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HOMEBREW Digest #5277

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HOMEBREW Digest #5277		             Fri 18 January 2008 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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hop substitution ("Ian Watson")
Galena (fredscheer07)
tipping the janitor ("Rich Lynch")
Know Knead? ("Mike Sharp")
RE: Slow traffic and trouble posting ("John Ferens")
Saison (leavitdg)
Yahoo! (Mr Patrick Babcock)
HBD / brewing books (Matt)
re:Samichlaus (Leo Vitt)
rice flour CAP update (Paul Kerchefske)
Re: HBD Perennials (Scott Alfter)
RE: Diacetyl Update ("Steve Wood")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 19:58:25 -0500
From: "Ian Watson" <hophead at>
Subject: hop substitution

Hi all

Thank you all for your posts! I should have included the fact that I was
brewing a Blonde Ale (sub category of Cream Ale). So far it is tasting
pretty much the same as it has in the past, although I'm only sampling from
the fermenter at this point, but I think it should be ok. The recipe
doesn't call for a lot of's only 17 IBU's. Good think I wasn't
brewing an IPA!

Thanka again,



Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 13:12:53 +0000
From: fredscheer07 at
Subject: Galena


I brewed several batches with Galena and
had no problems.
Maybe your Galena was old, oxidized, stored in a
warm area etc. What was the HSI ?


Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 09:33:27 -0500
From: "Rich Lynch" <rlny7575 at>
Subject: tipping the janitor

I'm with Fred Scheer, l'd gladly send something Pats way for maintaing
such a valuable service.


Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 06:54:37 -0800
From: "Mike Sharp" <rdcpro at>
Subject: Know Knead?

I'm not sure I understand what this means:

> You may be surprised at the impact
> of merely wrapping the dough 4x on the texture.

I'd love to make bread here at home, and have a new oven that does
conventional and convection (which one is best for baking?), but I'm not
sure how I can inject steam into it so as to get that wonderful crust.
Would a pan of water on the oven floor do it (gas oven), or does it take
more steam than that?

And Jeff, what temperature do you do the rising at? I thought I didn't have
an easy way of proofing, but I noticed the other day my oven has a button
called "Bread Proofing" which I've never pressed. This morning I did press
it, and it tells me I can do "Standard" or "Quick".

Mike Sharp


Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 10:13:48 -0500
From: "John Ferens" <john.ferens at>
Subject: RE: Slow traffic and trouble posting

Aaron Hermes mentions that it is often
difficult to post. I can attest to that,
the last time I tried to post something
it took me about 5 tries before it was
accepted - I'm keeping these lines
very short in hopes it goes through
the first time :-)

That said, I always read the digest
and always go to the online forum as
my first line of research. Always good
information in both places. And as
Alexandre said, perhaps the
reading/posting members of this list
lean toward the "been there/done that"
side of experience, hence the lower
volume. We need a way to increase
newbies and/or intermediate level brewers
to the list.



Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 12:46:04 -0500
From: leavitdg at
Subject: Saison

I have just sampled the wlp 568 Beigian Saison (Blend) as I took a sample for
the hydrometer, on its way into secondary. Boy what nice flavor! Have any of
you used this and did you find the gravity not going as low as you wished?

I am not sure if it is just "yeasty" or if I taste an almost 'lambic'/sour
flavor in this yeast.

Happy Brewing!



Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 09:32:18 -0800 (PST)
From: Mr Patrick Babcock <pgbabcock at>
Subject: Yahoo!

Greetings, Beerlings! Take me to your lager...

I've tweaked the HBD server to be active against
Yahoo's overly long signature separator. They used to
start the line with an underscore; now it starts with
a space, and that was enough to whack the original
filter. Hopefully, my change will make Yahoo a viable
posting alternative once again - this will be the
test! If you are reading this in the HBD, us
Yahoo's "classic" mail interfacae, set it to send
plain text with forwards as inline (as attachment
will trigger the eveil multi-part MIME), and you
should be good to go!



Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:49:54 -0800 (PST)
From: Matt <baumssl27 at>
Subject: HBD / brewing books

A while back, I suddenly could no longer post from this yahoo account.
I tried opening new accounts with other services and playing with the
settings, but could not get any of those to comply either. Anyway,
rumor has it that yahoo is now compliant again, so hopefully this gets

I really do not want to see the HBD fade away, for the same reasons
others have already expressed. While I'm not sure anyone here will
have the answer to the question below, I'm certainly not aware of
another forum where the chances would be better...

- ---

Does anyone have an opinion on either of the following two books?

"Brewing" by Lewis and Young
"Brewing" by Hornsey

They both seem to be more on the "textbook" side, several hundred pages
each, but are also fairly inexpensive as far as such things go.

- ---

Someone a while back mentioned they had trouble getting the Boulton and
Quain paperback ("Brewing Yeast and Fermentation"). I also tried to
get it, and despite being listed on many internet sites for over a
year, it seems as though it has not become available even through the
publisher. Strange.



Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 11:57:08 -0800 (PST)
From: Leo Vitt <leo_vitt at>
Subject: re:Samichlaus

Paul asked:
"Has anyone heard a rumor that Samichlaus is being brewed again.
Supposedly it is the first bottling since 1986. Anybody else her about

Do you mean 1996?

I don't know the current status, but I had drank 2000 and 2001, and
might have 2 bottles from that timeframe in my basement. The beer has
the same name, but are contracted under an Austrian brewer, I think the
brewer who makes EKU-28. It's similiar to those I had made in
Switzerland in the early 1990's.

Leo Vitt
Sidney, NE


Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 12:16:33 -0800 (PST)
From: Paul Kerchefske <wadworth6 at>
Subject: rice flour CAP update

A while ago I asked if anyone had used rice flour to
make a CAP. I have since made one and it has been
bottled for about 3 weeks so I popped one open to try
it. Pretty good so far I'm sure that it will be better
in about a month.
So here is what I did.
Grain Bill: 8 lb. 2 row, 1 lb. rice flour, 4oz. cara
pils, 8 oz. vienna. The rice flour came in a 1.5 lb
bag, but I only used 1lb. since I wasn't sure about
getting a stuck sparge. There was some concern about
the cost of the rice flour by some, I paid $2.79 for
the 1.5 lb. bag. Only slightly more than corn. I did a
cereal mash ala Renner but I only boiled it for 10
min. since it takes 15-20 min to cook whole rice, I
didn't think I needed to cook it as long. I used 1.5
lb of malt in the cereal mash, more than one would use
for corn, hoping to prevent clumping. I still had
clumps though to break up. That was the only problem I
had, the sparge went fine, I might have been able to
use the whole bag of rice flour.
Hops, I used all Santium since I hadn't used them
before to get an idea of what they are like.
Results, my starting gravity 1.056 a little higher
than I was shooting for so I added water at bottling,
just like the big boys.
Yeast was Wyeast 2001, first time I've used that
strain. I must say it has a head on it that could
float a battle ship, very light color. The neighbors
and such will like this one.
If anyone has any questions let me know.
P.S. My kingdom for some Tetnanger, it's going to be a
tough couple of years.


Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 13:25:33 -0800
From: Scott Alfter <scott at>
Subject: Re: HBD Perennials

Alexandre Enkerli wrote:
> Along with Fred and Jeff (who have both contributed so much to the
> Digest), I think that the HBD is a very valuable resource to fight
> brewing FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). But it's probably difficult
> for many people to wade through the HBD archives.

I've thought on-and-off about putting up an archive that's easier to use than
the one at I have the entire archive in an IMAP folder (except for
the traffic from '86-'88 that was recently added, which I've downloaded and
have sitting in a directory on my VPS). The Janitor's post from a few days ago
kicked the gears back into motion a little.

I'd like to split out the digests into individual messages, dump them into a
database, and throw together an interface on my website that'll let you search
for messages. If you want everything Jeff Renner has ever written about
classic American pilsner, you'll be able to fish just those messages out of the
archive. It should be a simple enough LAMP exercise; it's just a matter of
getting around to it. Too many projects, too little time. :-)

_/_ Scott Alfter
/ v \ Visit the SNAFU website today!
(IIGS( Top-posting!
\_^_/ rm -rf /bin/laden >What's the most annoying thing on Usenet?


Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 18:17:11 -0500
From: "Steve Wood" <swood at>
Subject: RE: Diacetyl Update

In response to Keith's question regarding pitching temperatures and diacetyl
rests, I recently kegged a lager using wyeast 2206. I pitched the yeast at
48 degrees and slowly lowered the fermenation down to 43 for 3 weeks. At
that time I did not notice any diacetyl, so I went ahead and transferred it
to my secondary for lagering at 34 without a diacetyl rest. I just kegged
it today with no issues as far as diacetyl.


End of HOMEBREW Digest #5277, 01/18/08

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