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HOMEBREW Digest #5263
HOMEBREW Digest #5263 Wed 05 December 2007
Digest Janitor: pbabcock at
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RE: Did someone mention HSA? ("Brian Lundeen")
Bottle size origins ("Pat Casey")
Grain Prices (Nathan Hirneisen)
Grain prices ("Spencer W. Thomas")
Support from Wyeast ("LANCE HARBISON")
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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 22:41:33 -0600
From: "Brian Lundeen" <blundeen at>
Subject: RE: Did someone mention HSA?
> Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:03:02 -0500
> From: "Spencer W. Thomas" <hbd at>
> Subject: re: off flavors after months
> 1. Oxidation. If you've incorporated too much air into the beer as
> you're bottling, you'll get oxidation. This could come from splashing
> as you decant the beer into a bottling bucket or as you run the beer
> into the bottles, for example. It could come from your
> brewing process
> as well, for example, if you pour hot wort through a strainer into the
> fermenter, you'll be oxidizing the heck out of it (this is commonly
> called "hot-side aeration" and is a bad thing.)
And lo, the curse of mash-boil oxidation was upon the land. Many brewers
wept, as they watched their precious brews become afflicted with a crippling
disorder that spared neither malt nor hop, nor even yeasty ester, as it
ravaged the nectar with a cruel veil of staleness, the sensation of
swallowing papyrus, and even hints of the horrid drink of the Moors, who to
this day continue to spread their poison far and wide.
Into this growing darkness, a lone man wandered, spreading his message of
hope and redemption. He was known by many names, but he preferred to be
called simply... Bwian. He spoke a simple message to the brewers of the
lands he travelled. Cast out the demons that afflict your brews with a
pungent, suffocating powder that the Chemists in their dungeons would refer
to in hushed tones as potassium metabisulfite. A mere sprinkling with the
grains as the heat of the bath created the sugars was all that was needed to
protect the liquid as fire and air warred over dominion of the brew.
Bwian, being a humble man, would take no credit for this miracle. He simply
spread the words of the great prophets who had come before him, Lord Graham
of Townsville, and the mysterious seer known only as -S-. Still, the
multitudes were not convinced. They spoke in denial that their brews were
not afflicted with the sickness, that this was trickery, and perhaps even
the Devil himself had given Bwian ashes from the fires of Hell to secure the
souls of the unwitting who used it. Bwian persevered, the righteousness of
his mission serving as a balm to the mockery, comforted in the knowledge
that one day, long after his passing, all brewers would use the sacred
powder, and invoke his name as a blessing for the brew day to come.
Brian, in Winnipeg, somewhat to the North and West of the Centre of the
Homebrewing Universe
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 23:21:37 +1100
From: "Pat Casey" <pat at>
Subject: Bottle size origins
If you multiply 22 US fluid ounces by 12 you should get 2 US gallons. In
Australia the old Imperial size bottles were 26 2/3 fluid ounces, 12 of
those made 2 Imperial gallons. When we went metric in the early 70s 26 2/3
fluid ounces worked out, I think, to about 746 ml. This of course was
rounded to 750 ml. It meant that while 750 ml sounded suitably "metric",
packaging plant and materials did not need to be altered.
Why 12? You can divide it by 2, 3 and 4.
Absolute Homebrew
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2007 13:15:07 -0500
From: Nathan Hirneisen <cave_nate at>
Subject: Grain Prices
A homebrew shop that i frequent has drastically increase
their prices for both grain and hops. I'm sure that everyone
is familiar with the hops shortages world wide, but.
I didn't quite expect grain prices to increase so drastically.
About 4 months ago i bought 55# of Weyermann Pils for $42.
Last week went to the same store and it was $67.
A 60% price increase in that short a time.
I was shocked to say the least...
The only thing i can think is with the price of corn up,
less tillable land is in barley. And with the dollar being
lousy to the euro, that makes it even worst.
Any ideas?
Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2007 15:07:01 -0500
From: "Spencer W. Thomas" <spencer at>
Subject: Grain prices
I had a discussion about this with a local (pro) brewer recently. He
had been brewing with Durst (German) malt. This year, his supplier told
him that the crop was bad, and that the price was up and the quality was
down. He's switched to Briess, at least for this year.
=Spencer in Ann Arbor
Date: Wed, 05 Dec 2007 22:09:39 -0500
From: "LANCE HARBISON" <harbison65 at>
Subject: Support from Wyeast
I often consult Wyeast via email to get information on how to grow an
appropriate amount of yeast for pitching into 20 gallons. Jess Caudill has
always supplied me with excellent advice. Recently Jess sent me the
following Wyeast link to calculate how much yeast will a starter grow.
Lance Harbison
End of HOMEBREW Digest #5263, 12/05/07