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HOMEBREW Digest #5275

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HOMEBREW Digest #5275		             Wed 16 January 2008 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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RE: Slow Digest and Transition ("Mike Sharp")
HIgh Quality of the Homebrew Digest (Fred L Johnson)
Re: alternate hops (Jeff Renner)
Re: Scorched beer (Jeff Renner)
Re: Slow Digest and Transition (Jeff Renner)
Alternate Hops (Scott Birdwell)
Samichlaus ("Niebergall, Paul")
Cluster Vs Northern Brewer Hops... ("Doug Lasanen")
re: lagering in bottle ("Chad Stevens")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2008 22:35:55 -0800
From: "Mike Sharp" <rdcpro at>
Subject: RE: Slow Digest and Transition

Alexandre Enkerli laments the Slow Digest and Transition

"I was told by an HBD subscriber and fellow Austinite that the
digest gets a few messages a month. Nothing like the 20 messages a day
of the old days, but still active."

Well, it's more like a few messages a day...but definitely lighter traffic
than in the past. Perhaps it's time to revive the discussion of counterflow
wort chillers versus immersion chillers? Or the virtues of Clinitest
tablets? ;^)

Mike Sharp

Kent, WA
[1891.3, 294deg] AR


Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 07:32:48 -0500
From: Fred L Johnson <FLJohnson52 at>
Subject: HIgh Quality of the Homebrew Digest

I have found the Homebrew Digest to be the best source of high
quality information around the homebrew world. Other forums (and
podcasts) are flooded with a lot more misinformation which does
everyone a disservice to the hobby. I attribute the high quality of
the information in the HBD to the experience and knowledge of those
who post to this digest. Most who post here seem to know that they
had better have a sound reason or direct experience that is
repeatable before they post their opinions. The tone of the digest
has generally been conducive to education rather than a battlefield
or a high school boys locker room, unlike other places I've poked

I seriously miss the knowledgable exchange of information that I've
enjoyed for years on the HBD, and I am dismayed that the traffic has
dropped off the last couple of years. I suppose the most helpful
posters to the HBD have found that posting here is no longer worth
their time and energy. I can certainly understand how the most
knowlegeable contributors could drift away if they aren't getting
what they need.

Thanks to all of you who have stuck with the digest and continue to
respond to thoughtful questions. I owe you all a lot.

Fred L Johnson
Apex, North Carolina, USA


Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:50:22 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <jsrenner at>
Subject: Re: alternate hops

"Ian Watson" <hophead at> wrote from St. Catharines,

> If I account for the difference in alpha acids, should there be
> any difference in the beer if I use Cluster for bittering instead of
> Northern Brewer, all other things being equal?

I use, and like, Cluster in Classic American Pilsner. Even after a
full boil, it gives a kind of traditional flavor to this style, a
flavor that I remember from old North American beers. It is
distinctive, with a kind of berry-like fruitiness, and a rustic
flavor. It is fairly neutral beyond that, especially in full
flavored beer, but certainly not the same as NB.

It really depends on the style.

Galena, Magnum, Horizon are fairly neutral bittering hops that might
work, but they will be different from NB.

Hopunion has a downloadable list of hops with their attributes and
substitutes at

It's going to be a tough couple of years.

- ---
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, jsrenner at
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 10:55:17 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <jsrenner at>
Subject: Re: Scorched beer

Stencil is Dejected in the Berkshire - he scorched his wort, and asks:

> Will fermentation somehow magically reduce this burnt
> flavor?

Not in my experience. When I first started brewing, now nearly 35
(!) years ago, there was very little good info. I scorched several
worts in extract brews by bringing the water to a boil and then
pouring liquid extract into the boiling pot. It sank down to the
bottom of the pot, and, with the stove still on high, the wort
scorched before I could start stirring. I think I only did this
twice before figuring out what happened.

The flavor never did go away.



- ---
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, jsrennerATumichDOTedu
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 11:28:25 -0500
From: Jeff Renner <jsrenner at>
Subject: Re: Slow Digest and Transition

Peripatetic Alexandre Enkerli, who has been, that I know of, in
Montreal (when he first joined HBD), then Indiana, back to Montreal,
then Boston or maybe elsewhere in Massachusetts, now seems to be in
Austin. He brings up a subject that has been in the back of my mind
for some time, and evidently in the fore of Pat Babcock's mind. HBD
seems to be dying on the vine, for a variety of possible reasons.

One the the sad aspects of becoming older is that we tend to resist
change, at least when things are going well. I love the HBD,
although I have become less active lately as other things, especially
Internet things, vie for my time. I would hate to lose it. I want
it to stay just the way it was.

HBD has been very good to me since I first began to participate
around 15 years ago (as soon as I had internet access). I learned an
awful lot about brewing that I could never have learned anywhere
else. I I like to think I've passed a lot of it along.

For a long time, HBD was THE central clearing house for the
homebrewing community around the world to exchange information. And
it has been a community. I've made friends around the world - in, a
quick count, more than a dozen countries on five continents. It's
taken me as a guest to three or four conferences in the US and
Canada, and even all the way to South Africa! I've had as house
guests Alex, Steve Alexander, and others, and met too many brewers to
count for a beer or a meal at our local brewpub when they were
passing through Ann Arbor. I met them all thru HBD.

It is because of HBD that I have had the privilege of serving two
terms (and am running for a third) on the Governing Committee
(formerly Board of Advisors) of the American Homebrewers Association,
which has been a very rewarding experience, and which lead to many
more friendships.

I am afraid that I don't have any wisdom to offer except to say that
I will try to be more active here in hopes that we can continue. I
don't think there is another central source like it. The AHA
TechTalk, which is very active, is limited to AHA members. The
various brewing forums I know of require you to actively log on.
There is the active UK Homebrew list, which is similar, and which I
participate in. But the Oz Craftbrewing list (actually for
homebrewers, not pros), is moribund. More so than HBD.

If HBD has come to the end of its run, well, at least it's been a
good one. But I hope it isn't the end.

Guess it's time for me to send another few bucks to the server fund,

And thanks to Pat especially, and the others who work so hard.

Feeling rather cheerless at the moment,

- ---
Jeff Renner in Ann Arbor, Michigan USA, jsrenner at
"One never knows, do one?" Fats Waller, American Musician, 1904-1943


Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 11:02:59 -0600
From: Scott Birdwell <defalcos at>
Subject: Alternate Hops

Ian Watson said:
"I asked the membership during the slow Christmas holiday about using
hops instead of Northern Brewer, but there was no response, evidently
because of the busy-ness of the season. So now that we are back to
work/school/etc, I thought I'd re-post it. I am out of Northern
Brewer hops
and the recipe I want to use specifically calls for it. I do however
Cluster. I think I know the answer, but I want to confirm it so my
is this: If I account for the difference in alpha acids, should
there be
any difference in the beer if I use Cluster for bittering instead of
Northern Brewer, all other things being equal?"

Given the current grave circumstances regarding hops, I would say
make the substitution. You have hops and that puts you in a better
position than a lot of people. The alpha acid levels are close,
too. Frankly, the expression "the recipe calls specifically for XYZ
hops," is going to go the way of the dinosaur in the near future.
This will soon be replaced by "What do you have that's reasonably
close in flavor to XYZ hops." It's not pleasant, but it is the
reality. I spend a good percentage of my work day scrounging hops
for my shop here in Houston. I'm having some limited success, but
selection is going to be severely limited and prices outrageous.
Still, I guess it's better than no hops which is what some shops are
dealing with now. Yikes!

Good Luck,
Scott Birdwell
DeFalco's Home Wine & Beer Supplies
Houston TX


Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 11:09:51 -0600
From: "Niebergall, Paul" <pnieb at>
Subject: Samichlaus

Has anyone heard a rumor that Samichlaus is being brewed again.
Supposedly it is the first bottling since 1986. Anybody else her about

Paul Niebergall


Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 17:21:19 -0500
From: "Doug Lasanen" <Dlasanen at>
Subject: Cluster Vs Northern Brewer Hops...

Ian Watsson asks about substituting Cluster Hops for Northern Brewer

According to my handy dandy hop book from "Hop Union", "Northern Brewer" is
listed as a possible substitute for "Cluster."......"Galena" is also listed.
Today, with the hop situation as it is, I feel like you will be fine making
the substitution. I, for one, substitute all the time, based on what is in
the freezer on brew day.......As long as you substitute with hops that have
similar characteristics, and make adjustments for Alpha Acid differences.

Brew on!

Doug Lasanen
Bloatarian Brewing League
CIncinnati, Ohio

PS.......Don't forget the Nationals in June '08!


Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 19:08:58 -0800
From: "Chad Stevens" <zuvaruvi at>
Subject: re: lagering in bottle

>Is there a difference between; bottling and conditioning for >2 weeks, and
>then lagering for 30 days OR lagering for 30 >days, and then bottling and

I've done both. Even split batch: bottle some after primary, bottle some
after secondary, bottle the rest after lager. No appreciable difference in
the final product in your glass.

The only major difference might be a little more yeast at the bottom of the
beers bottled straight from primary and a little faster carbonation.

Long story short, I now bottle all lagers straight from a thorough primary,
let them prime, then extended lager. Particulate settles as a function of
particulate size, weight, density of the liquid (which is a function of
temperature) and DEPTH of the liquid. It takes much less time for a 12oz
bottle to settle out than a corney keg. I'm satisfied with the results.

Good luck,

Chad Stevens
San Diego

P.S. will go live with registration for America's Finest City
homebrew competition within the next week or so. Please check the website
and enter. Thanks!

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5275, 01/16/08

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