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HOMEBREW Digest #5301

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HOMEBREW Digest #5301		             Tue 26 February 2008 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Smoked grains (Tom Puskar)
Duvel Yeast... ("Cave, Jim")
RE: That whole dollop thing ("Brian Lundeen")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 08:12:48 -0500
From: Tom Puskar <tpuskar at>
Subject: Smoked grains

I sent this a few weeks ago but never saw it in the Digest. If I missed it,
I apologize.

I was thinking of trying to smoke my own grains using mesquite wood chips.
I've made smoked beers before using purchased peat smoked grain and would to
try a little departure.

Here's what I was planning to do--comments are welcome:

1. Soak some two row grain for a little while (???) in water. I figure the
grain would absorb more smoky flavor is it was a bit damp.

2. Lay out some grain over a stainless screen splatter guard they sell for
frying bacon or dump a load into a stainless screen or aluminum colander.

3. Add these to my smoker the next time I'm doing some ribs or pork

4. Smoke the grains until they look dry again or until they taste smokey.

5. Vacuum seal them until ready to use.

Will smoking them with meats such as pork or chicken impart any odd flavors?
I'm not looking for a pork porter! Would I be better off just doing them on
a gas grill and adding mesquite chips to a smoker box?

Any ideas would certainly be appreciated.


Tom in Howell, NJ


Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 12:25:48 -0800
From: "Cave, Jim" <Cave at>
Subject: Duvel Yeast...

Several years ago I made a very reasonable and tasty Duvel Clone. I'm
pretty much satisfied with a good recipe formulation, but I need a yeast
that gets me close to the flavour characteristics. For the first
version, I had available a reliable culture of Duvel yeast. I can't
recall all the specifics now, but I recall Duvel had two different
yeasts: One for brewing and one for bottle conditioning. Does anyone
recall if that is true? Further to that how reliable would a fresh
bottle of Duvel be for making a starter? If that isn't a good way to
go, does anyone know if either Wyeast or White Labs have the Duvel

Jim Cave


Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2008 19:58:12 -0600
From: "Brian Lundeen" <blundeen at>
Subject: RE: That whole dollop thing

> Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 17:09:08 -0500
> From: Bob Hall <rallenhall at>
> Subject: Re: oxygen and fatty acids and sterols for dummies
> I've never been a chemist (or pretended to be one), but this
> thread reminded me of an off-hand comment made by Dr. Keith
> Villa of Coors during his presentation in Denver last June
> ... something to the effect of 'if you want to kick-start
> your yeast, toss in a dollop of peanut butter." I tried that
> this winter with a smack-pack of expired yeast, adding 1/8
> tsp. of creamy peanut butter to a 2000ml starter on a stir
> plate.

Finally, a topic I feel I can make a meaningful contribution to. Bob, you
have totally "underpitched" your peanut butter. One must keep in mind that
dollops differ depending on whether you are talking about liquid or solid
measurements. We can ignore for the sake of this discussion the minute
difference between imperial and metric dollops. Your addition would be
acceptable if adding peanut butter in its concentrated liquid form (eg
Extract of Skippy, available by mail order) but as for real, grab a handful
and throw it at your neighbour's yowling cat peanut butter, that just won't
cut it. The classic dollop is of course, ice cream. Therefore, a dollop of
peanut butter would ideally be one ice cream scoopful. Of course, you
wouldn't add this to a starter. Even assuming you didn't plug the neck of
your starter flask, billions of yeast would die a slow, horrible death under
the sheer weight of this blob. Yes, technically a blob is 2.5 dollops, but I
think in this case, the description fits. Add your ice cream scoopful with 5
minutes left in the boil to drive off undesirable peanut aromatics. This
technique has worked well for me on the less than one occasions that I have
tried it. Of course, do not under any circumstance include beer made with
this technique in your children's lunch bag, as there could be other kids
with peanut allergies in the cafeteria.

Hope that helps.

Bwian, in Winnipeg

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5301, 02/26/08

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