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HOMEBREW Digest #5970

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HOMEBREW Digest #5970		             Wed 17 October 2012 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Re: stout thank you (jeff)
Re: Coffee in Beer (Michael Thompson)
Stout and beyond ("Dunn, Scott C FLNR:EX")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
Spencer Thomas, and Bill Pierce


Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 06:08:58 -0400
From: jeff <climbzen at>
Subject: Re: stout thank you

On 10/17/2012 1:17 AM, Request Address Only - No Articles wrote:
> I think this looks good. I know I was told put the coffee in the
> secondary. I don't do secondary. In 23 years, I think I've done it
> twice. I always try to keep things as simple as possible.
i never do a secondary either unless i'm bulk aging or something like
that. but i do look at my fermentation in stages and i think this is
important to what you are wanting to do. you have the primary
fermentation then the diacetyl rest then a conditioning period. this
conditioning period is the same as a secondary only it is still in the
same vessel. this is when you would want to add your coffee. if you add
it during the active fermentation most of the aroma will get scrubbed
out of the beer by the co2.

as a side note, when i was brewing with extract i always used the
lightest extract i could find no matter what color the final beer was.
think of your extract as 2 row and do all your color and flavor
adjustments with specialty grains. this way you are in control of the
flavor not who ever made the extract and if it comes out really good and
you want to make it again you will have a better chance of repeating it.
the darker extracts will change and often are completely different
depending on who produced them so you won't be able to repeat what you
made. it also makes converting your favorite recipes to all grain easier.


Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 08:40:04 -0600
From: Michael Thompson <thompson at>
Subject: Re: Coffee in Beer

> Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 11:08:18 -0400
> From: Joseph M Labeck Jr <jmlabeck at>
> Subject: Stout thank you

> I know I was told put the coffee in the
> secondary. I don't do secondary. In 23 years, I think I've done it
> twice. I always try to keep things as simple as possible.

I just made a coffee stout from a recipe in Zymurgy. The author
recommended doing something called a "toddy." He steeped a half pound
of course ground beans in cold water overnight and put the resulting
liquid in the secondary. Since you're not doing a secondary, adding it
at bottling time should be good. You just want to avoid boiling it. He
contends the cold steeping makes a better flavor, less bitter.


Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2012 08:22:37 -0700
From: "Dunn, Scott C FLNR:EX" <Scott.Dunn at>
Subject: Stout and beyond

Hello Joseph:

Glad we could be of assistance to you. I am sure you will make a very nice
stout. No matter which one is favoured I expect the event will be great.

To the group:

I am keen on making an all grain Roasted Coconut Porter. I was at the Maui
Brewing company a few years ago and was blown away with their version. I am
hoping to replicated the splendor. I am thing of shaved fresh coconut toasted
in the oven then added to the last fifteen minute of the boil. My classic
stout recipe will be the base.

Two or Three nuts for a 23L batch.

I am interested in any thoughts or offerings to this idea.

Thanks for the help

Scott C. Dunn RPF

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5970, 10/17/12

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