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HOMEBREW Digest #5321

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HOMEBREW Digest #5321		             Mon 14 April 2008 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Breakfast Beer (stencil)
Re: Future worldwide malt shortage? (Robert Tower)
BJCP reception at the NHC in Cincinnati (Ed Westemeier)
Fermenting agave (Kevin Elsken)
False bottom material (Joe Katchever)

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2008 11:09:14 -0400
From: stencil <etcs.ret at>
Subject: Breakfast Beer

This was built at Christmastime, cleaning out some overage
stuff in the lockers -

Grain :
Franco-Belge Reglar Munich Malt (2 Row) 5 lb
Canada Maltings 2-Row 3lb
Dingemann's Special B 1lb
Big Y Quick Oats 9oz
Hennessy's 120L Crystal 8oz
Grape-Nuts 8oz
Briess Roasted Barley 4oz
Crushed 0.080", then 0.065", then steeped overnight in
6qt tapwater

Willamette leaf (4.3%) 1oz 60 min 14 IBU
Sterling pellet (3% ) 1oz 60 min 11 IBU

WhiteLabs Edinborough Ale WLP128 (expiry date Jan2007)
in 1-liter starter (4 days abuilding.)

Two 7qt boiling infusions, to 125F (20min) and to 145F
(15min) then direct heat to 158F (15min step, 30min rest)
Recovered 9gal 11degP wort, pH 5.4

120min boil, hops additions at midpoint.
Pitched to 6.25gal SG1054, fermenting at 62F.

Racked on Day 17 to corny keg, SG1018. Stored ca 55F.

Tapped on Day 60 (20Feb08,) All gone now; the roasted
barley and the Grape-nuts nut flavor offset the sweetness
very nicely: I'll do it again next Winter.

gds, stencil


Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 01:10:15 -0700
From: Robert Tower <roberttower at>
Subject: Re: Future worldwide malt shortage?

Jim Cave asks about typical US prices for 50 lb. bags of base malt. $80
seems awfully inflated. A quick check of the more popular web retailers
here on the West Coast indicates a rate of anywhere from $30 to $50
depending on type and country of origin. Maybe the $80 price quote
included shipping? My LHBS charges $40 for a bag of Great Western 2-Row.

Bob Tower / Los Angeles, CA


Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 12:56:47 -0400
From: Ed Westemeier <hopfen at>
Subject: BJCP reception at the NHC in Cincinnati

If you're planning to attend or judge at the National Homebrew
Conference in Cincinnati this June, you should plan to attend the
Wednesday evening BJCP reception. The BJCP is subsidizing most of the
cost, so it's a really good deal.

Great beer, a three course dinner, beer, a scoring calibration
exercise, a BJCP briefing, a British style review, beer, a cider
workshop, cider, a mead exam prep session, mead, and more, all for
only five bucks per judge. You can even bring a spouse or friend for
an additional charge.

See the website, for more details. Spaces are strictly
limited, and they're going fast, so register now.

Ed Westemeier
BJCP Communication Director
communication_director at


Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 09:01:11 -0400
From: Kevin Elsken <kevin.elsken at>
Subject: Fermenting agave

Michael Tonsmeire, who has a blog called the 'Mad Fermentationist" has
used agave. He has some
results on his blog, also check out Basic Brewing Radio for a podcast
where they tasted it.


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Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 10:45:18 -0500
From: Joe Katchever <joe at>
Subject: False bottom material

Hey all- I'm looking for a sheet of stainless steel material to use as a
false bottom. After a big fiasco trying to have one made- only to have
them make the slots too wide, then having someone try to repair it
unsuccessfully - I'm looking to start over.
Ideally, I want a slotted screen with 1" long slots at 1/16th of an
inch wide and spaced 3/8ths apart. Stainless steel -.050" thick.
I've tried some industrial supply catalogs to no avail. This would be a
custom order at hundreds of dollars. I need an oval shape about 3' by
4'. Does anyone have any suggestions for me. I would be willing to buy a
whole 4' x 8' sheet of this material and share it with one or more
people who also want a nice false bottom, too.

- --
Joe Katchever
Wisconsin's West Coast

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5321, 04/14/08

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