM"
>> CDROM for $19.95. It has over 7,500 files on it. Including over 550 WADs,
>> ready to run from the disc. I think that's a reasonable price, eh?
>>We deleted every WAD that said not to place it on a CD, or sell in a
>>retail environment. We deleted several borderline WADs too. It's of
>>course only to be on the safe side. However, I highly doubt anyone
>>would really mind too much. It does distribute their work widely, and
>>that's the whole idea of releasing their work anyhow.
>> -Matthew Ayres, a.k.a. White Fang -Author WADED, a DOOM map editor
>hmmm... tell us Matt: is WADED on these CDs? ;-)

Yup, and I'm glad it is too. I've received a few registrations from people
that said they got WADED from various different DOOM CDs.

- -Matt A.


From: (Brian K. Martin)
Date: Mon, 7 Nov 1994 16:43:52 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: 'Smear' effect; why and how to alleviate?

> From: Paul Robinson <PAUL@TDR.COM>
> Organization: Tansin A. Darcos & Company, Silver Spring, MD USA
> -----
> I'll explain the situation then ask for advice.
> I am attempting to create a wad of a store in which there are checkout
> lanes. These lanes are large enough to have an enemy or a player between
> them or in front of the cash register area.
> For some reason at one angle the texture on the top of the counter bleeds
> off and smears down the screen. This is a 'flat', e.g. a floor value,
> not a wall. And it 'smears' but only from some angles.
Your not using the DEU node builder, are you?



End of doom-editing-digest V1 #42

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