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HOMEBREW Digest #5269

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HOMEBREW Digest #5269		             Mon 31 December 2007 

Digest Janitor: pbabcock at


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Rye Hefe (leavitdg)
Request from Paul Farnsworth ("Dave Draper")
Re: Shipping Homebrew (Scott Alfter)
Entries accepted starting Jan 1st for 2008 Upper Mississippi Mash-Out ("Crist, Jonathan")

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JANITORs on duty: Pat Babcock (pbabcock at hbd dot org), Jason Henning,
and Spencer Thomas


Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 06:05:12 -0500
From: leavitdg at
Subject: Rye Hefe

For those of you who have used rye in a hefe, how much do you believe is the
upper limit?

I recently put 2 lb of rye with 4 lb of wheat, and 4 lb of 2 row base pale malt,
and wonder how much more one could use and still get it converted? Perhaps I
could increase the rye, and decrease the wheat? But how far could one go
before these were not converted?

For those who like Hefe, try a little rye. It gives a nice bite. Make sure you
do a beta glucan rest, or it will be real thick.

Happy Holidays!



Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 08:13:29 -0700
From: "Dave Draper" <david at>
Subject: Request from Paul Farnsworth

Dear Friends,

Over this past summer, we here in Albuquerque were fortunate to gain
a new neighbor, brewing colleague, ace guitarist and all-around good
guy, the well-known Paul Farnsworth. Paul's been having some email
issues trying to post here to HBD, so I'm posting this on his behalf.
In fact, I had trouble myself the first time I tried to submit this,
something about homebrew at being broken, so I'm trying again.
Please direct all responses to him at paulf <at> unm <dot> edu -- not
to me. Thanks! -- Dave in ABQ

"I am looking for a complete, 3 vessel, 15 gallon brewing system. I
donated mine to a good cause and do not have time to build a new one.
Do you have a neglected brewery that needs a new home?

Alternatively, has anyone bought a new system recently and have any
recommendations or warnings!?

Paul Farnsworth"

David S. Draper, Institute of Meteoritics, Univ New Mexico
David at Draper dot Name
Beer page:
Life's a bitch, but at least there's homebrew ---Norm Pyle


Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 12:59:35 -0800
From: Scott Alfter <scott at>
Subject: Re: Shipping Homebrew

runnur2 at wrote:
> What is the best way of packaging homebrew and then legally shipping across the
> United States?

>From a legal standpoint, all you really need to do is avoid the Postal Service,
as sending alcohol through the mail is illegal. There's no law against using a
private carrier (such as UPS or FedEx). If you're flying somewhere, you can
haul beer with your checked baggage.

Get a sturdy cardboard box, some packing tape (strapping tape would also be a
good idea if you're shipping much more than a 6-pack), and some bubble wrap
(get the type with the small (1/4" or 3/8"?) bubbles, not the big 1"
bubbles)...about 2 sq. ft. of bubble wrap for each 12-oz. bottle and 3 sq. ft.
for each bomber, from a roll 1' wide. Some old newspapers might also be useful.

Individually wrap each bottle and put it in the box with necks facing in
opposite directions. Place a sheet of bubble wrap on top of the first layer of
bottles and start building the next layer on top, with the bottles turned 90
degrees from the first. Repeat until the box is full or you're out of bottles.

If you have small gaps to fill, wad up some newsprint and stuff it in the gap.
If the box is too tall for the amount of beer you have in it, cut it down to
size. Once the box is closed up, nothing inside should be able to shift around.

It'd be a good idea to mark the box's contents as fragile. If your beer is
flying with you, stickers for that purpose should be available at the check-in

(Airlines shouldn't have any trouble handling cardboard boxes; they'll slap
some "baggage" stickers on it, have you sign a waiver, and call it a day. So
far, I've used Southwest and Ted to ship beer, and I've not had any problems
with either of them.)

A 14x14x14" box will hold 25 12-oz. bottles, and the combined weight will be
somewhere under 50 lbs...maybe low 40s. A 16x16x16" box should hold at least
36 bottles...yesterday, I brought one back with 30 12-oz. bottles, three
bombers, and a few shirts and other lightweight items I received for Christmas.
It weighed in at 52 lbs.; Southwest charged me $25 for overweight baggage, but
that's still far less than UPS or FedEx would've charged even for next-day
delivery. More importantly, though, they all arrived undamaged. I now have a
Goose Island stash, and my Victory and Avery supplies are somewhat restocked. :-)

I use the same type of packaging (on a smaller scale) to ship entries to
homebrew competitions. You might want to use a little more bubble wrap (maybe
50% more), but the rest of these guidelines apply. Some people have reported
problems getting UPS to accept shipments of beer, but I've not had any trouble
dropping entries off at FedEx. One time, I delivered entries to an
out-of-state competition because I was already going that way for a beerfest.
Some have said the TSA might have a problem with unmarked glass bottles full of
liquid in your checked baggage, but that's not been my experience.

_/_ Scott Alfter
/ v \ Visit the SNAFU website today!
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Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2007 17:57:47 -0600
From: "Crist, Jonathan" <Jonathan.Crist at>
Subject: Entries accepted starting Jan 1st for 2008 Upper Mississippi Mash-Out

Get Ready for the 2008 Upper Mississippi Mash-Out, January 25-26 in St
Paul, Minnesota. Sponsored by the St. Paul Homebrewers Club and the
Minnesota Home Brewers Assn., this is one of the largest contests in the
country and offers prizes along with medals for every award. This
includes the hand-made wooden chalices for best-of-show winners in beer,
mead and cider. Check out the infamous "Eis-Anything" category, and NEW
this year there are two categories for first time entrants (1060+ OG and
1060- OG). Entries are accepted January 1-12. All the details can be
found at

Jonathan Crist

End of HOMEBREW Digest #5269, 12/31/07

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