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Doom Editing Digest Vol. 01 Nr. 060

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Published in 
Doom editing
 · 7 months ago

From:      owner-doom-editing-digest 
Subject: doom-editing-digest V1 #60
Reply-To: doom-editing
Errors-To: owner-doom-editing-digest
Precedence: bulk

doom-editing-digest Sunday, 20 November 1994 Volume 01 : Number 060

Re: Switching off Linedef 17
DooM I to Doom ][ converters..
Re: The* groups are now available
Re: The* groups are now available
Re: DEU 5.3
Light-level bit list?
Re: DEU 5.3
Re: respawning barrels
Quake discussion?
Re: Quake discussion?
Yet another new Doom editor
Re: DEU 5.3
The* groups are now available


From: (Richard Ward)
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 1994 18:32:40 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Switching off Linedef 17

> >> I want to have an area that flashes as a warning when
> another player is in another area, but want it switched off aggain. <<
> The best way I can think of to do this would be make the sector that you want
> to control the blinking a "hallway" (ie, walls on two sides, openings on the
> other two). For the linedef at one end of the hallway, set it to turn the
> light off, and at the other side set it to turn the light on. This way, when
> the player enters this hallway, the lights go off, but when he (she?) leaves
> it, the lights come back on. That's the best I can come up with, but of
> course it only works going one way through the hallway (ie north to south it
> works, but enter at the south and it doesn't). Anyone else have a better
> way?

Yes, put "lights off" linedefs outside of the "lightes on" (see below).

| | | |
| | Sucker hole | |
| | (I mean "hallway") | |
^ ^ ^ ^
| | | |
Lights off-+ | | +-Lights off
Lights on---+ +---Lights on

You could wrap these around all the doorways into and out of the area in
question (making sure you leave at least 32 "units" between the linedefs and
the doo so that the door triggers still work. I did this sort of thing with
an earlier map with start and stop crushing cielings I had hidden with
collumns to act as noisemakers.



From: (Mark Mathews)
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 1994 22:15:00 -0400
Subject: Re:

- -> > The best you can do now is edit with DEU 5.21 and convert it with >
- -> WAD1TO2.ZIP.
- -> >
- -> > Mark
- -> >
- -> Is on Also, does it require you to Doom I?
- -> I deleted Doom I and sold it when I got doomII.
- ->
- -> Todd.

I downloaded it from Software Creations. It might be on I
havn't checked myself.



From: David York Kurtz <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 01:56:01 -0600 (CST)
Subject: DooM I to Doom ][ converters..

Saw a few people askin' about DooM I to Doom ][ converters. I
got off of in /doom/NEWSTUFF. And
off of in /doom2/NEWSTUFF. dm2conv will do conversion (ie
e1m1 to map01) plus texture replacement, in addition to being able to
substitute things fully or on a percentage scale (ie turn 10% of troopers
into revenants ect). Haven't found one yet that takes care of DooM I
maps that emplement custom textures. They always seem to lock Doom ][ at
the beginning of the boot up stage. I assume this is because of some of
the patches used in the textures reference to DooM I patches...Or
confusion is caused from custom textures with the same DooM I nameing


From: Mike Drechsler <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 02:55:27 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: The* groups are now available

> I think the list gated would be a bad idea. It would basically mean a
> complicated way of making the list just part of the newsgroup. If it's
> kept as it is, as you said, it would be kept relatively pure from the
> drivel that goes on in a.g.d.

Would it be possible to have a one way gate? I think that although the
incoming conversation would be full of crap the outgoing conversation
would be of great use to people who are not on the list. You see what
I'm getting at. Make a gate so that mail posted to the list get's posted
to the newsgroup as well.
- -- Mike Drechsler | "Anarchy may not be the best form
Computing Science | of government, but it's better
University of Alberta | than no government at all."


From: (Richard Ward)
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 03:06:17 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: The* groups are now available

> Would it be possible to have a one way gate? I think that although the
> incoming conversation would be full of crap the outgoing conversation
> would be of great use to people who are not on the list. You see what
> I'm getting at. Make a gate so that mail posted to the list get's posted
> to the newsgroup as well.
> -- Mike Drechsler | "Anarchy may not be the best form

I disagree. I think that if we want our conversations posted to .editing then
we should do so as individuals, not be forced to as a group. I like the
seperation. I don't really want to have to read the newsgroups in order to
keep up with what's going on in here (it's kinda like those bloody Marvel
Comics multi-title crossovers where you have to buy copies of a title you
don't read just to find out what is going on in the only one you do read).

Stan Stasiak and Raphael, could you e-mail me at and let me
know if you are getting this? Thanks. Oh, Stan, Castle of Evil kicks butt.



From: "Jason Hoffoss" <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 94 11:50:36 CST
Subject: Re: DEU 5.3

On Fri, 18 Nov 1994 13:35:13 +0800 (WST),
Stanley Stasiak <> wrote:

>> WADED v1.42 can edit/create DOOM ][ maps, DEU 5.21 can not. WADED has a
>> nicer interface, and is more user friendly. Version 2.00 is on it's way,
>> and it will include many new features that the current version lacks.
>> (namely complete consistency checking and auto-fixing, pre-fab stairs,
>> doors, lifts, multi sector apply, texture alignment, even nicer interface,
>> and more. Soon after or maybe in 2.00, cut, paste, copy, resize, rotate,
>> undo, pcx/gif texture importer, understand/import texture PWADs.) Making
>> DEU completely useless. (oh boy am I gonna get flamed for saying that....
>> but you all wait and see.)
>> -Matt A.
>Gees well if waded could handle those large wads maybe I could be persuaded...
>As it stands tho... nope... sorry... deu rules still...

Heh, nice little flame war going, eh? I agree, though, that this is no
place for such a war. I don't really mind you both stating each editor's
strengths, though, and I will do so for my editor. :) No one has heard
much about DMapEdit for a long time now, I'm sure, but it's far from dead.
V4.0 is getting pretty close to a release point, so now everyone has a
third editor to consider now. A full list of features will be documented
when I actually release it, since I'm not quite sure what all I'll have in
it just yet. It will have full error checking, though, plus copy & paste,
templates, auto-fixing of lines and sectors, reliable node generator, Doom
and Doom II support, texture previewing from PWADs, menus, toolbar, and
overall much easier to use.

And in response to stan: While it will be a Borland C compilation (thus
only using base memory), it packs the map data it loads, and you can also
ignore the nodes/blockmap data, allowing much larger maps to be edited than
waded or deu can normally handle. If I have figure djgpp out, I'll compile
a djgpp version too. Don't bother flaming me, either, since it's only
going to waste bandwidth and annoy innocent bystandards.. :) This is just
a little announcement to all from yet another competitor.. Btw, v4.0 won't
be crippled in any way. It will be a fully working version. Plus, the
source code will be distributed with it. Later..



From: Nekraath <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 11:46:16 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Light-level bit list?

Is there any such animal out there? No matter how many editors I
go through, not one of them gets all the light-level bits right.



From: Stanley Stasiak <>
Date: Sun, 20 Nov 1994 01:56:42 +0800 (WST)
Subject: Re: DEU 5.3

> And in response to stan: While it will be a Borland C compilation (thus
> only using base memory), it packs the map data it loads, and you can also
> ignore the nodes/blockmap data, allowing much larger maps to be edited than
heh.. I reember when I had to cut the nodes/blockmap stuff out so an editor
would load the map and not crash...


From: " (Christian Gran)" <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 19:40:42 +0100
Subject: Re: respawning barrels

> sorry if this question is redundant, I'm rather new to this=20
>list. I was wondering what bits needed to be toggled for respawing=20
>barrels or if it was possible. I assume its possible because the barrel=20
>type isn't all that different from say a medkit. Thanx
> -Dave
A Barrel must become getable to respawn.
So you must set the getable bit for the barrel -
but when you touch a barrel Doom ends with the message:
"unknown getable thing".
Doom determines the gettable things by the Frame-Number in the Frame-Table.
You must swap the barrel with something you don=B4t need - like the computer=
and you must swap all Frames.
Now you can take one Barrel (it=B4s the map), but all Barrels respawn.
There is the next Problem, if you touch an Exdplosion - this is also
getable and therefore an "unknown getable thing".
You must also swap the explosion with something you do=B4nt need (like the=
ammo) and now it works...
This is done for Doom 1.6 in the
You are free to try it by yourself...
Hope this helps



From: (Enigma)
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 12:10:53 -0800
Subject: Quake discussion?

I just thought I'd interrupt the ongoing editor flames by inquiring whether
or not a quake discussion group exists. If not, I wonder: does anyone have
any information about its progress? How close is it to... (shudder)
completion? -- essentially, what's new John Romero?
- ------------------------66------------------------------------99GO
* Doom Rules //||// enigma <> ||CA
* Power Rangers Rock /||/ ||NU
* Punk is dead... //||// "640KB is more than enough..." ||CK
- ------------------------99------------------------------------66S!


From: (Brent Metz)
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 15:30:52 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Quake discussion?

> I just thought I'd interrupt the ongoing editor flames by inquiring whether
> or not a quake discussion group exists. If not, I wonder: does anyone have
> any information about its progress? How close is it to... (shudder)
> completion? -- essentially, what's new John Romero?
You might check the unofficial Quake FAQ. I'm not sure who's
maintaining it, but the last time I saw it, it was fairly up-to-date.
- --
Brent Metz -- &
WWW to


From: Joe Pantuso <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 16:30:06 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Yet another new Doom editor

Greets all,

While it doesn't offer the real nitty gritty detail changes that you get
with some editors, I'd like to suggest you take a look at my new editor.

This new version which I released yesterday finally offers complete editing
features for structure, you can easily draw in new sectors with no
hassle, remove sectors and lines, etc. This editor is designed to be
easy to use right now.

Please at least take a look at it. I am sure you will find it is at least
a great companion to the tools you are using now, and perhaps even a

You can d/l it from my BBS at 615-337-9198, and hopefully some kind
soul will put it on the usual net sites (I have lousy ftp access).



From: "J. Andrew Scherrer" <>
Date: Sat, 19 Nov 1994 18:39:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: DEU 5.3

well, why doesn't someone turn this flame war into something more useful,
and do an objective comparison/contrast sort of summary of them; i.e.,
glean the flame posts for the arguments, consolidate them, and present
them in a clear format for purposes of helping someone make an informed
choice if they're just starting to edit.

Now, I always feel guilty when I make such a suggestion, because someone
will certainly think, "well, why don't YOU do it." To save you all the
trouble, and to save everyone else the bandwidth, note that I DID
seriously consider it. But I honestly can't find the time to get up to
speed enough to even begin researching it. So don't turn a hopeful
suggestion into flame bait, okay?



From: (Tom Holmes)
Date: 20 Nov 94 02:41:01 -0500
Subject: The* groups are now available

MD> Would it be possible to have a one way gate? I think that although
MD> the incoming conversation would be full of crap the outgoing
MD> conversation would be of great use to people who are not on the list.
MD> You see what I'm getting at. Make a gate so that mail posted to the
MD> list get's posted to the newsgroup as well.

The problem with a one-way gate is that if I write a message that is
administrative in nature, or one which is meant to be restricted to the
readership, it will still get sent to the newsgroup. If anything
written here is so profound that it simply *must* be forwarded to the
newsgroup, one of us will do so.

- --- Blue Wave/RA v2.12 [NR]
- --
|Fidonet: Tom Holmes 1:363/224
| Standard disclaimer: The views of this user are strictly his own.
| From C.F.Satlink +1-407-240-7781 (ANSI or Vt-100 _required_).


End of doom-editing-digest V1 #60

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