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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 096

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 24 Apr 2024

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #96
Reply-To: doom-editing
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doom-editing-digest Friday, 23 December 1994 Volume 01 : Number 096

Where is jump.wad?
Re: Using DXF files in DOOM
Heretic IWAD
Re: Teleporter Tricks
Cheat Codes in Heretic
more "things"
Re: Cheat Codes in Heretic
CheatCodes to Heretic
Re: Cheat Codes in Heretic
Re: more "things"
Re: Cheat Codes in Heretic
Re: minor save bug in Heretic
Re: Cheat Codes in Heretic
Re: more "things"


From: Paul Robinson <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 13:57:31 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Where is jump.wad?

From: Paul Robinson <>
Organization: Tansin A. Darcos & Company, Silver Spring, MD USA
- -----
I wanted to check out the suggestion about adding new test capability as
was done in JUMP.WAD but I couldn't find it; where is it located?

Obligatory Wad Editing Question:

Stairs generally move up from the player; can a set of walk-over stairs
be made that either moves downward or starts from some point ahead of the
player and moves up to him? This could be done with a switch as the
standard stairs do at the end of E1 M8 which raises stairs; by raising
them toward the player instead of away from him, a downward staircase
could have been created. Does a walk-over stairbuilding linedef only
work for the sector it is attached to, or for the sector tag it has,
which typically (but does not have to be) the sector to be raised?

- ---
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From: Damian Frank <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 15:08:44 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Using DXF files in DOOM

> The short short answer is "Yes".
> The long answer is, "Yes, if someone will make me a photocopy of the
> specifications for DXF files from the appendix in the Autocad manual." I
> am under the impression that the specification for DXF files is stated in
> an appending in said book.

The specs can be found on the excellet FTP site,
/pub/msdos/programming/formats/ AutoCAD Drawing Interchange (DXF) file format specification
- -rw-rw-r-- 1 110 24214 Aug 20 10:55




From: Greg Lewis <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 15:19:01 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Heretic IWAD

I'm curious about the Heretic IWAD a bit. I tried renaming it from an
IWAD to a PWAD, and then loading it with a -file in Doom 1, and it didn't
work. Any ideas why? It just hung on initializing the files. i would
think it would work, since the format is the same, and any files that
Doom needs should be located in the main Doom wad for it to find. Come
to think of it, I guess I was asking for a bit much, but it was a good
try... :) (I just thought of several reasons why it wouldn't work)

On another note, what about releasing the sprites from the shareware
Heretic to be used with Doom? Ie, just rip the monster graphics out and
toss them in your Doom wad file. I'd imagine that's not legal, but how
is Id going to deal with it?

Just imagine: Aliens Heretic!



From: Robert Forsman <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 15:26:16 EST
Subject: Re: Teleporter Tricks

Robert Forsman <> ,in message <199412221827.NAA19869@aviator.c>, wrote:

> I hope to soon have a list of all Heretic things and their sprite
> prefixes. Well, not all. Just all the ones that appear in the shareware
> wad file.

OK, so it didn't take a minute. My machine doesn't like to run Heretic
after running Linux and I have to reset it. Add to that the fact that I
made a lot of items multiplayer accidentally and screwed up the floor

BUT! I got the shit. Several items which appear in the wad file do NOT
show up in play in the beta release. We can assume that these WILL work in
the shareware release and that they are weapons/monsters that ID/Raven
didn't want to waste space on.

However, here are the items I could identify
DOH! I didn't get to look at 32 and 33. Perhaps an appendix is in order.

5 greater imp IMPX
8 bag of holding BAGH
10 wand crystal AMG1
12 crystal geode AMG2
17 skull hanging on rope (face left, with jaw) SKH1
18 crossbow bolts AMC1
19 quiver AMC2
24 skull hanging on rope (face right, with jaw) SKH2
25 skull hanging on rope (face right, w/out jaw) SKH3
26 skull hanging on rope (face left, w/out jaw) SKH4
27 serpent&skull torch SRTC
28 chandelier CHDL
29 grey pedestal SMPL
30 morph ovum EGGC
34 time bomb FBMB
35 map scroll SPMP
44 barrel BARL
50 wall torch WTRH
53 dragon claw WBLS
54 claw orb AMB1
55 energy orb AMB2
64 Axe Knight KNIG
65 Shadow Knight KNIG
66 Lesser Imp IMPX
68 Mummy MUMM
73 green key AKYY
74 teleporter glitter TGLT
75 shadow sphere INVS
76 demon holding brazier KFR1
79 blue key BKYY
80 yellow key CKYY
81 crystal vial (blue) PTN1
82 crystal vial (purple) PTN2
83 wings of wrath SOAR
84 ring of invincibility INVU
85 shield SHLD
86 power book PWBK
94 serpent holding blue ball KGZB & KGZ1
95 serpent holding green ball KGZG & KGZ1
96 serpent holding yellow ball KGZY & KGZ1
2001 crossbow WBOW
2005 gauntlets of the necromancer WGNT
2035 pop-pod PPOD


From: (Enigma)
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 13:36:46 -0800
Subject: Cheat Codes in Heretic

I'm sure you've all tried iddqd under heretic: it kills you! The other
cheats bring up accordingly nasty remarks, and don't do anything. Does
anyone know if heretic _has_ built in cheats?
enigma <> Please direct flames to


From: Robert Forsman <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 17:45:43 EST
Subject: more "things"

After Cheryl's post I have investigated some things that were not
exercised in the three missions provided to us. Therefore, an extended

6 Mr. Skull Head HEAD
15 Wizard WZRD
33 torch item TRCH
37 small stalagmite STGS
38 big stalagmite STGL
43 pop-pod spawner -
45 Greater mummy MUMM
46 Greater shadow mummy MUMM
69 Lesser shadow mummy MUMM
blue teleporter glitter TGLT[F-J]0

Thank you Cheryl!

I was unable to figure out which item the blue teleporter glitter was. I
haven't yet tricked Heretic into using PWADS, but it could be that my marker
resource was inexplicably lower case :/


Date: Thu, 22 Dec 94 17:42:20 -0500
Subject: Re: Cheat Codes in Heretic

RAVRAMBO - All weapons
RAVGIMME - Artifacts
RAVMAP - All Map
RAVSKEL - Skeleton Keys
KITTY - No clipping

| | |
| Jim Dethlefsen | #include std_disclaimer.h |
| Systems Engineer | |
| Electronic Data Systems, Inc. | (703)695-1312 |
| OSD Backbone Services | |
| |
| "We really don't know how many of the blasted things we sold; |
| we were keeping track on one of them..." - Unnamed Pentium Engineer |


Date: Fri, 23 Dec 94 09:49:33 -0800
Subject: CheatCodes to Heretic

The following post regarding Heretic cheats is on Does anyone know how to find out the cheats,
I have no idea how it's done. Surely not trial and error?!? (Jason Hayes) writes:
>the codes listed in the previous article are all preceded by "rav"
>(no quotes)
>there is also a code not listed in the previous post (first in the
>following list):
>ravquicken - god mode (iddqd)
>ravrambo - all weapons (idkfa)
>ravgimme<a-i><1-9> - acquire <a-i> spell of <1-9> number
> (for some reason, ravgimmed<1-9> doesn't work??)
>ravskel - all keys
>ravmap - cycles through map information just like doom (iddt)
>ravkitty - no clipping
>ravcockadoodledoo - discover your true inner self
>i have tried all of these and except for the ravgimmed "bad input"
>thing, they all work... and if you haven't already, be sure to try the
>old standbyes: iddqd and idkfa
>anybody got any more?


From: Greg Lewis <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 17:56:21 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Cheat Codes in Heretic

> I'm sure you've all tried iddqd under heretic: it kills you! The other
> cheats bring up accordingly nasty remarks, and don't do anything. Does
> anyone know if heretic _has_ built in cheats?

The cheats (for those who don't know yet):
ravrambo = idfa
ravskel = all keys
ravquicken = iddqd
ravmap = iddt
ravgimme = idbehold (follow the prompts, item 'd' doesn't work)
ravcockadoodledoo try this out yourself.. hehehe



From: Matt Ayres <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 14:57:46 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: more "things"

On Thu, 22 Dec 1994, Robert Forsman wrote:

> After Cheryl's post I have investigated some things that were not
> exercised in the three missions provided to us. Therefore, an extended
> list...
> 6 Mr. Skull Head HEAD
> 15 Wizard WZRD
> 33 torch item TRCH
> 37 small stalagmite STGS
> 38 big stalagmite STGL
> 43 pop-pod spawner -
> 45 Greater mummy MUMM
> 46 Greater shadow mummy MUMM
> 69 Lesser shadow mummy MUMM
> blue teleporter glitter TGLT[F-J]0

Ah, cool. Is this the longest list anyone has? I assume Romero is going
to release a complete list Friday?

> Thank you Cheryl!
> I was unable to figure out which item the blue teleporter glitter was. I
> haven't yet tricked Heretic into using PWADS, but it could be that my marker
> resource was inexplicably lower case :/

I didn't have any problem at all, using a PWAD I created with WADED. I
really need the things list and specials list so I can implement them
into WADED. Anyhow, WADED v1.68beta is available at in
both pub/doom/incoming and pub/heretic/incoming. It can create maps for
Heretic, but the things and specials for linedefs are all wrong, of course.

-Matt Ayres
-Author WADED


From: "C. Sheldon" <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 18:06:35 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Cheat Codes in Heretic

On Thu, 22 Dec 1994, Enigma wrote:

> I'm sure you've all tried iddqd under heretic: it kills you! The other
> cheats bring up accordingly nasty remarks, and don't do anything. Does
> anyone know if heretic _has_ built in cheats?

QUICKEN - God Mode
RAMBO - All weapons
GIMME - Artifacts (a-j) (1-9)
MAP - Map
KITTY - Clipping mode
ENGAGE - Level Warp
PONCE - Health
SHAZAM - Power up mode
MASSACRE - Kills ALL monsters on level
COCKADOODLEDOO - Turns yourself into a chicken.

-ravpic at startup and use F1 for screen shots.

There ya go

Later Days,
Cliff Sheldon

DrWu on #doom


From: Matt Pepe <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 16:22:13 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: minor save bug in Heretic

On Thu, 22 Dec 1994, Jonathan Mavor wrote:

> >
> >
> >Did anyone notice the the cpu clock is 2 or 3 times faster after playing
> >Heretic?
> >
> >
> I think it's about 4 times. I also reported it to
> the heretic bug report site.
> L8r,
> Jon

A Bug? hahaha.. I wouldn't mind a faster clock speed.. :)
(now, if only it would fix the ACTUAL speed.. haha)

- - Matt | "If you can't make it good, | make it LOOK good." - B Gates


From: Todd Kosloff <>
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 17:44:08 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Re: Cheat Codes in Heretic

On Thu, 22 Dec 1994, Enigma wrote:

> I'm sure you've all tried iddqd under heretic: it kills you! The other
> cheats bring up accordingly nasty remarks, and don't do anything. Does
> anyone know if heretic _has_ built in cheats?
> ***************************************************************************
> ???siht-gnidaer-uoy-era-yhw-edam-reve-emag-tseb-eht-si-mood-egassem-terces
> enigma <> Please direct flames to
> ***************************************************************************
i know of one heretic cheat code
gimme lets you get things like spellbooks, wings, and other items.


Date: Thu, 22 Dec 94 17:50:25 CST
Subject: Re: more "things"

> > After Cheryl's post I have investigated some things that were not
> > exercised in the three missions provided to us. Therefore, an extended
> > list...
> >
> > 6 Mr. Skull Head HEAD
> > 15 Wizard WZRD
> > 33 torch item TRCH
> > 37 small stalagmite STGS
> > 38 big stalagmite STGL
> > 43 pop-pod spawner -
> > 45 Greater mummy MUMM
> > 46 Greater shadow mummy MUMM
> > 69 Lesser shadow mummy MUMM
> > blue teleporter glitter TGLT[F-J]0

Lots of those pictures (TGLT[F-J]0) are used together for #74, the
teleport start.

65: Invisble Knight

(Oh, I'm using a hacked version of DEU 5.3 Alpha with a converted things
table. It should make a Heretic editing merge into DEU 5.3 much much
easier. That is, if the latest DEU 5.3 alpha will ever get to the
programmers.. *AHEM*)

- -Ted
- --
Ted Vessenes | "The only force stronger than fate is dramatic irony." | "[William] Shatner couldn't direct his way out of the | bathroom with both hands and a map!" -Ryan Ingram (1st), -Kibo's .sig (2nd)


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #96

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