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HOMEBREW Digest #5327

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HOMEBREW Digest #5327		             Fri 02 May 2008 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Effectiveness of Various Methods of Wort Aeration (Fred L Johnson)
PPPG of honey (was RE: Forgot to record the starting SG) ("Steve Jones")
Re: Forgot to record the starting SG (Robert Tower)
Re: Re: Forgot to record the starting SG (stencil)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 23:01:02 -0400
From: Fred L Johnson <FLJohnson52 at>
Subject: Effectiveness of Various Methods of Wort Aeration

Fellow homebrewers:

I have posted a manuscript containing the data from some recent
experiments I performed testing the effectiveness of various methods
of wort aeration on the dissolved oxygen content of the aerated
medium. The abstract of the paper is provided below, and the full
article can be obtained at:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -----------

Effectiveness of Various Methods of Wort Aeration
Fred L. Johnson, Cheddington Brewery, Apex, North Carolina, USA
A variety of wort aeration methods were tested for their ability to
dissolve oxygen in water. Boiled and cooled water was aerated using
pumped air at 99 mL/min and 1009 mL/min, with and without the use of
an aeration stone, and the dissolved oxygen content was measured for
up to 90 minutes of aeration. In addition, rocking/shacking the
fermentor was tested as another commonly used method of wort
aeration. Results: Boiled and cooled water contained a significant
amount of dissolved oxygen after it was delivered to the fermentor
even before active aeration was initiated. Rocking/shaking the
fermentor was the quickest method of saturating the water with
oxygen. Pumping air at the high flow rate using an aeration stone was
also effective. Pumping air without the aeration stone required
significantly longer time to dissolve oxygen. Pumping air at the low
flow rate, similar to the flow rate produced by an inexpensive
aquarium pump, was slow to dissolve oxygen. Conclusion: Oxygen can be
quickly dissolved into wort from the headspace of the fermentor with
rocking/shaking. Wort may also be effectively aerated in a reasonably
short time by pumping air into it with an aeration stone, but only if
the airflow rate is relatively high. Pumping air at lower flow rates
can be effective if performed over a long period of time.

- ----
Fred L Johnson
Apex, North Carolina, USA


Date: Fri, 2 May 2008 08:33:54 -0400
From: "Steve Jones" <stjones1 at>
Subject: PPPG of honey (was RE: Forgot to record the starting SG)

phase wrote:

>> stencil wrote:
>> > The usual rule of thumb is 42 point-gallons per pound of honey
>> and Scott Birdwell wrote:
>> > honey generally has about the same density as malt extract, so:
>> > 1 lb. honey/water to 1 gallon = 1.036
>> So who is (more) correct? I know, it depends on the honey, but in
general, is it closer to 36 or 42?

Confusion reigns when it comes to the points per pound per gallon figure for
honey. This is going to vary with the moisture content of the honey, which
should generally be about 17% (conversely, 83% sugar).

1 lb of pure sugar in a 1 gallon solution has a specific gravity of 1.046
(46 ppppg). 1 lb of honey in a 1 gallon solution should have a specific
gravity of about 1.038 (83% of 46), or 38 ppppg.

Steve Jones
State of Franklin Homebrewers
Johnson City, TN
[421.7 mi, 168.5 deg] AR

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Date: Fri, 02 May 2008 10:24:16 -0700
From: Robert Tower <roberttower at>
Subject: Re: Forgot to record the starting SG

Phase asks about the varying quotes on honey SG (1 lb. honey in 1 gallon
water). Some said 1.036, others 1.042. In my personal experience, I've
found it to be more on the side of 1.042. The last two batches of mead
that I've made the honey clocked in at 1.040 (from two different honey
sources, but the same type of honey, Bulgarian wildflower). The thinest
honey I think I've ever had was 1.038. The variance is due to water content.

Bob Tower / Los Angeles, CA


Date: Fri, 02 May 2008 18:57:40 -0400
From: stencil <etcs.ret at>
Subject: Re: Re: Forgot to record the starting SG

On Thu, 01 May 2008 23:54:54 -0400,
in Homebrew Digest #5326 (May 01, 2008)
phase wrote:
>stencil wrote:
>> The usual rule of thumb is 42 point-gallons per pound of honey
> [ ... ]
>in general, is it closer to 36 or 42?
ProMash's ingredients dabase says (and I use) 42. Schramm
(The Compleat Meadmaker, p36) says 40. Googling < honey
yield point gallon pound > shows BYO saying 32 - 38.

To be frank, I never yet made a mead by measuring out the
whole charge of honey, but have always started with about
1/3 the calculated amount (using 42 as the starting
estimate) and then fed it further aliquots at intervals of 2
- 3 weeks until the SG starts to rebound above 1.001.
Although I can measure pretty accurately the weight of each
addition, trying to pour from a 60-lb pail *to* a weight
target is virtually impossible. Because of the incremental
feeding and the difficulty of precisely measuring the
resulting volume in the fermenter, the OG is pretty much

My rationale for "growing" the must is that the earlier
phases of the fermentation will drive off much of the aroma
of the honey, and only the last few pounds' worth will
survive the outgassing. Since I use Lalvin D-47 this yields
a very hot mead. If I were Asatru I'd call it sacramental

FWIW, Papazian, in "Homebrewer's Companion" refuses to
specify a yield figure, and recommends building a
calibration must with the honey to be used.

gds, stencil

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5327, 05/02/08

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